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Yabancı Dil - II Bölüm - 1.

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1 Yabancı Dil - II Bölüm - 1

Yabancı Dil - II

3 Rules for Past Tense (Geçmiş Zaman Kuralları) was -were
Tek bir kişiden, bir yerden ya da bir şeyden/bir nesneden bahsederken was kullanılır. (tekil) Birden çok kişi, yer ya da nesneden bahsederken ise were kullanılır. (çoğul) Yabancı Dil - II

4 Positive Sentences (Olumlu cümleler)
Present (Şu an) Past (Geçmiş) I  am I was you/we/they  are you/we/they  were he, she, it  is he, she, it  was Yabancı Dil - II

5 Forming the Sentence (Cümle Yapısı)
Forming the Simple Past with Be I / He / She was in Paris last year. (Geçen yıl Paris’teydim/di.) It was rainy yesterday. (Hava dün yağışlıydı.) You / We / They were in Italy last summer. (Geçen yaz İtalya’daydın/dık/dılar.) Yabancı Dil - II

6 Time Expressions (Geçmiş zamanda kullanılan zaman ifadeleri)
last week/month/year/night/Friday  (geçen hafta, geçen gün, geçen yıl…) a week ago  (bir hafta önce) two years/months/weeks/days/hours ago  (2 yıl önce, 2 ay önce, …) yesterday  (dün) (in) 1990, 2010  (1990 yılında, 2010’da,…) Yabancı Dil - II

7 Examples: (Örnek Cümleler)
I am a university student now. (Şu an üniversite öğrencisiyim.) I was a high school student last year. (Geçen yıl lise öğrencisiydim.) He is 45 now. (Şu an 45 yaşında.) He was 43 two years ago. (2 yıl önce 43 yaşındaydı.) They are in İzmir now. (Şu an İzmir’deler.) They were in Ankara last week. (Geçen hafta Ankarada’lardı.) It is sunny now. (Hava şu an güneşli.) It was rainy yesterday. (Hava dün yağışlıydı.) Yabancı Dil - II

8 Negative Sentences (Negatif Cümleler)
was not wasn’t were not weren’t I wasn’t here yesterday. (Dün burada değildim.) He wasn’t in İstanbul last week. (Geçen hafta İstanbul’da değildi.) You weren’t at home an hour ago. (Bir saat önce evde değildin.) Yabancı Dil - II

9 Yes/No Questions (Cevabı ‘evet’ ya da ‘hayır’ olan Soru Cümleleri)
Was Deniz in the class this morning? (Deniz bu sabah sınıfta mıydı?) Yes, he was. (Evet, sınıftaydı.) Were Jack and George tired yesterday? (Jack ve George dün yorgunlar mıydı?) Yes, they were. (Evet, yorgunlardı.) Was I here yesterday? (Dün burada mıydım?) No, you weren’t. (Hayır, burada değildin.) Yabancı Dil - II

10 Yes/No Questions (Cevabı ‘evet’ ya da ‘hayır’ olan Soru Cümleleri)
Were you at school yesterday? (Dün okulda mıydın?) Yes, I was. (Evet, okuldaydım.) Was the film good? (Film güzel miydi?) Yes, it was. (Evet, güzeldi.) Was your mother ill last night? (Dün gece annen hasta mıydı?) No, she wasn’t. (Hayır, değildi.) Yabancı Dil - II

11 -Wh Questions (Where/where/why/who/how)
How old were you in 1990? (1990’da kaç yaşındaydın?) - I was 5 years old. (5 yaşındaydım.) Where were you last night? (Dün gece neredeydin?) -I was at the library. (Kütüphanedeydim.) How was the exam? (Sınav nasıldı?) -It was easy. (Kolaydı.) Who was your best friend at high school? (Lisede en iyi arkadaşın kimdi?) -My best friend was Gizem. (Gizem’di.) Yabancı Dil - II

12 -Wh Questions (Where/where/why/who/how)
How was your first day at university? (Üniversitede ilk günün nasıldı?) It was great! (Harikaydı!) When were you born? (Ne zaman doğdun?) I was born in (1995’te doğdum.) Where were you born? (Nerede doğdun?) I was born in Bursa. (Bursa’da doğdum.) Who was your favorite singer in 90s? (90’lı yıllarda favori şarkıcın kimdi?) My favorite singer was Barış Manço. (Barış Manço’ydu.) Yabancı Dil - II

13 Exercises (Alıştırmalar) was/were kullanarak cümleleri tamamlayınız.
Where …………… Mary yesterday? Your parents ……… angry with me. ………… your friends at the disco? Mandy and Tim ……… on holiday in August. The twins ………… born in 2010. I ……… very happy to meet Jordan. Mary and Susan ……… ill yesterday. The weather …………… very hot last Saturday. The students …………… at the theater last night. Betty …………… in Germany last summer. My brother and I ………… at the football stadium on Saturday. …………… it cold yesterday? Yabancı Dil - II

14 Exercises (Alıştırmalar) was/wasn’t/were/weren’t kullanarak diyaloğu tamamlayınız.
A: Where ……..… you last night? I phoned you but you …………… at home. B: I …………..out with friends. We ……………. at the Bluenote Café. A: …………… Julia there? B: No, she …………… . Why? A: Oh, I just wondered. B: She ………….out with Nick. They ……………at the Oasis. I think. A: No, they …………… . B: How do you know? A: Because I …………….. there! Yabancı Dil - II

15 Exercises (Alıştırmalar) was/were kullanarak metni tamamlayınız.
Interviewer: What ……………. it like during the First World War, Bill? Bill : It ……………… a terrible time. I ………………. a young man, so I …… in the army. We …………….. in Italy. Interviewer: Where ……………….. your wife and children? Bill : They ……………… in London. That ………dangerous too. There ……...bombs and there ……………… not a lot of food. The children ………….very young and they ……………….. very frightened. Yabancı Dil - II

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