EMBASE.com EMBASE.com August 2005.

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1 EMBASE.com EMBASE.com August 2005

2 EMBASE, 5.000 dergi, yaklaşık 2.000 benzersiz
Nedir? EMBASE.com Elsevier’in EMBASE ve MEDLINE için web ortamıdır Kesişen dergi EMTREE tarafından indekslenir EMBASE, dergi, yaklaşık benzersiz MEDLINE yaklaşık dergi Kesişen 3.000 dergi EMBASE.com has biomedical journals from over 70 countries. EMTREE has 54,300 preferred terms (drugs: 26,302; other: 27,998). MeSH has 23,748 headings. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

3 EMBASE.com içerik Kapsamlı, güncel farmasötik ve biyomedikal literatüre erişim kaynağı 18 milyondan fazla EMBASE ve MEDLINE kayıtları; mükerrer kayıtlar temizlenmiş; 1966’dan günümüze Günlük yenileme; her gün yaklaşık 2,000 kayıt eklenir yıllık eklenen kayıt sayısı 70 ülkeden 7.000’den fazla dergi indekslenir EMBASE has long been renowned as one of the world’s premier bibliographic databases of published research in biomedicine and pharmacology. Facts and figures are noted above. EMBASE.com provides timely, comprehensive and global coverage of the literature of medicine. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

4 EMBASE.com’u eşsiz kılan nedir?
Kullanımı kolay ara yüz EMBASE & MEDLINE için günlük yenileme Mükerrer kayıt yok Sınırsız IP erişimi EMBASE & MEDLINE kombine! MeSH veya EMTREE ile tarama EMBASE.com February 2006

5 Konu kapsamı Medical Devices, Drug Research,
Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacy, Drug Side Effects and Interactions, Toxicology, Human Medicine (Clinical and Experimental), Basic Biological Sciences, Biotechnology, Biomedical, Medical Devices, Engineering and Instrumentation, Health Policy and Management, Pharmacoeconomics, Public and Occupational Health, Environmental Health, Pollution Control, Substance Dependence and Abuse, Psychiatry, Forensic Science, Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Nursing. EMBASE.com February 2006

6 Yayın Türleri Makale Konferans Bildirisi Editöryal Düzeltme Mektup Not
Eleştiri Kısa inceleme Rast gele kontrollü deneme Klinik deneme Meta analiz EMBASE contains almost exclusively journal literature, with the following exceptions: Early to late 1970’s: Journal literature, plus some book reviews, reports, theses, conference proceedings : : Journal literature, plus Elsevier International Congress Series proceedings Items included in EMBASE (1991 +) Article Original research or opinion. Conference Report of data presented at a conference or symposium, including summaries of conferences. May range paper in length between informative abstracts and full-length papers. Editorial Item summarizing one or more articles in the same issue or providing editorial news of a more general or informational nature. Erratum Item reporting an error, correction or retraction of a previously published paper. Letter Letter to or correspondence with the editor, or a reply to an earlier letter. Note Item defined in a journal as a note; also includes discussions and commentary. Notes are often short items not easily suited to any other category, e.g. questions to the editor, or comments on other articles. Review Major review of original research. Short survey Short or mini-review of original research. Randomized Clinical trial using a control group (e.g. placebo, sham treatment, standard intervention) for comparison controlled trial with the experimental intervention, with random allocation of subjects to experimental and control groups. Clinical trial Clinical trials of drugs. Covers phase 1-4 studies in humans. Meta analysis Study evaluating a medical intervention by critical analysis of date from previously-reported clinical trials. Items not included in EMBASE Personal report News about one or more persons, e.g. obituaries, anniversaries, personnel notices, etc. Product review Review of a book, software or other product. Patent report Document recording patent of original invention or concept. Society news Report on the activities of a learned society (meeting minutes, social activities, etc.) EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

7 EMTREE EMBASE Elsevier’in Yaşam Bilimleri kavramlar dizini EMTREE kullanılarak indekslenmiştir EMTREE (50 bin terim) bütün MeSH’i (24 bin terim) içerir EMBASE.com ister MeSH ister EMTREE terimleriyle taranabilir; MeSH terimleri otomatik olarak dönüştürülür EMTREE’de 50 bin terim mevcut; 24 bini ilaç ve farmakoloji terimleri. Bu nedenle indeksleme çok detaylı ve isabetli EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

