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UNIT III A- The First Lesson Structure If Clauses (Conditionals)
Part 1- Real Present or Future Zero Condition Part 2- Unreal Present or Future Part 3- Unreal Past B- The Second Lesson Wish Clauses Part 1- Unreal Present Part 2- Unreal Past
*If Clauses: (Conditional Clauses) Şartlı Cümleler Şartlı cümle, bir şeyin ya da olayın gerçekleşme olasılığının bir başka olaya ya da şeye bağlı olduğunu anlatır. Örnek: * Eğer bilinçli binalar yaparsak,depremde can kaybı olmaz. Üç tip şartlı cümle vardır. 1- Gerçekleşebilir koşullular (Type 1- real present or future) 2- Gerçekleşemeyecek koşullular (Type 2- unreal present or future) 3- Gerçekleşmemiş koşullular (Type 3- unreal past)
Olası ama kesin olmayan olay ya da durumlar arasındaki bağlantıyı açıklar. Örnek: * If it snows tomorrow, we will make a snowman. (Eğer yarın kar yağarsa, kardan adam yapacağız.) b ) Geçmiş ya da gelecek zaman sürecinde genel ya da bilimsel olan koşullu gerçekleri anlatır. (zero or factual conditions) Örnek: * If water freezes, it becomes ice. (Eğer su donarsa, buza dönüşür.) * If you add 2 and 2, you get 4. (Eğer 2 ile 2 yi toplarsanız, 4 elde edersiniz.)
Aşağıdaki tabloyu inceleyiniz.
Condition(koflul) If Clause + Result (sonuç) IF+ simple present Present Perfect Present Progressive Future Tense Simple Present Imperative (emir cümlesi) Modals (can, may, must, have to...etc) Condition (Koşul) If Clause + Result (Sonuç)
ÖRNEKLER: If + Simple Present + result
If I go to Ankara, I will visit Anıtkabir. (Future Tense) (Eğer Ankara’ya gidersem, Anıtkabir’i ziyaret edeceğim.) * If I go to Ankara, I visit Anıtkabir. (Present Tense) (Ankara’ya gidersem, Anıtkabir’i ziyaret ederim.) * If I go to Ankara, I can visit Anıtkabir. (Modal) (Ankara’ya gidersem, Anıtkabir’i ziyaret edebilirim.) * If I go to Ankara, come with me. (Imperative) (Ankara’ya gidersem, benimle gel.) * If you don’t work, I won’t pay. (Future) (Eğer çalışmazsan paranı ödemeyeceğim.) * We’ll miss you if you leave. (Future) (Eğer ayrılırsanız sizi özleyeceğiz.)
If + Present Perfect + result
If she has read today’s paper, she already knows. ( Eğer bugünün gazetesini okumuşsa, biliyordur.) If she has heard the radio news, she’ll be worried. (Eğer radyo haberlerini dinlediyse, meraklanacak.) If you drive, don’t drink. If + Present Progressive + result If he isn’t taking medicine, he won’t get well.. (Eğer ilaç almıyorsa, iyileşmeyecek.) If he isn’t taking exercise, he’ll be ill again. (Eğer jimnastik yapmıyorsa,yeniden hastalanır.) If you drink, don’t drive
Gerçekleşmemiş koşullara bağlı olası olayları anlatmak için kullanılır. Örnek: * If I knew English, I could find a job easily. (Eğer İngilizce bilsem kolaylıkla iş bulabilirim.) (Ama İngilizce bilmiyorum.) Örnekte gördüğünüz gibi, “if” ile başlayan cümle “Simple Past” yani “geçmiş zaman” ile kullanılıyor ama anlamı geniş zamanı içeriyor ve şu anda yaşanan gerçekleşmemiş bir durumu belirtiyor . If + Simple Past Özne WOULD COULD MIGHT Fiil (1. halde)
Barış is talking to the tourists. He speaks English well
Barış is talking to the tourists. He speaks English well. Mehmet doesn’t speak English well. So he can’t talk to the tourists. If Mehmet spoke English well, he would be able to talk to the tourists. (Eğer Mehmet İngilizceyi iyi konuşsa turistlerle konuşabilir.) (Ama konuşamıyor.)
