eBusiness Çağında Depolama Yönetimini Güçlendirmek


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Sanallaştırma Teknolojileri

BİR BAŞARI ÖRNEĞİ Aktek Bilgi İletişim Teknolojileri Dr. Reha Çetin
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Sunum transkripti:

eBusiness Çağında Depolama Yönetimini Güçlendirmek Presentation Title <Date> eBusiness Çağında Depolama Yönetimini Güçlendirmek Computer Associates Ayhan Bamyacı Storage Specialist FSG – Storage – EMEA ayhan.bamyaci@ca.com Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

“Fortune 1000 firmalarının 99%’u CA yazılımlarını kullanmaktadır” Computer Associates 26 Yıldır Kurumsal Yazılımlar Üretiyor Önde Gelen Veri Depolama Yönetimi Yazılımları Üreticisi Teknoloji Öncüsü “Mainframe”ler, Açık Mimari Sistemler,... “Fortune 1000 firmalarının 99%’u CA yazılımlarını kullanmaktadır”

Veri Depolama Pazarı

Ajanda Kavramlar “eBusiness” Veri Depolama Problemleri Değişim Presentation Title <Date> Ajanda Kavramlar “eBusiness” Veri Depolama Problemleri Değişim Çözümler Neleri İçermeli ? CA Veri Depolama Çözüm Ailesi Ajanda Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

Kavramlar Veri Depolama (V.D.) = “(Data) Storage” Yedekleme = “Backup” Geriye Dönüş = “Recovery” Felaketten Dönüş = “Disaster Recovery” Süreklilik = “Availability” Yüksek Süreklilik = “High Availability” SAN = “Storage Area Network”

Sorular, Sorular,... Yedeklerimi Ne Kadar Sürede Geriye Dönebilirim? 6 aydır Kullanılmayan Dosyalar Ne Kadar Yer Kaplıyor? Notebook’umun Otomatik Olarak Yedeği Alınmalı Ama Bilgilere Kimse Erişememeli X makinasında Ne kadar Boş Alanım Var ? Y Veri Tabanında Kaç Ay Sonra %80 Doluluğa Erişirim? V.D. Performansım Neden Yavaş? Merkezi Raporlama Yapabilir miyim? SAN Kapasitemin Ne Kadarını Kullanabiliyorum? Çözümüm Ölçeklenebilir mi?

eBusiness Veri Depolama Problemleri Presentation Title <Date> eBusiness Veri Depolama Problemleri Veri Depolama Büyüme Hızı Heterojen Sistemler Platformlar, V.D., Ağlar Uygulamalar Veri Depolama İhtiyaçlarını Arttırıyor Teknolojiler Detaylanıyor Veri Depolama Talebi 300 540 940 1,650 2,930 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 76% yıllık artış Source: Teknolojilerin Detaylanması : Eskiden storage çok basitti. Sabit diskler vardı. Sonra RAID, NAS, SAN vs. dallandı ve detaylandı. Bir yardımcı öge iken başlı başına bir sektör haline geldi,... gibi Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

eBusiness Veri Depolama Problemleri Presentation Title <Date> eBusiness Veri Depolama Problemleri “Önümüzdeki iki yılda insanlığın tarih boyunca ürettiğinden daha fazla veri üretilecek.” University of California Berkley, School of Information Management Systems Veriler Büyüyor ve Karmaşıklaşıyor Ölçekleme ve Yönetim Ürünleri İhtiyaçları IT Bütçelerindeki Veri Depolama payı, 2005 yılına kadar %7 den %20 ye çıkacak Veri Depolama sistemlerinde “ölçekleme (scalability) ve yönetim (management)” ürünleri ihtiyaçları var. Veri Depolama Problemleri hakkında konuşmaya başlamadan önce neden bununla ilgilenmemiz gerektiğini düşünelim. Aslında emininim ki salonda bulunan hepimizin öyle veya böyle veri depolama problemleri başından geçmiş veya bu konuda can sıkıcı olaylar duymuşlardır. Dünya gelişiyor, büyüyor. Ekonomi küreselleşiyor, yeni iş modelleri ortaya çıkıyor (ebusiness). Bu yeni dünya beraberinde uğraşmamız gereken pek çok IT problemi de getiriyor. Bunlardan birisi de Veri Depolama Alanında kendini gösteriyor. Veri Depolamadan ingilizce “storage” olarak adlandırdığımız verilerin yönetilmesini anlatmak istiyoruz. Bu veriler disk, optik disk, veri kartuşu gibi çeşitli ortamlarda bulunabilir. Eskiden TB çok ama çok büyük bir kavramken günümüzde rahatlıkla telafuz edebilmekteyiz. Zaten diskler bu hızla büyümeye devam ederse PC ‘lerimiz bile bir 5 yıl içinde TB seviyesine çıkacak. Kisaca Verilerimiz BÜYÜYOR... Sanırım bu salondaki herkes bu konuda hemfikirdir. Problemlerimiz de büyüyor. Eminim ki orta boydaki bir firmada toplam olarak disklerin daha yarısı bile kullanılmadan yeni disk ihtiyacı ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

