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CONSOLIDATION birleşme, sağlamlaştırma, pekiştirme

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1 CONSOLIDATION birleşme, sağlamlaştırma, pekiştirme
UNIT FOUR CONSOLIDATION birleşme, sağlamlaştırma, pekiştirme

Emergency services; Ambulance Fire Police Emergency numbers; 112 ambulance 110 fire 155 police

3 Keep your room tidy: odanı düzenli tut
Keep your environment clean: çevreni temiz tut Home Your home At your home A telephone at your home Your telephone at your home On your telephone: Telefonunuzda (kayıtlı) An accident accidentS Accidents at home Accidents at your home

4 Visible (adj): görülebilir, görünür
INvisible (adj): görülemez, görünmez Locate (v): yerleştirmek, yerini saptamak, yerini keşfetmek See: gör can see: görebilir can be seen: görüNebilir Paint: boya can paint: boyayabilir can be painted: boyanabilir Wash: yıka can wash: yıkayabilir Can be washed: yıkaNabilir

5 People dieD: İnsanlar öldü.
Die (v): ölmek Ali dieD: Ali öldü. People dieD: İnsanlar öldü. HundredS OF people died. YüzLERce insan öldü. thousandS of people: binlerce insan injure (v): incitmek, yaralamak, zarar vermek Ali has injured the animal. The animal has BEEN injured by Ali.

6 They have painted the wall. The wall has BEEN paintED (by them).
They paint the wall. The wall is painted. They paintED the wall. The wall WAS painted. They have painted the wall. The wall has BEEN paintED (by them).

7 Emergency (n): acil durum In an emergency: acil bir durumda
Out of reach: uzak, erişilmez, yetişilmez Out of reach OF children: çocuklarIN ulaşamayacağı Students in the class: sınıftaki öğrenciler The man at the door: kapıdaki adam Children under three: üç yaşın altındaki çocuklar People over eighteen: on sekiz yaşından büyük kişiler

8 Two yearS old Two – year – old Polish (v): cilalamak My two yearS old son My two – year- old son He polishES his car.

9 He is vomitTing. The man is vomitTing. Vomit (v): kusmak, çıkarmak

10 The child IS sweatING.

11 For an hour: bir saattir For a week: bir haftadır
For a month: bir aydır For a year: bir yıldır Age: çağ, asır FOR ageS: asırlardır

12 FOR an hour 24 a day FOR a week A month

13 poison (n): zehir

14 poisonOUS (adj): zehirli
poisonOUS snakeS

15 A poisonOUS caterpillar

16 Something: bir şey Nice: güzel, hoş Something nice: güzel bir şey Something cheap: ucuz bir şey Something poisonous: zehirli bir şey

17 sill Window-sill sill Sill: (pencere için) denizlik

18 Nasty: pis, kirli, çirkin, terbiyesiz
ağır, ciddi, tehlikeli A nasty injury

19 She is a NASTY mother.

20 Need (v): ihtiyaç duymak
I need a pen. I need an umbrella. I need to eat something. I need to read that book. I need to buy a present. I need to be careful.

21 flowerPOT

22 Nowadays: bu günlerde, günümüzde
These days: Bu günlerde Recently: geçenlerde, son zamanlarda, yakınlarda Lately: son zamanlarda I ………………….. (read) a lot of bookS. (recently) She……………………………. (study) hard. (these days) have read has been studying

23 I used to run fast when I was a child. You used to swim then.
Used to + V1 Used to run: koşardı Used to swim: yüzerdi Used to live: otururdu Used to read: okurdu I used to run fast when I was a child. You used to swim then. We used to share everything we had. She DIDn’t USE to drink milk. We DIDn’t USE to have a tv. DID you USE to run fast? DID she USE to drink milk?

