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YayınlayanYetkin Kocer Değiştirilmiş 10 yıl önce
FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS WILL + HAVE + BEEN +V ING a)Gelecekte bir eylemi ne kadar zamandır yapıyor olacağımızı ifade eder By next year, I will have been teaching English for nine years. Tomorrow, I will start work at 9 and finish at 12, so I will have been working for 3 hours by the time my last lesson is over.
b) work, travel, watch, listen, go on, study gibi sürerlik bildiren fiilleri kullanabiliriz. Ancak finish, complete, arrive gibi bir anda olup biten eylemeleri ifade eden fiillerle kullanmayız. By the time I arrive in Ankara, I’ll have been travelling for six hours. By 9 o’clock tomorrow, I’ll have arrived in Ankara. (not I ‘ll have been arriving XXXX)
By the time By the time temel cümlede Future Perfect gerektirir Ancak Be fiili eğer süreç bildirmiyorsa Simple Future ile kullanılır. By the time they, arrive dinner will be over. By the time he retires from his job, he will be sixty. By the time we come back from holiday, they will be married.
By the time Be fiili süreç bildiriyorsa By the time her retires from his job, he will have been in this city for twenty years. By the time we come back from holiday, they will have been married for a month.
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