eBusiness Veri Depolama Problemleri Presentation Title <Date> eBusiness Veri Depolama Problemleri Veri Depolama Sistemleri BÜYÜYOR Verimlilik Azalıyor Personel Üretkenliği – Deneyim Yetersizliği Beraber Çalışabilirlik – Çakışan Standartlar Tek Çözüm Kaosu Bu Şekilde Devam Edemez... Veri Depolama Problemleri hakkında konuşmaya başlamadan önce neden bununla ilgilenmemiz gerektiğini düşünelim. Aslında emininim ki salonda bulunan hepimizin öyle veya böyle veri depolama problemleri başından geçmiş veya bu konuda can sıkıcı olaylar duymuşlardır. Dünya gelişiyor, büyüyor. Ekonomi küreselleşiyor, yeni iş modelleri ortaya çıkıyor (ebusiness). Bu yeni dünya beraberinde uğraşmamız gereken pek çok IT problemi de getiriyor. Bunlardan birisi de Veri Depolama Alanında kendini gösteriyor. Veri Depolamadan ingilizce “storage” olarak adlandırdığımız verilerin yönetilmesini anlatmak istiyoruz. Bu veriler disk, optik disk, veri kartuşu gibi çeşitli ortamlarda bulunabilir. Eskiden TB çok ama çok büyük bir kavramken günümüzde rahatlıkla telafuz edebilmekteyiz. Zaten diskler bu hızla büyümeye devam ederse PC ‘lerimiz bile bir 5 yıl içinde TB seviyesine çıkacak. Kisaca Verilerimiz BÜYÜYOR... Sanırım bu salondaki herkes bu konuda hemfikirdir. Problemlerimiz de büyüyor. Eminim ki orta boydaki bir firmada toplam olarak disklerin daha yarısı bile kullanılmadan yeni disk ihtiyacı ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Tüm bunlar nedeniyle nelerle yüzyüze geliyoruz ? Veri depolama sistemlerimiz büyüyor Veri depolama sistemlerimizin verimli kullanılabilirliği azalıyor İşletim masrafları artıyor Personel verimliliği problemleri Değişik protokoller, standartlar ve bunları beraberce çalışabilirlik problemleri Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

Veri Depolamayı Etkileyen Faktörler Presentation Title <Date> Veri Depolamayı Etkileyen Faktörler Yeni V.D. İhtiyaçları Azalan Bütçeler Yeni Teknoloji & Uygulamalar Yeni İş Modelleri Azalan Kaynaklar V.D. Yönetimi Maliyetlerinin Artması Veri Depolama Ortamları Kontrolden Çıkıyor Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

NAS ve SAN – Yeni Teknolojiler Presentation Title <Date> Yeni teknolojileri uygulamak zorundayız. Çünkü maliyet avatajı getiriyorlar. NAS ve SAN – Yeni Teknolojiler 3 yıllık toplam sahip olma maliyeti (MB başına $ ) 0.39 0.05 0.45 0.33 0.30 DAS 0.84 SAN NAS 0.38 0.35 Personel Donanım Yazılım Toplam Source: McKinsey & Company Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

Değişim – Basitten... Presentation Title <Date> Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

