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MAVİ OTOMASYON Saha Ekipmanları

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1 MAVİ OTOMASYON Saha Ekipmanları
This section describes control applications for air handling systems commomnly found in commercial buildings. Basic processes are highlighted to provide a common basis of understanding. Saha Ekipmanları

2 Saha Ekipmanları Sıcaklık Sensörleri = Kullandığımız sıcaklık sensörlerini temelde kanal tipi, daldırma tip, mahal tipi, dış hava tipi olarak dörde ayırabiliriz. Yoğun olarak kullandığımız sıcaklık sensörlerinin karakteristiği PT1000 veya NTC20’dir. Farklı sıcaklık değerleri için farklı direnç (omik) çıkışı sağlarlar. Sensör ile kontrol paneli arasındaki kablonun oluşturduğu dirençten dolayı, kontrol panelinin okuyacağı sıcaklık ile sensörün hemen ucunda okunacak sıcaklık değeri arasında fark oluşacaktır. Bu nedenle genelde sıcaklık sensörleri için programlama esnasında belli bir oranda “offset” değeri verilir ve sensör kablosundan dolayı oluşacak ölçüm hatasının giderilmesine çalışılır. Air handling Units (AHUs), commonly found in commercial buildings are applications of various controlled processes including ventilation, heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification. Ventilation control in an air handling system is applied at the point where various types of air flow are mixed before discharge. Any time we need to control air exchange between oudoors and indoors we have ventilation. There are two types of ventilation: natural and forced. Natural ventilation is unpowered, it occurs when we open a window or vent in a room. Forced ventilation occurs when a fan is used to move air either into (supply) or out (exhaust) of a room. Ventilation is required to reduce the level of contamination in a building space and to replace air that has been exhausted from the building. It may also be used to adjust the building temperature and humidity levels without additional use of mechanical heating, cooling, humidifying or dehumidifying. A more sophisticated use of ventilation systems allow building owners to save energy and reduce building operational costs.

3 Saha Ekipmanları Nem Sensörleri = Nemlendirme yapılan ve Entalpi Kontrolünün istenildiği Klima Santrallerinde kullandığımız nem sensörleri 0-10V veya 0-1V DC çıkış sinyali verirler. Basınç Sensörleri = Basınç sensörleri de, nem sensörleri gibi 0-10V DC veya 0-20mA çıkış sinyali verirler. Fark Basınç Anahtarı (DPS) = Klima santrallerinde filtre kirlilik bilgisini ve fan kayış koptu alarmlarını izlemek amacıyla kullanılır. Positif ve negatif basınç girişleri arasındaki fark basıncının ölçülerek, cihaz üzerinden manuel ayarlanan setdeğer ile karşılaştırmak suretiyle kuru kontak çıkış verirler. Air handling Units (AHUs), commonly found in commercial buildings are applications of various controlled processes including ventilation, heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification. Ventilation control in an air handling system is applied at the point where various types of air flow are mixed before discharge. Any time we need to control air exchange between oudoors and indoors we have ventilation. There are two types of ventilation: natural and forced. Natural ventilation is unpowered, it occurs when we open a window or vent in a room. Forced ventilation occurs when a fan is used to move air either into (supply) or out (exhaust) of a room. Ventilation is required to reduce the level of contamination in a building space and to replace air that has been exhausted from the building. It may also be used to adjust the building temperature and humidity levels without additional use of mechanical heating, cooling, humidifying or dehumidifying. A more sophisticated use of ventilation systems allow building owners to save energy and reduce building operational costs. Donma Termostatı = Isıtma serpantini hava çıkış yüzeyine sarılarak serpantinde oluşabilecek donmayı engellemek amacıyla kullanılır. Normalde kapalı kuru kontak çıkışı verir.

