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Anatomik Terimler: düzlemler
Median yada mid-sagittal Sagittal yada paramedian Koronal yada frontal Transvers yada yatay
Anatomik Terimler:Lokasyon(Konumlandırma)
1. Kranial - kafaya doğru 2. Kaudal – ayaklara doğru 3. Medial – ortaya doğru 4. Lateral – kenardan yada kenara doğru 5. Proksimal – ekstremitelerin (kol ve bacaklar) bağlantı yerlerine doğru 6. Distal – ekstermeitelerde parmaklara doğru 7. Süperior - yukarı 8. İnferior - aşağı 9. Anterior – önden / öne doğru 10. Posterior – arkadan / arkaya doğru 11. Periferal – yüzeye doğru 12. Palmer – avuç içi / içine doğru 13. Plantar – ayak taban içi / içine doğru
1. Lateral rotasyon 2. medial rotasyon 3. Supinasyon 4. Pronasyon 5. Eversiyon 6. İnversiyon 7. Adduksiyon 8. Abduksiyon
1. Kafatası 2. Mandibula 3. Hiyoid Kemik 4. Servikal Omurlar 5. Klavikula 6. Sternum 7. Kostal Kıkırdak 8. Kosta (Kaburga) 9. Skapula 10. Humerus 11. Radius 12. Ulna 13. Karpal Kemikler 14. Metakarpal Kemikler 15. El parmak kemikleri 16. Göğüs omurları 17. Bel Omurları 18. Sakrum 19. Os Koksa (İleum-İschium-Pubis) 20. Femur 21. Patella 22. Tibia 23. Fibula 24. Tarsal Kemikler 25. Metatarsal Kemikler 26. Ayak parmak kemikleri
Kafatası Önden Görünüş
1. Frontal Kemik 2. Supra-Orbital Foramen 3. Orbit (Orbital Boşluk) 4. Superior Orbital Yarık 5. Inferior Orbital Yarık 6. Zygomatic Kemik 7. Infra-Orbital Açıklık 8. Maksilla 9. Mandibula 10. Mental Açıklık 11. Insisif Çukur 12. Simfisis 13. Vomer 14. Inferior Nazal Boynuzcuk 15. Orta Nazal Boynuzcuk 16. Etmoid Kemik 17. Nazal Kemik 18. Lakrimal Kemik
Lateral (Yandan) Görünüş
1. Parietal Kemik 2. Koronal Sutur 3. Frontal Kemik 4. Nasal Kemik 5. Vomer 6. Lacrimal Kemik 7. Ethmoid (orbital kısmı) 8. Zigomatic Kemik 9. Maksilla 10. Mandibulanın gövdesi 11. Mandibular Ramus 12. Koronoid Uzantı 13. Mandibular Kondil 14. Mental Açıklık 15. Stiloid Uzantı 16. Eksternal Acoustic Meatus 17. Mastoid Uzantı 18. Zigomatik Uzantı 19. Temporal Kemik 20. Greater Wing of Sfenoid 21. Inferior Temporal Çizgi 22. Superior Temporal Çizgi 23. Skuamozal Sutur 24. Lambdoidal Sutur 25. Oksipital Kemik Lateral (Yandan) Görünüş
Arka/Üstten Görünüş 1. Parietal Kemik 2. Sagital Sutur 3.
Lambdoid Sutur 4. Oksipital Kemik 5. Eksternal Oksipital Protruberans 6. Superior Nuchal Line 7. Inferior Nuchal Line
Üstten Görünüş 1. Oksipital Kemik 2. Lambdoidal Sütür 3.
Parietal Kemik 4. Sagittal Sütür 5. Koronal Sütür 6. Frontal Kemik
Kafatası (alttan) 1. Anterior Palatine Foramen 2.
