Burcu Musaoğlu Data Sistem A.Ş.
İş Akışı Yönetim Sistemi Nedir? İş Akışı “Önceden tanımlanmış yapısal kurallar doğrultusunda, kişiden kişiye döküman, bilgi ve iş transferinin gerçekleştirilmesiyle iş süreçlerinin tamamen ya da kısmen otomasyonu.” (WfMC) İş Akışı Yönetim Sistemi “İş süreçlerinin tanımlarını yorumlayabilen bir ya da birden fazla İş Akışı motoru içeren, İş Akışlarının tanımlanmasını, yönetilmesini ve işletilmesini sağlayan, kullanıcılarla etkileşim içinde olabilen ve gerektiğinde bilgisayar uygulamalarını işletebilen yazılım sistemleri.” (WfMC)
İş Akışı Yönetim Sistemi Yararları İş süreçlerinizi standartlaştırır. İşlerin akışını hızlandırır. İşletim hatalarını en aza indirir. Hizmet kalitesini arttırır. Karar mekanizmalarını hızlandırır. Kağıt tüketimini azaltır. Verimliliği arttırır. Maliyetleri düşürür.
İş Akışı Yönetim Sistemi Türleri Üretim Yönetim Ortak Çalışma Anlık (Ad-Hoc)
İş Akışı Yönetim Sistemi Özellikleri Rol tabanlı işlem gerçekleştirme Zaman yönetimi İş yükü yönetimi İzlenebilirlik Hatalı durum yönetimi Döküman yönetimi ve arşivleme Ofis otomasyonu
İş Akışı Yönetim Sistemi FLOWer İş Akışı Yönetim Sistemi
Platform Uygulama Gel. Ortamı ve Teknolojiler Server Ürünleri Microsoft Visual Studio .NET C#, ASP.Net, ADO.Net, XML Server Ürünleri Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Microsoft Internet Information Services Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Entegre Server Ürünleri Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2001
Standart İş Süreçleri Mantıksal İş Akışı Yapısı İş Akışı Tasarım Aracı Kodlama gerektirmeyen tanımlama Rol tabanlı İş Akışı Sistemi Organizasyon Şeması Tasarım Aracı İş akışı tanımlarında süreklilik Rol tabanlı İleri Düzey Güvenlik İş akışı, iş akışı adımları, dökümanlar, durum izleme kriterleri ... Out-of-the box portal allows you to organize your view and your groups view on information from throughout the enterprise. Portal is based on the Digital Dashboard and Web Parts Find the best information fast using Best Bets Search your whole corporate intranet to easily locate the most relevant information from across the organization One-step access to all your vital corporate information be it in Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Windows, Lotus Notes, the world-wide web or any other location. Provides the ability to index TIFF files and incorporate searches of hard copy documents alongside web content, mail messages or other information. Respect for security setting on content stored in Exchange, Windows and Lotus Notes. Tahoe includes the ability to limit access to confidential information by incorporating security settings into information about the content Stay up-to-date by getting notified of new documents or changes to existing documents. Save your searches and get notified when new content that matches them gets added to your intranet Industry leading technology means that Tahoe offers the best results for searches that you can get today from a major software vendor
İş Yükü ve Zaman Yönetimi Takvim Bazında İş Atama Durum ve İşleyiş İzleme Yeteneği Süre, kişi, durum Zaman Aşımı Yönetimi Uyarı Mekanizması Delegasyon E-Posta Entegrasyonu Yeni İş Mesajları Anımsatıcı Mesajlar Out-of-the box portal allows you to organize your view and your groups view on information from throughout the enterprise. Portal is based on the Digital Dashboard and Web Parts Find the best information fast using Best Bets Search your whole corporate intranet to easily locate the most relevant information from across the organization One-step access to all your vital corporate information be it in Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Windows, Lotus Notes, the world-wide web or any other location. Provides the ability to index TIFF files and incorporate searches of hard copy documents alongside web content, mail messages or other information. Respect for security setting on content stored in Exchange, Windows and Lotus Notes. Tahoe includes the ability to limit access to confidential information by incorporating security settings into information about the content Stay up-to-date by getting notified of new documents or changes to existing documents. Save your searches and get notified when new content that matches them gets added to your intranet Industry leading technology means that Tahoe offers the best results for searches that you can get today from a major software vendor
