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2 Present Simple Tense Structure
AFFIRMATIVE FORM I you work we they he/she/it works /-s/

3 Present Simple Tense Structure
AFFIRMATIVE FORM Examples: I work in a bank. Kate (she) speaks English very well. Tom(he) lives in London

4 Present Simple Tense Structure
Be careful !!! play - plays /-s/ go - goes /-es/ watch - watches /-es/ study - studies /-ies/ There may be some irregular spellings while adding an «-s» to verbs.

5 Present Simple Tense Structure
NEGATIVE FORM I you don't work we they he/she/it doesn't work

6 Present Simple Tense Structure
NEGATIVE FORM Examples: She doesn't often go to the cinema. I don't get up early at the weekend. They don't speak English very well.

7 Present Simple Tense Structure
INTERROGATIVE FORM (Question) I Do you work? we they DOES he/she/it work?

8 Present Simple Tense Structure
INTERROGATIVE FORM (Question) Examples:   Do they speak foreign languages? Do you want a banana?   Does your sister play the piano?

9 Present Simple Tense Structure
Be careful !!! Olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde fiile –s takısı eklenmez. Example: She doesn’t plays the piano. Does she plays the piano?

10 Present Simple Tense Place of Use
USE 1 Repeated Actions (habits) USE 2 Facts or Generalizations USE 3 Scheduled Events USE 4 Now (Non-Continuous Verbs)

11 USE 1 Repeated Actions Bahsi geçen olay sürekli ya da olağan ise Present Simple kullanılır. Burada anlattığımız iş bir rutin, bir hobi ya da sürekli tekrarlanan bir olay olabilir.

12 USE 1 Repeated Actions Examples: I play tennis.
She doesn’t play tennis. Does he play tennis?

13 USE 2 Facts or Generalizations
Genel geçer doğrulardan bahsederken kullanırız. Konuşmacının bahsettiği şey içerik olarak yanlış bir bilgi bile olsa, kullanılan yapı hala Present Simple Tense olur. Ayrıca insanlar veya diğer şeyler ile ilgili genellemeler yaparken de kullanılır.

14 USE 2 Facts or Generalizations
Example: Cats like milk. Birds do not like milk. Do pigs like milk?

15 USE 3 Scheduled Events Bir takvime bağlı olarak gerçekleşen olayları da Present Simple ile anlatırız Genelde bu tarz kullanımlar, otobüs, tren vs. araçların hareket zamanları, derslerin başlangıç ve bitişleri gibi bir program dahilinde olan işlerde görülür.

16 USE 3 Scheduled Events Examples: The train leaves tonight at 6 PM.
The bus does not arrive at 11 AM, it arrives at 11 PM. When does  the class begin?

17 USE 4 Now (Non-Continuous Verbs)
Konuşmacı bazen bu zamanı, şu anda olan bir duyguyu ya da fikri ifade ederken kullanır. Bu kullanımda genelde “hareket içermeyen” fiillerden (sahip olmak, ihtiyacı olmak, sevmek) faydalanılır.

18 USE 4 Now (Non-Continuous Verbs)
Examples: I am here now. She is not here now. He needs help right now. He doesn’t need help now. He has his passport in his hand. I love you !

19 Wh- Questions in Present Simple Tense-1
What do you eat for lunch? What does he do at weekends? What time does he go to work? What time does the film start? When does she call her family? When do you go for shopping? Where do you go for lunch? Where does John come from? Why do we always get into trouble? Why does she swim every morning? Which game do you like? Which is your house? Who do you like? Who does the mailman deliver your mail to? How do you like your spaghetti?

20 Wh- Questions in Present Simple Tense-2
How often do you go to the movies? How much does it cost? How much money do you have? How many children do you have? How long does a footbal match continue? How long does it take from London to Paris? How far is your school away from here? It is 5 km away from our house. Whose is this camera? Whose jacket is this?

21 Be careful !!! Who, what veya which özne durumunda olduğu zaman do/does kullanılmaz. Fiile s/es/ies eklenir. Who lives in this house? Ahmet lives in this house. Who rides his bike? Remzi rides his bike. Who corrects your homework? Ali corrects my homework. Who studies Russian? Aziz studies Russian. What lives in our garden? Cats live in your garden

22 Adverbs of Frequency  With Present Simple Tense we often use time expressions such as; always, often, sometimes,usually, seldom…. Examples: Tom usually goes to work by car. Janet never flies. She always goes by bus. She doesn't often visit Europe. Do you usually get up early?

23 Adverbs of Frequency

24 Exercises 1 Complete with the correct verb.
LISTEN - PLAY - GO - DO - GET UP - READ - RIDE - WASH - DRIVE - WATCH Camila  _______homework at home. I  ________my bike everyday. John _______  to music. Tom  ________football at the club on Tuesdays. e) My father ________ his new car. You _______ the newspaper on Sundays. My sister  ________T.V. in the evening. h) Lucy and I ________ at 9 o´clock everyday. i) Danielle  _________home at 6:30.

25 Exercises 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in bracket.
Anne never _____ my questions. (answer) ____they ____ tomatoes in this shop? (sell) This girl  ______trousers at school. (not/ wear) ____ Mr Barker _____ Physics? (teach) ____Ken often ____  the school bus? (miss)

26 Exercises 3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in bracket.
I ______ (be)  sixteen years old. Tommy _______(not/live)  at Palm Street. Juana _______ (cook)  dinner for her family. They ________(eat)  lunch at 12:00. Nina ________ (take)  medicine when she is sick. Bill and Calicia _____(not/drive)  to the mountains every year. We _____(eat)  pasta once a week. It _______(snow)  here in December.

27 References
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