4 Saha Ekipmanları Damper Motorları = Klima Santrallerinde veya egzost fanlarında bulunan damperlerin kontrol edilmesi amacıyla kullanılır. On/off ve oransal olarak iki kategoride toplanır. Ayrıca yay geri dönüşlü ve yay geri dönüşsüz olan tipleri mevcuttur. %100 taze hava ile çalışan klima santrallerinin taze hava girişindeki damperleri kontrol etmek amacıyla on/off damper motorları kullanılır. Isıtma serpantininde oluşacak herhangi bir donma riskine karşı, hızlı bir şekilde damperin kapanması istenildiği için yay geri dönüşlü tipleri kullanılmalıdır. On/off damper motorlarının 24V ve 220V AC ile çalışabilen tipleri vardır. Karışım havalı klima santrallerinde ise, taze hava, karışım havası ve egzost havası damperlerinin konumlarının oransal kontrol edilmesi istenildiği için oransal damper motorları kullanılır. Oransal damper motorları 24V AC ile çalışır. 0-10V DC sinyali ile de damper konumu oransal olarak ayarlanır. Air handling Units (AHUs), commonly found in commercial buildings are applications of various controlled processes including ventilation, heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification. Ventilation control in an air handling system is applied at the point where various types of air flow are mixed before discharge. Any time we need to control air exchange between oudoors and indoors we have ventilation. There are two types of ventilation: natural and forced. Natural ventilation is unpowered, it occurs when we open a window or vent in a room. Forced ventilation occurs when a fan is used to move air either into (supply) or out (exhaust) of a room. Ventilation is required to reduce the level of contamination in a building space and to replace air that has been exhausted from the building. It may also be used to adjust the building temperature and humidity levels without additional use of mechanical heating, cooling, humidifying or dehumidifying. A more sophisticated use of ventilation systems allow building owners to save energy and reduce building operational costs.

5 Vanalar Otomatik kontrol devrelerinin nihai elemanı olan kontrol vanaları sistemde madde ve enerji akışını ayarlar. Bu ayar işlemi maddenin geçtiği alanın değiştirilmesi suretiyle yapılır. Yani kontrol vanaları özünde maddenin aktığı hat üzerinde bulunan değişken alanlı birer dar geçittirler. Tij Başlık Disk Tutucu Disk Oturma Yüzeyi Air handling Units (AHUs), commonly found in commercial buildings are applications of various controlled processes including ventilation, heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification. Ventilation control in an air handling system is applied at the point where various types of air flow are mixed before discharge. Any time we need to control air exchange between oudoors and indoors we have ventilation. There are two types of ventilation: natural and forced. Natural ventilation is unpowered, it occurs when we open a window or vent in a room. Forced ventilation occurs when a fan is used to move air either into (supply) or out (exhaust) of a room. Ventilation is required to reduce the level of contamination in a building space and to replace air that has been exhausted from the building. It may also be used to adjust the building temperature and humidity levels without additional use of mechanical heating, cooling, humidifying or dehumidifying. A more sophisticated use of ventilation systems allow building owners to save energy and reduce building operational costs. Giriş Çıkış Gövde Kılavuz

6 Vanalar Tahrik Ünitesi (Vana Motoru) = Otomatik kontrol vanasının tijini hareket ettiren parçadır. Gövde = Otomatik kontrol vanasının akışkan ortamını taşıdığı ve geçirdiği parçadır. Pirinç, pik döküm veya çelik dökümden imal edilir. Disk = Vana kapandığında vananın tapa yuvasıyla (oturma yüzeyi) kontak kurarak akışı kontrol edebilmek için orifisi değiştiren hareketli parçadır. Kılavuz = Diskin tapa yuvası boyunca hareketini sağlayan parçadır. Tij = Tahrik ünitesi (vana motoru) ile disk arasında uzanan ve vananın açılıp kapanmasının sağlayan silindirik parçadır. Salmastra = Vana içinden geçen akışkanın dışarı sızmasını engelleyen ve tijin hareketini kolaylaştırmak için yağlayıcı özelliğe sahip fiber veya teflondan yapılmış bir parçadır. Vana Kapağı = Vananın üzerinde bulunan genellikle gövdeye vida ile bağlanan ve vana motorunun bağlandığı parçadır. Air handling Units (AHUs), commonly found in commercial buildings are applications of various controlled processes including ventilation, heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification. Ventilation control in an air handling system is applied at the point where various types of air flow are mixed before discharge. Any time we need to control air exchange between oudoors and indoors we have ventilation. There are two types of ventilation: natural and forced. Natural ventilation is unpowered, it occurs when we open a window or vent in a room. Forced ventilation occurs when a fan is used to move air either into (supply) or out (exhaust) of a room. Ventilation is required to reduce the level of contamination in a building space and to replace air that has been exhausted from the building. It may also be used to adjust the building temperature and humidity levels without additional use of mechanical heating, cooling, humidifying or dehumidifying. A more sophisticated use of ventilation systems allow building owners to save energy and reduce building operational costs.

