Future: I will/shall & I am going to. Structure: Subject+will/shall+verb(base form)+object.

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... konulu sunumlar: "Future: I will/shall & I am going to. Structure: Subject+will/shall+verb(base form)+object."— Sunum transkripti:

1 Future: I will/shall & I am going to

2 Structure: Subject+will/shall+verb(base form)+object

3 Structure: Subject+be going to+verb(base form)+object

4 Affirmative: I will/shall drink juice. You will drink juice. He/She/It will drink juice. We will/shall drink juice. You will drink juice. They will drink juice.

5 Affirmative: I am going to draw picture. You are going to draw picture. He/she/it is going to draw picture. We are going to draw picture. You are going to draw picture. They are going to draw picture.

6 Interrogative: Will/Shall I drink juice? Will you drink juice? Will he/she/it drink juice? Will we drink juice? Will you drink juice? Will they drink juice?

7 Interrogative: Am I going to draw picture? Are you going to draw picture? Is he/she/it going to draw picture? Are we going to draw picture? Are you going to draw picture? Are they going to draw picture?

8 Negative: I will/shall not drink juice. You will not drink juice. He/She/It will not drink juice. We will not drink juice. You will not drink juice. They will not drink juice.

9 Negative: I am not going to draw picture You are not going to draw picture He/she/it is not going to draw picture We are not going to draw picture You are not going to draw picture They are not going to draw picture

10 Short form: will not = won’t shall not = shan’t

11 We use I will (I’ll) when we decide to do something at the time of speaking.

12 We use be going to when we have already decided to do something. In other words we use it for our plans and decisions

13 Now past future Decision now I will do

14 Now past future Decision before I am going to do

15 We use will to make a prediction or express an opinion about an action in the future

16 We use be going to to express certainty about an action in the future because there is evidence that it will happen.

17 Examples

18 “Eric is in hospital.” “Really, I didn’t know, I will go and visit him

19 “Eric is in hospital.” “Yes, I know. I am going to visit him tomorrow.”

20 I have saved some money.

21 Because, I am going to buy a new car

22 I crashed my car into a tree.

23 I will buy another car

24 Exercises

25 Complete the sentences with will or be going to Look at that boat! It ……. sink. I think it ……. rain tomorrow. Those clouds are very dark. It …. rain soon. I hope you …… be happy, Ted. Everybody …… have a computer in the future.

26 A: What are those tickets for? B: We …… go to the cinema tonight A: The telephone is ringing. B: Don’t worry. I …….. answer it.

"Future: I will/shall & I am going to. Structure: Subject+will/shall+verb(base form)+object." indir ppt
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