Esnek/Genişleyebilir Çözüm Web Tabanlı Kullanıcı Arayüzü ASP.NET, C# (Visual Studio .NET) Dinamik Form Kullanımı Görsel dizayn gerektirmeden Çoklu Dil Desteği XML Out-of-the box portal allows you to organize your view and your groups view on information from throughout the enterprise. Portal is based on the Digital Dashboard and Web Parts Find the best information fast using Best Bets Search your whole corporate intranet to easily locate the most relevant information from across the organization One-step access to all your vital corporate information be it in Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Windows, Lotus Notes, the world-wide web or any other location. Provides the ability to index TIFF files and incorporate searches of hard copy documents alongside web content, mail messages or other information. Respect for security setting on content stored in Exchange, Windows and Lotus Notes. Tahoe includes the ability to limit access to confidential information by incorporating security settings into information about the content Stay up-to-date by getting notified of new documents or changes to existing documents. Save your searches and get notified when new content that matches them gets added to your intranet Industry leading technology means that Tahoe offers the best results for searches that you can get today from a major software vendor
Döküman Yönetim Sistemi Entegrasyonu Çoklu Döküman Desteği Döküman Versiyonlama İş Akışı Tarihçesi SharePoint Entegrasyonu Otomatik Yayınlama Manuel Yayınlama Out-of-the box portal allows you to organize your view and your groups view on information from throughout the enterprise. Portal is based on the Digital Dashboard and Web Parts Find the best information fast using Best Bets Search your whole corporate intranet to easily locate the most relevant information from across the organization One-step access to all your vital corporate information be it in Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Windows, Lotus Notes, the world-wide web or any other location. Provides the ability to index TIFF files and incorporate searches of hard copy documents alongside web content, mail messages or other information. Respect for security setting on content stored in Exchange, Windows and Lotus Notes. Tahoe includes the ability to limit access to confidential information by incorporating security settings into information about the content Stay up-to-date by getting notified of new documents or changes to existing documents. Save your searches and get notified when new content that matches them gets added to your intranet Industry leading technology means that Tahoe offers the best results for searches that you can get today from a major software vendor
Org. Şeması Tasarım Aracı
Org. Şeması Elemanları Kullanıcı Bölge/Departman Çalışma Grubu Rol Departman İlişkisi Kullanıcı İlişkisi
İş Akışı Tasarım Aracı
İş Akışı Elemanları İş Karar Ayracı Bağlantı Otomatize İş Veri Ayracı Birleşim Döngü
Katılımcı Portali
Out-of-the box portal allows you to organize your view and your groups view on information from throughout the enterprise. Portal is based on the Digital Dashboard and Web Parts Find the best information fast using Best Bets Search your whole corporate intranet to easily locate the most relevant information from across the organization One-step access to all your vital corporate information be it in Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Windows, Lotus Notes, the world-wide web or any other location. Provides the ability to index TIFF files and incorporate searches of hard copy documents alongside web content, mail messages or other information. Respect for security setting on content stored in Exchange, Windows and Lotus Notes. Tahoe includes the ability to limit access to confidential information by incorporating security settings into information about the content Stay up-to-date by getting notified of new documents or changes to existing documents. Save your searches and get notified when new content that matches them gets added to your intranet Industry leading technology means that Tahoe offers the best results for searches that you can get today from a major software vendor Sorularınız ?
Out-of-the box portal allows you to organize your view and your groups view on information from throughout the enterprise. Portal is based on the Digital Dashboard and Web Parts Find the best information fast using Best Bets Search your whole corporate intranet to easily locate the most relevant information from across the organization One-step access to all your vital corporate information be it in Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Windows, Lotus Notes, the world-wide web or any other location. Provides the ability to index TIFF files and incorporate searches of hard copy documents alongside web content, mail messages or other information. Respect for security setting on content stored in Exchange, Windows and Lotus Notes. Tahoe includes the ability to limit access to confidential information by incorporating security settings into information about the content Stay up-to-date by getting notified of new documents or changes to existing documents. Save your searches and get notified when new content that matches them gets added to your intranet Industry leading technology means that Tahoe offers the best results for searches that you can get today from a major software vendor Teşekkür Ederiz