ProQuest Ebook Central™ Ebrary için Önemli Güncellemeler


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Sunum transkripti:

ProQuest Ebook Central™ Ebrary için Önemli Güncellemeler Welcome to ProQuest Ebook Central’s upgrade essentials training for ebrary customers. We’ll be providing important information about the upgrade, key changes and what you need to think about and do as you upgrade to Ebook Central.

Kullanıcı Deneyimi Let’s start by looking at the new patron experience provided by Ebook Central. The Ebook Central interface builds on the ebrary Reader and Detail Page that you and your patrons are familiar with. It continues to provide your patrons with a streamlined experience from discovery, to reading, annotating and citing, to managing their saved ebooks.   There is a new home page, catalog search and bookshelf features. We’ve added extra search options, including series title, LCSH and download format. Searches can also be limited to books with unlimited copies available, which is useful for faculty selecting course reading. Patrons can now refine their search results with easy-to-use filters.

Ebook Central on tablets & mobiles Designed with tablets in mind, with easy searching, reading and bookshelf usage in both portrait and landscape modes. And top mobile features such as search, save to bookshelf, and download for offline reading, are optimized for smartphones. 

Ebook Central Kitaplık The new bookshelf displays the patron’s current downloads and loans, recently viewed books, annotated books and their custom folders. Patrons can export all notes from books easily, cite sets of books, and share out info with other patrons.  

Ebook Central Kişiselleştirme Customization is available. You can add your institution’s logo, up to six useful URLs and custom messaging. Logos that you have used in ebrary will not be applied to Ebook Central as the logo parameters have changed. You will find the logo requirements in ProQuest LibCentral, where Custom Options are managed.   At launch Ebook Central will be available in English and in the coming months the interface will also be available to patrons in 12 additional languages.

Kullanıcı Deneyimi Yeni kullanıcı hesabı oluşturmaya gerek yoktur Kullanıcılar ebrary üzerinde bulunan kitaplıklarını isterlerse Ebook Central hesaplarına platforma ilk oturum açtıklarında taşıyabilirler Çıktı alma(40%) ve kopyalama (20%) olarak arttırılmıştır Daha fazla bilgi için: ProQuest Ebook Central training webinar YouTube videos LibGuide Quick Start Guide Your patrons’ accounts will continue to work in Ebook Central so they do not need to create new accounts. When your patrons first sign in to Ebook Central, they will be asked if they want their ebrary bookshelf to be carried forward into their Ebook Central bookshelf.   If your patrons also have an EBL account with your institution, they will use their EBL credentials to sign into Ebook Central. Their saved EBL books will already be available to them. They will need their ebrary credentials to bring their ebrary bookshelf items to Ebook Central. Your patrons will also benefit from increased print and copy allowances. The default for Print will be 40% and Copy will be 20%. Publishers may choose to modify these default allowances, but typically they don’t change them. To see if a publisher has chosen to vary the defaults for a particular book, you can look at the Full Record page in LibCentral where the copy/print limits are displayed. There is a webinar, 4 short videos and a LibGuide available to you and your patrons to learn more about ProQuest Ebook Central. We’ve also developed a Quick Start Guide and a set of screenshots that you can use for patron training.

URL Yönlendirme Yönlendirme teknolojisi sayesinde kullanıcılarınızın Ebook Central’a erişimleri için yeni bir URL adresine ihtiyaçları olmayacaktır. Bu yönlendirme işlevi sizin için aktif hale getirilecek ve upgrade tarihiniz ile aynı zamanda gerçekleştirilecektir. Yönlendirme minimum 5 yıl süresinde devam ettirilebilir. In addition to retaining your patron accounts, redirect technology has been applied so that existing URLs will continue to work. This redirect functionality will be turned on, coinciding with your upgrade date, and the redirects will not expire for a minimum of five years. We will assess the need to extend the redirects before the end of the five year period and provide you ample notification if any changes are planned.  

Yetkilendirme Ebrary’de desteklenen tüm SSO methodları Ebook Central platformundada desteklenmeye devam edecektir: OpenAthens Blackboard (SSO) eXtend API EZProxy (Non-SSO, SSO and SharedSecret) Moodle (SSO)  Ebook Central patron accounts IP address Patron API Referring URL SAML SharedSecret Shibboleth Shibboleth Multiple EntityId SIP2 (Softlink and Spydus) Squid (Non-SSO) WAM (Non-SSO) Ebook Central supports all of the authentication methods that are available in ebrary and we’re adding more options.   Here’s the full list of authentication methods available in Ebook Central.

