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Döner Sermaye Mali Yönetim Sistemi Bilgi Güvenliği
Ahmet Çağlar DEMİRTAŞ Bilgisayar Mühendisi
Bilgi Güvenliği Neden Önemlidir?
Kurum bünyesinde bilgi çok uzun bir süreç sonunda elde edilmekte ve elektronik olarak güvenli bir şekilde saklanması büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bilgi güvenliği zafiyetleri nelere yol açar. Kurum çalışanlarına ait kişisel bilgiler, internet ortamından denetimsiz olarak erişilebilir. İnteraktif bankacılık sistemi kullanıcılarının hesaplarındaki paralar çalınabilir. Öğrencilerin notları, okul kayıtlarında yetkisiz olarak değiştirilebilir. Bir hastanenin hastaları ile ilgili kişisel bilgiler ele geçirilebilir. İnternet kullanıcıların bilgisayarları ele geçirilerek, kullanıcı farkına bile varmadan bilgisayar üzerinden kurumsal sistemlere saldırılabilir. Ele geçirilen bilgisayarlar aracılığıyla topluca istenmeyen e-postalar gönderilebilir. Return to Blue Skies (Intermediate) To reproduce the video effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. On the Insert tab, in the Media group, click Video, and then click Video from File. In the left pane of the Insert Video dialog box, click the drive or library that contains the video. In the right pane of the dialog box, click the video that you want and then click Insert. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 1.98”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.72” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Color in the left pane, and under Border Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select White, Background 1, Darker 15% (third row, first option from left). Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Style in the left pane, and under Border Style in the right pane, set the Width to 0.75pt. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane, click the arrow to the right of Presets and under Outer, select Offset Diagonal Bottom Right (first row, first option). Close the Format Video dialog box. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, select Play, and then in the Timing group, click the arrow to the right of Start and select With Previous. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Select Duplicated Video. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click Video Shape, and then under Block Arrows, select Right Arrow Callout (second row, ninth option from left). Also under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Scale in the right pane, clear the Lock Aspect Ratio box, and then under Size and Rotate set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 3.04”. Click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle on the stem of the arrow, and then click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle closest to the tip of the arrow to create a thicker tip. Select the Right Arrow Callout shape. In the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.25” and the Vertical to 1.82”. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Repeat one more time, creating three Right Arrow Callout shapes total. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four videos. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and then do the following: Click Align Top. Click Distribute Horizontally. Select the video at the far left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 45% and the Contrast to -60%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the second video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 30% and the Contrast to -50%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the third video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 0% and the Contrast to -40%. To reproduce the layout effects on this slide, do the following: On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Lines, select Line (first row, first option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag down to draw line on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 4.13” and the Width to 0”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Gradient line, then click the arrow to the right of Type, select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until two stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: Select the first stop on the slider, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 0%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from the left). Select the second stop on the list, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 100%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1 pt. Close Format Shape dialog box. Press and hold CTRL. Select line and video on far left. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and do the following: Click Align Left. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes and under Basic Shapes, select Oval (first row, second option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag to draw a circle on the slide. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 0.23” and the Width to 0.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 4.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1.5pt. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. With the new circle selected, under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 5.75”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 25% (fifth row, seventh option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid Line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select Text Box, and then drag to draw a text box on the slide. Enter the text “Factory Pollution,” then select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Body) from the Font list, then select 18 pt from the Font Size list. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (fifth row, sixth option from left). Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 4.16”. Select the text, and change to say “Large-scale Cottrell Precipitators.” Also on the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 5.67”. Press and hold CTRL. Select both text boxes, both circles, and the line. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, under Group Objects, select Group. Also on the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. Repeat two more times, creating a total of 4 group objects. Select the second set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 2.64” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the third set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 5.11” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the fourth set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.61” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four grouped objects. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Send Backward, then select Send to Back. Select the red text under video two and change the text to “Commercial Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Bio-Diesel.” Select the red text under video three and change the text to “Passenger Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Electric Vehicles.” Select the red text under video four and change the text to “Cleaning Products,” and then the green text to “Environmentally Safe Labeling.” To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following: On the Design tab, in the bottom right corner of the Background group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Background dialog box. In the Format Background dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until three stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: In the Position box, enter 10%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Position box, enter 40%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 80% (second row, seventh option from the left). Select the third stop on the list, and then do the following: Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 40% (fourth row, seventh option from the left). Close the Format Background dialog box. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Rectangles, select Rectangle (first row, first option), then drag to draw rectangle on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, set the Height to 1.4” and the Width to 10”. Also on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Align, and then do the flowing: Click Align Center. Also on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80% (second row, fifth option from the left). In the Position box, enter 50%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue Accent 1, Lighter 60% (third row, fifth option from the left). Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 40% (fourth row, fourth option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select No Line. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane click the arrow to the right of Preset and under Outer select Offset Bottom (first row, second option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Text Box in the left pane, and under Text Layout in the right pane, set the Vertical Alignment to Middle. Select the rectangle, type “Return to Blue Skies,” and select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Headings) from the Font list, then select 66 pt from the Font Size list, click the Bold icon and click the Text Shadow icon. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from left). Bilgi Güvenliği
Bilgi Güvenliği ve Kullanıcı Sorumluluğu
Bilgi Güvenliği Ne Demektir? Bilgi güvenliği denildiğinde akla gelen kendimize ait olan bilginin başkasının eline geçmemesidir. Aslında güvenlik sadece bilginin başkasının eline geçmemesi anlamına gelmez. Güvenlik, ‘’gizlilik’’, ‘’bütünlük’’ ve ‘’erişilebilirlik’’ olarak adlandırılan üç unsurdan oluşur. Gizlilik : Bilginin yetkisiz kişilerin eline geçmemesidir. Bütünlük : Bilginin yetkisiz kişiler tarafından değiştirilmemesidir Erişilebilirlik : Bilginin ilgili yada yetkili kişilerce ulaşılabilir ve kullanılabilir durumda olmasıdır. Return to Blue Skies (Intermediate) To reproduce the video effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. On the Insert tab, in the Media group, click Video, and then click Video from File. In the left pane of the Insert Video dialog box, click the drive or library that contains the video. In the right pane of the dialog box, click the video that you want and then click Insert. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 1.98”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.72” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Color in the left pane, and under Border Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select White, Background 1, Darker 15% (third row, first option from left). Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Style in the left pane, and under Border Style in the right pane, set the Width to 0.75pt. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane, click the arrow to the right of Presets and under Outer, select Offset Diagonal Bottom Right (first row, first option). Close the Format Video dialog box. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, select Play, and then in the Timing group, click the arrow to the right of Start and select With Previous. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Select Duplicated Video. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click Video Shape, and then under Block Arrows, select Right Arrow Callout (second row, ninth option from left). Also under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Scale in the right pane, clear the Lock Aspect Ratio box, and then under Size and Rotate set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 3.04”. Click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle on the stem of the arrow, and then click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle closest to the tip of the arrow to create a thicker tip. Select the Right Arrow Callout shape. In the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.25” and the Vertical to 1.82”. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Repeat one more time, creating three Right Arrow Callout shapes total. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four videos. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and then do the following: Click Align Top. Click Distribute Horizontally. Select the video at the far left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 45% and the Contrast to -60%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the second video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 30% and the Contrast to -50%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the third video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 0% and the Contrast to -40%. To reproduce the layout effects on this slide, do the following: On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Lines, select Line (first row, first option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag down to draw line on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 4.13” and the Width to 0”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Gradient line, then click the arrow to the right of Type, select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until two stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: Select the first stop on the slider, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 0%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from the left). Select the second stop on the list, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 100%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1 pt. Close Format Shape dialog box. Press and hold CTRL. Select line and video on far left. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and do the following: Click Align Left. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes and under Basic Shapes, select Oval (first row, second option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag to draw a circle on the slide. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 0.23” and the Width to 0.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 4.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1.5pt. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. With the new circle selected, under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 5.75”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 25% (fifth row, seventh option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid Line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select Text Box, and then drag to draw a text box on the slide. Enter the text “Factory Pollution,” then select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Body) from the Font list, then select 18 pt from the Font Size list. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (fifth row, sixth option from left). Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 4.16”. Select the text, and change to say “Large-scale Cottrell Precipitators.” Also on the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 5.67”. Press and hold CTRL. Select both text boxes, both circles, and the line. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, under Group Objects, select Group. Also on the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. Repeat two more times, creating a total of 4 group objects. Select the second set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 2.64” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the third set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 5.11” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the fourth set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.61” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four grouped objects. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Send Backward, then select Send to Back. Select the red text under video two and change the text to “Commercial Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Bio-Diesel.” Select the red text under video three and change the text to “Passenger Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Electric Vehicles.” Select the red text under video four and change the text to “Cleaning Products,” and then the green text to “Environmentally Safe Labeling.” To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following: On the Design tab, in the bottom right corner of the Background group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Background dialog box. In the Format Background dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until three stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: In the Position box, enter 10%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Position box, enter 40%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 80% (second row, seventh option from the left). Select the third stop on the list, and then do the following: Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 40% (fourth row, seventh option from the left). Close the Format Background dialog box. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Rectangles, select Rectangle (first row, first option), then drag to draw rectangle on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, set the Height to 1.4” and the Width to 10”. Also on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Align, and then do the flowing: Click Align Center. Also on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80% (second row, fifth option from the left). In the Position box, enter 50%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue Accent 1, Lighter 60% (third row, fifth option from the left). Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 40% (fourth row, fourth option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select No Line. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane click the arrow to the right of Preset and under Outer select Offset Bottom (first row, second option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Text Box in the left pane, and under Text Layout in the right pane, set the Vertical Alignment to Middle. Select the rectangle, type “Return to Blue Skies,” and select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Headings) from the Font list, then select 66 pt from the Font Size list, click the Bold icon and click the Text Shadow icon. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from left). Bilgi Güvenliği
Bilgi Güvenliği ve Kullanıcı Sorumluluğu
Bilgi Güvenliğinden Kim Sorumludur? Herhangi bir bilgi sisteminde aşağıdaki konumlardan herhangi birisinde iseniz sorumluluğunuz var demektir. Bilginin sahibi, Bilgiyi kullanan, Bilgi sistemini yöneten kişiler. Bu durum bize göstermektedir ki bilgiyle herhangi bir şekilde ilgisi olan herkes bilgi güvenliğinden sorumludur. Return to Blue Skies (Intermediate) To reproduce the video effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. On the Insert tab, in the Media group, click Video, and then click Video from File. In the left pane of the Insert Video dialog box, click the drive or library that contains the video. In the right pane of the dialog box, click the video that you want and then click Insert. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 1.98”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.72” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Color in the left pane, and under Border Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select White, Background 1, Darker 15% (third row, first option from left). Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Style in the left pane, and under Border Style in the right pane, set the Width to 0.75pt. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane, click the arrow to the right of Presets and under Outer, select Offset Diagonal Bottom Right (first row, first option). Close the Format Video dialog box. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, select Play, and then in the Timing group, click the arrow to the right of Start and select With Previous. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Select Duplicated Video. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click Video Shape, and then under Block Arrows, select Right Arrow Callout (second row, ninth option from left). Also under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Scale in the right pane, clear the Lock Aspect Ratio box, and then under Size and Rotate set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 3.04”. Click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle on the stem of the arrow, and then click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle closest to the tip of the arrow to create a thicker tip. Select the Right Arrow Callout shape. In the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.25” and the Vertical to 1.82”. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Repeat one more time, creating three Right Arrow Callout shapes total. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four videos. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and then do the following: Click Align Top. Click Distribute Horizontally. Select the video at the far left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 45% and the Contrast to -60%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the second video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 30% and the Contrast to -50%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the third video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 0% and the Contrast to -40%. To reproduce the layout effects on this slide, do the following: On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Lines, select Line (first row, first option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag down to draw line on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 4.13” and the Width to 0”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Gradient line, then click the arrow to the right of Type, select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until two stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: Select the first stop on the slider, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 0%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from the left). Select the second stop on the list, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 100%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1 pt. Close Format Shape dialog box. Press and hold CTRL. Select line and video on far left. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and do the following: Click Align Left. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes and under Basic Shapes, select Oval (first row, second option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag to draw a circle on the slide. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 0.23” and the Width to 0.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 4.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1.5pt. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. With the new circle selected, under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 5.75”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 25% (fifth row, seventh option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid Line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select Text Box, and then drag to draw a text box on the slide. Enter the text “Factory Pollution,” then select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Body) from the Font list, then select 18 pt from the Font Size list. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (fifth row, sixth option from left). Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 4.16”. Select the text, and change to say “Large-scale Cottrell Precipitators.” Also on the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 5.67”. Press and hold CTRL. Select both text boxes, both circles, and the line. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, under Group Objects, select Group. Also on the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. Repeat two more times, creating a total of 4 group objects. Select the second set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 2.64” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the third set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 5.11” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the fourth set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.61” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four grouped objects. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Send Backward, then select Send to Back. Select the red text under video two and change the text to “Commercial Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Bio-Diesel.” Select the red text under video three and change the text to “Passenger Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Electric Vehicles.” Select the red text under video four and change the text to “Cleaning Products,” and then the green text to “Environmentally Safe Labeling.” To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following: On the Design tab, in the bottom right corner of the Background group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Background dialog box. In the Format Background dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until three stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: In the Position box, enter 10%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Position box, enter 40%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 80% (second row, seventh option from the left). Select the third stop on the list, and then do the following: Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 40% (fourth row, seventh option from the left). Close the Format Background dialog box. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Rectangles, select Rectangle (first row, first option), then drag to draw rectangle on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, set the Height to 1.4” and the Width to 10”. Also on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Align, and then do the flowing: Click Align Center. Also on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80% (second row, fifth option from the left). In the Position box, enter 50%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue Accent 1, Lighter 60% (third row, fifth option from the left). Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 40% (fourth row, fourth option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select No Line. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane click the arrow to the right of Preset and under Outer select Offset Bottom (first row, second option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Text Box in the left pane, and under Text Layout in the right pane, set the Vertical Alignment to Middle. Select the rectangle, type “Return to Blue Skies,” and select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Headings) from the Font list, then select 66 pt from the Font Size list, click the Bold icon and click the Text Shadow icon. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from left). Bilgi Güvenliği
Bilgi Güvenliği ve Kullanıcı Sorumluluğu
Bilgi Güvenliğinden Kim Sorumludur? Herkes sorumlu ise bilgi güvenliğinin seviyesi nasıl belirlenir? Bilgi sistemlerini bir zincir gibi düşündüğümüzde bu zincirin en zayıf halkası çoğunlukla sistemin kullanıcılarıdır. Unutulmamalıdır ki bir zincir en zayıf halkası kadar sağlamdır." Bilgi güvenliğinin seviyesi de bu durumda kullanıcılara bağlı olduğundan, kullanıcı bilinci bilgi güvenliğinin sağlanması için son derece hayati bir öneme sahiptir ve bilgi güvenliği seviyesini belirler Return to Blue Skies (Intermediate) To reproduce the video effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. On the Insert tab, in the Media group, click Video, and then click Video from File. In the left pane of the Insert Video dialog box, click the drive or library that contains the video. In the right pane of the dialog box, click the video that you want and then click Insert. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 1.98”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.72” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Color in the left pane, and under Border Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select White, Background 1, Darker 15% (third row, first option from left). Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Style in the left pane, and under Border Style in the right pane, set the Width to 0.75pt. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane, click the arrow to the right of Presets and under Outer, select Offset Diagonal Bottom Right (first row, first option). Close the Format Video dialog box. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, select Play, and then in the Timing group, click the arrow to the right of Start and select With Previous. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Select Duplicated Video. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click Video Shape, and then under Block Arrows, select Right Arrow Callout (second row, ninth option from left). Also under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Scale in the right pane, clear the Lock Aspect Ratio box, and then under Size and Rotate set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 3.04”. Click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle on the stem of the arrow, and then click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle closest to the tip of the arrow to create a thicker tip. Select the Right Arrow Callout shape. In the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.25” and the Vertical to 1.82”. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Repeat one more time, creating three Right Arrow Callout shapes total. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four videos. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and then do the following: Click Align Top. Click Distribute Horizontally. Select the video at the far left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 45% and the Contrast to -60%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the second video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 30% and the Contrast to -50%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the third video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 0% and the Contrast to -40%. To reproduce the layout effects on this slide, do the following: On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Lines, select Line (first row, first option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag down to draw line on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 4.13” and the Width to 0”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Gradient line, then click the arrow to the right of Type, select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until two stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: Select the first stop on the slider, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 0%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from the left). Select the second stop on the list, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 100%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1 pt. Close Format Shape dialog box. Press and hold CTRL. Select line and video on far left. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and do the following: Click Align Left. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes and under Basic Shapes, select Oval (first row, second option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag to draw a circle on the slide. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 0.23” and the Width to 0.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 4.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1.5pt. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. With the new circle selected, under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 5.75”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 25% (fifth row, seventh option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid Line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select Text Box, and then drag to draw a text box on the slide. Enter the text “Factory Pollution,” then select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Body) from the Font list, then select 18 pt from the Font Size list. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (fifth row, sixth option from left). Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 4.16”. Select the text, and change to say “Large-scale Cottrell Precipitators.” Also on the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 5.67”. Press and hold CTRL. Select both text boxes, both circles, and the line. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, under Group Objects, select Group. Also on the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. Repeat two more times, creating a total of 4 group objects. Select the second set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 2.64” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the third set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 5.11” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the fourth set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.61” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four grouped objects. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Send Backward, then select Send to Back. Select the red text under video two and change the text to “Commercial Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Bio-Diesel.” Select the red text under video three and change the text to “Passenger Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Electric Vehicles.” Select the red text under video four and change the text to “Cleaning Products,” and then the green text to “Environmentally Safe Labeling.” To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following: On the Design tab, in the bottom right corner of the Background group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Background dialog box. In the Format Background dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until three stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: In the Position box, enter 10%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Position box, enter 40%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 80% (second row, seventh option from the left). Select the third stop on the list, and then do the following: Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 40% (fourth row, seventh option from the left). Close the Format Background dialog box. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Rectangles, select Rectangle (first row, first option), then drag to draw rectangle on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, set the Height to 1.4” and the Width to 10”. Also on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Align, and then do the flowing: Click Align Center. Also on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80% (second row, fifth option from the left). In the Position box, enter 50%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue Accent 1, Lighter 60% (third row, fifth option from the left). Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 40% (fourth row, fourth option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select No Line. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane click the arrow to the right of Preset and under Outer select Offset Bottom (first row, second option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Text Box in the left pane, and under Text Layout in the right pane, set the Vertical Alignment to Middle. Select the rectangle, type “Return to Blue Skies,” and select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Headings) from the Font list, then select 66 pt from the Font Size list, click the Bold icon and click the Text Shadow icon. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from left). Bilgi Güvenliği
Bilgisayara Giriş Güvenliği
Bilgisayarıma giriş güvenliğini nasıl sağlarım? Bilgisayarınız açılırken kullanıcı adı ve parola sormuyorsa bilgisayarınızı bilgisayarınıza fiziksel olarak ulaşabilen herkes açabilir ve kişisel bilgilerinize erişebilir. Bu nedenle ilk olarak bilgisayarınızın “kullanıcı adı” ve “parola” ile açılmasını sağlayınız! Kullandığınız kullanıcı adı ve parola, bilgisayarınızın açılışındaki güvenliğini sağlar. Fakat, güçlü parolalar kullanmayıp, kolay tahmin edilebilir kullanıcı adlarını tercih ettiğinizde, bilgisayarınız başkaları tarafından sizden habersiz kullanılabilir. Return to Blue Skies (Intermediate) To reproduce the video effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. On the Insert tab, in the Media group, click Video, and then click Video from File. In the left pane of the Insert Video dialog box, click the drive or library that contains the video. In the right pane of the dialog box, click the video that you want and then click Insert. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 1.98”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.72” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Color in the left pane, and under Border Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select White, Background 1, Darker 15% (third row, first option from left). Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Style in the left pane, and under Border Style in the right pane, set the Width to 0.75pt. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane, click the arrow to the right of Presets and under Outer, select Offset Diagonal Bottom Right (first row, first option). Close the Format Video dialog box. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, select Play, and then in the Timing group, click the arrow to the right of Start and select With Previous. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Select Duplicated Video. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click Video Shape, and then under Block Arrows, select Right Arrow Callout (second row, ninth option from left). Also under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Scale in the right pane, clear the Lock Aspect Ratio box, and then under Size and Rotate set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 3.04”. Click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle on the stem of the arrow, and then click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle closest to the tip of the arrow to create a thicker tip. Select the Right Arrow Callout shape. In the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.25” and the Vertical to 1.82”. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Repeat one more time, creating three Right Arrow Callout shapes total. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four videos. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and then do the following: Click Align Top. Click Distribute Horizontally. Select the video at the far left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 45% and the Contrast to -60%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the second video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 30% and the Contrast to -50%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the third video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 0% and the Contrast to -40%. To reproduce the layout effects on this slide, do the following: On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Lines, select Line (first row, first option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag down to draw line on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 4.13” and the Width to 0”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Gradient line, then click the arrow to the right of Type, select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until two stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: Select the first stop on the slider, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 0%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from the left). Select the second stop on the list, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 100%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1 pt. Close Format Shape dialog box. Press and hold CTRL. Select line and video on far left. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and do the following: Click Align Left. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes and under Basic Shapes, select Oval (first row, second option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag to draw a circle on the slide. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 0.23” and the Width to 0.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 4.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1.5pt. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. With the new circle selected, under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 5.75”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 25% (fifth row, seventh option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid Line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select Text Box, and then drag to draw a text box on the slide. Enter the text “Factory Pollution,” then select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Body) from the Font list, then select 18 pt from the Font Size list. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (fifth row, sixth option from left). Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 4.16”. Select the text, and change to say “Large-scale Cottrell Precipitators.” Also on the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 5.67”. Press and hold CTRL. Select both text boxes, both circles, and the line. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, under Group Objects, select Group. Also on the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. Repeat two more times, creating a total of 4 group objects. Select the second set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 2.64” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the third set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 5.11” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the fourth set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.61” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four grouped objects. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Send Backward, then select Send to Back. Select the red text under video two and change the text to “Commercial Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Bio-Diesel.” Select the red text under video three and change the text to “Passenger Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Electric Vehicles.” Select the red text under video four and change the text to “Cleaning Products,” and then the green text to “Environmentally Safe Labeling.” To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following: On the Design tab, in the bottom right corner of the Background group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Background dialog box. In the Format Background dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until three stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: In the Position box, enter 10%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Position box, enter 40%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 80% (second row, seventh option from the left). Select the third stop on the list, and then do the following: Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 40% (fourth row, seventh option from the left). Close the Format Background dialog box. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Rectangles, select Rectangle (first row, first option), then drag to draw rectangle on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, set the Height to 1.4” and the Width to 10”. Also on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Align, and then do the flowing: Click Align Center. Also on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80% (second row, fifth option from the left). In the Position box, enter 50%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue Accent 1, Lighter 60% (third row, fifth option from the left). Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 40% (fourth row, fourth option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select No Line. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane click the arrow to the right of Preset and under Outer select Offset Bottom (first row, second option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Text Box in the left pane, and under Text Layout in the right pane, set the Vertical Alignment to Middle. Select the rectangle, type “Return to Blue Skies,” and select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Headings) from the Font list, then select 66 pt from the Font Size list, click the Bold icon and click the Text Shadow icon. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from left). Bilgisayar ve Erişim Güvenliği
