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Ebru Çapa Emerging Markets Country Manager
Dijital Medya: Tehdit mi, Fırsat mı? Ebru Çapa Emerging Markets Country Manager
İnternet Büyük Kitlelere Ulaşıyor
Milyon Kullanıcı (Toplam)
İnternet Büyük Kitlelere Ulaşıyor 1.340 Milyon Kullanıcı (Toplam) 231 Milyon Kulanıcı (Kuzey Amerika) 319 Milyon Kullanıcı (Avrupa) 409 Milyon Kullanıcı (Asya) 207.2 Milyon Kullanıcı (Sadece ABD) 20 Milyon Kullanıcı (Orta Doğu) 19 Milyon Kullanıcı (Avustralya) 102 Milyon Kullanıcı (Latin Amerika) 33 Milyon Kullanıcı (Afrika) Source: Internet World Stats, Sept 2006
İnternetin Dünyadaki Gelişimi
2009 400 milyon Ev 2006 251 Milyon Ev 2006 Yılında 251 milyon eve ulaşan geniş - bant internet sayısının 2009 yılında 400 milyon eve ulaşması bekleniyor
Türkiye’deki İnternet Kullanıcısı Sayısı
25 Milyon Kişi Ekim 2007
Türkiye’deki Geniş Bant Bağlantıya Sahip Hane Sayısı
4.2 Milyon Hane Ekim 2007 3.8 Milyon Hane Temmuz 2007 3.26 Milyon Hane Mart 2007 1.78 Milyon Hane Mart 2006
MSN Türkiye 13 Milyon Kullanıcı 190 Milyon
Görüntülenme Ekim 2007
Windows Live Mail 19 milyon WL Mail Kullanıcı sayısı: Cinsiyete Göre
Yaşlarına Göre
Windows Live Messenger
Messenger Users 23,2M Average buddies on the list 102 Messenger Total Session 2.575 M Total Sent messages M Sent messages/user 733 messages/UU User/hour 6,5h
Windows Live Spaces 9 Milyon Ziyaretçi 160 Milyon Görüntülenme
Ekim 2007
Basın Yayın Organlarını Kullanım Oranlarındaki Değişiklikler
2002 Yılında %41 2007 Yılında % 37 2007 Yılında %34 2002 Yılında %32 2007 Yılında %18 2002 Yılında %19 Page 12 |
Reklamcılıkta Yıllık Büyüme Oranları
2003 – 2006 Yıllık Büyüme Oranı: %33 2003 – 2006 Yıllık Büyüme Oranı: %7 Dünyada toplam reklam bütçesi %7 artarken, internet reklam bütçesi %33 artmış We believe that the growing reach, rising share of media consumption, relatively higher ROI and the high secular growth in eCommerce will continue to fuel the growth of internet Advertising. Per our estimates, worldwide advertising touched $27bn in 2006 with %33 CAGR from 2003 to 2006 vs. Total internet advertising market of $544BN with %7 CAGR from 2003 to 2006
Reklamcılıkta Tahmin Edilen Yıllık Büyüme Oranları
Yıllık Büyüme Oranı: %25.1 Dünyada toplam reklam bütçesi %7 artarken, internet reklam bütçesi %33 artmış We believe that the growing reach, rising share of media consumption, relatively higher ROI and the high secular growth in eCommerce will continue to fuel the growth of internet Advertising. Per our estimates, worldwide advertising touched $27bn in 2006 with %33 CAGR from 2003 to 2006 vs. Total internet advertising market of $544BN with %7 CAGR from 2003 to 2006 Yıllık Büyüme Oranı: %7.1
Türkiye Online Medya Araştırması: Millward Brown
Reklamveren bakış açısı ile, Türkiye’de online reklam pazarının büyümesi 2010 200 Milyon $ Reklamveren bakış açısı ile, Türkiye’de online reklam pazarının büyüklüğü 40 milyon USD’yi işaret etmektedir yılında, online reklam pazarının %500 büyüme sağlayarak 200 milyon USD olacağı tahmin edilmektedir. 2006 40 Milyon $ 15
Türkiye Online Medya Araştırması: Millward Brown
Önümüzdeki 3 yıl için online medya bütçe paylarının %17, %20 ve %24 olması tahmin edilmektedir. %24 En büyük 100 reklamveren, medya planlama ajansı ve portal ile Mart-Nisan 07’de görüşüldü Doğru hedef kitleye ulaşmak için online medyanın en avantajlı ve en kolay yol olduğu tüm reklamverenler tarafından beyan edilmiştir %20 %17 16
Yeni Medya Düzeni
REKLAMCILAR NE DİYOR? “Artık müşteriler patron oldu, bu muhteşem ve korkutucu, çünkü bildiğimiz hiçbir yöntem artık işe yaramayacak. Kevin Roberts: Saatchi & Saatchi “Kitlesel mecralarda kitlelere hitab edemediğimiz gerçeğini kabul etmeliyiz, ve hedefimizi bireylere çevirmeliyiz. “ Jim Stengel, GMO P&G
Dünya değişiyor...Ya biz?