Yetkilendirme Fazlasıyla SSO’yu destekliyoruz böylece kullanıcılarınız oturum açmak istediklerinde var olan kimliklerini kullanabilirler ve bilgileri gizli tutulur. Eğer geçerli yetkilendirme methodunuzu desteklemeye devam ederseniz herhangi bir değişiklik yapmanıza gerek yoktur. (EZProxy kullanmadığınız müddetçe) EZProxy için IT departmanınızın stanzanızı güncellemesi gerekmektedir. Bu konuda ProQuest Support Center’da size yardımcı olabilir. Daha fazlası için: ProQuest Support Center or We strongly encourage SSO so when the patron needs to login they can use credentials they know and all user data is kept private. Patrons tell us they highly prefer SSO, and they are more likely to continue to log in, when offered an SSO option as opposed to establishing a new account.   If you are retaining your current authentication method, you will not need to make any changes unless you use EZproxy. If you use EZproxy, you will need to update your stanza. Contact Ebook Central Support to get the stanza update ( If you also have an ebrary site and use a different authentication methods, we will consult with you on which method would make the most sense for your Ebook Central site. Just contact Ebook Central Support for guidance.

Oturum Açma İki seçenek mevcut: Kullanıcılar platforma giriş yaptıklarında Kullanıcılar mümkün olabilecek en son noktada oturum açabilirler İndirme, yazdırma, kopyalama, not alma, kitaplığa ekleme, kitabı inceleme You’ll still be able to decide at what point your patrons need to sign in.   As in EBL today, you can continue to require your patrons to sign in when they enter the platform. If you have already established this as your practice, we recommend you continue it as it provides a smooth uninterrupted experience for your patrons. The second option has changed slightly. You can now allow patrons to sign in at the latest possible point, instead of signing in when they first open the Reader. This option allows patrons to read ebooks without signing in. If they need to check out the book, download, print, copy, annotate, or save the book to their bookshelf, they will need to sign in.

ProQuest LibCentral ProQuest LibCentral is your new administrative portal which includes discovery, acquisition, administration and reporting functionality.

ProQuest LibCentral Biz sizin için ana kütüphaneci hesabı oluşturacağız – kendiniz isterseniz ek hesaplar oluşturabilirsiniz Alışveriş sepeti-hızlı satın alma Para Birimi: USD, AUD, GPB, EUROS Aracılardan satın alma mevcut Daha fazlası için: ProQuest LibCentral training webinars We’ll create a main librarian account for LibCentral and you will be able to create additional librarian logins and set granular permission levels as needed.   You are able to purchase titles with the streamlined shopping cart experience or “quick purchase”, and additional currencies will be available. Currencies available in Ebook Central are US dollars, Australian dollars, pounds sterling and Euros. If you would like to be invoiced in currency other than US dollars, please contact your ProQuest representative. LibCentral provides you with new expenditure controls, including DDA, STL and mediation settings. Mediation is a new feature available to you; learn more about Mediation in the LibCentral Power Users training. With mediation, you can determine if and when patrons can request access to ebooks.

