A.COORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS Bu bağlaçlar, benzer sözcükleri, sözcük öbeklerini veya bağımsız cümleleri bağlamak için kullanılır.
1.And David has finally decided to buy a sweater AND a jacket. The current aconomic situation is complicated AND delicate. We should carry out the experiment carefully AND quickly. You can revise the essay AND submit it to the professor again.
(The subject of the two sentences is the same) İki cümle AND kullanılarak bağlandığında bu iki cümle arasında sebep-sonuç ilişkisi de kurulabilir. The inexperienced secretary forgot to save the document AND lost it.
AND tehdit anlamı içeren bir cümlede kullanılabilir AND tehdit anlamı içeren bir cümlede kullanılabilir. Bu durumda ilk cümle emir cümlesi olur. Step into my property one more time AND I will call the police immediately. ( If you step into my propertyone more time, I will call the police immediately.)
Talk to your mother so rudely again AND I will punish you.
2.But/Yet (ama-ancak-fakat) This new product is cheap BUT/YET useles. The students wrote quikly BUT/YET carelessly. The manager was sure that the sales would increase dramatically BUT/YET they lost much of their business.
3.But Not Almost all members of the cat family live solitary lives, BUT NOT lions. ´But´ all, none, every, any, no gibi kelimelerle kullanıldıgında ´hariç, dısında´ anlamı verir. Everybody BUT David managet to solve the intriguing math problem in a few minutes.
A large majority of American teenagers tend to eat nothing BUT fast food products these days. The old man had to sell his car as it started to be NOTHİNG BUT trouble all the time. The planet Venus was named after the ancient Roman goddess of love and beauty, but its conditions are ANYTHİNG BUT hospitable and inviting to humans.
4.Or (yoksa, veya) We are supposed to find a new method OR a new technique to deal with these problems. Spinach and green peas are especially good, but the majority of green OR leafy vegatables have at least moderate amounts of Thiamine as well. When this little cuttlefish wants to avoid its predators OR catch its prey, it secretes …
… a black ink cloud to hide itself from view. OR aksi takdirde anlamında da kullanılır. You had better not forget to set your alarm clock OR you will oversleep.
5.Nor (ne de…) Nor bağlaç olarak kullanıldığında birinci cümle olumsuz olur veya olumsuz anlamda bir fiil içerir. Nor un bağlı olduğu cümle ise devrik yapıda olmalıdır. The minister didn´t explain the rationale behind the new law, NOR did he justify the parliaments decision about it.
6.So (bundan dolayı) Bağlaç olarak kullanıldığında kendinden önce virgül gelir. The ambassador of their ally was killed by a suicide bomber, SO they raged war against one another. Most of the students seemed to have difficulty solving the problem, SO the teacher decided to explain the formula again.
7.For (çünkü, için) Bağlaç olarak kullanıldığında kendinden önce virgül gelir. The government was forcet to take stricter precautions, FOR the economic crisis had become really serious. Because bağlacı ile aynı anlam ifade eden bu kelimenin because´den farkı cümle başında kullanılmamasıdır.
Because the economic crisis had become really serious, the government was forced to take stricter precautions.
B.CORRELATIVE (PAIRED) CONJUNCTIONS Bu bağlaçlar benzer sözcük yada söz gruplarını bağlar.
1.Both…and (hem … hem de ) Both…and özne konumunda kullanılıyorsa fiil çoğul olur. Cümleye kattıgı anlam olumludur. Both Jessica and Martin have expressed their dissatisfaction about the service at the new restaurant. (suject) The old man BOTH criticized the Prime Minister´s attitude AND made a few jokes about it. (verb)
It has been announced that the President will visit the poverty-stricken areas BOTH tomorrow AND next week. (time) The department of finance needs BOTH a new printer AND a new scanner. (object)
2.Not only…but also (sadece o değil, bu da) Not only olumsuz anlam vermez ve olumlu fillerle kullanılır. Fiilin tekil yada çoğul olması gerektiğini yukleme yakın olan özne belirler. NOT ONLY the manager BUT ALSO the staff members are pleased with the sales figures. (subject) Being successful in life reguires NOT ONLY diligence BUT ALSO patience. (object)
The doctor told me to take these pills NOT ONLY in the morning BUT ALSO in the evening. (time) Not only…but also iki cümleyi birlestiriyor ve NOT ONLY cümlenin başında yer alıyorsa birinci cümle devrik olur.
NOT ONLY did the main opposition party leader criticized the Prime Minister severely BUT he ALSO insulted him indirectly. Not only…but also yerine Not only…but…as well yapısı da kullanılabilir. Having a rigid working schedule NOT ONLY causes too much stress, BUT it leades to certain psychological problems AS WELL.
Bazı cümleler as well yada also olmadan da oluşturulabilir. He not only stole the secret files, but distributed them on the internet.
3.Neither…nor(ne o … ne de bu) Olumlu fiillerle kullanılır fakat cümleye olumsuz anlam katar. Fiilin tekil yada çoğul oluşunu fiile en yakın olan özne belirler. NEITHER Mike NOR hisparents were happy with the results of his language proficiency test. She was so disappointed that she NEİTHER spoke NOR went out.(verb)
You should blame NEİTHER your mother NOR your father for this mistake of yours.(object) I saw cousin NEİTHER last week NOR the week before. Bazı durumlarda sadece NOR kullanılabilir. My uncle NEİTHER criticizes NOR praises me.