Şafak is in bed. He’s ill. His friends are playing football in the garden. Şafak wants to play with his friends.He can’t play football because he is ill. If Şafak weren’t (wasn’t) ill, he would be able to play football, too. (Eğer Şafak hasta olmasa, o da futbol oynayabilecek.) (Ama hasta olduğu için oynayamaz.)
ALIŞTIRMALAR: A- Parantez içindeki ifadeleri kullanarak örne¤e uygun cümleler kurunuz.
Örnek: (go to Antalya) If I had a few days off, I would go to Antalya. (Eğer birkaç gün tatilim olsa Antalya’ya giderim.) (Ama yok.) (not go anywhere) If I had a few days off, I wouldn’t go anywhere. (Birkaç gün tatilim olsa hiç bir yere gitmem.)
1- (cut the grass) 2(not stay at home) 3- (paint the walls) 4- (not work anymore) 5- (help my father) 6- (go fishing) 7- (visit my village) 8- (read that new book. “fiu Ç›lg›n Türkler”) 9- (go to the seaside) 10-(arrange for a tour )
1- (cut the grass) If I had a few times, I would cut the grass
1- (cut the grass) If I had a few times, I would cut the grass (not stay at home) (paint the walls) 4- (not work anymore) 5- (help my father) 6- (go fishing) 7- (visit my village) 8- (read that new book. “fiu Ç›lg›n Türkler”) 9- (go to the seaside) 10-(arrange for a tour )
1- (cut the grass) 2- (not stay at home) If I worked, I would’nt stay at home 3- (paint the walls) 4- (not work anymore) 5- (help my father) 6- (go fishing) 7- (visit my village) 8- (read that new book. “fiu Ç›lg›n Türkler”) 9- (go to the seaside) 10-(arrange for a tour )
1- (cut the grass) 2- (not stay at home) 3- (paint the walls) If I found someone who could help me, I painted the walls 4- (not work anymore) 5- (help my father) 6- (go fishing) 7- (visit my village) 8- (read that new book. “fiu Ç›lg›n Türkler”) 9- (go to the seaside) 10-(arrange for a tour )
1- (cut the grass) 2- (not stay at home) 3- (paint the walls) 4- (not work anymore) If I was rich, I would’nt work anymore 5- (help my father) 6- (go fishing) 7- (visit my village) 8- (read that new book. “fiu Ç›lg›n Türkler”) 9- (go to the seaside) 10-(arrange for a tour )
1- (cut the grass) 2- (not stay at home) 3- (paint the walls) 4- (not work anymore) 5- (help my father) If I had enough time, I would help my father 6- (go fishing) 7- (visit my village) 8- (read that new book. “fiu Ç›lg›n Türkler”) 9- (go to the seaside) 10-(arrange for a tour )
1- (cut the grass) 2- (not stay at home) 3- (paint the walls) 4- (not work anymore) 5- (help my father) 6- (go fishing) If I was in holiday, I would go fishing 7- (visit my village) 8- (read that new book. “fiu Ç›lg›n Türkler”) 9- (go to the seaside) 10-(arrange for a tour )
1- (cut the grass) 2- (not stay at home) 3- (paint the walls) 4- (not work anymore) 5- (help my father) 6- (go fishing) 7- (visit my village) If I had a car, I would visit my village 8- (read that new book. “Şu Çılgın Türkler”) 9- (go to the seaside) 10-(arrange for a tour )
1- (cut the grass) 2- (not stay at home) 3- (paint the walls) 4- (not work anymore) 5- (help my father) 6- (go fishing) 7- (visit my village) 8- (read that new book. “fiu Ç›lg›n Türkler”) If I had not an exam, I would read ‘’Şu Çılgın Türkler’’ 9- (go to the seaside) 10-(arrange for a tour )
1- (cut the grass) 2- (not stay at home) 3- (paint the walls) 4- (not work anymore) 5- (help my father) 6- (go fishing) 7- (visit my village) 8- (read that new book. “fiu Ç›lg›n Türkler”) 9- (go to the seaside) If I didn’t work, I would go to the seaside 10-(arrange for a tour )
1- (cut the grass) 2- (not stay at home) 3- (paint the walls) 4- (not work anymore) 5- (help my father) 6- (go fishing) 7- (visit my village) 8- (read that new book. “fiu Ç›lg›n Türkler”) 9- (go to the seaside) 10-(arrange for a tour ) If the weather was warm, I would arrange for a tour