8 Temel fonksiyonları gösteren bazı örnek ekran görüntüleri…
EMBASE.com February 2006

9 Başlangıç: Log in To get started using EMBASE.com, you may simply go to (once you are within your organisations specified IP range). If you would like to use the personalization features then you need to have a user ID and password. Point your Web browser to enter your ID and password in the upper right hand corner, and click Go. You may also quickly register for a username and password by clicking Register. If you would like to use EMBASE.com outside of your IP range then you need to add a subscription key to your account, please ask your librarian about the subscription key. You may add the subscription key to an existing account by clicking on New Key NEW! Session history now remains available for 8 hours. Users have highlighted the need to retrieve session history results after closing their browser. Please note the following: Session history is PC specific. Successive searchers using the same PC will have access to the previous user's session history. Searches conducted during a session on a specific PC will not appear on another PC (irrespective of whether someone has logged in or not). You must save your searches in the usual way in order to do this. Session history can be deleted manually at any time by ticking the 'select all' box and clicking on 'delete'. Refer to the FAQs on the info site at, under User Access section, for more information. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

10 EMBASE.com homepage Müşteri destek linkleri Haberler ve bilgi
EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

11 EMBASE.com February 2006

12 EMBASE.com February 2006

13 EMBASE.com February 2006

14 EMBASE.com February 2006

15 Gelişmiş Tarama (Advanced Search)
Advanced Search nasıl yapılır Yönlendirme (Mapping) Serbest metin (keyword) Taramayı genişletme (Explosion) Temel fokus Eş anlamlı tarama EMBASE.com February 2006

16 EMBASE.com February 2006

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36 İlaç Tarama / Hastalık Tarama
İlaç veya Hastalık Nasıl Taranır İlaç ve Hastalık Linkleri Limitler kurma EMBASE.com February 2006

37 EMBASE.com February 2006

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50 EMBASE.com February 2006

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52 İlaç ve hastalık taramalarını birleştirme
Kalp krizini önlemede clopidogrel ve heparin karşılaştırılması İlaç ve hastalık taramalarını nasıl birleştirebiliriz? EMBASE.com February 2006

53 Ctrl tuşu basılı tutularak birden fazla ilaç alt başlığı seçilebilir
EMBASE.com February 2006

54 EMBASE.com February 2006

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58 2 taramayı birleştirelim…….
EMBASE.com February 2006

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60 EMBASE.com February 2006

61 EMBASE.com February 2006

62 Alan Taraması (Field Search)
Underlined fields feature hypertext look-up tables that provide extra information and help, such as country or language lists, forms for entering word roots, etc. Click on one of these field names to display the look-up table, pick the terms you want from the list and click Add to my search. EMBASE.com automatically combines them with a Boolean OR. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

63 Sonuçları bastırma More choices for printing database records are now available, giving you greater flexibility in managing your output: Citation only Citation and abstract Short record Full record EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

64 Veri analiz aracı A data analysis tool is available to show the volume of published research that matches a search query. Click the Data Analysis to see a graph that shows the number of publications appearing over time on a given topic. (Note: Java must be enabled on your system to use the tool; see your system administrator.) EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

65 Makale Tarama (Article Search)
Article Search lets you search for individual bibliographic citations (or close matches) via: Author name Journal title Abbreviated title CODEN ISSN You can also specify publication years, plus journal volumes, issues and/or page numbers, if known. Article Search is very helpful for citation checking/verification tasks. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

66 Makale Tarama: Sonuçlar
The correct citation is found. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

67 EMTREE Anahtar kelimeler
EMTREE – The Life Science Thesaurus: EMBASE için konu indeksleme Hiyerarjik düzende kontrollü kelimeler ~52,500 indeks terimi (descriptors) + 210,000+ eş anlamlı Daha dar terimleri bulmak için Explode Yıllık olarak güncellenir Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary’den tanımlar EMTREE, the Life Science Thesaurus, is the basis of subject indexing in EMBASE. EMTREE is a controlled vocabulary arranged in a hierarchical "tree" structure of concepts that consists of: About 52,500 preferred index terms (descriptors) plus over 210,000 synonyms Preferred index terms (descriptors) are the subject terms assigned by indexers to describe the content of an article; they appear in the “Medical Index Terms" and “Drug Index Terms” fields of EMBASE records. Synonyms are alternate subject terms that can be used as pointers to preferred terms. They include drug trade names, chemical names, alternate generic names, variants of disease names, laboratory codes, about 20,000 CAS registry numbers, and MeSH headings from the U.S. National Library of Medicine. EMTREE is arranged in a hierarchical “tree” structure, so it is easy to search for both very specific concepts and broad groups of related subjects. Using EMTREE subject terms will maximize the consistency, relevance and precision of your search results. EMTREE terms can be “exploded” to retrieve articles indexed narrower (more specific) related headings, without having to type individual index terms. EMTREE is updated annually. Over 2,630 new preferred terms were added in 2006. Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary teamed with EMTREE EMTREE is now enhanced with online definitions for disease and drug terms from Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, long a leading resource for medical reference. Now, not only can you use EMTREE to discover a term’s context in the subject indexing hierarchy, you can gain quick insight into unfamiliar medical terminology. Scope notes are also now available online for check tag terms, which describe item types, human and animal study types, patient sex and age, and various study designs (controls, systematic reviews and clinical trials). EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

