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Sunum yükleniyor. Lütfen bekleyiniz

Theory, principles and advantages of small group learning. Variety of ways of grouping learners. Planning for small groups, incorporating some differentiated.

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... konulu sunumlar: "Theory, principles and advantages of small group learning. Variety of ways of grouping learners. Planning for small groups, incorporating some differentiated."— Sunum transkripti:


2 Theory, principles and advantages of small group learning. Variety of ways of grouping learners. Planning for small groups, incorporating some differentiated learning techniques. Managing the small group learning process. Using small group learning to develop generic skills such as problem solving and interpersonal communication. Tasks appropriate to the small group format.

3 Small group learning is a useful educational approach. The group work has to be carefully planned and frequently requires a facilitator to ensure group progress. In addition the group function and the learning that takes place needs to be assessed and evaluated. The material learned is just as important as the group's ability to achieve a common goal. Facilitatory skills are important and require the teacher to ensure that both the task is achieved and the group functioning is maintained. Small group learning allows students to develop problem solving, interpersonal, presentational and communication skills, all beneficial to life outside the classroom. These generic skills are difficult to develop in isolation and require feedback and interaction with other individuals.

4  Küçük grup çalışması yararlı bir eğitim yaklaşımıdır. Gruplar dikkatli bir şekilde planlanmalı dır. Bu tür çalışmalarda grubun gelişimini takip edecek bir eğitmene ihtiyaç vardır. Bunun yanı sıra, grubun nasıl işlediği ve öğrenmenin ne derece gerçekleştiği de test edilmeli ve değerlendirilmelidir. Öğrenilen materyal grubun ortak bir hedefe ulaşabilme becerisi kadar önemlidir. öğrencilere verilen çalışmanın başarılı bir şekilde tamamlanması ve grubun bu başarıya ulaşmada ortak hareket edebilmesi için öğretmen tam bir yönlendirici olarak çalışmalıdır.  Küçük gruplarda öğrenme öğrencilerin, sınıf dışındaki yaşamlarında da gereken problem çözme, kişilerarası etkileşin ve iletişimsel becerilerini geliştirir. Bu becerilerin yaşamdan soyutlanarak kazanılması mümkün değildir. Grup içinde diğerleriyle etkileşim ve onlardan alınan geribildirimler sayesinde geliştirilebilir.

5  Integrated learning  Collaborative learning  Self-directed learning  Holistic approach  Active learning  Differentiated learning  Lifelong learning




9 OOrganizing groups based on ability levels should be done sparingly. LLearning groups should be rather small in size. SSmall group learning should be used consistently and systemically, but should not be overused.

10  Use a variety of criteria to group students.  Use informal, formal and base groups.  Keep the groups to a manageable size.  Combine cooperative learning with other classroom structures.

11 1. Positive interdependence 2. Face-to-face interaction 3. Individual and group accountability 4. Interpersonal skills 5. Group Processing

12  ensure knowledge/understanding of a topic  raise awareness of beliefs and views  increase ability to problem solve and reason  enhance empathy and sensitivity towards peers  To increase responsibility for learning  To develop interpersonal skills  To develop team working skills  To develop practical skills.

13 To ensure that a group functions effectively the facilitator must observe what is happening.  Are all group members participating; who isn’t ?  Is anyone dominating?  Is anyone undermining the group process?  Who holds the power?

14 The facilitator must also ensure that the group  completes the tasks set for them  achieves the stated outcomes for the lesson.  remain focused on the task.  explain the task  question understanding  keep time  clarify and summarise progress  close the session.  provide appropriate stimulus material and resource material so that the group can achieve the task(s) set.

15 Management of group dynamics Management of specific types of student behaviour  1. The dominant students  1a. The dominant disruptive students  1b. The highly enthusiastic dominant students  2. The passive students  2a. The disinterested students  2b. The quiet students who work by themselves

16  The allocation of expert roles to students  Spontaneously allocating leadership roles to students  Clear introductions that highlight relevance to practice  Pairing students with complementary strengths  Allocating time for reflection  Modelling of effective learning behaviour  Speaking to students individually

17 Student ownership of learning activities Understanding relevance & significance (of both content & process) Developing specific interactional skills Small group learning allows individuals to question and challenge assumptions and to develop a deeper understanding of a topic.  Overall: creating a stimulating & enjoyable learning environment that is perceived by students as beneficial for their future



20 ca ce ci co cu cy Write at least four words in each column: What’s the rule?



"Theory, principles and advantages of small group learning. Variety of ways of grouping learners. Planning for small groups, incorporating some differentiated." indir ppt

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