Vanalar VANA AKIŞ KARAKTERİSTİKLERİ Bir hat üzerinde dar bir geçitin bulunması halinde hattaki akış Bernouilli denklemlerinden hareketle aşağıdaki gibi ifade edilebilir ; Q = k * A * Delta Pv Q : Akış miktarı k : Akış koşullarına bağlı olarak değişen bir sabit. Delta Pv : Geçitteki basınş düşümü Basınç düşümü hattın boyu, kesit alanı, yapısı gibi geçidin dışındaki koşullar tarafından belirlenir. Vanadaki geçit alanı (dolayısıyla hattaki akış) vana içindeki bir tapanın hareketiyle değiştirilir. Akışın harekete göre nasıl değişeceği vana tapasının geometrik yapısına bağlıdır. Başka bir deyişle, kontrol vanasının akış karakteristiği vana tapasının geometrik yapısına göre değişir. Akış karakteristiğine göre kontrol vanalarını 3 ana grupta toplayabiliriz. - Ani açılıp kapanan - Lineer karakteristikli - Eşit yüzdesel vana karakteristiği Air handling Units (AHUs), commonly found in commercial buildings are applications of various controlled processes including ventilation, heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification. Ventilation control in an air handling system is applied at the point where various types of air flow are mixed before discharge. Any time we need to control air exchange between oudoors and indoors we have ventilation. There are two types of ventilation: natural and forced. Natural ventilation is unpowered, it occurs when we open a window or vent in a room. Forced ventilation occurs when a fan is used to move air either into (supply) or out (exhaust) of a room. Ventilation is required to reduce the level of contamination in a building space and to replace air that has been exhausted from the building. It may also be used to adjust the building temperature and humidity levels without additional use of mechanical heating, cooling, humidifying or dehumidifying. A more sophisticated use of ventilation systems allow building owners to save energy and reduce building operational costs.

8 İki Yollu Vanalar İKİ YOLLU VANALAR Direct Acting Reverse Acting
İki Yollu vanalarda 1 giriş ağzı (port), bir de çıkış ağzı bulunmaktadır. Vana gövdesi direct acting veya reverse acting olabilir. İki yollu vanalar, genelde buhar ve su kontrol uygulamalarında on/off veya oransal kontrol yapmak amacıyla kullanılır. Air handling Units (AHUs), commonly found in commercial buildings are applications of various controlled processes including ventilation, heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification. Ventilation control in an air handling system is applied at the point where various types of air flow are mixed before discharge. Any time we need to control air exchange between oudoors and indoors we have ventilation. There are two types of ventilation: natural and forced. Natural ventilation is unpowered, it occurs when we open a window or vent in a room. Forced ventilation occurs when a fan is used to move air either into (supply) or out (exhaust) of a room. Ventilation is required to reduce the level of contamination in a building space and to replace air that has been exhausted from the building. It may also be used to adjust the building temperature and humidity levels without additional use of mechanical heating, cooling, humidifying or dehumidifying. A more sophisticated use of ventilation systems allow building owners to save energy and reduce building operational costs.