Palatine Process of Maxilla 3. Palatine (Damak) 4. Greater Palatine Foramen 5. Lesser Palatine Foramen 6. Pterygoid Processes of Sphenoid 7. Zygomatic Process (Uzantı) 8. Squamous Part of Temporal Bone 9. Mandibular Fossa 10. Styloid Process 11. Stylomastoid Foramen 12. Mastoid Process 13. Mastoid Foramen 14. Superior Nuchal Line 15. External Occipital Protruberance 16. Median Nuchal Line 17. Inferior Nuchal Line 18. Foramen Magnum (Büyük Açıklık) 19. Condyloid Canal 20. Occipital Condyle 21. Hypoglossal Canal 22. Jugular Foramen 23. Karotid Kanal (Beyin atardamarı için) 24. Foramen Spinosum 25. Foramen Ovale 26. Foramen Lacerum 27. Vomer 28. Transverse Palatine Suture 29. Median Palatine Suture
Anterolateral Fontanel 4. Future Squamosal Suture 5.
Fetal Skull 1. Future Coronal Suture 2. Anterior Fontanel 3. Anterolateral Fontanel 4. Future Squamosal Suture 5. Posterolateral Fontanel 6. Future Lamdoidal Suture 7. External Acoustic Meatus 8. Future Sagittal Suture 9. Posterior Fontanel
Mandibula 1. Mandibular Condyle 2. Mandibular Notch 3.
Coronoid Process 4. Ramus 5. Angle 6. Oblique Line 7. Body 8. Alveolar Process 9. Mental Foramen 10. Mylohyoid Line 11. Mandibular Foramen
Coccyx (Kuyruk sokumu)
OMURGA (Profilden:Yandan) Cervical (Boyun) omurlar Thoracic (Göğüs) omurlar Lumbar (Bel) omurlar Sacral (Sağrı) omurlar Coccyx (Kuyruk sokumu) omurlar
AYAK (Plantar)
Atlas 1. Superior Articular Surface 2. Transverse Foramen 3.
Transverse Process 4. Odontoid (Dens) Facet 5. Vertebral Foramen 6. Inferior Articular Surface
Axis 1. Spinous Process 2. Lamina 3. Transverse Process 4. Pedicle 5.
Superior Articular Surface 6. Odontoid Process (Dens) 7. Body 8. Vertebral Foramen 9. Inferior Articular Surface
Cervical (C3 - C7) 1. Spinous Process 2. Lamina 3.
Superior Articular Surface 4. Transverse Foramen 5. Transverse Process 6. Body 7. Pedicle 8. Vertebral Foramen
Superior Articular Surface
Thoracic 1. Spinous Process 2. Lamina 3. Superior Articular Surface 4. Transverse Process 5. Pedicle 6. Body 7. Vertebral Foramen 8. Articular Facet for Rib 9. Inferior Articular Surface
Lumbar 1. Spinous Process 2. Lamina 3. Superior Articular Surface 4.
Transverse Process 5. Pedicle 6. Body 7. Vertebral Foramen 8. Inferior Articular Surface
Sacrum 1. Promontory 2. Transverse Ridges 3. Coccyx 4. Body of Sacrum
5. Sacral Canal 6. Superior Articular Surface 7. Median Sacral Crest 8. Sacrum to Ilium Articular Surface 9. Dorsal Sacral Foramina 10. Sacral Hiatus
Rib & Vertebra Articulated
1. Articular Facet of Rib 2. Interarticular Crest 3. Neck 4. Articular Portion of Tubercle 5. Nonarticular Portion of Tubercle 6. Angle of Rib 7. Costal Groove 8. Body of Rib 9. Articular Facet of Transverse Process 10. Transverse Process 11. Spinous Process 12. Lamina 13. Vertebral Foramen Rib & Vertebra Articulated
Sternum 1. Jugular Notch 2. Manubrium 3. Sternal Angle 4. Body (Gladiolus) 5. Xiphoid Process
Left Scapula (Posterior Aspect)
