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YayınlayanSevim Poyraz Değiştirilmiş 10 yıl önce
MTS 3022 TÜNEL AÇMA Prof. Dr. Turgay ONARGAN Prof. Dr. C. Okay AKSOY
TÜNEL AÇMA RICS - Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
Bölüm Adı Öğretim Yılı Basım Tarihi Ders Kodu Ders Adı MTS 3022 TÜNEL AÇMA Dönem/Yıl ECTS Kredisi 2 Dil Ön Şart Durumu Kredi Kuramsal Uygulama Laboratuvar Seminer Proje TÜRKÇE - Öğretim Üyesi PROF. DR. C. OKAY AKSOY RICS - Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors InstCES - Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors SST - Society of Surveying Technicians GP - Mostly concerned with valuation and investment P & D - eg analyse the existing level of residential development against regional population forecasts and prepare valuations to help gauge profitability BS - advising on design, construction, maintenance, repair and refurbishment of residential and commercial property. Historic / listed buildings. RP - Management of country estates and farms. The planning and development schemes for agriculture, forestation recreation. MS - plans the development, manages and values mineral workings. LS - measures land and its physical features accurately and records these in the form of a map or plan.
Kısa Tanıtım TÜNEL AÇMA
Tünelciliğin tanımı, Tünel dizayn aşamaları, Tünelin açılacağı jeolojik birimlerin araştırılması ve tanımlanması, Yeraltı yapısının durumunun belirlenmesi, Kazı-Tahkimat yöntemlerinin seçimindeki etkili parametrelerin belirlenmesi, Kazı yönteminin seçiminin yapılması, tünellerdeki iyileştirme yöntemleri, tünellerde uygulanan drenaj yöntemleri, tünellerde jeoteknik izlemeler, RICS - Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors InstCES - Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors SST - Society of Surveying Technicians GP - Mostly concerned with valuation and investment P & D - eg analyse the existing level of residential development against regional population forecasts and prepare valuations to help gauge profitability BS - advising on design, construction, maintenance, repair and refurbishment of residential and commercial property. Historic / listed buildings. RP - Management of country estates and farms. The planning and development schemes for agriculture, forestation recreation. MS - plans the development, manages and values mineral workings. LS - measures land and its physical features accurately and records these in the form of a map or plan.
TÜNEL AÇMA Dersin Öğrenme Çıktıları
Matematik, Fen ve Mühendislik bilgilerini kullanarak multidisipliner problemleri tanımlayabilme. Konu ile ilgili problemlerin çözümü için gerekli deneyleri tasarımlandırma, sonuçlarını analiz ederek sonuç çıkarabilme. 3. Problemleri mesleki bilgi ve etik doğrultusunda organize edip, çözebilmek. 4. Ortaya çıkan sonuçları birleştirip, en uygun çözüm alternatiflerini ortaya koyabilme. 5. Problemin çözümü sonucunda olacakları önceden tahmin edebilme RICS - Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors InstCES - Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors SST - Society of Surveying Technicians GP - Mostly concerned with valuation and investment P & D - eg analyse the existing level of residential development against regional population forecasts and prepare valuations to help gauge profitability BS - advising on design, construction, maintenance, repair and refurbishment of residential and commercial property. Historic / listed buildings. RP - Management of country estates and farms. The planning and development schemes for agriculture, forestation recreation. MS - plans the development, manages and values mineral workings. LS - measures land and its physical features accurately and records these in the form of a map or plan.
TÜNEL AÇMA Program Çıktıları PÇ1: Matematik, fen ve mühendislik bilgilerini uygulama becerisine sahiptir. PÇ2: Deney tasarlama, gerçekleştirme, deney sonuçlarını analiz etme ve yorumlama becerisi kazanmıştır. PÇ3: İstenen gereksinimleri karşılayacak biçimde bir sistemi, parçayı ya da süreci tasarlama becerisine sahiptir. PÇ4: Disiplinler arası takımlarda çalışabilme becerisine sahiptir. PÇ5: Mühendislik problemlerini tanımlama, formüle etme ve çözme becerisi kazanmıştır. RICS - Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors InstCES - Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors SST - Society of Surveying Technicians GP - Mostly concerned with valuation and investment P & D - eg analyse the existing level of residential development against regional population forecasts and prepare valuations to help gauge profitability BS - advising on design, construction, maintenance, repair and refurbishment of residential and commercial property. Historic / listed buildings. RP - Management of country estates and farms. The planning and development schemes for agriculture, forestation recreation. MS - plans the development, manages and values mineral workings. LS - measures land and its physical features accurately and records these in the form of a map or plan.
TÜNEL AÇMA Program Çıktıları
PÇ6: Mesleki ve etik sorumluluk bilincine sahiptir. PÇ7: Mesleği ile ilgili alanlarda görüşlerini yazılı ve sözlü olarak ifade etme ve etkin iletişim kurma becerisi kazanmıştır. PÇ8: Yaşam boyu öğrenme bilincini ve bunu gerçekleştirebilme becerisini kazanmıştır. PÇ9: Mühendislik uygulamaları için gerekli olan teknikleri,yazılımları ve modern araçları kullanma becerisini kazanmıştır. RICS - Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors InstCES - Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors SST - Society of Surveying Technicians GP - Mostly concerned with valuation and investment P & D - eg analyse the existing level of residential development against regional population forecasts and prepare valuations to help gauge profitability BS - advising on design, construction, maintenance, repair and refurbishment of residential and commercial property. Historic / listed buildings. RP - Management of country estates and farms. The planning and development schemes for agriculture, forestation recreation. MS - plans the development, manages and values mineral workings. LS - measures land and its physical features accurately and records these in the form of a map or plan.
