Logical Design Farid Rajabli
YARIYIL İÇİ ÇALIŞMALARI SAYISI KATKI PAYI Arasınav 1 30 Ödev 2 10 Laboratuvar 20 Yarıyıl Sonu sınavı 40 Ofis Saati: Çarşamba 11.00-12.00
Dersi Tanıma. Analog ve Sayısal Kavramlar 2 Hafta Konular 1 Dersi Tanıma. Analog ve Sayısal Kavramlar 2 Temel Mantık Kapıları, CPLD ler ve FPGA lar ve Donamın tanımlama dilleri (VHDL) 3 Boolean Aritmetiği, Kısaltma teknikleri, ex-or ve ex-nor kapıları 4 Aritmetik işlemler ve devreler Kodlayıcılar, kod çözücüler, Çoklayıcılar, azlayıcılar (Multiplexers – Demultiplexers ) 5 Lojik tümdevre aileleri ve temel özellikleri 6 Flip-Flop lar ve Kaydediciler Sayısal Tasarım için Pratik bilgiler 7 Sayıcı Devreleri ve Durum Makinaları 8 9 ARA SINAV 10 Shift Registers ve hafıza devreleri Multivibratör ve 555 li devreler 11 Anolog to Sayısal Çeviriciler Yarıiletken, Manyetik ve Optik Hafızalar 12 Mikroişlemciler ve mikro kontrolörler 13 Ders içi Projelerin Değerlendirilmesi 14
Most Significant Bit (MSB) Least Significant Bit (LSB)
Digital Electronic Signals and Switches
Two Ways of Communication: 1-Serial Representation The serial format is inexpensive because it only uses a single conductor and one set of input/output circuitry, but it is slow because it can only transmit 1 bit for each clock period.
2-Parallel Representation The parallel format uses a separate electrical conductor for each bit to be transmitted. This tends to be expensive, but the entire 8-bit number can be transmitted in one clock period, making it very fast.
Switches in Electronic Circuits The transitions between 0 and 1 digital levels are caused by switching from one voltage level to another Manual switches and electromechanical relays have limited application in today’s digital electronic circuits. Most digital systems are based on semiconductor technology, which uses diodes and transistors. One way that switching is accomplished is to make and break a connection between two electrical conductors by way of a manual switch or an electromechanical relay. Another way to switch digital levels is by use of semiconductor devices such as diodes and transistors. way of a manual switch
A Diode as a Switch A diode is a semiconductor device that allows current to flow in one direction but not the other. A diode is analogous to a check valve in a water system
A Diode as a Switch A diode is not a perfect short in the forward-biased condition ???
A Transistor as a Switch It is a three-terminal semiconductor component that allows an input signal at one of its terminals to cause the other two terminals to become a short or an open circuit. Three distinct regions make up a bipolar transistor: emitter, base, and collector
A Transistor as a Switch In an NPN transistor, applying a positive voltage from base to emitter causes the collector-to-emitter junction to short (this is called “turning the transistor ON”). Applying a negative voltage or 0 V from base to emitter causes the collector-to-emitter junction to open (this is called “turning the transistor OFF”).
Integrated Circuits