Düzensiz Fiillerin anlamları ve cümleleri.
1.HALİ 2.HALİ ANLAM Awake awoke uyanmak Be was-were olmak Beat beat dövmek Become became olmak Begin begon başlamak Bend bent eğmek Bet bet bahse girmek Bite bit ısırmak Break broke kırmak
Bring brought getirmek Build built inşa etmek Burst burst patlamak Burn burnt yanmak Buy bought satın almak Catch cought yakalamak Come came gelmek Cost cost mal olmak Choose chose seçmek Cut cut kesmek
Deal dealt anlaşmak Dig dug kazmak Do did yapmak Draw drew çizmek Drive drove araba sürmek Drink drank içmek Eat aet yemek yemek Fall fell düşmek Feel felt hissetmek Fight fought kavga etmek
Feed fed beslemek Find found bulmak Fly flew uçmak Forget forgot unutmak Freeze froze donmak Get got elde etmek Give gave vermek Go went gitmek Graw grew yetiştirmek Have had sahip olmak
Hear heard duymak Hide hid saklamak Hit hit vurmak Keep kept saklamak Know knew bilmek Learn learnt öğrenmek Leave left ayrılmak Lend lent ödünç vermek Lie lay yalan söylemek Lose lost kaybetmek
Make made yapmak Meet met karşılamak Pay paid ödemek Put pud koymak Read read okumak Ride rode bisiklete binmek Ring rang çalmak Run ran koşmak Say said söylemek See saw görmek
Sell sold satmak Send sent göndermek Shut shut kapamak Sing sang şarkı söylemek Sit sat oturmak Sleep slept uyumak Speak spoke konuşmak Spend spent harcamak Stand stood ayakta durmak Swim swam yüzmek
Toke took almak Teach taught öğretmek Tear tore yırtmak Tell told anlatmak Think thought düşünmek Throw threw atmak Understand understood anlamak Wake woke uyanmak Wear wore giymek Win wan kazanmak Write wrote yazmak
POSITIVE(OLUMLU)SENTENCE 1.Sam ate a big hamburger yesterday. 2.Susan went to the zoo with her grandmother 3.Terry gave a bunch of flowers to his wife at the valentine’s day 4.James slept on the armchair yesterday night 5.Roy read the newspaper before the breakfast. 6.They sang songs until midnight. 7.She was very thirsty and drank three glasses of milkshake. 8.William threw his money all over the floor
9. My mother went shopping 2 days ago. 10. May sister did her homework 9.My mother went shopping 2 days ago. 10.May sister did her homework. 11.They bought two kilos of apple. 12.I cut my hair yesterday. 13.You read a book yesterday. 14.He swam last summer. 15.Daniel cought a big fish yesterday.
NEGATİVE (OLUMSUZ)SENTENCE 1.I did’nt go shopping yesterday. 2.You did’nt drink milk on hour ago. 3.They did’nt feed the cat. 4.We did’nt play football yesterday. 5.She did’nt comb her hair. 6.My father did’nt buy a present. 7.Tom did’nt do his homework 8.I did’nt cut my finger yesterday.
9. She did’nt listen to her teacher. 10 9.She did’nt listen to her teacher. 10.The cat did’nt climb the tree 11.She did’nt write a letter. 12.My mother did’nt cook meal. 13.Jane and Jack did’nt have coffee. 14.I did’nt go to her party. 15.He did’nt walk to school yesterday. Dersimiz.com