B- Parantez içindeki fiilleri kullanarak cümleleri tamamlayınız
Örnek: * If she weren’t ill, she would go swimming.(not be) (Eğer hasta olmasa yüzmeye gider.) * If you worked harder, you would pass the examination. (work) (Eğer daha sıkı çalışsan sınavı geçersin.) 1- If Ayşe that cookbook, she could cook better. (use) 2- He the police, if he didn’t find his wallet .(call) 3- If my father old, he could go rafting. (not be) 4- I might walk, if I the bus. (not catch) 5- If he enough money, he would buy a car. (have)
B- Parantez içindeki fiilleri kullanarak cümleleri tamamlayınız
Örnek: * If she weren’t ill, she would go swimming.(not be) (Eğer hasta olmasa yüzmeye gider.) * If you worked harder, you would pass the examination. (work) (Eğer daha sıkı çalışsan sınavı geçersin.) 1- If Ayşe used that cookbook, she could cook better. (use) 2- He the police, if he didn’t find his wallet .(call) 3- If my father old, he could go rafting. (not be) 4- I might walk, if I the bus. (not catch) 5- If he enough money, he would buy a car. (have)
B- Parantez içindeki fiilleri kullanarak cümleleri tamamlayınız
Örnek: * If she weren’t ill, she would go swimming.(not be) (Eğer hasta olmasa yüzmeye gider.) * If you worked harder, you would pass the examination. (work) (Eğer daha sıkı çalışsan sınavı geçersin.) 1- If Ayşe that cookbook, she could cook better. (use) 2- He called the police, if he didn’t find his wallet. (call) 3- If my father old, he could go rafting. (not be) 4- I might walk, if I the bus. (not catch) 5- If he enough money, he would buy a car. (have)
B- Parantez içindeki fiilleri kullanarak cümleleri tamamlayınız
Örnek: * If she weren’t ill, she would go swimming.(not be) (Eğer hasta olmasa yüzmeye gider.) * If you worked harder, you would pass the examination. (work) (Eğer daha sıkı çalışsan sınavı geçersin.) 1- If Ayşe that cookbook, she could cook better. (use) 2- He the police, if he didn’t find his wallet .(call) 3- If my father wasn’t old, he could go rafting. (not be) 4- I might walk, if I the bus. (not catch) 5- If he enough money, he would buy a car. (have)
B- Parantez içindeki fiilleri kullanarak cümleleri tamamlayınız
Örnek: * If she weren’t ill, she would go swimming.(not be) (Eğer hasta olmasa yüzmeye gider.) * If you worked harder, you would pass the examination. (work) (Eğer daha sıkı çalışsan sınavı geçersin.) 1- If Ayşe that cookbook, she could cook better. (use) 2- He the police, if he didn’t find his wallet .(call) 3- If my father old, he could go rafting. (not be) 4- I might walk, if I wouldn’t catch the bus. (not catch) 5- If he enough money, he would buy a car. (have)
B- Parantez içindeki fiilleri kullanarak cümleleri tamamlayınız
Örnek: * If she weren’t ill, she would go swimming.(not be) (Eğer hasta olmasa yüzmeye gider.) * If you worked harder, you would pass the examination. (work) (Eğer daha sıkı çalışsan sınavı geçersin.) 1- If Ayşe that cookbook, she could cook better. (use) 2- He the police, if he didn’t find his wallet .(call) 3- If my father old, he could go rafting. (not be) 4- I might walk, if I the bus. (not catch) 5- If he had enough money, he would buy a car. (have)
TYPE 3 UNREAL PAST Geçmişte tersi olmuş, artık gerçekleşmesi olanaksız bir olayın olası sonucunu ifade etmek için kullanılır Örnek: If you had informed me yesterday, I would have met you at the airport this morning. (Eğer dün bana bildirseydiniz, bu sabah sizi havaalanında karşılardım.) (Geleceğinizi bildirmediniz, ben de karşılamadım.) If Clause (Past Perfect + özne WOULD COULD MIGHT Have Fiil (3)
Sarper is usually a careful driver.