68 Dorland’s tanımı ve kayıt sayısı
Bu terim veya en dar terimlerden biriyle indekslenmiş makale sayısı EMTREE terimlerinin Dorland’s sözlük tanımları EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

69 EMTREE : Bölümlere göre Gözden geçirme
In EMTREE Keywords, select Browse Facets to begin browsing through the EMTREE subject hierarchy. EMTREE terms are arranged in conceptual “trees,” from broader to narrower (more specific terms). EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

70 Browse through trees Clicking on terms will take you deeper into each tree level. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

71 Browse through trees Narrower terms appear indented below broader terms. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

72 Tam metne link ve OpenURL
Springer, Karger, Science Direct, Ingenta, CrossRef linkleri Herhangi bir link çözümleyiciye link EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

73 Kayıt görme Sonuçlar arasında dolaşma İlgili makaleleri tarama
Taranan terimler EMBASE.com February 2006

74 Kayıt: indeks terimler ve linkler
Diğer yazarları tarama Sonraki taramaya başlamak için indeks terimleri kullanma Yazarın ine link Diğer taranabilir alanlar EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

75 Dergiler: Gözden geçirme
The EMBASE collection of international research journals can be browsed easily in EMBASE.com. Choose from these options: Browse Journals Scan alphabetical lists of journals, and create lists of articles for individual issues. Journals by Topic Find out which journals EMBASE indexes in various biomedical disciplines Publisher Information Details about a journal’s publisher, address, issue frequency, and live links to publisher’s journal websites (when available). Go to Browse Journals to scan the alphabetical listing. Click on any letter in the navigation bar at the top of the page to go to that portion of the alphabet. Then click on a journal title to see which volumes are covered in EMBASE. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

76 Cilt ve sayıları görme Click on a volume number to see which issues are available. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

77 Cilt ve Sayıları görme Click on an issue number to view a list of articles. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

78 Dergileri gözden geçirme
Articles from the journal issue appear on a Search Results page. Click on any article in the list to view it online, print it, export it, etc. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

79 Belirli bir dergi içinde tarama
Within Browse Journals, you can now run a search within a specific journal of your choice. You can search the entire run of the title available in EMBASE.com, or a specific volume. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

80 Dergi içinde tarama The Advanced Search page immediately appears, where you can enter the search terms and limits of your choice. The search is automatically pre-qualified to the journal indicated. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

81 Konuya göre Dergiler Within Journals, you can select Journals by Topic to determine how deeply EMBASE scans the scholarly literature in particular research areas. Click Journals by Topic and select your biomedical research area of choice … EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

82 Konuya göre Dergiler … to see which journals are included in the database collection. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

83 Dergiler: Yayınevi bilgileri
Publisher Information provides details about a journal such as the publisher’s name, address, telephone and fax numbers, issue frequency, ISSN, CODEN, etc. From an alphabetic list of journals, click on a title to see this information. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

84 Dergiler: Yayınevi Bilgileri
Complete publication details are provided. Many entries contain live links to journal publisher websites and individual journal sites, not only for Elsevier title but many other content providers as well. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

85 Yayınevi bilgileri Click on a link to go directly to the journal’s or publisher’s website. These sites usually contain subscription prices, editorial and content information, instructions for authors, etc. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

86 Yazarlar Authors lets you search for papers written by a specific individual. Enter a surname (with or without initials) to see a list of authors with that name (or root), and click Find. If using initials, omit punctuation. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

87 Yazarlar A list of authors with that name (and root) appears.
Check the boxes for the name(s) desired and click Go. If the list is long and continues on, click Next Page to see more names. (Note: This is the fastest and easiest way to identify all variants of an author name.) EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

88 Yazarlar A list of articles by the author appears in the Search Results page. EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

89 Scirus üzerinden Web tarama
You can extend the scope of your search beyond the EMBASE.com collection into the Internet as a whole with SCIRUS, Elsevier’s science-specific Web search engine. SCIRUS searches websites from universities, scientific publishers, learned societies, government agencies, pre-print servers and many other reputable sources to ensure high quality information retrieval. A gateway to SCIRUS appears at the bottom of every EMBASE.com Search Results page: EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

90 Scirus üzerinden Web tarama
SCIRUS opens in an external browser window and displays results. Note: For best results in SCIRUS searches, use words or phrases without EMBASE.com field labels, proximity operators, or other special characters or operators. If necessary, you can easily edit your query in the SCIRUS dialog box to remove them. SCIRUS is available for free at EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

91 Kurumunuzda Eğitim İsteği için:

92 Teşekkür ederiz! EMBASE.com February 2006 EMBASE.com August 2005

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