Organizational Structure T.C. AİLE VE SOSYAL POLİTİKALAR BAKANLIĞI I. KURUMSAL YAPI Organizational Structure T.C. AİLE VE SOSYAL POLİTİKALAR BAKANLIĞI Republic of Turkey Ministry of Family and Social Policies FON KURULU Fund Board SOSYAL YARDIMLAR GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ General Directorate of Social Assistances SOSYAL YARDIMLAŞMA VE DAYANIŞMA VAKIFLARI (1.000) Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundations (1.000) II. SOSYAL YARDIM PROGRAMLARI Social Assistance Programs III. KURUMSAL DENEYİMLER Institutional Experiences 2
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF GDSA'S ACTIVITIES FOR FOREIGN PEOPLE * As Turkey is located on several migration routes and has an increasing foreign population, in the last decades it has gained many experiences about meeting foreigners’ needs. * GDSA implies several social assisstance programmes to needy foreigners as well as needy Turkish citizens without any discrimination, based on the Law 3294. * These social assistance programmes are implied to foreign people who have registration id number start with '99' or '98'.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF GDSA'S ACTIVITIES FOR FOREIGN PEOPLE * Within this framework, 1.000 Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundations founded in every province and sub-provinces in Turkey, have made it possible to handle with the issue. * The key factor of those foundations are that they are local foundations. Because they are everywhere in Turkey it becomes easy and fast to find needy people and understand their needs locally.
KURUMSAL YAPI Organizational Structure
Sosyal Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışmayı Teşvik Fonunun karar organı Fon Kuruludur. The decision board of Social Assistance and Solidarity Fund is the Fund Board. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanı Minister of Family and Social Policy (Head) Başbakanlık Müsteşarı Undersecretary of Prime Ministry, İçişleri Bakanlığı Müsteşarı Undersecretary of Ministry of Interior, Sağlık Bakanlığı Müsteşarı Undersecretary of Ministry of Health, Maliye Bakanlığı Müsteşarı Undersecretary of Ministry of Finance, Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı Müsteşarı Undersecretary of Ministry of Family and Social Policy, Vakıflar Genel Müdürü General Director of Foundations Sosyal Yardımlar Genel Müdürü General Director of Social Assistances 6
Her il ve ilçede kurulmuştur Founded in every province and sub-provinces (1.000) Karar organı Mütevelli Heyetleri Decision body is the ‘Board of Trustees’. Mütevelli Heyetinin başkanı Kaymakam/ Vali The head of the Board of Trustees is the administrative chief. Kanunun amaçları doğrultusunda nakdi ve ayni yardım sağlanır Provide cash and in-kind assistances in accordance with the aim of the law. 8
FAALİYETLER ACTIVITIES SOSYAL YARDIM PROGRAMLARI SOCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS AİLE YARDIMLARI FAMILY ASSISTANCES Gıda yardımları Food assistances Yakacak yardımları Heating assistances Barınma yardımları Sheltering assistances Eğitim yardımları Education assistances Sağlık yardımları Health assistances Engellilere yönelik yardımlar Assistances for handicapped persons Özel amaçlı yardımlar Assistances for specific purposes DÜZENLİ YARDIMLAR REGULAR SOCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Eşi vefat etmiş kadınlara yönelik düzenli nakit yardım programı Cash donation program for women whose husbands are dead 2022 sayılı Kanun kapsamındaki aylıklar Assistances implemented according to the law no.2022 (for elder and handicapped people) Evde bakım aylığı Assistances implemented according to the law no.2828 (for nursing the handicapped people) Genel sağlık sigortası gelir testi işlemleri Insurance premium support for general health insurance Muhtaç asker ailesi yardımı Assistance program for poor families whose children are in compulsory military service Öksüz ve yetim yardımı Assistance program for orphan children Muhtaç asker çocuğu yardımı Assistance program for poor children whose fathers are in compulsory military service Şartlı eğitim ve sağlık yardımları Conditional education and health assistances
THE LEGAL BASIS According to law no.3294, the term of “people who are living in poverty” broadly described as the Turkish citizens/households or resided foreigners/households who have no social security from any formal institution, who are not receiving any regular pension from these formal institutions and the people could become useful and productive for the society if any monetary or educational support is being provided. Or people having social security from any formal institutions, and receiving any regular pension from these formal institutions but living in a household in which the monthly income or expenditure per capita is under 104 USD.