1. Coracoid Process 2. Scapular Notch 3. Superior Margin 4. Supraspinatus Fossa 5. Superior Angle 6. Scapular Spine 7. Vertebral Margin 8. Infraspinatus Fossa 9. Inferior Angle 10. Axillary Margin 11. Glenoid Cavity Margin 12. Acromion Process
Right Humerus - Proximal End (Anterior Aspect)
1. Head 2. Anatomical Neck 3. Lesser Tubercle 4. Intertubercular Groove 5. Greater Tubercle 6. Surgical Neck 7. Deltoid Tuberosity
Right Humerus - Distal End (Anterior & Posterior Aspects)
1. Radial Fossa 2. Lateral Epicondyle 3. Capitulum 4. Trochlea 5. Medial Epicondyle 6. Coronoid Fossa 7. Olecranon Fossa
Right Ulna - Proximal & Distal End (Anterior Aspect)
1. Olecranon Process 2. Semilunar Notch 3. Coronoid Process 4. Tuberosity 5. Radial Notch 6. Ulna (Shaft) 7. Head of Ulna 8. Styloid Process
Right Radius - Proximal & Distal End (Anterior Aspect)
1. Head of Radius 2. Neck of Radius 3. Radial Tuberosity 4. Radius (Shaft) 5. Styloid Process 6. Ulnar Notch
Bones of the Right Hand (Dorsal Surface)
1. Styloid Process of Radius 2. Navicular (Scaphoid) 3. Lunate 4. Triquetral 5. Pisiform 6. Trapezium 7. Trapezoid 8. Capitate 9. Hamate 10. Metacarpal 11. Proximal Phalange 12. Middle Phalange 13. Distal Phalange 14. Styloid Process of Ulna
Left Os Coxa (Lateral Aspect)
1. Anterior Superior Spine 2. Iliac Crest 3. Posterior Superior Spine 4. Posterior Inferior Spine 5. Greater Sciatic Notch 6. Body of Ilium 7. Ischial Spine 8. Lesser Sciatic Notch 9. Body of Ischium 10. Ischial Tuberosity 11. Obturator Foramen 12. Inferior Ramus of Ischium 13. Inferior Ramus of Pubis 14. Body of Pubis 15. Acetabulum 16. Anterior Inferior Spine
Left Femur - Proximal End (Anterior & Posterior Aspects)
1. Head 2. Neck 3. Greater Trochanter 4. Intertrochanteric Line 5. Lesser Trochanter 6. Shaft of Femur 7. Gluteal Tuberosity 8. Intertrochanteric Crest 9. Linea Aspera
Left Femur - Distal End (Anterior & Posterior Aspects)
1. Medial Condyle 2. Lateral Condyle 3. Intercondylar Fossa
Left Tibia - Proximal & Distal End (Anterior Aspect)
1. Intercondylar Eminence 2. Lateral Condyle 3. Tibial Tuberosity 4. Anterior Crest 5. Medial Condyle 6. Anterior Surface 7. Medial Malleolus
Left Fibula - Proximal & Distal End (Anterior Aspect)
1. Head of Fibula 2. Neck of Fibula 3. Anterior Crest 4. Lateral Malleolus
Bones of the Left Foot (Lateral Aspect)
1. Calcaneus (Topuk) 2. Talus 3. Navicular 4. Cuboid 5. Cuneiform, First 6. Cuneiform, Second 7. Cuneiform, Third 8. Metatarsal
Knee - Anterior & Posterior Aspects
1. Tibial Collateral Ligament 2. Medial Condyle of Femur 3. Posterior Cruciate Ligament 4. Anterior Cruciate Ligament 5. Lateral Condyle of Femur 6. Fibular Collateral Ligament 7. Lateral Condyle of Tibia 8. Lateral Meniscus 9. Medial Meniscus 10. Medial Condyle of Tibia 11. Tibia 12. Fibula 13. Transverse Ligament
Human Anatomy - Front View of Muscles
Human Anatomy - Back View of Muscles
Skeletal muscle Smooth muscle Cardiac muscle Skeletal muscle Smooth muscle Cardiac muscle
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