4. Either…or (ya o … yada bu) Genellikle olumlu anlamda kullanılır. Fiilin tekil yada coğul olusunu fiile en yakın olan özne belirler. EİTHER my asistant OR my secretary can type these reports for you.(subject) We can have a dinner together EİTHER tonight OR tomorrow.
You should EİTHER buy a new anti-virus program OR download a newer version from the internet. You can take EİTHER a sociolinguistics course OR an SLA course to finish your MA program.
C.SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS After she arrived home, she had a shower. (yan cümle) (ana cümle) Bir cümlede hem ana cümle hem de yan cümle bulunabilir. Subortinating Conjuctions, yan cümle oluştururken bağlaç olarak kullanılan zarf yada zarf gruplarıdır.
Bu nedenle bu bağlaçların bulunduğu yan cümleye zarf cümlesi denir Bu nedenle bu bağlaçların bulunduğu yan cümleye zarf cümlesi denir. Yer, zaman, sebep-sonuç gibi anlamlar ifade eder. Zarf cümlesi ana cümleden önce veya sonra gelebilir. Önce kullanıldıgında ana cümleden virgülle ayrılır.
When I opened the big box, a black cat jumpet out of fit. A black cat jumpet out of fit, when I opened the big box.
1.When Belli bir zaman dilimine işaret ederken kullanılır. When his father shouted at him in front of his friends, the young man felt terrible. When I complete this assigment, I will send it to you for proofreading. You can give me a buzz when you have received my email.
Birbirini takip eden iki olayı anlatmak için kullanılır. The soldiers started to march when their commander announced their names consecutively. When she saw a big bunch of red roses on her desk, she started crying.
Devam etmekte olan bir eylem esnasında gerçekleşen başka bir eylemi anlatmak için kullanılır. The lazy boy was sleeping soundly on the couch when his mother arrived home. Genel doğrulardan bahsederken kullanılır. Dew forms when the temperature becomes equalto the dew point.
When he makes a mistake, he immediately looks for someone else to blame. Cümleler arasında sebep-sonuç ilişkisi oldugu zaman kullanılır. I burst into laughter when I saw him sleeping in such a funny position.
2.While-As-Just as Belli bir zaman diliminde gerçekleşmekte olan eylemleri ifade eder. Bu cümlelerde when kullanmak da mümkündür. While-as-when the nurse was in my mothers room, we waited nervously in the corridor. He heard a loud explosion while-as-when he was working in his room.
Ana cümle ve zarf cümlesindeki eylemler eş zamanlı ise WHEN degil WHİLE kullanılır. I watched tv WHILE Jenny cooked dinner for us. He just sat and read his newspaper WHİLE she cried.
Kısa süreli bir olayın gerçekleştiği anı vurgulamak istersek ´as, just as, when´ kullanılır ama while kullanılmaz. As-just as-when she stepped out of the room, she bumpet into one of her colleagues. The alarm was activated as-just as-when the women pressed the red button.
Değişmekte olan bir durumu ifade etmek için kullanılır. The dormitories on the campüs get filled AS the new academic year comes. AS adolescents undergo certain physical and mental changes, they display aggressive behaviour.
´While´ yerine ´AS´ kullanıldığında AS´ın because anlamına da gelmesi nedeniyle anlam karışıkliği doğabilir. As-while you are preparing the cover page, I will write the bibliography page. AS you do not have the membership card with you, I cannot let you borrow these books from our library.
3.After-Before After ve before bağlaçları birbirini takip eden olaylardan söz ederken kullanılır. AFTER the police questioned the eyewitnesses, they asked them to sign some documents. You will be allowed to leave the hall AFTER you have filled out these questionnaires.
The government didn´t increase the taxes after-until after they had reduced the retail prices. Soon after-after the police questioned the suspects, they solved the mysterious murder.
4.Untıl-Tıll UNTILL belirtilen zamana kadar olmuş yada olacak olaylardan söz ederken kullanılır. You won´t be allowed to use the printers in the computer labs UNTIL-TILL you have obtained a pay card.
5.As soon as-the moment-once Bu bağlaçlar aralarında çok az zaman farkı bulunan eylemleri içeren cümleleri bağlar. As soon as-the moment he realized that he was guilty, he apologized to his teacher.
6.Since-ever since She has been writing short stories SINCE BEFORE her professional literary career began.
7.By the time Bir eylemin diğer eylemden daha once gerçekleştiğini yada gerçekleşeceğini belirtmek için kullanılır. By the time the ambulance arrived, most of the wounded people had (already) died.
8.As long as-So long as As long as-So long as you obey the rules of this company, you will have no trouble. You can borrow my advanced calculator AS LONG AS you take good care of it.
9. No sooner…than I had NO SOONER arrived home THAN somebody knocked on the door. NO SOONER had I arrived home THAN somebody knocked on the door.(inversion)
10.Hardly-Scarcely-Barely…when Edward had hardly-scarcely-barely finished his speech when someone in the crowd started protesting him. Hardly-barely-scarcely had edward finished his speec when someone in the crowd started protesting him.(inversion)
11. Not until NOT UNTIL you fulfil the necesarry requirements will we consider your application eligible.
12. Whenever – Every time Whenever-every time my mother cleans the windows, it start raining. She started talking about her boyfriend Whenever-every time I met her.
13. After – before - since Zarf cümleleri oluşturan bu bağlaçlar aynı zamanda birer ilgeç olarak da kullanılabilirler. Bu durumda kendilerinden sonra bir clause degil noun gelir. The summer beach party organized by the college continued UNTIL-TILL midnight.