Ebook Central Content Kendi ebrary içeriğiniz Ebook Central içinde mevcut olacak Erişim Modelleri: 1-kullanıcı, 3-kullanıcı, Non-Linear ve Sınırsız Erişim Non-Linear: Çoklu eşzamanlı kullanıcı Yıllık ödünç verme gün sayısı kurulumu, STLs: Kullanıcı bazlı sınırsız eş zamanlı ödünç alma mümkündür Learn more: ProQuest LibCentral training webinars All of your current holdings will be available in your Ebook Central site. If you also use EBL, your ebrary and EBL holdings will be merged to form your Ebook Central catalog, and you retain all of the access you have paid for. For example, if you owned a title on ebrary as SUPO and that same title on EBL as 3-user, you will own 2 copies of that book on Ebook Central and four patrons will be able to access it concurrently.   All of the ebrary access models will be available; two of them have updated names: SUPO becomes 1-user and MUPO is now Unlimited Access. There is also a new access model available to you: Non Linear. The Non-Linear access model allows multiple users to access the ebook at the same time. There are a set number of lending days per title per year, typically up to 325 days, which reset annually on the anniversary of purchase at no extra cost. The lending days accommodate any scenario that may occur during the year – from high demand one semester to lower demand the next. There are numerous settings in LibCentral to manage access to Non-Linear titles. In Ebook Central, Short-Term Loans are issued to an individual user and an unlimited number of patrons can trigger loans concurrently. This has advantages over the ebrary model of institution-based STLs, where loans issued are a 1-user model and concurrent use of loan is not permitted. Ebook Central‘s user-based model gives you the benefit of providing simultaneous access to multiple patrons. The model also addresses publisher concerns regarding STLs; publishers are more receptive to user-based loans. That said, as we modeled the data, we did not find a significant difference in the number of STLs issued, user-based vs. institution based. Due to the change from institution-based to user-based STLs, we want to ensure that on the day of your upgrade, you do not have any STL’s in process. If your ebrary site allows STLs, then one week prior to your upgrade, you will need to change the STL duration to 1 day. You can learn more about purchasing ebooks, managing access models and mediation options in the LibCentral Overview and Poweruser webinars.

MARC Kayıtları Tam MARC kayıtları: Express MARC records: Tamamıyla elle kataloglanmış Express MARC records: Geliştirilmiş EBL MARC kayıtları: RDA uyumlu, Sağlayıcı Tarafsızlığı Var olan MARC kayıtlarının toplu olarak yeniden alınması Var olan EBL MARC kayıtlarının yönetilmesi için seçenekler Ebook Central MARC records are available as high-quality, hand-cataloged Full records, or machine generated Express records.   The Express MARC records are enhanced versions of the MARC records currently available on EBL. They are now RDA compliant and Provider Neutral. Some fields have been added and others improved. Express MARC records are available immediately for all Ebook Central titles. The Full MARC records are the same as those available on ebrary. For some of the newest front-list titles, Full MARC records may not be available immediately. Your site can now be set up with batch retrieval of MARC records. If you would like to set this up, please contact Support. You will not be required to reload your existing EBL MARC records but you can choose to reload or overlay them if that is your preference. You can continue to use the existing EBL MARC records until you are ready to overlay or refresh. The match point is the 035 field which contains the EBL, ebrary and Ebook Central document IDs. To give a bit more information on the Doc IDs, if a title existed only on the ebrary platform, that ebrary document ID is retained as the historical ID, and it is assigned a new Ebook Central Doc ID. If a title existed on both platforms, the EBL Doc ID becomes the Ebook Central Doc ID and the ebrary ID is listed as the historical ID. Lists and Reports in LibCentral, will provide the various IDs for matching purposes. Once you upgrade, Ebook Central MARC records will be provided for any new holdings. To learn more about Ebook Central MARC records and options for handling them during your upgrade, please watch the tutorial available in the ProQuest Support Center.

DDA Profil Belirleme EBL profil belirleme sistemi temel sağlar Profilinizi görüntüleyin ve LibCentral içerisinde değişiklikleri kaydedin Profiliniz görünülebilirlikle ilgili elle değişimleri devam ettirecektir Profilinizde bu özellikleri gerçekleştirebilmek için ebook Customer Relationship Manager’ınız ile iletişime geçin EBL’s sophisticated profiling system provides the foundation for the new platform’s DDA profiling system.   In ProQuest LibCentral, we have added the ability for you to view and submit changes to your profiles. Our ebook Customer Relationship managers will continue to consult with you regarding your initial profile setup but we’ve added the option to submit changes through the interface, so that you can easily communicate changes that you would like to make. We’ve also enhanced the way title level visibility works. Now when you make changes to a book’s visibility, the profile system will be aware of those changes and maintain your settings, rather than overwriting them when the profile updates. If you would like to enable these new features, please contact your eCRM. Your upgrade to Ebook Central is a great opportunity to review your current profile and associated settings. There is a DDA profiling tutorial available in the ProQuest Support Center and we encourage you to contact your eCRM to discuss your profile.

