Simple Past Tense Geçmiş Zaman

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1 Simple Past Tense Geçmiş Zaman
Geçmişte yapmış olduğumuz eylemleri, olayları anlatırken kullanılır.

2 Positive Sentences (Olumlu Cümle)
SUBJECT V OBJECT (Özne) (Fiil) (Nesne) I played football Jack brushed his teeth .

3 REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS (Düzenli ve düzensiz fiiller)
İngilizce’de iki çeşit fiil vardır. Bunlar; 1-Regular Verbs (Düzenli Fiiller) 2-Irregular Verbs(Düzensiz Fiiller

4 REGULAR VERBS (Düzenli Fiiller)
Düzenli fiilleri geçmiş hale çevirmek için, filler sondaki hecelerine göre -d, -ed ya da -ied takılarını almaktadır. İngilizce'de fiiller düzenli ve düzensiz olarak ikiye ayrılır. Düzenli fiilerin ikinci halini kullanmak için fiilin sonuna "-d", "-ed", "-ied" takılarından uygun olanı eklenir. Sonu "e" ile biten fiillere sadece "-d" takısı gelir. Smile - smiled Arrive - arrived Sonu "-y" ile biten fiillerde (y kalkar)"-ied" takısı gelir. "y" den önce gelen harfin ünsüz olması gerekir. Study - studied Bury - buried Sonu "e" veya "-y" ile bitmiyorsa ve fiil düzenli bir fiilse bu durumda kelimenin sonuna "-ed" takısı eklenir. Want - wanted Clean - cleaned Wash - washed

5 go : went swim :swam do : did
Irregular Verbs(Düzensiz Fiiller Düzensiz fiiller adından da anlaşılacağı gibi düzensiz olarak değişirler bu yüzden ezberlenmesi gerekir go : went swim :swam do : did Bazı düzensiz fiillerin birinci ve ikinci hali aynıdır: put :put cost :cost shut :shut Read:read Cut:cut

6 My mother cooked the meal .
She washed her hands two hours ago My mother cooked the meal . Mr. Miller wrote a letter yesterday

7 J.L.Baird invented the television.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone J.L.Baird invented the television. Isaac Newton discovered law of gravity

8 Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio
Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio Louis Pasteur discovered pasteurization

9 Invent:İcat Etmek James Russell invented photocopier.
Chester F. Carlson invented the Digital Compact Disc Samuel F. B. Morse invented the electric telegraph. Levi Strauss invented blue jeans.

10 Discover: İnsanların daha önce haberi olmadığı bir yeri keşfetmek ya da bir maddeyi ilk kez bulmak.
Marie Curie discovered radium. Albet Einstein discovered the theory of relativity .(izafiyet teorisi) Isaac Newton discovered low of gravity. A.Colombus discovered America. Joesph Priestley discovered oxygen in 1774

11 Explore:Daha önce bilinen bir yeri keşfe,araştırmaya çıkmak.
Neil Armstrong explored the moon first. Edmund Hillary explored Mount Everest in 1973. Yuri Gararin explored the space. Robert Peary explored the North Pole first. Ferdinand Magellan explored Pasific Ocean .

12 Igor Sikorsky …….. Helicopter
invented Igor Sikorsky …….. Helicopter

13 Sir William Ramsay ………………Krypton

14 H. Cavendish……… Hydrogen
discovered H. Cavendish……… Hydrogen

15 Özne + didn’t + Verb + Nesne + yer + zaman
Negative Sentences(Olumsuz Cümleler) Olumsuz Simple Past Tense cümle kurmak için, özne ve fiilin arasına “did not” yardımcı fiilini getirilir Bu yardımcı fiil geçmiş zaman olunca asıl fiilin geçmiş zaman olmasına gerek kalmaz. Yani fiilin 2. şeklini değil 1. şeklini kullanılır Özne + didn’t + Verb + Nesne + yer + zaman I did not go to school yesterday. He didn’t watch news last night. Did not = didn’t

16 They didn’t do their homeworks
Neslihan didn’t study English exam yesterday They didn’t do their homeworks My brother didn’t swim last summer

17 Did + Özne + Verb(1) + Nesne + yer + zaman
QUESTION SENTENCES (Soru Cümlesi) Did + Özne + Verb(1) + Nesne + yer + zaman Did the man open the window? Yes, He did Yes, he opened the window.

18 Did you eat the meal ? No I didn’t. No I didn’t eat meal.
Did he clean his room? No he didn’t. No he didn’t clean his room.

19 What did you do yesterday?
I studied my exams When did she buy this house? She bought last month

20 Why did your mother go to the doctor?
Because she had a terrible headache Where did they go to last summer? They went to Alanya last summer

21 When ____you ____Jane? did / phone did / phoned are / phoning
do / phone

22 I __________Geography at the weekend.
study studyed did study studied

23 were / study did / studied were / studied did / study
_________ you ________your lessons last night? were / study did / studied were / studied did / study

24 B:She ------------ two hours ago.
A: did Jane go shopping? B:She two hours ago. a-what-went b-where-go c-when-went d-what time-go

25 Yesterday evening they -------meal at the restaruant and the meals -----too expensive
a-ate-were b-didn’t eat-were c-eat-was d-ate-was

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