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bir ikilem: eğitimde yarışma a dilemma: competition in education ayhan ural ph.d. gazi üniversitesi, ankara / türkiye.

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... konulu sunumlar: "bir ikilem: eğitimde yarışma a dilemma: competition in education ayhan ural ph.d. gazi üniversitesi, ankara / türkiye."— Sunum transkripti:

1 bir ikilem: eğitimde yarışma a dilemma: competition in education ayhan ural ph.d. gazi üniversitesi, ankara / türkiye

2 …özet A DILEMMA: COMPETITION IN EDUCTION Ayhan URAL* *Ph.D. Gazi University, Ankara / TURKEY, ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to discuss competition in education. Having a descriptive nature, this study examined the concepts of competition and education by scanning the literature and effects of competition in education. Competition which is applied in order to support schools’ improvement affects students. Although there are some positive impacts of competition in education, negative impacts outweigh. Through competitive children can learn their abilities and limits, set goals, handle loss, develop their skills and competence in an area, enhance their popularity and try out different roles. However, competition causes emotional injury and stresses winning at any cost, shatters the loser, undermines self- confidence, humiliates, lowers the need to take care of others, insults self-worth, diminishes performance, causes hostility and aggression, or makes a child unpopular and it is done just for parents' benefit. Therefore, desire to win which is fueled by the competition makes a different impact on different age levels. Individual and social problems can lead to competition among the students. Keywords: Competition, Education, Competition in Education.

3 …amaç / aim …bu çalışmanın genel amacı; eğitimdeki rekabetin örgütsel ve bireysel sonuçlarını tartışmaktır. The purpose of this study is to discuss organisational and individual results of competition in education.

4 …yöntem / method …betimsel nitelik taşıyan bu araştırmada, ilgili alanyazından yararlanılarak eğitimdeki rekabet in örgütsel ve bireysel sonuçları açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Having a descriptive nature, this study refers to the related literature and tries to clarify organisational and individual results of competition in education.

5 …ilgili araştırmalar / related researches …odaklanma okul karşılaştırmaları üzerine özel okullar / devlet okulları …focus is on school comparison private schools / public schools

6 kavram çözümleme / concept analysis …belirli bir menfaat elde edebilmek amacıyla başkalarını geçmeye çalışmak In order to achieve a particular interest trying to get ahead of others. benzer konumda olanlara karşı belirli yararları temin etmek için üstünlük sağlama amacıyla yarış mak Competition in order to take advantage of overtop against people with similar orientation.

7 …rekabet / competition rekabeti temel alan liberal ekonomi felsefesi rekabet yolu ile piyasaların gelişeceği ve toplumsal refahın artacağı kabulüne dayanır - competitive liberal economy approach bases on the idea that markets will improve through competition and as a result social welfare will increase. rakiplerinin işlerini zorlaştırma- making things difficult for the rival piyasa süreci- market process piyasa yapısı- structure of the market hayatta kalma süreci- process of survival

8 rekabeti olumlama competitive affirmation toplumun yararınadır competition is benefit of society maliyetleri düşürür competition reduces costs yenilik yaratır competition creates innovation

9 rekabeti olumlama affirmation of competition yönlendirme- guiding kaynak dağılımı- distribution of the sources yenilik ve teknolojik gelişme-innovation and technological improvement uyum- adaptation gelir dağılımı- distribution of income kontrol- control

10 eğitim / education kamusal public kamu yönetimi public administration piyasalaştırılmış private işletme yönetimi business administration

11 rekabetin etkileri / effects of competition in education + + + + + + + + + + + + positive effects + + + + + + + + + + + + -- - - - - - - - - - - - - negative effects -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

12 rekabetin etkileri / effects of competition in education + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + organisational effects + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ? ? ? ? ? ? individual effects ? ? ? ? ? ?

13 yanılsama / illusion rekabet / yarışma competition sosyal karşılaştırma social comprasion

14 yanılsama / illusion rekabet / competition piyasadaki teşebbüsler arasında, özgürce ekonomik kararlar verilebilmesini sağlayan yarış- race between the private enterprises in the market that provides someone to make free decisions about economy kıt bir şeyi paylaşmak veya bir ödül elde etmek amacıyla belli kural ve kısıtlamalar çerçevesinde temel özgürlüklerin ve insan haklarının garanti altına alındığı ve hiçbir ayrıcalığın ve ayrımcılığın olmadığı bir ortamda birden fazla oyuncu arasında oynanan bir oyun veya bir yarış- a race to share an insufficent thing or to get a reward- within significant rules- freedom and human rights are guaranteed- in an environment without any discrimination – a game or a race between some players sosyal karşılaştırma/ social comparison birey kendisiyle ilgili bir yargıya ulaşmak için sahip olduğu özelliklerini değerlendirme gereksinimi duyar- an individual needs to evaluate the feautures he has in order to make a judgement about himself