(Sarper genellikle dikkatli bir sürücüdür.) Last night he didn’t drive carefully, because he was drunken. (Geçen gece dikkatli sürmedi çünkü içkiliydi.) He didn’t stop at the red light. (Kırmızı ışıkta durmadı.) If he had driven carefully last night, he wouldn’t have hit the tree. (Eğer geçen gece dikkatli sürseydi, ağaca çarpmayacaktı.)
Tolga enjoys swimming. (Tolga yüzmeyi sever.)
Last week the weather was cold, but Tolga went swimming. (Geçen hafta hava soğuktu ama Tolga yüzmeye gitti.) If he hadn’t gone swimming last week, he might not have caught cold. (Eğer geçen hafta yüzmeye gitmeseydi nezle olmayacaktı.)
Aşağıdaki alıştırmayı örneğe uygun olarak yapınız.
Örnek: It was cold yesterday.Ali stayed at home. (go out) (Dün hava soğuktu. Ali evde kaldı.) If it hadn’t been cold yesterday, Ali would have gone out. (Eğer dün soğuk olmasaydı Ali dışarı› çıkacaktı.) 1- The train was late yesterday. Ali and Ahmet didn’t arrive Ankara on time. ( watch the match) 2- Orhan had a headache yesterday. He had to stay at home. (go to the concert) 3- Ayşe lost her money yesterday. She had to go home. (go shopping) 4- Yavuz lost his dictionary. He couldn’t do his homework. (translate the letter)
Aşağıdaki alıştırmayı örneğe uygun olarak yapınız.
Örnek: It was cold yesterday.Ali stayed at home. (go out) (Dün hava soğuktu. Ali evde kaldı.) If it hadn’t been cold yesterday, Ali would have gone out. (Eğer dün soğuk olmasaydı Ali dışarı› çıkacaktı.) 1- The train was late yesterday. Ali and Ahmet didn’t arrive Ankara on time. ( watch the match) If the train hadn’t been late yesterday, Ali and Ahmet would have watched the match 2- Orhan had a headache yesterday. He had to stay at home. (go to the concert) 3- Ayşe lost her money yesterday. She had to go home. (go shopping) 4- Yavuz lost his dictionary. He couldn’t do his homework. (translate the letter)
Aşağıdaki alıştırmayı örneğe uygun olarak yapınız.
Örnek: It was cold yesterday.Ali stayed at home. (go out) (Dün hava soğuktu. Ali evde kaldı.) If it hadn’t been cold yesterday, Ali would have gone out. (Eğer dün soğuk olmasaydı Ali dışarı› çıkacaktı.) 1- The train was late yesterday. Ali and Ahmet didn’t arrive Ankara on time. ( watch the match) 2- Orhan had a headache yesterday. He had to stay at home. (go to the concert) Orhan hadn’t had a headache yesterday, He would have gone to the concert 3- Ayşe lost her money yesterday. She had to go home. (go shopping) 4- Yavuz lost his dictionary. He couldn’t do his homework. (translate the letter)
Aşağıdaki alıştırmayı örneğe uygun olarak yapınız.
Örnek: It was cold yesterday.Ali stayed at home. (go out) (Dün hava soğuktu. Ali evde kaldı.) If it hadn’t been cold yesterday, Ali would have gone out. (Eğer dün soğuk olmasaydı Ali dışarı› çıkacaktı.) 1- The train was late yesterday. Ali and Ahmet didn’t arrive Ankara on time. ( watch the match) 2- Orhan had a headache yesterday. He had to stay at home. (go to the concert) 3- Ayşe lost her money yesterday. She had to go home. (go shopping) Ayşe hadn’t lost her money yesterday, she would have gone shopping 4- Yavuz lost his dictionary. He couldn’t do his homework. (translate the letter)
Aşağıdaki alıştırmayı örneğe uygun olarak yapınız.