Değişim – Karmaşık’ a Mainframe Distributed Applications Desktop Presentation Title <Date> Değişim – Karmaşık’ a Mainframe Distributed Applications Desktop Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

eBusiness Devamlılık İster Presentation Title <Date> eBusiness Devamlılık İster Süreklilik Yelpazesi Süreklilik Hiç Durmayan Özel Sistemler 99.9999% Otomatik Geçiş 99.999% Kopyalama (Replication) 99.99% HSM Eskiden sadece “yedekleme” sorunlarımızı çözerken yeni iş modelleri günümüzde çok geniş bir yelpazede çözümler aramamıza neden oluyor. 99.9% Tek Tuşla Geri Dönüş 99% Yedekleme $ 1K $ 10K $ 100K $ 1M $ 10M Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

eBusiness Devamlılık İster Presentation Title <Date> eBusiness Devamlılık İster İşinizin Anlaşılması Uygulama ihtiyaçları farklıdır. Performans Bağlanabilirlik Devamlılık Geri Dönme Çözümler İş Uygulamalarına Bağlı Verilere Özel Olmalı İşiniz Verilerinize her an, her yerden, her zaman Ulaşabilmenizi Gerektirir. The process of developing advance arrangements and procedures that enable an organization to respond to an event in such a manner that critical business functions continue without interruption or essential change.* *DRI International – http://www.DRII.org Has your company been affected by, or at risk for, any of the following business interruptions? Power Outage 71% Hardware Failure 64% Software Failure 54% Human Error 54% Communications Failure 54% Natural Disaster 53% Service Provider Failure 34% Facilities Move 33% Other 7% 2000 Contingency Planning & Management/KPMG Business Continuity Study At what point is the survival of your company at risk? Within 1 Hr. 1 Hr. 4 Hrs. 8 Hrs. 24 Hrs. 48 Hrs. 72 Hrs. 4% 3% 9% 8% 15% 21% 40% 2001 Cost of Downtime – Eagle Rock Alliance/Contingency Planning & Management/ Which best describes your company’s current BCP status? No plans in place Currently developing plans Local plans in certain departments Corporate wide plans in place 6% 25% 32% 37% Only 1/3 have plans in place. Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

Yönetim’in İş Hedefleri Presentation Title <Date> Yönetim’in İş Hedefleri İş Sürekli Çalışabilir Olmalı İş Geri Döndürülebilir Olmalı “Toplam Sahip Olma Maliyeti” Düşük Olmalı İş Uygulamalarına Değer Katmalı Tüm Uygulamalar Tek Noktadan Yönetilebilmeli Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

ÇÖZÜM Presentation Title <Date> Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

Veri Depolama Çözümleri Presentation Title <Date> Veri Depolama Çözümleri Mainframe’den Notebook’a Kadar Kaynakların Derinlemesine İzlenmesi Verilerin Analiz Edilmesi Mevcut Yatırımın Korunması Entegrasyon İşten Haberdar Olmalı Yeni Teknolojileri Hızla Desteklemeli Veri Depolama Sistemi Problemleri çözümleri şu konularda yardımcı olmalıdır : Uçtan – uca çözümler – Tüm ortamları, tüm donanımları, tüm platformları, tüm uygulamaları desteklemeli. Mainframe ‘den dizüstü bilgisayarlara kadar. SAN, Nas gibi tüm teknolojiler desteklenmeli... Kaynaklar Derinlemesine İzlenmeli - Understand storage resources at multiple levels to understand usage, paths.. Etc.. Understand storage usage to be able to interface with Chargeback, SLA, etc If you cannot monitor it, you cannot hope to manage it. Intelligent analysis – Capturing information is one piece but to effectively use it requires detailed analysis. Analysis based on intelligence, using policies to understand usage patterns and take automated actions, perform load balancing and predict future requirements. Effective Storage Management needs a mechanism to institutionalize Operational Best Practices. These operational workflows not only simplify administrative tasks but also ensure consistency and repeatability in the environment – Using workflow, best practices and integration/invocation to implement an organizations best practices with step by step procedures – run this, enter this, launch that, etc And finally, to make all of this work, storage management needs to be business aware. Most of today’s storage is driven by business applications like Oracle, MS SQL , MS exchange. Etc. Effective storage management must work closely and seamlessly with key business applications and be BUSINESS AWARE. Also, we can not do it all alone -- working with strategic relationships working closely with key partners, integrators and applications providers storage can be effectively managed and controlled.. Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