TÜNEL AÇMA Program Çıktıları
PÇ10: Ülkemiz doğal kaynaklarını en verimli şekilde işleyecek, konusunda uzman, araştıran ve sorgulayan mühendis olarak yetişmiştir. PÇ11: Temel mühendislik sorunlarını anlayabilen, analiz edip çözüm geliştirebilen mühendislerdir. PÇ12: Mesleği ile ilgili plan, proje, harita, akım şeması çizme ve yorumlama becerisine sahiptir. PÇ13: Proje yönetimi, tesis işletimi konularında gerekli donanıma sahiptir. PÇ14: Sürekli öğrenmeyi ve mesleki, toplumsal, kültürel gelişimi amaç edinmiş mühendislerdir. PÇ15:. Mühendislik uygulamalarının evrensel ve toplumsal boyutlarda sağlık, çevre ve güvenlik üzerindeki etkileri ile mühendislik çözümlerinin hukuksal sonuçları ve çağın sorunları hakkında bilgi sahibi olan mühendis olarak yetişmiştir RICS - Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors InstCES - Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors SST - Society of Surveying Technicians GP - Mostly concerned with valuation and investment P & D - eg analyse the existing level of residential development against regional population forecasts and prepare valuations to help gauge profitability BS - advising on design, construction, maintenance, repair and refurbishment of residential and commercial property. Historic / listed buildings. RP - Management of country estates and farms. The planning and development schemes for agriculture, forestation recreation. MS - plans the development, manages and values mineral workings. LS - measures land and its physical features accurately and records these in the form of a map or plan.
TÜNEL AÇMA Ders Kitapları Tünel ve Kuyu Açma, H. Köse, T. Onargan. S. Gürgen, H. Yenice, C.O. Aksoy, DEÜ Matbaası Yardımcı Kitaplar E. Arıoğlu, Tünel Dersi Notları, Basılmamış ders notları, I. Bickel, O. John, T.R.Kuesel,Tunnel Engineers Handbook, Kriger Publishing Company Z.T. Bieniawski, Desing Methology in Rock Engineering (Theory, Education and Practice), A.A. Balkema. R. Ulusay, H. Sönmez, Kaya Kütlelerinin Mühendislik Özellikleri, TMMOB JeoÖÇji Mühendisleri Odası, 2007. Whittaker, B. N., Frith, R. C., Tunneling, Design, Stability and Construction, The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, ÖÇndon, 1990. Shing, B., Goel, R. K., Rock Mass Classification A Practical Approach in Civil Engineering, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1999. Arıoğlu, Ergin, Yüksel, A., Yılmaz, A. O., Püskürtme Beton, Bilgi Föyleri – Çözümlü Problemler, TMMOB Maden Mühendisleri Odası, İstanbul Şubesi, İstanbul, 2008. RICS - Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors InstCES - Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors SST - Society of Surveying Technicians GP - Mostly concerned with valuation and investment P & D - eg analyse the existing level of residential development against regional population forecasts and prepare valuations to help gauge profitability BS - advising on design, construction, maintenance, repair and refurbishment of residential and commercial property. Historic / listed buildings. RP - Management of country estates and farms. The planning and development schemes for agriculture, forestation recreation. MS - plans the development, manages and values mineral workings. LS - measures land and its physical features accurately and records these in the form of a map or plan.
TÜNEL AÇMA Değerlendirme Kriterleri Vize*0,5+Final*0,5+Bütünleme RICS - Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors InstCES - Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors SST - Society of Surveying Technicians GP - Mostly concerned with valuation and investment P & D - eg analyse the existing level of residential development against regional population forecasts and prepare valuations to help gauge profitability BS - advising on design, construction, maintenance, repair and refurbishment of residential and commercial property. Historic / listed buildings. RP - Management of country estates and farms. The planning and development schemes for agriculture, forestation recreation. MS - plans the development, manages and values mineral workings. LS - measures land and its physical features accurately and records these in the form of a map or plan.
TÜNEL AÇMA Haftalık ders planı
RICS - Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors InstCES - Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors SST - Society of Surveying Technicians GP - Mostly concerned with valuation and investment P & D - eg analyse the existing level of residential development against regional population forecasts and prepare valuations to help gauge profitability BS - advising on design, construction, maintenance, repair and refurbishment of residential and commercial property. Historic / listed buildings. RP - Management of country estates and farms. The planning and development schemes for agriculture, forestation recreation. MS - plans the development, manages and values mineral workings. LS - measures land and its physical features accurately and records these in the form of a map or plan.
TÜNEL AÇMA Haftalık ders planı
RICS - Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors InstCES - Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors SST - Society of Surveying Technicians GP - Mostly concerned with valuation and investment P & D - eg analyse the existing level of residential development against regional population forecasts and prepare valuations to help gauge profitability BS - advising on design, construction, maintenance, repair and refurbishment of residential and commercial property. Historic / listed buildings. RP - Management of country estates and farms. The planning and development schemes for agriculture, forestation recreation. MS - plans the development, manages and values mineral workings. LS - measures land and its physical features accurately and records these in the form of a map or plan.
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