Bu kanuni dayanak çerçevesinde sosyal yardım bağlamında Türkiye’deki yabancılar iki grupta değerlendirilebilir; Foreign people in Turkey can be evaluated in two groups in the context of social assistances within the framework of this legal basis ; Yabancı kimlik numarası olan yabacılar (99) The foreign people who have foreign identity number Geçici tanıtım belgesi olan yabancılar (98) The foreign people who have temporary identification label.
Buna göre Türkiye’deki tüm yabancılar yabancı kimlik numaralarının (99 ile başlayan) olması halinde Türk vatandaşları ile aynı yardımlara erişebilirler. Bu kapsamda tek istisnai yardım türü 2022 sayılı Kanun kapsamında verilen aylıklardır. So, all foreign people in Turkey can reach the same assistances with Turkish citizens, if they have foreign identity number (the identity numbers start with 99). In this scope, the only exception is assistances according to law no. 2022. Kayıt işlemleri tamamlanmış ve geçici tanıtım belgesi almış yabancılar (98) da, düzenli yardımlar (ŞEY-ŞSY, EVEK vb.) hariç diğer yardım programlarından faydalanabilirler. The foreign people whose registiration process completed and have temporary identification label (98) are also able to reach the assistances, except regular ones (CEA-CHA, the assistance for the women whose husbands are dead etc.).
Bu kapsamda başta Suriyeliler olmak üzere yabancı uyruklu şahısların gıda, giyim, barınma vb. temel ihtiyaçlarının karşılanması amacıyla 2014 yılında Fondan yaklaşık 8,5 milyon TL kaynak aktarılmıştır. In this context, 8,5 million TL has spent in 2014 for foreign people’s –especially Syrians’- basic needs such as food, clothing, sheltering etc.
CHALLENGES & SOLUTIONS Language The first challange that foundations face is language problem. To cope with this handicap, foundations have started to employ qualified people according to specific needs of the regions of Turkey. For example, near the border of Syria, Arabian speaking staff have been preferred.
CHALLENGES & SOLUTIONS Registration issue Secondly, the registration issue was a big challenge for the foundations because it was not possible to follow and control the number of people and the assisstances given. So that, foundations and police departments worked in coordination to make fast the registration process.
CHALLENGES & SOLUTIONS Financial Source As in all situations, the main challange is of course the financial source. However the budget of our Fund is determined before each budget period and consists of certain fixed income such as 50% of traffic fine payments, with the increasing needy population there is a pressure on the financial source. To overcome this pressure, we seriously care about the strategic plan. We study on our targetting mechanisms on the basis of objective criterias.
THE LESSONS LEARNT The main lesson we learnt that this issue requires a well-organised coordination. It is impossible to neglect the contributions of many public institutions and non-governmental organisations in Turkey in the context of this implementation. From our point of view for example, we had to arrange a lot of meetings with some departments of other Ministries (especially with the Ministry of Interior Directorate General of Migration Management) and the policies of Ministries about this issue were shaped through these contacts. And the biggest gain for us is the fast and reliable registration process which allows foundations to present effective and fast assistances
THE LESSONS LEARNT Another lesson we learnt that language is one of the most important issues which has to be solved quickly and in some regions it became one of the conditions of recruitment. Furthermore, we learnt that the foreign people in our country may need different services. In general, almost all foreing people benefit from similar assistances.
THE LESSONS LEARNT Besides, in the areas which has high child population, education projects have been started; in the areas which has high number of old or ill pepople, soup-kitchen services are presented for them.
THE LESSONS LEARNT And from all these, we have seen the poverty map of these people through ISASIS (Integrated Social Assistance Services Information System). We are able to see the all mobilities from ISASIS and we plan our strategies on based on these information.