Kurumsal V.D. Otomasyonu Presentation Title <Date> Kurumsal V.D. Otomasyonu Kurumsal V.D. Otomasyonu Dinamik V.D. Tedariği Topolojiye Bağlı Geri Dönüş V.D. Politikaları Uygulama Otomatik İş Akışları Marka Bağımsız Tek Noktadan Yönetim Brightstor Advanced Applications go Beyond existing storage management solutions and are designed to address “Enterprise Storage Management” functions. This is how the “magic” is controlled. One of the biggest challenges for business today is to effectively and efficiently provision storage. Today the time it takes to provision storage reduces business availability and productivity. The true magic is to be able to automatically provision storage. Being able today to reduce the time to allocate, provision, zone, lun new storage and to make sure that storage available to business applications and systems. New Service levels and reporting is being based on how fast and efficently new storage can be allocated. Topology Guided Recovery Today, the storage information for the enterprise is buried within multiple storage applications. Each has discovery information, tape information, installed option information, etc. As new storage is added to an environment or new storage types like NAS and SAN are added, existing storage backup/recovery and monitoring have to be updated. With Topology Guided Recovery the environment information will be used to optimize the backup and recovery based on the current environment and best business choices. If SAN Serverless is the overall objective for increased efficiency and it is available then the next time this backup or restore is scheduled it will determine what options are available and match that to business preferences automatically. This will enable storage changes without operational changes and increased storage performance. Storage Policy Compliance Big Brother watching over storage – Are you really protected? Did that new tablespace get backed up with other tablespaces or did some process or procedure forget it. Independent (not through a Storage Solution) audit of storage and analysis Common Policy Manager Define policies once Infrastructure Propogates Stored in repository Used to drive behaviour of individual solutions - eg Backup Nigel no matter where his data is. System finds me and uses the appropriate mechanism Automated Operational Workflow Taking customer and industry best practices and providing an automated flow from one storage event to another to make sure that all key activities are accomplished. Being able to take the steps to provision new storage from configuring ports on the switch, LUNs and ZONes on the array and backup/restore activities for the new volume. These steps can be automatically sequenced and executed. Reducing the time and effort to accomplish the task and also leveraging Storage Best Practices to make sure nothing is left out. “being able to automate existing Storage Procedures and reduce storage allocation time and errors” Model key processes, flows, interfaces, etc with GUI Like drag and drop into a BPV Workflow executes steps in sequence Embody operational best practices Driven through iSponsors Makes complex set of operations simple Applications that will also fit in this area included Chargeback (available today with Ican component and SRM), SLA for Storage and QOS. All of these capabilities come together in a “Single Point of Integation” to provide Enterprise Storage management and integration. Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

Kaos Mainframe Distributed Applications Desktop Presentation Title <Date> Kaos Mainframe Distributed Applications Desktop Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

Kaosa Düzen Getirmek Presentation Title <Date> To realize this vision, CA has created a new brand BrightStor, already today it allows you to Bring order to the chaos. BrightStor is the bridge between all of the complexity and heteregeneity of the storage technologies and the breadth of functions that need to be performed across that environment. So through a set of platform independent solutions, fully integrated together, it allows storage management tasks to be performed in an end to end fashion. From laptop to m/f from DAS to SAN to enable management and control of all storage resources BrightStor integrates today’s solutions and provides the infrastructure for tomorrow …it is the initial deliverable that takes us down the path or realizing our vision.. Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

BrightStor Stratejisi Presentation Title <Date> BrightStor Stratejisi En İyi Çözümler Otomasyon “Dinamik Provizyon” “Operational Virtualization” Entegrasyon Tüm Veri Depolama Ürünleri “Enterprise” Yönetim Güvenlik Çözüm Ortaklıkları Uctan Uca Çözümler Only CA is an a position to deliver such solution: Leader in enterprise management Leader in storage management 25 year track record of delivering leading edge technology Only vendor with true platform agnostic solution offering CA’s storage strategy addresses the market needs at four different levels: Intelligent storage management—With “management” as a CA core competency the future strategy will focus on bringing to market solutions that facilitate the management of enterprise storage The storage management layer will leverage best-of-breed point solutions. For example allow the centralized management of multiple backup servers regardless of platform or software vendor New upcoming solutions in growing market segments such as SAN Management Integrate Storage Management with the bigger picture of Enterprise Management Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