Örnek: It was cold yesterday.Ali stayed at home. (go out) (Dün hava soğuktu. Ali evde kaldı.) If it hadn’t been cold yesterday, Ali would have gone out. (Eğer dün soğuk olmasaydı Ali dışarı› çıkacaktı.) 1- The train was late yesterday. Ali and Ahmet didn’t arrive Ankara on time. ( watch the match) 2- Orhan had a headache yesterday. He had to stay at home. (go to the concert) 3- Ayşe lost her money yesterday. She had to go home. (go shopping) 4- Yavuz lost his dictionary. He couldn’t do his homework. (translate the letter) Yavuz hadn’t lost his dictionary, he would have translate the letter
Verilen açıklamaları kullanarak, “If” ile başlayan cümleler kurunuz.
Örnek: Sandra caught cold because she didn’t wear her coat. (Sandra paltosunu giymediği için nezle oldu.) If Sandra had worn her coat, she wouldn’t have caught cold. (Eğer Sandra paltosunu giyseydi nezle olmayacaktı.) 1- David sold his car because he didn’t like driving. 2- Hüseyin got a new job because he didn’t like his old job. 3- They sold the building because they needed more money.
Verilen açıklamaları kullanarak, “If” ile başlayan cümleler kurunuz.
Örnek: Sandra caught cold because she didn’t wear her coat. (Sandra paltosunu giymediği için nezle oldu.) If Sandra had worn her coat, she wouldn’t have caught cold. (Eğer Sandra paltosunu giyseydi nezle olmayacaktı.) 1- David sold his car because he didn’t like driving. If David had liked driving, he wouln’t have sold his car Hüseyin got a new job because he didn’t like his old job. 3- They sold the building because they needed more money.
Verilen açıklamaları kullanarak, “If” ile başlayan cümleler kurunuz.
Örnek: Sandra caught cold because she didn’t wear her coat. (Sandra paltosunu giymediği için nezle oldu.) If Sandra had worn her coat, she wouldn’t have caught cold. (Eğer Sandra paltosunu giyseydi nezle olmayacaktı.) 1- David sold his car because he didn’t like driving. 2- Hüseyin got a new job because he didn’t like his old job. If Hüseyin had liked his old job, he wouldn’t got a new job They sold the building because they needed more money.
Verilen açıklamaları kullanarak, “If” ile başlayan cümleler kurunuz.
Örnek: Sandra caught cold because she didn’t wear her coat. (Sandra paltosunu giymediği için nezle oldu.) If Sandra had worn her coat, she wouldn’t have caught cold. (Eğer Sandra paltosunu giyseydi nezle olmayacaktı.) 1- David sold his car because he didn’t like driving. 2- Hüseyin got a new job because he didn’t like his old job. 3- They sold the building because they needed more money. If they hadn’t needed more money, they wouln’t have sold the building
WISH CLAUSES I wish... : Keşke, ah bir... Şu an gerçek olmadığı halde gerçek olmasını istediğimiz arzularımızı ifade etmek için “I wish.. , He / She wishes...” ile başlayan cümleler kurarız. iki tip “keşke”cümlesi vardır. 1- Unreal present : şimdiki zaman istekleri 2- Unreal past : Gerçekleşmemiş geçmiş zaman istekleri
Wish Clauses-Unreal Present
Part One Wish Clauses-Unreal Present Şu an gerçekleşmesini dilediğimiz ama gerçekleşemeyecek arzularımızı ifade ederken kullandığımız cümlelerdir. Cümle kuruluş şeması: I + Wish Simple Past You We They He/She Wishes Özne Could not Fiil (1) Ali My mother Etc. wishes
Örnek: * I wish I spoke better English. (Keşke İngilizceyi daha iyi konuşsam.) (Ama konuşamıyorum.) * I wish I were(was) on holiday now. (Keşke şu an tatilde olsam.) (Ama değilim.) He wishes he could buy a house. (Ev satın alabilmek ister.) (Ama alamıyor.) * I wish Zehra didn’t sit near me. (Keşke Zehra yanımda oturmasa.) (Ama oturuyor.)
➠ “If clause-unreal present” da olduğu gibi “ be ” fiili kullanımında “ were” kullanmak daha yaygındır, ancak “was” kullanmak da yanlış sayılmaz. Hakan is talking to the tourists. He speaks English well. Serkan doesn’t speak English well so he can’t talk to the tourists. Serkan wishes he spoke English well too. He wishes he could talk to the tourists.
