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Relative Clauses Who Which that
Relative pronouns / İlgi zamirleri
WHO : kişiler için Which: nesneler / hayvanlar için That : kişiler / nesneler / hayvanlar için
Adam Seni soyan adam Kızlar Servis yapan kızlar Kişi Kazayı gören kişi Öğrenci Ödevini yapan öğrenci Öğretmen Seni seven öğretmen A man The man WHO robbed you Girls The girls WHO serve A person The person WHO saw the accident A student The student WHO did his homework A teacher The teacher WHO loveS you
People People WHO read books Children Children WHO live in the street Mothers Mothers WHO don’t work Parents Parents WHO beat their children Öğrenciler Students WHO love their teachers Kişiler Kitap okuyan kişiler Çocuklar Sokakta yaşayan çocuklar Anneler Çalışmayan anneler Ebeveynler Çocuklarını döven ebeveynler Öğrenciler Öğretmenlerini seven öğrenciler
Bayan Arabayı kullanan bayan Kişiler Müzik dinleyen kişiler Kişi Çok uyuyan kişi Adamlar Çok yemek yiyen adamlar A woman The woman WHO driveS the car People People WHO listen to music A person The person WHO sleepS a lot Men Men WHO eat a lot
Relative pronouns / İlgi zamirleri
WHO : kişiler için Which: nesneler / hayvanlar için That : kişiler / nesneler / hayvanlar için
Hayvanlar Hızlı koşan hayvanlar Ormanda yaşayan hayvanlar Eşyalar Pahalı olan eşyalar Nehir Köyün içinden akan nehir Anahtar Arabayı açan anahtar Animals Animals WHICH run fast Animals WHICH live in the forest Goods Goods WHICH are expensive A river The river WHICH goES through the town A key The key WHICH openS the car
Makine Kahve yapan makine Ev Yüzme havuzlu ev Otel Gölün kıyısındaki otel Lokantalar Lüks lokantalar Köpek Hayatımı kurtaran köpek A machine The machine WHICH makeS tea A house The house WHICH has a pool A hotel The hotel WHICH is by the lake Restaurants Restaurants WHICH are luxuries A dog The dog WHICH saved my life
The man WHO painted our house
Evimizi boyayan adam The man WHO painted our house The man WHO painted our house
The company WHICH produce cars
Araba üreten şirket The company WHICH produce cars The company WHICH produce cars
Binalar dizayn eden/çizen kişi The person WHO designS buildings
The cat WHICH drinkS milk
Süt içen kedi The cat WHICH drinkS milk The cat WHICH drinkS milk
The runner WHO won the race
Yarışı kazanan koşucu The runner WHO won the race The runner WHO won the race
The girl WHO speakS five languages
Beş dil konuşan kız The girl WHO speakS five languages The girl WHO speakS five languages
Havaalanına giden otobüs The bus WHICH goES to the airport
The woman WHO answerS the phones
Telefona bakan bayan The woman WHO answerS the phones The woman WHO answerS the phones
Çevremiz hakkındaki kitaplar The books WHICH are about our environment
Patronu görmek isteyen adam The man WHO wanted to see the boss
is sitting in the corner The woman WHO is sitting in the corner
Köşede oturan bayan The woman WHO is sitting in the corner The woman WHO is sitting in the corner
Evimizin arkasındaki araba parkı The car park WHICH
is behind our house The car park WHICH is behind our house
The man WHO died at the accident
Kazada ölen adam The man WHO died at the accident The man WHO died at the accident
The fruits WHICH are in the fridge
Dolaptaki meyveler The fruits WHICH are in the fridge The fruits WHICH are in the fridge
Masanın üstündeki kitaplar The books WHICH are on the table
Honey WHICH is in the jar
Kavanozdaki bal Honey WHICH is in the jar Honey WHICH is in the jar
İngilizcede iyi olan öğrenciler The students WHO are good at English
Mutsuz sona sahip kitaplar The books WHICH have unhappy endings
The picture WHICH is on the wall
Duvardaki resim The picture WHICH is on the wall The picture WHICH is on the wall
Örneklerdeki WHO / WHICH in yerine THAT kullanılabilir
Masanın üstündeki kitaplar The books WHICH are on the table The books THAT are on the table Duvar boyayan adam The man WHO paintS walls The man THAT paintS walls
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