Storage Management Portal Enterprise Storage Automation Presentation Title <Date> BrightStor Mimarisi Storage Management Portal Enterprise Storage Automation BrightStor Available Today This is the BrightStor Solution Section highlighting the 4 primary areas of storage management Data Availability – Backup/Recovery Media Management – Experience on M/F and critical part of Storage Management Networked Storage Management – NAS/SAN. Etc SRM – Resource management for m/f and open systems – instrumentation and analysis for all storage resources. These area provide the foundation for today’s storage management. Enterprise Storage Automation is the next generation of storage management. The Storage Management portal represents the first deliverable for Storage Management without Boundaries All of the BrightStor products are build on solid foundation of common services. These solutions all integrate with each other and are available as individual solutions. Data Availability Media Mgmt. SAN & NAS Storage Mgmt. Storage Resource Mgmt. CA Common Services Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

Storage Management Portal Enterprise Storage Automation Presentation Title <Date> BrightStor Mimarisi Storage Management Portal Enterprise Storage Automation In addition, BrightStor is designed to integrate with non-CA or 3rd party solutions. We know that customers have solutions from multiple vendors and BrightStor provides an Integrated Storage management platform for the enterprise. Data Availability Media Mgmt. SAN & NAS Storage Mgmt. Storage Resource Mgmt. Non-CA Products CA Common Services Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

“BrightStor” Veriyi Sürekli Hazır Tutan Çözümler

Veriyi Sürekli Hazır Tutan Çözümler Presentation Title <Date> Veriyi Sürekli Hazır Tutan Çözümler Data Availability Komple Çözüm Platformlar, Uygulamalar, Platformlar, Veri Depolama Sistemleri Yedekleme ve Felaketten Dönüş Yüksek Performans Ölçeklenebilirlik Entegrasyon Yüksek Süreklilik Yeni Teknolojileri Destekleme Already integrated into this architecture are a rich set of BrightStor Solutions: Standard Message on our Data Availability products – End to end laptop to m/f Engines tuned for platform and type of environment. Will all be driven by common policy … End to End Platform Coverage Breath and Depth – Laptop to Mainframe also support for Linux/390… ( veritas does not have m/f support of any kind) Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

Veriyi Sürekli Hazır Tutan Çözümler BrightStor Mainframe Products BrightStor Enterprise Backup BrightStor ARCserve Backup Multi – Server Products BrightStor ARCserve Backup Workgroup Products BrightStor Mobile Backup Desktop SBS Small To Medium Enterprise Large Enterprise/ Data Center

BrightStor ARCserve Backup Küçük ve Orta Boy İşletmeler İçin Tüm Dünyada 1 Milyonun Üstünde Kullanım Windows ve NetWare’de Lider Komple Uygulama Desteği Lotus Notes, SAP R/3, MS Exchange Oracle, MS SQL, Sybase, Ingres Popüler teknolojileri Destekler SAN Serverless

BrightStor Enterprise Backup Çok Hızlı Yedekleme Ve Geri Dönüş Kurumsal Ölçeklenebilirlik ve Yönetim Merkezi Yönetim Entegre Politikalar Kurumsal Platformlar UNIX, Linux, NT & Windows 2000, AS/400,... İş Kritik Uygulamalar Oracle, SQL, MS Exchange, … Serverless Backup SAN and NDMP V3

BrightStor Mobile Backup En Son Ne Zaman Dizüstü veya Masaüstü Bilgisayarınızı Ne Zaman Yedeklediniz? Otomatik Yedekleme Lokal veya Uzaktan Geri Yükleme Ölçeklenebilir Yüksek Güvenlik Seviyesi Otomatik “Geriplan” Yedeklemesi & Envanter Toplama Veri Geri Dönüşü İstemci Sunucu