9 Vana Karakteristikleri
ANİ AÇILIP KAPANAN VANA KARAKTERİSTİĞİ Bu tip vanalarda, tijin az bir hareketiyle akışkanın hareketi nerdeyse tam kapasiteye erişir. Genellikle basınç düşüşünün sabit olduğu ve iki konumlu kontrol türünün uygulandığı yerlerde kullanılır. Bu sınıfa örnek olarak selenoid vanaları gösterebiliriz. Air handling Units (AHUs), commonly found in commercial buildings are applications of various controlled processes including ventilation, heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification. Ventilation control in an air handling system is applied at the point where various types of air flow are mixed before discharge. Any time we need to control air exchange between oudoors and indoors we have ventilation. There are two types of ventilation: natural and forced. Natural ventilation is unpowered, it occurs when we open a window or vent in a room. Forced ventilation occurs when a fan is used to move air either into (supply) or out (exhaust) of a room. Ventilation is required to reduce the level of contamination in a building space and to replace air that has been exhausted from the building. It may also be used to adjust the building temperature and humidity levels without additional use of mechanical heating, cooling, humidifying or dehumidifying. A more sophisticated use of ventilation systems allow building owners to save energy and reduce building operational costs.

10 Vana Karakteristikleri
LİNEER VANA KARAKTERİSTİĞİ Tijin eşit açılma miktarlarına karşılık eşit hacimde debi değişikliğinin sağlandığı vana tipleridir. Vana açıklık yüzdesi, debi değişiklik yüzdesine göre doğrusal bir karakteristik gösterir. Bu tip vanalar, genellikle yük değişiminin fazla olmadığı buhar ve soğutma suyu kontrollerinde kullanılır. Bu tip uygulamalarda, ısı çıkış yüzdesi, debi değişiklik yüzdesine göre doğrusal bir karakteristik gösterir. Air handling Units (AHUs), commonly found in commercial buildings are applications of various controlled processes including ventilation, heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification. Ventilation control in an air handling system is applied at the point where various types of air flow are mixed before discharge. Any time we need to control air exchange between oudoors and indoors we have ventilation. There are two types of ventilation: natural and forced. Natural ventilation is unpowered, it occurs when we open a window or vent in a room. Forced ventilation occurs when a fan is used to move air either into (supply) or out (exhaust) of a room. Ventilation is required to reduce the level of contamination in a building space and to replace air that has been exhausted from the building. It may also be used to adjust the building temperature and humidity levels without additional use of mechanical heating, cooling, humidifying or dehumidifying. A more sophisticated use of ventilation systems allow building owners to save energy and reduce building operational costs.

11 Vana Karakteristikleri
EŞİT YÜZDESEL VANA KARAKTERİSTİĞİ Tij strokunun herhangi bir noktasındaki hareketi, mevcut akışı (sabit) bir yüzde oranında arttırır. Bu tip vanalar genelde yük değişiminin fazla olduğu sıcak su kontrol uygulamalarında kullanılır. Eşit yüzdesel vanalar, sıcak su kontrol uygulamasında sistemin non-lineer karakteristiğini kompanze ederek lineer kontrol sağlar. Air handling Units (AHUs), commonly found in commercial buildings are applications of various controlled processes including ventilation, heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification. Ventilation control in an air handling system is applied at the point where various types of air flow are mixed before discharge. Any time we need to control air exchange between oudoors and indoors we have ventilation. There are two types of ventilation: natural and forced. Natural ventilation is unpowered, it occurs when we open a window or vent in a room. Forced ventilation occurs when a fan is used to move air either into (supply) or out (exhaust) of a room. Ventilation is required to reduce the level of contamination in a building space and to replace air that has been exhausted from the building. It may also be used to adjust the building temperature and humidity levels without additional use of mechanical heating, cooling, humidifying or dehumidifying. A more sophisticated use of ventilation systems allow building owners to save energy and reduce building operational costs.