24 Birisine (somebody) bir şey (something) yaptırmak “Causative”
Have somebody Do something Make somebody Do something GET somebody TO DO something Ali’den arabayı yıkamasını RİCA etmek “ASK” Ali’ye arabayı ZORLA yıkatmak “FORCE” Ali’yi arabayı yıkamaya İKNA etmek “PERSUADE” Have Ali wash the car “ask” Make Ali wash the car “force” GET Ali TO WASH the car “persuade”

25 Birisine (somebody) bir şey (something) yaptırmak “Causative”
Have somebody Do something “rica” Make somebody Do something “zorla” GET somebody TO DO something “ikna” Leyla’ya odayı temizleTmek Have Leyla clean the room “rica” Make Leyla clean the room “zorla” Get Leyla TO CLEAN the room “ikna”

26 “Okan’a çanta taşıtmak” “rica” Have Okan carry the bag
“zorla” Make Okan carry the bag “ikna” Get Okan TO CARRY the bag Arkadaşı Okan’dan çantayı taşımasını rica EDİYOR. Have Okan carry the bag (now) His friend is having Okan carry the bag now. His friend is having Okan carry the bag now.

27 Kardeşi Okan’ı çantayı taşımaya ikna etti.
Get Okan TO CARRY the bag (yesterday) His brother GOT Okan TO CARRY the bag yesterday. His brother GOT Okan TO CARRY the bag yesterday.

28 Ongoing (adj): =continuing, devam eden
Ongoing activities: devam eden faaliyetler, etkinlikler Everybody should keep their faces clean. Everybody should keep their environmet clean. Everybody should be honest to each other.

29 While they were watching tv,
While: -iken I was running. While I was running, It was raining. While it was raining, They were watching tv. While they were watching tv,

30 Come across (v): meet, encounter, karşılaşmak, -e rastlamak
Carry out (v): yerine getirmek, uygulamak put into practice, perform Diagnose (v): teşhis etmek, tanılamak, examine and IDENTIFY In order to So as to To pass your class, you should study hard.

31 HERBAL: Otlara ait, otlardan yapılan, bitkisel

32 Donor (n): bağışçı, tıb. Verici
Locate (v): (bir yerde) iskân etmek, yerleştirmek. 2. yerini saptamak, yerini keşfetmek, bulmak. Can you LOCATE Ankara at the map? He SLIPs and FALLs.

33 Go to bed late. Don’t go to bed late. Never go to bed late. Come here Don’t come here. Never come here. Tell a lie Don’t tell a lie Never tell a lie

34 I prefer: tercih ederim
I prefer coffee. I prefer tea. I prefer coffee TO tea.

35 You should keep your mouth closed. You should keep your room tidy.
He should help the old. You should keep your mouth closed. You should keep your room tidy. You should keep your clothes clean. You should keep your feet hot. Yaşlılara yardım etmeli. Ağzını kapalı tutmalısın. Odanı düzenli tutmalısın. Elbiselerini temiz tutmalısın. Ayaklarını serin tutmalısın.

36 Locate (v): yerleştirmek, yerini saptamak, bulmak Easy: kolay
Easily: kolayca Can easily locate: yeri kolayca bulabilir (yapabilir) May easily locate: yeri kolayca bulabilir (belki) Could easily locate: yeri kolayca bulabilir (belki) Can easily BE located: yeri kolayca bulUNabilir

37 Ali can’t come. He is ill. (because, since, as, due to)
Ali can’t come because he is ill. Ali can’t come since he is ill. Ali can’t come as he is ill. Ali can’t come DUE TO his illness. Veli can’t walk. He is too young. (because, since, as, due to) Veli can’t walk because he is too young. Veli can’t walk since he is too young. Veli can’t walk as he is too young. Veli can’t walk DUE TO his age.

38 Ali can’t buy the car because he is poor.
Since As S e n t e n c e (cümle) Ali can’t buy the car because he is poor. Ali can’t buy the car since he is poor. Ali can’t buy the car as he is poor. Ali can’t buy the car DUE TO his poverty. Due to Owing to On account of N o u n (isim) Poverty: yoksulluk, fakirlik

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