BrightStor Storage Resource Manager Presentation Title <Date> BrightStor Storage Resource Manager Uygulamaları Kontrol Eder İş Maliyetlerini Optimize Eder. Bilgi Havuzu Analiz Otomasyon “Chargeback” Tek Merkezden Kontrol VD. Kaynak Yönetimi SRM -- standard message Gives the detailed usage information we need All this information, integrated into Storage Chargeback from iCan SP. Available today, through a reference sell model and already in use at several of our clients. Making it possible for them to bill the departments they support, for the specific storage they use. Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

BrightStor High Availability Manager Presentation Title <Date> BrightStor High Availability Manager Esnek, Ucuz “failover” Çözümü Kümelemeden Daha Ucuz Uygulama Çoktan-Bire “replication” ve “failover” Makinelerin Çalışmadığı Süreyi Azaltır Windows Server, SQL ve Exchange Primary Secondary MS-EX01 MS-EX02 Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

BrightStor SAN Manager Presentation Title <Date> BrightStor SAN Manager SAN & NAS V.D. Yönetimi Otomatik Keşfetme Görselleştirme Zeka İzleme Yönetim SAN & NAS cihazları, Sistemler, Ağlar, SAN Diskler, Otomatik Teyp Kütüphaneleri Kartlar, “Fabric” Anahtarlar,... Automatic Discovery of multi-vendor SAN devices Visualization Physical and logical view of SAN resources Available APIs for integration and customization Event Management Health Monitoring Reactive Management Active Management Performance Management Intelligent SAN Storage SAN File System Pooling of storage devices Space Sharing Dynamic storage allocation Fault tolerant Replication True Data Sharing Cross-platform file sharing Gives us the detailed device information that we need Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

Bugünkü Veri Depolama Operasyonları Presentation Title <Date> Bugünkü Veri Depolama Operasyonları Tek Kullanıcı – 4 Ekran Through advanced visualization capabilities, BrightStor Portal takes users a step closer to viewing all of their storage assets in the enterprise. The single, web browser based console provide users with a consolidated, yet flexible and customizable view that is tailored for each user based on their specific job function or access rights and privileges. The advanced visualization view provides users with the ability to obtain multi-platform and high-level graphical views, as well as the ability to drill down for more details. A CIO can have a different perspective view of the storage environment than that of the storage admin, or the IT manager, or a technician. As such, BrightStor Portal allow organizations define what gets shown and what gets to be managed and executed, based on the role, responsibilities and needs of the user. Element managers can be launched in-context through the BrightStor Portal web-based user interface so that one seamless user interface facilitates comprehensive management of all your storage resources. BrightStor Portal also provides users with monitoring capabilities so that the management of storage-related activities and events can be kept tracked of and contingencies can be averted. Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

BrightStor Management Portal Presentation Title <Date> BrightStor Management Portal Tek Noktadan Yönetim İçerik Entegrasyonu Endüstriye Açık Entegrasyon Rol Tanımları All of those solutions, exisiting and future will be integrated through the BrightStor. Gives us the single point of management to control Storage Management without Boundaries. Instantiation of the vision Key messages and points on Portal Centralized management – Enterprise wide integration – single point of control --- drive operational processes, Integrated content Multiple sources - URL, isponsor/igateways, Nornalization of infromation Aggregation of diverse data sources Open Industry Integration Based on Standard Portal - CleverPath Any solution can be integrated into it - CA and non CA Information/Content from anywhere Role Based content Content by user, customizable, secure – who can do what, see what, integrate, etc Bring together critical functions needed for storage operator Drive Provisioning and best practices with integration and invocations Center for management of Storage Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

Enterprise Yedekleme Yönetimi

BrightStor Enterprise Backup – report on Job Status (lower left) Presentation Title <Date> This portal Example provides cross functional integration with the portal providing integration for BrightStor Media Management – Highlighting data from the mainframe tape volumes ( upper left) Brightstor San Manager – Looking at Mission Critical Systems in the SAN (upper right) BrightStor Enterprise Backup – report on Job Status (lower left) BrightSTor SRM – Report on Volume usage with least free space (lower right) This slide has a build – after explaining the picture of the portal – knowledge on the right, etc. CLICK once This will replace the BrightSTor Enterprise Backup Job Status with Veritas Netbackup Job Status Integration of CA and Non-CA content Isponsors developed for Veritas Netbackup, Veritas Backup Exec and Legato Networker One common integration point for managing all storage related activities – BrightStor Portal Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

