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... konulu sunumlar: "WE VOLUNTEER FOR EUROPE"— Sunum transkripti:


PROJE ORTAKLARI: Italya,Romanya,Yunanistan,İspanya,Portek iz,Polonya Proje bütçesi :26000 euro 628 başvurudan 31 proje koordinatör olarak geçti. Bu şu demek « bu projenin raporu ,izlemesi ve denetimi yapılacak»

3 Comenıus ve Erasmus KA2 Erasmus comeniusdan farklılık gösteriyor.Örneğin proje formunda proje ekibinizi belirliyorsunuz sonradan olan değişikler ulusal Ajansa bir gerekçe öne sürülerek yapılıyor

4 Artık az parayla çok kişi götürme devri bitti güvenlik dönemi başladı.
Eğer formda 2 kişi gidiyor diyorsak 2 kişi gidecek.Ulusal Ajans bu noktada sadece iki kişinin güvenliğiyle ilgili sorumluluğu alıyor İdare kadro okulda idari boşluk oluştuğu gerekçesiyle artık hareketliliklere katılımı sınırlandırılmış.

5 Projenin Amacı Aims of “We volunteer”Project are;
• To develop volunteering competences among at least 2000 students in seven European schools by the end of 2017. • To create a common sense of European Citizenship based on understanding and being tolerant towards the difference between cultures, people and religions. • To increase entrepreneurship and leadership skills among 84 students.

6 Projenin çıktıları Outputs of the project will be ; -Erasmus Corner
-Volunteer Lessons Plans -7 Newsletter -Questionnaire -Research on Volunteering -Volunteer Project (project ideas for e-volunteer bank) -Sharing of innovative practices -School Presentation -Logo Contest -Volunteer Dictionary

7 -Preparation of questionnaire on volunteering,
-Visits to Voluntary Organisations -Guideline for Volunteer Project -Exchanging innonative practices,examining classes ;Integration of volunteering activities into curriculum -Seminars on How do we use volunteering to reduce early school leaving? -Origami workshop for community day, -Photoshop workshop ( preparing bookmarks/postcards), -Posters on volunteering “endangered animals” -Preparing Animal shelter for birds and other animals, -Celebrating “World Earth Day” by cleaning the forest, -Planting trees “Erasmus plus trees “ -Mini Olympic 2015 “Run for Olimpic values” -Charity days, -Inter cultural day-charity sales,

8 Tv shot about Project, -Flash mob on volunteering " Street show", -Audio story book for visually impaired children, -Stop motion film, -"E-volunteer bank " a learning plathform,discussion board including the FAQ and local/national/international project ideas of the students -teacher/students W-volunteer training workshops -intermediate and final evaluation reports seminars for staff/students/parents and thematics visits to organizations working on the field of volunteering(our stake holders) -preparing the questions of questionnaires and short reportage to raise awareness in volunteering in our region.

9 - questionnaire ,studies and analyses on general awareness of voluntaring
-carry out workshop to joint voluntery work and learn - organize voluntary days in each country -produce silent short film to emphasize the importance of the voluntery work; -Making search about Europen voluntary organizations being active in Europe and compiling the results and preparing a GUIDELINE about voluntary organizations which are active and famous in Europe and steps to join them and their outstanding projects; -School and society interviews; -share / publish /integrate innonative and good practices of volunteering at organizations,regional,national and European level -create and use of internet tools,websites,facebook page,,e- twinning plathform,W-volunteer bank,You tube to dissemminate the results and outcomes of the project;

10 Active cooperation and communication between the partners will be enabled via
- chain, -e-twinning twin space( oject/113448) -facebook group pages (W-volunteer /?fref=ts) -e-volunteer bank learning plathform are used to communicate.Communication language of the project will be English but use of other languages will be supported.

11 During the partnership Active cooperation and communication between the partners will be enabled via - chain, -e-twinning twin -facebook group pages (W-volunteer -e-volunteer bank learning plathform are used to communicate.Communication language of the project will be English but use of other languages will be supported.

12 Türkiye hareketliliği
common logo will be selected volunteer dictionary lessons plans to integrate the Project into curriculum.

13 Romanya Elif Hanım /Gülsüm
Türkiye İspanya Gülsüm/Zeliha Hoca 2.yıl Polonya Adem bey /Ertuğrul bey İtalya Güner bey /Engin bey YunanistanElif hanım /Duygu hanım Portekiz Ertuğrul bey/Uğur karabulut (Osman hoca)

14 Genel Görevler Basın yayın ekibi-Yaygınlaştırma:Dergi,gazete haberi pano,Araştırma,sosyal medya Atolyeler :tema/photoshop/Barınak yapımı/Postcard…….. Gönüllü kuruluş ziyaretleri Uçak biletleri Resmi izinler Proje el broşürü hazırlama Çeviri ekibi Proje köşesi Bilgisayar işleri Her ziyaret sonrası ev ödevleri


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