ALIŞTIRMALAR Parantez içinde verilen sıfatların (comperative) şeklini kullanarak örneğe uygun cümleler yapınız. Örnek: * This suitcase is very heavy. (Bu valiz çok ağır.) I wish it were lighter. (Keşke daha hafif olsa.) 1- This dress is very expensive. (cheap) 2- This train is very slow. (fast) 3- This refrigerator is very small. (big) 4- The weather is very cold. (warm)
ALIŞTIRMALAR Parantez içinde verilen sıfatların (comperative) şeklini kullanarak örneğe uygun cümleler yapınız. Örnek: * This suitcase is very heavy. (Bu valiz çok ağır.) I wish it were lighter. (Keşke daha hafif olsa.) 1- This dress is very expensive. (cheap) I wish this dress was cheap 2- This train is very slow. (fast) 3- This refrigerator is very small. (big) 4- The weather is very cold. (warm)
ALIŞTIRMALAR Parantez içinde verilen sıfatların (comperative) şeklini kullanarak örneğe uygun cümleler yapınız. Örnek: * This suitcase is very heavy. (Bu valiz çok ağır.) I wish it were lighter. (Keşke daha hafif olsa.) 1- This dress is very expensive. (cheap) 2- This train is very slow. (fast) I wish it was fast 3- This refrigerator is very small. (big) 4- The weather is very cold. (warm)
ALIŞTIRMALAR Parantez içinde verilen sıfatların (comperative) şeklini kullanarak örneğe uygun cümleler yapınız. Örnek: * This suitcase is very heavy. (Bu valiz çok ağır.) I wish it were lighter. (Keşke daha hafif olsa.) 1- This dress is very expensive. (cheap) 2- This train is very slow. (fast) 3- This refrigerator is very small. (big) I wish it was big 4- The weather is very cold. (warm)
ALIŞTIRMALAR Parantez içinde verilen sıfatların (comperative) şeklini kullanarak örneğe uygun cümleler yapınız. Örnek: * This suitcase is very heavy. (Bu valiz çok ağır.) I wish it were lighter. (Keşke daha hafif olsa.) 1- This dress is very expensive. (cheap) 2- This train is very slow. (fast) 3- This refrigerator is very small. (big) 4- The weather is very cold. (warm) I wish it was warm
WISH CLAUSES-Unreal past Bu istek cümlelerini, şimdi ya da ileride gerçekleşmesi imkansız olan, geçmişte tersini yaptığımız şeyleri ve pişmanlıklarımızı ifade etmekte kullanırız. I You We They wish özne Past perfect fiil (3) He/She wishes + özne could(not) have Ali
Örnek: * I wish I had known Cem’s address. (Keşke Cem’in adresini bilseydim.) (Ama bilmiyordum.) * Ahmet wishes he had gone to Bursa. (Ahmet Bursaya gitmiş olmayı isterdi.) (Ama gitmedi.) * I wish I could have written her a letter. (Keşke ona mektup yazabilseydim.) (Ama yazamadım.) There was a school trip to Bursa last year. I didn’t know about it, so I didn’t applied to the trip. I wish I had known. I wish I could have gone to the trip.
A- Örneğe uygun cümleler yapınız.
Örnek: * I have to clean the windows today. (Pencereleri bugün boyamak zorundayım.) I wish I had cleaned them yesterday. (Keşke onları dün boyamış olsaydım.) 1- I have to write my composition today. 2- I have to mend the iron today. 3- I have to wash my shirts today. 4- I have to go to the library today.
5- I have to clean the refrigerator today.
6- I have to do my homework today. 7- I have to see the manager today. 8- I have to visit my uncle today. 9- You shouldn’t have gone there. 10- You shouldn’t have been angry with him. 11- You shouldn’t have told him the answer. 12- You shouldn’t have stayed so late.
A- Örneğe uygun cümleler yapınız.