BrightStor z/OS Çözümleri BrightStor CA-1 Teyp Yönetimi Çözümü BrightStor CA-Disk Hiyerarşik veri Depolama Yöönetimi BrightStor CA–ASTEX Gerçek-Zamanlı veri Depolama Performans Yönetimi BrightStor CA–Vtape Yazılım Tabanlı Sanal Teyp

BrightStor Media Management Presentation Title <Date> BrightStor Media Management Medya Yönetimi Kurumsal Medya Kontrolü Tape, Virtual Tape, Disk Merkezi ve Dağıtık Koruma ve Entegrasyon İzleme Saklama Raporlama Leading provider of Media Management Over 90% market share on M/f and moving media management to distributed world Experience Critical business function Companies count on CA to critically manage their offline and media systems This is the level of Media Management that we are working to bring to the distributed environment Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

“BrightStor” Veriyi Sürekli Hazır Tutan Çözümler Presentation Title <Date> Özet Uçtan –Uca Veri Depolama Yönetimi Kurumsal Entegrasyon İşten Haberdar Çözümler Ayrıntılı Çözümler Deneyim Vizyon “BrightStor” Veriyi Sürekli Hazır Tutan Çözümler Those challenges drive a set of essential characteristics for any Effective Storage Management Systems. End to End – All environments, all storage, all platforms, all applications..Laptop to M/F, etc..All topologies San, NAS Enterprise Integration – Integrated all storage, systems, network, device and application information together for storage and non-storage – IS Fibre Channel – storage or networking. The point is we have to integrate all storage functions together to effectively manage it. We have to be tied to business and business aware. Tuned for business applications like Oracle, Exchange, Notes, etc. Storage is more than backup/recovery. It is more than just one platform. It is more than one function. Companies today need storage solutions for SAN, SRM, Backup/Recovery and Media Management Across multiple platform, multiple networks, multiple servers ( laptop to m/f) Brightstor is a complete integrated ( also standalone ) set of solutions to integrate all storage functions from end to end In Depth Resource Monitoring – Understand storage resources at multiple levels to understand usage, paths.. Etc.. Understand storage usage to be able to interface with Chargeback, SLA, etc If you cannot monitor it, you cannot hope to manage it. Experience – Unicenter – CA, solid company, focused on management and experience to deliver today and tomorrow BrightStor – “managing Storage Without Boundaries” Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

? Sorularınız ? Presentation Title <Date> Those challenges drive a set of essential characteristics for any Effective Storage Management Systems. End to End – All environments, all storage, all platforms, all applications..Laptop to M/F, etc..All topologies San, NAS Enterprise Integration – Integrated all storage, systems, network, device and application information together for storage and non-storage – IS Fibre Channel – storage or networking. The point is we have to integrate all storage functions together to effectively manage it. We have to be tied to business and business aware. Tuned for business applications like Oracle, Exchange, Notes, etc. Storage is more than backup/recovery. It is more than just one platform. It is more than one function. Companies today need storage solutions for SAN, SRM, Backup/Recovery and Media Management Across multiple platform, multiple networks, multiple servers ( laptop to m/f) Brightstor is a complete integrated ( also standalone ) set of solutions to integrate all storage functions from end to end In Depth Resource Monitoring – Understand storage resources at multiple levels to understand usage, paths.. Etc.. Understand storage usage to be able to interface with Chargeback, SLA, etc If you cannot monitor it, you cannot hope to manage it. Experience – Unicenter – CA, solid company, focused on management and experience to deliver today and tomorrow BrightStor – “managing Storage Without Boundaries” Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.

eBusiness Çağında KOMPLE Depolama Yönetimi Çözümü “BrightStor” Presentation Title <Date> eBusiness Çağında KOMPLE Depolama Yönetimi Çözümü “BrightStor” Copyright © 2001 Computer Associates International, Inc. All rights reserved.