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YayınlayanŞebnem Bagci Değiştirilmiş 9 yıl önce
Database for APED Büşra Bilgili | Emirhan Aydoğan | Meryem Şentürk | M. Arda Aydın COMPE 341
About APED An organization that aims to create a community for disabled people to educate people to increase awareness the issues disabled people suffer in everyday life to organize workshops and seminars to disabled people to make them become self-sufficient to help financially
Current Issues The current database is not on electronic environment: Unable to access and find data in a fast way Issues related to get hard-copies of available data Hard to alter / edit current data Security concerns The data kept as hard-copy folders include: Members Managers Events Donations
Requirements for the System The expectations from developed system: To store data about Members Events Donations To also manage and alter Members Events Donations
Requirements for the System The data to store about members includes: name, surname, as well as some information regarding handicapness status of the applicant. According to provided information by the organization: Donations may have two different sources; one being an individual and the other one as a company, Different kind of donations are possible such as money, wheel-chair, etc. The events are managed by the administrators The events contain simple data such as title, date and description.
Conceptu al Design
Logical Schema Mapping of the system is as follows: Üyeler (TCNo, ÜyeNo, Ad, Soyad, Yaş, Engel%, Tel., Adres, AileBilgileri, Açıklama) Yönetici (TCNo, Ad, Soyad, İşeGirişTarihi, Statü) Etkinlik (EtkinlikNo, İsim, Tür, Açıklama, Tarih) Bağış Kaynağı (ID) Bağış (BağışNo, YöneticiTCNo (F.K. refers to Yönetici), BağışKID (F.K. refers to Bağış Kaynağı), Tür, Miktar, Tarih) Kişi (TCNo, Ad, Soyad, Adres, Tel, BağışKID (F.K. refers to Bağış Kaynağı)) Şirket (VergiNo, Ad, Adres, Tel., BağışKID (F.K. refers to Bağış Kaynağı)) EtkinlikDüzenle (YöneticiNo (F.K. refers to Yönetici), EtkinlikNo (F.K. refers to Etkinlik)) EtkinlikKatıl (ÜyeTCNo (F.K. refers to Üyeler), EtkinlikNo (F.K. refers to Etkinlik))
SQL Codes create table Uyeler( TCNo varchar(11) primary key, UyeNo int unique, Ad varchar(25), Soyad varchar(25), Yas int(2), EngelYuzdesi int(3), Adres varchar(50), AileBilgileri varchar(30), Aciklama varchar(50), Tel varchar(15)) create table Yonetici( TCNo varchar(11) primary key, Ad varchar(25), Soyad varchar(25), IseGirisTarihi date, Statu varchar(20)) create table Etkinlik( EtkinlikNo varchar(10) primary key, Isim varchar(25), Tur varchar(10), Aciklama varchar(50), Tarih date) create table BagisKaynagi( ID varchar(10) primary key) create table Bagis( BagisNo varchar(15), YoneticiTCNo varchar(11), BagisKID varchar(10), Tur varchar(10), Miktar int, Tarih date, primary key (BagisNo, YoneticiTCNo, BagisKID), foreign key (YoneticiTCNo) references Yonetici(TCNo), foreign key (BagisKID) references BagisKaynagi(ID))
SQL Codes create table Kisi( TCNo varchar(11) primary key, Ad varchar(25), Soyad varchar(25), Adres varchar(50), Tel varchar(15), BagisKID varchar(10), foreign key(BagisKID) references BagisKaynagi(ID)) create table Sirket( VergiNo varchar(15) primary key, Ad varchar(25), Adres varchar(50), Tel varchar(15), BagisKID varchar(10), foreign key(BagisKID) references BagisKaynagi(ID)) create table EtkinlikDuzenle( YoneticiNo varchar(11), EtkinlikNo varchar(10), primary key(YoneticiNo,EtkinlikNo), foreign key(YoneticiNo) references Yonetici(TCNo), foreign key(EtkinlikNo) references Etkinlik(EtkinlikNo)) create table EtkinlikKatil( UyeTCNo varchar(11), EtkinlikNo varchar(10), primary key(UyeTCno,EtkinlikNo), foreign key(UyeTCNo) references Uyeler(TCNo), foreign key(EtkinlikNo) references Etkinlik(EtkinlikNo))
Queries Members who are visually impaired with their percentage, name and surname: ◦select ad,soyad,engelyuzdesi as "Engel %“ from Uyeler where aciklama like '%Görme%‘ Donations that are more than 10 in terms of amount done by companies: select b.bagisno, b.tur, b.miktar, b.tarih, as "Şirket Adı“ from bagis b, sirket s where b.bagiskid=s.bagiskid and b.miktar>10 order by b.miktar Donations done by individuals: select b.bagisno, b.tur, b.miktar, b.tarih, as "Adı", k.soyad as "Soyadı“ from bagis b, kisi k where b.bagiskid=k.bagiskid order by b.miktar
Queries Members with percentage related their handicap with more than 50%: select ad, soyad, yas, aciklama as "Engel Durumu“ from Uyeler where engelyuzdesi>50 Members younger than 40 years old who have the same handicap percentage as the one with visually impaired: select ad, soyad, yas, engelyuzdesi as "Engel %“ from uyeler where engelyuzdesi= (select engelyuzdesi from uyeler where aciklama like 'Görme%' and yas<40)
Queries Member who have the same handicap condition with those who do not have family information and have handicap percentage of more than 50%: select ad, soyad, engelyuzdesi as "Engel %", aciklama from uyeler where aciklama like (select aciklama from uyeler where ailebilgileri is NULL and engelyuzdesi>50) Wheelchair donations with amount and date information: select b.tur, b.miktar, b.tarih from bagis b, bagiskaynagi k where and b.tur like '%Sandalye%'
Queries Events in type of training with date and details information: select isim, tarih, aciklama from etkinlik where tur like '%Eğitim%‘ General information of member whose name start with A and older than 40: select ad, soyad, yas, engelyuzdesi as “Engel %”, aciklama from Uyeler where ad like ‘A%’ and yas>40 Members of organizations who have made donations: select, u.soyad, u.tcno, b.tur, b.miktar, k.tcno from uyeler u, bagis b, kisi k where u.tcno=k.tcno
Interface The demonstration of the interface is as follows:
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