15 düşündürücü / challenging …toplumsallaşma sürecinde erkekler rekabetçi ve saldırgan kişilik özelliklerine kızlara oranla daha yüksek bir düzeyde sahip olmaktadırlar* During socialisation process boys have more competitive and aggressive personal characteristics in proportion to girls yarışmacı eğitim anlayışıyla ilişkili mi? Is it related to competitive education? *Steinberg, L. (1993). Adolescence. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

16 düşündürücü / challenging A competitive style: high on assertiveness and low on cooperativeness* Rakip tarzı: atılganlık yüksek ve iş birliği yapma düşük *Roy J. Lewicki, David M. Saunders and John W. Minton, Negotiation, 3 rd Edition San Francisco: Irwin McGraw-Hill, 1999, 359.

17 düşündürücü / challenging when a situation is structured competitively, there are negative correlations among team members’ rewards * bir durumun rekabetçi yapılandırılmasıyla, ekip üyeleri arasında negatif korelasyon vardır( Aktaran: Levi 2011).* *Levi, Daniel. (2011). Group Dynamics for Teams. SAGE Publications, İnc. California

18 …tartışma Competition which is applied in order to support schools’ improvement, affects students. Although there are some positive impacts of competition in education, negative impacts outweigh.

19 …tartışma Through competitive children can learn their abilities and limits, set goals, handle loss, develop their skills and competence in an area, enhance their popularity and try out different roles.

20 …tartışma However, competition causes emotional injury and stress, winning at any cost, shatters the loser, undermines self- confidence, humiliates, lowers the need to take care of others, insults self-worth, diminishes performance, causes hostility and aggression, or makes a child unpopular and it is done just for parents' benefit.

21 …tartışma Therefore, desire to win which is fueled by the competition makes a different impact on different age levels. Individual and social problems can lead to competition among the students.

22 yarışmacı eğitim anlayışı- competitive education understanding …akademik başarının kutsanması sancifying academic success …sınavlar-exams …aşağılanma- abasement …incinme- tenderness …kaygı-anxiety …ayrımcılık- discrimination …yabancılaşma- alienation …engellenme-detention …çatışma- conflict

23 yarışmacı eğitim anlayışı- competitive education understanding …güvensizlik- distrust …iletişimsizlik- lack of communication …sahtecilik-forgery …yanıltma-detention …olumsuza odaklanma- focus on negatives …aşırı kontrol- excessive control …psikolojik ve fizyolojik şiddet- psychological and physiological violence …

24 …sonuç- result …sınavlarda artış-increase of exams …akademik başarıyı önceleyen bir anlayış- prioritizing academic success …bireyin tek yönlü değerlendirilmesi anlayışı-one- way evaluation of an individual …benlik gelişimini engellenmesi- detention of personal improvement …toplumsal soyutlanma- social isolation …yoksun bırakılma- being berefted …özgeci davranıştan uzaklaşma- distancing from altruism …özgürlüklerin kısıtlanması-limited freedom …çocuk gönencini tehdit- threat to child welfare

25 … acı bir örnek- a tragic example

26 Source: Leman Magazine. Number: 2011/15. 07 April 2010. Title: DEFORMED EDUCATION’S TRAGEDY At the center: WE ARE PROUD! SONER SEMIH SIPAHI, student of our dershane from this year, PAID HIS DEBT WITH HIS LIFE! At the right top: Emine Sipahi, who could not pay her two son’s debt of 1000 dollars has been charged and sent to prison. 18 year-old Soner Semih Sipahi who was saddened by his mum going to jail, hanged himself. In the balloon: DO NOT DELAY THE PAYMENTS

27 …öneri- proposal okul, Fromm (2003)’un da yeni insanın özellikleri olarak belirttiği olabilmek için sahip olmak kökenli tüm davranış biçimlerinden vaz geçmeye hazırlanılan yer olmalıdır* School should be a place that prepares humanbeings to give up all behaviours motivating ownership, this is the basic feuture of new man for Fromm …yarıştırılmadan without racing people *Fromm, Eric. (2003). Sahip Olmak ya da Olmak. Çeviren: Arıtan Yayınları. İstanbul.

28 … iyi temel eğitim* -ölçütler-for a good primary education …erişilebilirlik-accessibility …içerik-content …ortam-environment …işleyiş-process * Ural, A. (2009). Good Elementary Education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1(1), 1249-1254.

29 thanks 10-14 Temmuz 2012 II. Uluslararası Eleştirel Eğitim Kongresi …teşekkürler

"bir ikilem: eğitimde yarışma a dilemma: competition in education ayhan ural ph.d. gazi üniversitesi, ankara / türkiye." indir ppt

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