Yeni bir pazarlama anlayışına doğru
The future of advertising V11 Yellow Spanner Yeni bir pazarlama anlayışına doğru İlgi ‘Bireysel’ seslenebilmek öncelikli hale geldi Frekans yerine kişiye özel mesajları profillere ve davranış verilerine dayanarak iletmek Zaman, yer, cihaz üçgeni hesaplanarak mesajı iletebilmek İlişki Reklamlardan kaçabilirim- diyalogla daha anlamlı bir ilişki kurabiIir Diğer tüketicilerle sağlam ilişkiler kurulabilir Güvenilir içerik sağlayıcılarla ilişkiler kurulabilir Etkileşim Davranışımı öğren ve bağlantı kur Geri bildirimi davet et ve ondan öğren Etkiyi ölçmek daha kolay. Mass customomisation First thing we need to do is concentrate on a few simple principles. Three stages –get my attention – build relationship – invite feedback – modify your messages or even your product……… Relevance: Get my attention by making the ad relevant to me This is about ensuring that your message is “ filtered in” by your target consumer because it is relevant to them. Do not give me Pampers adverts when I don’t have a baby……..other examples that are relevant to me eg Specsavers Use my personal profile data/behaviour/be aware of the devices I’m on and even my location through GPS and short range radio transmissions to serve me with relevant ads……..need to invest more heavily in this technology. Relationship So you’ve got my attention through relevance now really engage me through building a relationship. With the consumer in control the marketer needs to build a dialogue with the individual. This also entails understanding and harnessing the relationships people have with each other……..a vital community aspect to this….in a world of consumer created content how much control does the brand manager now have over his marketing message – can be disseminated instantaneously by the individual through blogs and IM. Also need to leverage relationships consumers have with for examples trusted content providers…embed your message, get it to sit alongside or use other mechanisms like product placement. Interaction: Finally, all marketing needs to be interactive. Offering consumers unique engaging experiences, and then allowing them to give individual feedback on the product and the brand….this unique two way dialogue helps to cement the above and also makes it easier to measure the impact of the message. In summary: Mass customisation- make it interactive, make it relevant, build the relationship……virtuous circle. 21 21
Yeni bir ajansa doğru Yeni Medya Ajansı
Müşteri bilgisi alma, strateji geliştirme ve medya planlama konusunda yetkin bir rol Yeni bir anlaşma düzeyi: medya planından sosyal medya topluluklarının ağ haritasına kadar. Yeni Yaratıcı Ajans ‘360°’ iletişim Yeni bir ajans türü Ajans= Deneyim Mimarı Mecra, platform ve araçlar arası iletişim; kullanıcılar içerikleriyle nerede bağlantı kururlarsa, içerik nereye gider veya değişirse… Yol boyunca istenen etkiyi yaratabilmek Everyone will need to get smart about new media consumption and interaction habits... fast. Twentieth century networks were about content. Networks acquired content, lured audiences in, aggregated them, and sold impressions to advertisers. As I discussed last time, content has been freed from this model. Something new is taking shape. In the 21st century network model, communities adopt, adapt, create, and share content. Unwelcome content is filtered out, flamed, and ultimately rejected. This poses a whole new set of challenges. Filtering the data required to understand how to find and engage enlightened consumers will be a big task. Figuring out who engaged with what and when and whether they followed the call to action will be an even bigger task. The winners here will be the systems thinkers who can create a total picture of user, or viewer, behavior (in essence, a network map instead of a media plan) and identify the logical insertion points for commercial content, then track, accelerate, and optimize its movement. Agencies will be tasked with creating content that lives after it airs. Success will be measured by the content's level of engagement as well as its longevity. In the old model, an agency bought airtime to reach an audience, and placed the ad. If it was great work, it generated water-cooler talk after the fact, bled into other media, and ultimately became part of pop culture. In the new model, particularly in the networked world, commercial content must earn its own