Raporlama EBL başlıklarınız, kullanım ve masraf verileriniz mevcut olacak COUNTER Ebook Central aktiviteleri için 4 farklı rapor sağlanacak: Kitap Raporu1: Ay ve başlığa göre en çok talep edilen başlık sayısı  Kitap Raporu 2: Ay ve başlığa göre en çok talep edilen bölüm sayısı Kitap Raporu 3: Ay ve başlığa göre geri iadeler Kitap Raporu 4: Başlığa göre başlık içinde toplam aramalar Platform Raporu1: Ay ve platforma göre toplam aramalar, sonuç tıklamaları ve görüntülenen kayıtlar COUNTER 1 gösterimi yine EBL aktivitesi için geçerli olacak   COUNTER reports are now compliant with COUNTER release 4. The following COUNTER reports are available in LibCentral for your site activity post upgrade: [just show on slide] Book Report 1: Number of successful title requests by month and title   Book Report 2: Number of Successful Section Requests by Month and Title Book Report 3:Turnaways by Month and Title  Book Report 5: Total Searches within a Title; by Title  Platform Report 1: Totals Searches, Result Clicks and Record Views by Month and Platform You will still be able to access COUNTER release 1 reports for activity that happened on your EBL site, prior to your upgrade. You can learn more about reporting by attending the LibCentral Poweruser training webinar.

Faturalama ve Birikimler(Depozitolar) Faturalamada hiçbir değişiklik olmayacak. Sadece fatura üzerinde Ebrary yerine Ebook Central yazacak Ebrary birikimleri dengesi Ebook Central üzerinde de uygulanacak Yeni birikim uyarıları yakında: Düşük Denge Denge Değişimi Tamamen doldurmak There are no changes to the way you are invoiced or the way you make payments. You will continue to make to payments to ProQuest as you do now. The appearance of your invoice will not change but any references to EBL will be replaced by Ebook Central.   If you have and existing EBL deposit balance, it will be applied to Ebook Central. There are no changes to the way deposit accounts work, but we there will be some new alerts available soon after launch to help you manage your deposits. You can choose to receive the following alerts: Low Balance Alert: to notify you when your deposit balance drops below a threshold amount Balance Change Alert: to notify you when your deposit account balance changes  We have also introduced Top-up alerts which will be sent to all customers with deposit accounts to notify you that your deposit account has been “topped-up”.

Distribitörler ve Keşif Katmanları Üçüncü şahıslardan ve distribitörlerden satın almaya devam edebilirsiniz YBP, Coutts v.b Veri tabanınızı keşif katmanınızın yönetim modülünden güncelleyin You will be able to order Ebook Central content from the third parties and distributors, such as YBP, Coutts and other, that you use to order your EBL content from today.   If you use a discovery layer such as Summon, or those provided by OCLC or Ex Libris, you will need to update your database(s) in the administration module of your discovery service to reflect that you have upgraded to Ebook Central. If you do not see an option for Ebook Central appearing in the admin module of your discovery service, they may still be in the process of integration with Ebook Central. In these cases you can leave your settings as they currently are (reflecting either ebrary or EBL) and titles will still be discoverable and selectable, due to the redirect technology we have in place for upgraded customers.  If you are a customer that uses our ebook auto-holdings feature with ProQuest Workflow Solutions’ Summon / Intota or OCLC, auto-holdings are anticipated to be integrated with Ebook Central in Q1 of 2016. You can either choose to upgrade knowing the auto-holdings feature will need to be turned off for a short period (until the integration is complete) or you could request that your upgrade to Ebook Central be timed to coincide with auto-holdings being available.

Daha Fazla Bilgi İçin Go to for more detail specific to your upgrade, training materials and videos, support articles, and more ProQuest Support Centre: Technical support: Training webinars: LibGuide: Videos: Ebook Central and ProQuest LibCentral in product help Contact Support to access the Ebook Central sandbox This session has been developed to help you prepare to upgrade to Ebook Central. You will find more information on upgrading to Ebook Central Upgrade in the ProQuest Support Center.   You can also attend various training webinars. There is an Ebook Central LibGuide and several short videos available, as well as in product help. If you would like access to Ebook Central in a sandbox environment prior to your upgrade, please contact Support. Let them know that you have attended Upgrade Essentials training and ask them to provide you with login credentials.

Questions? Don’t hesitate to your ProQuest representative or Support with any questions you have.