12 Üç Yollu Vanalar ÜÇ YOLLU VANALAR
Karışım Vanası Dağıtıcı Vana Üç yollu vanalar karışım vanası ve dağıtıcı vana olarak temelde ikiye ayrılır. Karışım vanalarında iki giriş ağzı, bir çıkış agzı bulunur. Dağıtıcı vanalarda ise bir giriş ağzı iki çıkış ağzı bulunmaktadır. Karışım vanaları kontrol edilecek sistemde dönüş hattına, dağıtıcı vanalar ise giriş hattına monte edilir. Air handling Units (AHUs), commonly found in commercial buildings are applications of various controlled processes including ventilation, heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification. Ventilation control in an air handling system is applied at the point where various types of air flow are mixed before discharge. Any time we need to control air exchange between oudoors and indoors we have ventilation. There are two types of ventilation: natural and forced. Natural ventilation is unpowered, it occurs when we open a window or vent in a room. Forced ventilation occurs when a fan is used to move air either into (supply) or out (exhaust) of a room. Ventilation is required to reduce the level of contamination in a building space and to replace air that has been exhausted from the building. It may also be used to adjust the building temperature and humidity levels without additional use of mechanical heating, cooling, humidifying or dehumidifying. A more sophisticated use of ventilation systems allow building owners to save energy and reduce building operational costs.

13 Üç Yollu Vanalar Karışım Vanası Dağıtıcı Vana
Air handling Units (AHUs), commonly found in commercial buildings are applications of various controlled processes including ventilation, heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification. Ventilation control in an air handling system is applied at the point where various types of air flow are mixed before discharge. Any time we need to control air exchange between oudoors and indoors we have ventilation. There are two types of ventilation: natural and forced. Natural ventilation is unpowered, it occurs when we open a window or vent in a room. Forced ventilation occurs when a fan is used to move air either into (supply) or out (exhaust) of a room. Ventilation is required to reduce the level of contamination in a building space and to replace air that has been exhausted from the building. It may also be used to adjust the building temperature and humidity levels without additional use of mechanical heating, cooling, humidifying or dehumidifying. A more sophisticated use of ventilation systems allow building owners to save energy and reduce building operational costs.

14 Diğer Vana Terimleri Rangeability = Kontrol edilen maksimun akışın minimum akışa olan oranı olarak tanımlanır. Örnek vermek gerekirse; Maksimum akışın 200 l/dak olduğu bir sistemde “Rangeability” si 50/1 olan bir vana kullanıldığı zaman bu vana ile en az 4 l/dak’ lık bir akış kontrol edilebilir. Bu miktar 2 l/dak değerine düştüğü zaman yapılan kontrolde salınımlar meydana gelir. Bina Kontrol Sistemlerinde bu oranın 30/1 olması istenir. Kapama Basıncı (Close-off Pressure) = Vana kapalı konumda iken akışkanın vana içinden geçişinin tam olarak önlenmesidir. Vana seçimi yapılırken dikkat edilmesi gereken en önemli parametrelerden biridir. Bu değer seçilen vana çapına ve vana ile kullanılacak vana motorunun tipine göre değişir. Air handling Units (AHUs), commonly found in commercial buildings are applications of various controlled processes including ventilation, heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification. Ventilation control in an air handling system is applied at the point where various types of air flow are mixed before discharge. Any time we need to control air exchange between oudoors and indoors we have ventilation. There are two types of ventilation: natural and forced. Natural ventilation is unpowered, it occurs when we open a window or vent in a room. Forced ventilation occurs when a fan is used to move air either into (supply) or out (exhaust) of a room. Ventilation is required to reduce the level of contamination in a building space and to replace air that has been exhausted from the building. It may also be used to adjust the building temperature and humidity levels without additional use of mechanical heating, cooling, humidifying or dehumidifying. A more sophisticated use of ventilation systems allow building owners to save energy and reduce building operational costs.

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