Örnek: * I have to clean the windows today. (Pencereleri bugün boyamak zorundayım.) I wish I had cleaned them yesterday. (Keşke onları dün boyamış olsaydım.) 1- I have to write my composition today. I wish I had written my composition yesterday 2- I have to mend the iron today. 3- I have to wash my shirts today. 4- I have to go to the library today.
A- Örneğe uygun cümleler yapınız.
Örnek: * I have to clean the windows today. (Pencereleri bugün boyamak zorundayım.) I wish I had cleaned them yesterday. (Keşke onları dün boyamış olsaydım.) 1- I have to write my composition today. 2- I have to mend the iron today. I wish I had mended the iron yesterday 3- I have to wash my shirts today. 4- I have to go to the library today.
A- Örneğe uygun cümleler yapınız.
Örnek: * I have to clean the windows today. (Pencereleri bugün boyamak zorundayım.) I wish I had cleaned them yesterday. (Keşke onları dün boyamış olsaydım.) 1- I have to write my composition today. 2- I have to mend the iron today. 3- I have to wash my shirts today. I wish I had washed my shirts yesterday 4- I have to go to the library today.
A- Örneğe uygun cümleler yapınız.
Örnek: * I have to clean the windows today. (Pencereleri bugün boyamak zorundayım.) I wish I had cleaned them yesterday. (Keşke onları dün boyamış olsaydım.) 1- I have to write my composition today. 2- I have to mend the iron today. 3- I have to wash my shirts today. 4- I have to go to the library today. I wish I had gone to the library yesterday
5- I have to clean the refrigerator today.
I wish I had cleaned the refrigerator yesterday 6- I have to do my homework today. 7- I have to see the manager today. 8- I have to visit my uncle today. 9- You shouldn’t have gone there. 10- You shouldn’t have been angry with him. 11- You shouldn’t have told him the answer. 12- You shouldn’t have stayed so late.
5- I have to clean the refrigerator today.
6- I have to do my homework today. I wish I had done my homework yesterday 7- I have to see the manager today. 8- I have to visit my uncle today. 9- You shouldn’t have gone there. 10- You shouldn’t have been angry with him. 11- You shouldn’t have told him the answer. 12- You shouldn’t have stayed so late.
5- I have to clean the refrigerator today.
6- I have to do my homework today. 7- I have to see the manager today. I wish I had seen the menager yesterday 8- I have to visit my uncle today. 9- You shouldn’t have gone there. 10- You shouldn’t have been angry with him. 11- You shouldn’t have told him the answer. 12- You shouldn’t have stayed so late.
5- I have to clean the refrigerator today.
6- I have to do my homework today. 7- I have to see the manager today. 8- I have to visit my uncle today. I wish I had visited my uncle yesterday 9- You shouldn’t have gone there. 10- You shouldn’t have been angry with him. 11- You shouldn’t have told him the answer. 12- You shouldn’t have stayed so late.
5- I have to clean the refrigerator today.
6- I have to do my homework today. 7- I have to see the manager today. 8- I have to visit my uncle today. 9- You shouldn’t have gone there. Yes you are right, I wish I hadn’t gone there 10- You shouldn’t have been angry with him. 11- You shouldn’t have told him the answer. 12- You shouldn’t have stayed so late.
5- I have to clean the refrigerator today.
6- I have to do my homework today. 7- I have to see the manager today. 8- I have to visit my uncle today. 9- You shouldn’t have gone there. 10- You shouldn’t have been angry with him. Yes you are right, I wish I hadn’t been angry with him 11- You shouldn’t have told him the answer. 12- You shouldn’t have stayed so late.
5- I have to clean the refrigerator today.
6- I have to do my homework today. 7- I have to see the manager today. 8- I have to visit my uncle today. 9- You shouldn’t have gone there. 10- You shouldn’t have been angry with him. 11- You shouldn’t have told him the answer. Yes you are right, I wish I hadn’t told him the answer 12- You shouldn’t have stayed so late.
5- I have to clean the refrigerator today.
6- I have to do my homework today. 7- I have to see the manager today. 8- I have to visit my uncle today. 9- You shouldn’t have gone there. 10- You shouldn’t have been angry with him. 11- You shouldn’t have told him the answer. 12- You shouldn’t have stayed so late. Yes you are right, I wish I hadn’t stayed so late
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