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ExpressIng AbIlIty AND ınabılıty In The Past

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... konulu sunumlar: "ExpressIng AbIlIty AND ınabılıty In The Past"— Sunum transkripti:

1 ExpressIng AbIlIty AND ınabılıty In The Past
İNGİLİZCE COULD / COULDN’T Expressing Ability and Inability The Past cOULD / COULDN’T ExpressIng AbIlIty AND ınabılıty In The Past

2 İNGİLİZCE COULD / COULDN’T Expressing Ability and Inability The Past
‘Can’ şuan yapabildiklerimizi ve yeteneklerimizi ifade ederken, ‘COULD’ ise geçmişte yapabildiğimiz eylemleri ifade ederken kullanılır. ‘Could’ için ‘can’ in past (geçmiş) hali diyebiliriz. I can speak English. When I was a child, I could speak English.

3 İNGİLİZCE COULD / COULDN’T Expressing Ability and Inability The Past
‘Can’ yapısının olumsuz hali ‘cannot’ ya da ‘can’t’ şeklindedir. Şuan yapamadığımız şeyleri ifade etmek için kullanılır. ‘COULDN’T ‘ ise geçmişte yapamadığımız eylemleri ifade etmek için kullanılır. ‘Couldn’t’ için ‘can’t in past (geçmiş) hali diyebiliriz. I can’t play chess. She couldn’t play chess when she was a child.

4 She could sing when she was a little child.
İNGİLİZCE COULD / COULDN’T Expressing Ability and Inability The Past EXAMPLES She could sing when she was a little child.

5 I couldn’t drive a car when I was young. But I can now.
İNGİLİZCE COULD / COULDN’T Expressing Ability and Inability The Past EXAMPLES I couldn’t drive a car when I was young. But I can now.

6 I couldn’t cook when I was a child. But I can now.
İNGİLİZCE COULD / COULDN’T Expressing Ability and Inability The Past EXAMPLES I couldn’t cook when I was a child. But I can now.

7 I couldn’t swim when I was 6.
İNGİLİZCE COULD / COULDN’T Expressing Ability and Inability The Past EXAMPLES I couldn’t swim when I was 6.

8 I could run fast when I was young. But I can’t now.
İNGİLİZCE COULD / COULDN’T Expressing Ability and Inability The Past EXAMPLES I could run fast when I was young. But I can’t now.

9 Could you read and write when you were 5?
İNGİLİZCE COULD / COULDN’T Expressing Ability and Inability The Past EXAMPLES Could you read and write when you were 5?  Yes, I could.

10 Could your brother walk when he was 1 year old?
İNGİLİZCE COULD / COULDN’T Expressing Ability and Inability The Past EXAMPLES Could your brother walk when he was 1 year old? No, he couldn’t.

11 What could you do when you were 5? I could ride a bike.
İNGİLİZCE COULD / COULDN’T Expressing Ability and Inability The Past EXAMPLES What could you do when you were 5? I could ride a bike.

12 What could they do when they were 4? They could draw pictures.
İNGİLİZCE COULD / COULDN’T Expressing Ability and Inability The Past EXAMPLES What could they do when they were 4? They could draw pictures.

13 ExpressIng AbIlIty AND ınabılıty In The Past
İNGİLİZCE COULD / COULDN’T Expressing Ability and Inability The Past cOULD / COULDN’T ExpressIng AbIlIty AND ınabılıty In The Past

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