audience over time. In the networked world, great content is content that engages consumers in a very fundamental way. Consumers will search for it, find it, rate it, blog about it, play with it, mash it up, pass it on, and post it for others to see. This is a whole new level of engagement. Think of it as learning by doing. Agencies have always said they're in the business of creating content; suddenly this is even more true. Does it mean all ad content will be a big-budget productions with celebrity casts? Of course not. One of the most viewed videos tagged "commercials" is "Christmas Lights Gone Wild," purportedly a real video of an electrical engineer's unique light show that ultimately was used in a commercial. The winners in this new network model will be the truly great storytellers who can create something of real interest and value that gets people to engage with it, sample it, mash it up, and pass it on. Speaking of mash-ups, the first official movie mash-up was just commissioned by New Line Cinema. The convergence of great systems thinkers, coupled with great storytellers, will create a new breed of agency. I'm not exactly sure what this new breed will look like, but I have some ideas. This "modern agency" will be an experience architect in the truest sense. It will specialize in creating an experience or elements of an experience (in any medium or on any platform), where users adopt and engage with content that then moves and morphs with them through the landscape: across devices and through boxes, communities (on- and offline), gaming environments, and virtual worlds, influencing a desired action or transaction along the way. In essence, the modern agency will create engaging consumer experiences and shares them on behalf of brands rather than neatly packaged brand messages broadcast at a target. See the difference? The interactive world is evolving rapidly. New models are emerging that remind us of the fundamentals of the Web. It's hard to say what the winning agency will look like, but I have put forward a hypothesis. 22
Yeni Mecra’lar.... The long-tail theory says the Web gives content a longer, perhaps infinite, life. Value accrues over time. Go to YouTube, and search "commercials." As I write this, there are over 16,000 videos tagged with "commercials." You can see the potential. The commercial with the highest view count is the highly awarded Sony Bravia spot (done in the U.K. by Fallon for Sony) with more than 3.3 million views over its five month lifespan on YouTube. These views aren't from people passively watching or fast-forwarding through a commercial. These are people who actively chose to view the content. I wonder how many active views this commercials received when it was originally broadcasted ? And did the creative agency / media agency / planners … think about this in the first place ? They always say that 20% of your marketing dollars generate 80% of your revenu – In social networking terms you can state that 1% of your consumers make 99% of the buzz (positive or negative that is!!)
Cesur Adımlar... It’s not just a platform for developers, but for consumers, but for advertisers.
Page 25 |kaynak : Oppenheimer
“Kendimi mi öldürsem, bir fincan kahve mi alsam?” Albert Camus Page 26 |kaynak : Oppenheimer
“Eğer bir iş seni korkutuyorsa denemeye değer olabilir”
Seth Godin
“Ya yap ya da yapma, deneme şansın yok!”
Yoda Page 28 |kaynak : Oppenheimer
IAB Türkiye Kuruldu Türkiye IAB kuruldu etc. etc.etc
Dünyada toplam reklam bütçesi %7 artarken, internet reklam bütçesi %33 artmış We believe that the growing reach, rising share of media consumption, relatively higher ROI and the high secular growth in eCommerce will continue to fuel the growth of internet Advertising. Per our estimates, worldwide advertising touched $27bn in 2006 with %33 CAGR from 2003 to 2006 vs. Total internet advertising market of $544BN with %7 CAGR from 2003 to 2006
Facebook Dünyada toplam reklam bütçesi %7 artarken, internet reklam bütçesi %33 artmış We believe that the growing reach, rising share of media consumption, relatively higher ROI and the high secular growth in eCommerce will continue to fuel the growth of internet Advertising. Per our estimates, worldwide advertising touched $27bn in 2006 with %33 CAGR from 2003 to 2006 vs. Total internet advertising market of $544BN with %7 CAGR from 2003 to 2006
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