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Geriatrist gözüyle yoğun bakım

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... konulu sunumlar: "Geriatrist gözüyle yoğun bakım"— Sunum transkripti:

1 Geriatrist gözüyle yoğun bakım
Yrd.Doç.Dr. Umut SAFER Sultan Abdulhamid Han EAH Palyatif Bakım Servis Şefi Geriatri Uzmanı

2 Geriatrist gözüyle yoğun bakım
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3 Yoğun bakıma hasta kabulü
“in general ICUs should be reserved for those patents with reversible medical conditions who have a reasonable prospect of substantial recovery.” Despite this recommendation, almost all patients with serious and life-threatening illnesses in the United States, regardless of their prognosis or prospect of recovery, are admitted to an ICU unless the patients or their surrogates specifically decline ICU admission. Guidelines for intensive care unit admission, discharge, and triage. Task Force of the American College of Critical Care Medicine, Society of Critical Care Medicine. Crit Care Med. 1999;27:

4 Yoğun bakıma hasta kabulü

5 Yoğun bakıma hasta kabulü

6 Yoğun bakıma hasta kabulü
ICE-CUB 15 emergency departments, patients over 80 years old who had a potential indication for admission to intensive care, and that were capable of expressing their opinion were included. Frequency of opinions sought before referral decision and individual and organisational factors associated were recorded and analysed. The study was conducted in 15 hospitals in the Paris region. Patients were included from November 2004 to January 2006. The results were analysed from 2008 after follow-up.

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9 Yoğun bakımda hasta takibi
Çoklu ilaç kullanımı ≥ 4-5 ilaç/hasta

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