Parola Güvenliği Parolaların ele geçirilmesi
Parolalar genel olarak iki şekilde ele geçirilebilir. Tahmin ederek ya da deneme yanılma yolu ile ele geçirilebilir. Parolanızın çalınması ile yani hırsızlık yaparak ele geçirilebilir. Return to Blue Skies (Intermediate) To reproduce the video effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. On the Insert tab, in the Media group, click Video, and then click Video from File. In the left pane of the Insert Video dialog box, click the drive or library that contains the video. In the right pane of the dialog box, click the video that you want and then click Insert. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 1.98”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.72” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Color in the left pane, and under Border Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select White, Background 1, Darker 15% (third row, first option from left). Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Style in the left pane, and under Border Style in the right pane, set the Width to 0.75pt. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane, click the arrow to the right of Presets and under Outer, select Offset Diagonal Bottom Right (first row, first option). Close the Format Video dialog box. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, select Play, and then in the Timing group, click the arrow to the right of Start and select With Previous. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Select Duplicated Video. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click Video Shape, and then under Block Arrows, select Right Arrow Callout (second row, ninth option from left). Also under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Scale in the right pane, clear the Lock Aspect Ratio box, and then under Size and Rotate set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 3.04”. Click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle on the stem of the arrow, and then click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle closest to the tip of the arrow to create a thicker tip. Select the Right Arrow Callout shape. In the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.25” and the Vertical to 1.82”. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Repeat one more time, creating three Right Arrow Callout shapes total. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four videos. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and then do the following: Click Align Top. Click Distribute Horizontally. Select the video at the far left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 45% and the Contrast to -60%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the second video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 30% and the Contrast to -50%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the third video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 0% and the Contrast to -40%. To reproduce the layout effects on this slide, do the following: On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Lines, select Line (first row, first option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag down to draw line on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 4.13” and the Width to 0”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Gradient line, then click the arrow to the right of Type, select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until two stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: Select the first stop on the slider, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 0%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from the left). Select the second stop on the list, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 100%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1 pt. Close Format Shape dialog box. Press and hold CTRL. Select line and video on far left. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and do the following: Click Align Left. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes and under Basic Shapes, select Oval (first row, second option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag to draw a circle on the slide. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 0.23” and the Width to 0.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 4.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1.5pt. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. With the new circle selected, under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 5.75”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 25% (fifth row, seventh option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid Line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select Text Box, and then drag to draw a text box on the slide. Enter the text “Factory Pollution,” then select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Body) from the Font list, then select 18 pt from the Font Size list. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (fifth row, sixth option from left). Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 4.16”. Select the text, and change to say “Large-scale Cottrell Precipitators.” Also on the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 5.67”. Press and hold CTRL. Select both text boxes, both circles, and the line. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, under Group Objects, select Group. Also on the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. Repeat two more times, creating a total of 4 group objects. Select the second set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 2.64” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the third set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 5.11” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the fourth set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.61” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four grouped objects. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Send Backward, then select Send to Back. Select the red text under video two and change the text to “Commercial Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Bio-Diesel.” Select the red text under video three and change the text to “Passenger Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Electric Vehicles.” Select the red text under video four and change the text to “Cleaning Products,” and then the green text to “Environmentally Safe Labeling.” To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following: On the Design tab, in the bottom right corner of the Background group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Background dialog box. In the Format Background dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until three stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: In the Position box, enter 10%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Position box, enter 40%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 80% (second row, seventh option from the left). Select the third stop on the list, and then do the following: Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 40% (fourth row, seventh option from the left). Close the Format Background dialog box. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Rectangles, select Rectangle (first row, first option), then drag to draw rectangle on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, set the Height to 1.4” and the Width to 10”. Also on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Align, and then do the flowing: Click Align Center. Also on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80% (second row, fifth option from the left). In the Position box, enter 50%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue Accent 1, Lighter 60% (third row, fifth option from the left). Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 40% (fourth row, fourth option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select No Line. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane click the arrow to the right of Preset and under Outer select Offset Bottom (first row, second option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Text Box in the left pane, and under Text Layout in the right pane, set the Vertical Alignment to Middle. Select the rectangle, type “Return to Blue Skies,” and select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Headings) from the Font list, then select 66 pt from the Font Size list, click the Bold icon and click the Text Shadow icon. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from left). Bilgisayar ve Erişim Güvenliği
Parola Güvenliği Parolaların ele geçirilmesi
Parolamızı ele geçirdiklerinde ne yapmalıyız? Parolanız başkası tarafından ele geçirilirse veya böyle bir şüpheniz varsa İlk işiniz parolanızı değiştirmek olmalı. Eğer aynı parolayı ya da çok benzerlerini başka sistemlerde de kullanıyorsanız, diğer parolaları da değiştirmeniz gerekir. Bu durumdan etkilenebilecek diğer kişilere haber vermen olası başka problemleri önlemende yardımcı olacaktır. Benzer problemleri tekrar yaşamamak için, yeni oluşturacağın parolalar, tahmin edilmesi zor, yani güçlü parolalar olmalıdır. Return to Blue Skies (Intermediate) To reproduce the video effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. On the Insert tab, in the Media group, click Video, and then click Video from File. In the left pane of the Insert Video dialog box, click the drive or library that contains the video. In the right pane of the dialog box, click the video that you want and then click Insert. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 1.98”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.72” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Color in the left pane, and under Border Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select White, Background 1, Darker 15% (third row, first option from left). Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Style in the left pane, and under Border Style in the right pane, set the Width to 0.75pt. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane, click the arrow to the right of Presets and under Outer, select Offset Diagonal Bottom Right (first row, first option). Close the Format Video dialog box. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, select Play, and then in the Timing group, click the arrow to the right of Start and select With Previous. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Select Duplicated Video. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click Video Shape, and then under Block Arrows, select Right Arrow Callout (second row, ninth option from left). Also under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Scale in the right pane, clear the Lock Aspect Ratio box, and then under Size and Rotate set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 3.04”. Click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle on the stem of the arrow, and then click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle closest to the tip of the arrow to create a thicker tip. Select the Right Arrow Callout shape. In the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.25” and the Vertical to 1.82”. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Repeat one more time, creating three Right Arrow Callout shapes total. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four videos. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and then do the following: Click Align Top. Click Distribute Horizontally. Select the video at the far left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 45% and the Contrast to -60%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the second video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 30% and the Contrast to -50%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the third video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 0% and the Contrast to -40%. To reproduce the layout effects on this slide, do the following: On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Lines, select Line (first row, first option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag down to draw line on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 4.13” and the Width to 0”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Gradient line, then click the arrow to the right of Type, select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until two stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: Select the first stop on the slider, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 0%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from the left). Select the second stop on the list, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 100%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1 pt. Close Format Shape dialog box. Press and hold CTRL. Select line and video on far left. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and do the following: Click Align Left. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes and under Basic Shapes, select Oval (first row, second option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag to draw a circle on the slide. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 0.23” and the Width to 0.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 4.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1.5pt. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. With the new circle selected, under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 5.75”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 25% (fifth row, seventh option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid Line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select Text Box, and then drag to draw a text box on the slide. Enter the text “Factory Pollution,” then select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Body) from the Font list, then select 18 pt from the Font Size list. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (fifth row, sixth option from left). Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 4.16”. Select the text, and change to say “Large-scale Cottrell Precipitators.” Also on the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 5.67”. Press and hold CTRL. Select both text boxes, both circles, and the line. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, under Group Objects, select Group. Also on the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. Repeat two more times, creating a total of 4 group objects. Select the second set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 2.64” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the third set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 5.11” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the fourth set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.61” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four grouped objects. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Send Backward, then select Send to Back. Select the red text under video two and change the text to “Commercial Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Bio-Diesel.” Select the red text under video three and change the text to “Passenger Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Electric Vehicles.” Select the red text under video four and change the text to “Cleaning Products,” and then the green text to “Environmentally Safe Labeling.” To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following: On the Design tab, in the bottom right corner of the Background group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Background dialog box. In the Format Background dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until three stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: In the Position box, enter 10%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Position box, enter 40%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 80% (second row, seventh option from the left). Select the third stop on the list, and then do the following: Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 40% (fourth row, seventh option from the left). Close the Format Background dialog box. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Rectangles, select Rectangle (first row, first option), then drag to draw rectangle on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, set the Height to 1.4” and the Width to 10”. Also on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Align, and then do the flowing: Click Align Center. Also on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80% (second row, fifth option from the left). In the Position box, enter 50%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue Accent 1, Lighter 60% (third row, fifth option from the left). Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 40% (fourth row, fourth option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select No Line. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane click the arrow to the right of Preset and under Outer select Offset Bottom (first row, second option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Text Box in the left pane, and under Text Layout in the right pane, set the Vertical Alignment to Middle. Select the rectangle, type “Return to Blue Skies,” and select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Headings) from the Font list, then select 66 pt from the Font Size list, click the Bold icon and click the Text Shadow icon. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from left). Bilgisayar ve Erişim Güvenliği
Parola Güvenliği Güçlü parola oluşturma
Tahmin edilmesi kolay olmayan ya da deneme yanılma yolu ile ele geçirilmesi oldukça zor olan parolalara güçlü parola denir. Güçlü parola ne demektir, nasıl oluşturulur? Oluşturulan bir parolanın "güçlü" kabul edilebilmesi için aşağıdaki özellikleri göstermelidir. En az 7 karakterden oluşur. Harflerin yanı sıra, rakam ve !, #, %, +, -, *, %" gibi özel karakterler içerir. Büyük ve küçük harfler bir arada kullanılır. Return to Blue Skies (Intermediate) To reproduce the video effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. On the Insert tab, in the Media group, click Video, and then click Video from File. In the left pane of the Insert Video dialog box, click the drive or library that contains the video. In the right pane of the dialog box, click the video that you want and then click Insert. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 1.98”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.72” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Color in the left pane, and under Border Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select White, Background 1, Darker 15% (third row, first option from left). Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Style in the left pane, and under Border Style in the right pane, set the Width to 0.75pt. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane, click the arrow to the right of Presets and under Outer, select Offset Diagonal Bottom Right (first row, first option). Close the Format Video dialog box. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, select Play, and then in the Timing group, click the arrow to the right of Start and select With Previous. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Select Duplicated Video. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click Video Shape, and then under Block Arrows, select Right Arrow Callout (second row, ninth option from left). Also under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Scale in the right pane, clear the Lock Aspect Ratio box, and then under Size and Rotate set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 3.04”. Click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle on the stem of the arrow, and then click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle closest to the tip of the arrow to create a thicker tip. Select the Right Arrow Callout shape. In the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.25” and the Vertical to 1.82”. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Repeat one more time, creating three Right Arrow Callout shapes total. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four videos. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and then do the following: Click Align Top. Click Distribute Horizontally. Select the video at the far left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 45% and the Contrast to -60%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the second video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 30% and the Contrast to -50%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the third video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 0% and the Contrast to -40%. To reproduce the layout effects on this slide, do the following: On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Lines, select Line (first row, first option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag down to draw line on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 4.13” and the Width to 0”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Gradient line, then click the arrow to the right of Type, select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until two stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: Select the first stop on the slider, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 0%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from the left). Select the second stop on the list, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 100%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1 pt. Close Format Shape dialog box. Press and hold CTRL. Select line and video on far left. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and do the following: Click Align Left. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes and under Basic Shapes, select Oval (first row, second option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag to draw a circle on the slide. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 0.23” and the Width to 0.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 4.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1.5pt. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. With the new circle selected, under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 5.75”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 25% (fifth row, seventh option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid Line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select Text Box, and then drag to draw a text box on the slide. Enter the text “Factory Pollution,” then select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Body) from the Font list, then select 18 pt from the Font Size list. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (fifth row, sixth option from left). Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 4.16”. Select the text, and change to say “Large-scale Cottrell Precipitators.” Also on the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 5.67”. Press and hold CTRL. Select both text boxes, both circles, and the line. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, under Group Objects, select Group. Also on the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. Repeat two more times, creating a total of 4 group objects. Select the second set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 2.64” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the third set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 5.11” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the fourth set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.61” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four grouped objects. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Send Backward, then select Send to Back. Select the red text under video two and change the text to “Commercial Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Bio-Diesel.” Select the red text under video three and change the text to “Passenger Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Electric Vehicles.” Select the red text under video four and change the text to “Cleaning Products,” and then the green text to “Environmentally Safe Labeling.” To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following: On the Design tab, in the bottom right corner of the Background group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Background dialog box. In the Format Background dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until three stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: In the Position box, enter 10%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Position box, enter 40%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 80% (second row, seventh option from the left). Select the third stop on the list, and then do the following: Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 40% (fourth row, seventh option from the left). Close the Format Background dialog box. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Rectangles, select Rectangle (first row, first option), then drag to draw rectangle on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, set the Height to 1.4” and the Width to 10”. Also on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Align, and then do the flowing: Click Align Center. Also on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80% (second row, fifth option from the left). In the Position box, enter 50%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue Accent 1, Lighter 60% (third row, fifth option from the left). Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 40% (fourth row, fourth option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select No Line. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane click the arrow to the right of Preset and under Outer select Offset Bottom (first row, second option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Text Box in the left pane, and under Text Layout in the right pane, set the Vertical Alignment to Middle. Select the rectangle, type “Return to Blue Skies,” and select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Headings) from the Font list, then select 66 pt from the Font Size list, click the Bold icon and click the Text Shadow icon. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from left). Bilgisayar ve Erişim Güvenliği
Parola Güvenliği Parolaların korunması
Güçlü parolalar vermek gerekli ama yeterli değildir. Verdiğiniz parolanın korunması ve paylaşılmaması da bir o kadar önemlidir. Parolanızı korumak için: Kağıt ya da elektronik, herhangi bir ortamda açıkça yazılmış olarak bulundurulmamalıdır. Yazılı bulundurulması gerektiğinde saklanan ortamın güvenliği sağlanmalı ve parolalar kilit altında saklanmalıdır. Farklı sistemlerde farklı parola kullanılması olası riskleri azaltacaktır. Parolalar belirli aralıklarla değiştirilmelidir. Return to Blue Skies (Intermediate) To reproduce the video effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. On the Insert tab, in the Media group, click Video, and then click Video from File. In the left pane of the Insert Video dialog box, click the drive or library that contains the video. In the right pane of the dialog box, click the video that you want and then click Insert. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 1.98”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.72” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Color in the left pane, and under Border Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select White, Background 1, Darker 15% (third row, first option from left). Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Style in the left pane, and under Border Style in the right pane, set the Width to 0.75pt. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane, click the arrow to the right of Presets and under Outer, select Offset Diagonal Bottom Right (first row, first option). Close the Format Video dialog box. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, select Play, and then in the Timing group, click the arrow to the right of Start and select With Previous. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Select Duplicated Video. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click Video Shape, and then under Block Arrows, select Right Arrow Callout (second row, ninth option from left). Also under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Scale in the right pane, clear the Lock Aspect Ratio box, and then under Size and Rotate set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 3.04”. Click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle on the stem of the arrow, and then click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle closest to the tip of the arrow to create a thicker tip. Select the Right Arrow Callout shape. In the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.25” and the Vertical to 1.82”. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Repeat one more time, creating three Right Arrow Callout shapes total. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four videos. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and then do the following: Click Align Top. Click Distribute Horizontally. Select the video at the far left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 45% and the Contrast to -60%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the second video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 30% and the Contrast to -50%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the third video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 0% and the Contrast to -40%. To reproduce the layout effects on this slide, do the following: On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Lines, select Line (first row, first option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag down to draw line on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 4.13” and the Width to 0”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Gradient line, then click the arrow to the right of Type, select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until two stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: Select the first stop on the slider, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 0%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from the left). Select the second stop on the list, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 100%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1 pt. Close Format Shape dialog box. Press and hold CTRL. Select line and video on far left. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and do the following: Click Align Left. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes and under Basic Shapes, select Oval (first row, second option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag to draw a circle on the slide. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 0.23” and the Width to 0.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 4.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1.5pt. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. With the new circle selected, under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 5.75”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 25% (fifth row, seventh option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid Line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select Text Box, and then drag to draw a text box on the slide. Enter the text “Factory Pollution,” then select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Body) from the Font list, then select 18 pt from the Font Size list. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (fifth row, sixth option from left). Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 4.16”. Select the text, and change to say “Large-scale Cottrell Precipitators.” Also on the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 5.67”. Press and hold CTRL. Select both text boxes, both circles, and the line. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, under Group Objects, select Group. Also on the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. Repeat two more times, creating a total of 4 group objects. Select the second set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 2.64” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the third set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 5.11” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the fourth set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.61” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four grouped objects. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Send Backward, then select Send to Back. Select the red text under video two and change the text to “Commercial Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Bio-Diesel.” Select the red text under video three and change the text to “Passenger Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Electric Vehicles.” Select the red text under video four and change the text to “Cleaning Products,” and then the green text to “Environmentally Safe Labeling.” To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following: On the Design tab, in the bottom right corner of the Background group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Background dialog box. In the Format Background dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until three stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: In the Position box, enter 10%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Position box, enter 40%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 80% (second row, seventh option from the left). Select the third stop on the list, and then do the following: Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 40% (fourth row, seventh option from the left). Close the Format Background dialog box. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Rectangles, select Rectangle (first row, first option), then drag to draw rectangle on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, set the Height to 1.4” and the Width to 10”. Also on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Align, and then do the flowing: Click Align Center. Also on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80% (second row, fifth option from the left). In the Position box, enter 50%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue Accent 1, Lighter 60% (third row, fifth option from the left). Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 40% (fourth row, fourth option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select No Line. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane click the arrow to the right of Preset and under Outer select Offset Bottom (first row, second option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Text Box in the left pane, and under Text Layout in the right pane, set the Vertical Alignment to Middle. Select the rectangle, type “Return to Blue Skies,” and select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Headings) from the Font list, then select 66 pt from the Font Size list, click the Bold icon and click the Text Shadow icon. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from left). Bilgisayar ve Erişim Güvenliği
İnternet ve Ağ Güvenliği
e-Posta Güvenliği – Saldırganlar e-Postaları Neden Önemserler? Binlerce kişiye ulaşabilme ihtimali, elektronik posta haberleşmesini cazip bir saldırı ortamına da dönüştürmektedir Sizin için iletişim anlamına gelen e-posta, saldırganlar için size ve yakınlarınıza erişim, reklam ve zararlı program yayma fırsatı demektir. Toplu eposta gönderme işleminin kolaylığı ve teknolojik gelişmeler düşünülürse saldırganların tek ihtiyaçları eposta adresiniz ve bir an için dikkatsiz davranmanızdır. Return to Blue Skies (Intermediate) To reproduce the video effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. On the Insert tab, in the Media group, click Video, and then click Video from File. In the left pane of the Insert Video dialog box, click the drive or library that contains the video. In the right pane of the dialog box, click the video that you want and then click Insert. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 1.98”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.72” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Color in the left pane, and under Border Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select White, Background 1, Darker 15% (third row, first option from left). Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Style in the left pane, and under Border Style in the right pane, set the Width to 0.75pt. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane, click the arrow to the right of Presets and under Outer, select Offset Diagonal Bottom Right (first row, first option). Close the Format Video dialog box. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, select Play, and then in the Timing group, click the arrow to the right of Start and select With Previous. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Select Duplicated Video. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click Video Shape, and then under Block Arrows, select Right Arrow Callout (second row, ninth option from left). Also under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Scale in the right pane, clear the Lock Aspect Ratio box, and then under Size and Rotate set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 3.04”. Click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle on the stem of the arrow, and then click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle closest to the tip of the arrow to create a thicker tip. Select the Right Arrow Callout shape. In the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.25” and the Vertical to 1.82”. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Repeat one more time, creating three Right Arrow Callout shapes total. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four videos. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and then do the following: Click Align Top. Click Distribute Horizontally. Select the video at the far left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 45% and the Contrast to -60%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the second video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 30% and the Contrast to -50%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the third video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 0% and the Contrast to -40%. To reproduce the layout effects on this slide, do the following: On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Lines, select Line (first row, first option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag down to draw line on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 4.13” and the Width to 0”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Gradient line, then click the arrow to the right of Type, select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until two stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: Select the first stop on the slider, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 0%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from the left). Select the second stop on the list, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 100%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1 pt. Close Format Shape dialog box. Press and hold CTRL. Select line and video on far left. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and do the following: Click Align Left. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes and under Basic Shapes, select Oval (first row, second option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag to draw a circle on the slide. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 0.23” and the Width to 0.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 4.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1.5pt. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. With the new circle selected, under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 5.75”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 25% (fifth row, seventh option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid Line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select Text Box, and then drag to draw a text box on the slide. Enter the text “Factory Pollution,” then select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Body) from the Font list, then select 18 pt from the Font Size list. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (fifth row, sixth option from left). Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 4.16”. Select the text, and change to say “Large-scale Cottrell Precipitators.” Also on the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 5.67”. Press and hold CTRL. Select both text boxes, both circles, and the line. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, under Group Objects, select Group. Also on the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. Repeat two more times, creating a total of 4 group objects. Select the second set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 2.64” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the third set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 5.11” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the fourth set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.61” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four grouped objects. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Send Backward, then select Send to Back. Select the red text under video two and change the text to “Commercial Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Bio-Diesel.” Select the red text under video three and change the text to “Passenger Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Electric Vehicles.” Select the red text under video four and change the text to “Cleaning Products,” and then the green text to “Environmentally Safe Labeling.” To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following: On the Design tab, in the bottom right corner of the Background group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Background dialog box. In the Format Background dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until three stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: In the Position box, enter 10%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Position box, enter 40%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 80% (second row, seventh option from the left). Select the third stop on the list, and then do the following: Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 40% (fourth row, seventh option from the left). Close the Format Background dialog box. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Rectangles, select Rectangle (first row, first option), then drag to draw rectangle on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, set the Height to 1.4” and the Width to 10”. Also on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Align, and then do the flowing: Click Align Center. Also on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80% (second row, fifth option from the left). In the Position box, enter 50%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue Accent 1, Lighter 60% (third row, fifth option from the left). Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 40% (fourth row, fourth option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select No Line. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane click the arrow to the right of Preset and under Outer select Offset Bottom (first row, second option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Text Box in the left pane, and under Text Layout in the right pane, set the Vertical Alignment to Middle. Select the rectangle, type “Return to Blue Skies,” and select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Headings) from the Font list, then select 66 pt from the Font Size list, click the Bold icon and click the Text Shadow icon. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from left). İnternet ve Ağ Güvenliği
İnternet ve Ağ Güvenliği
e-Posta Güvenliği – e-Posta Saldırı Yöntemleri İstenmeyen e-posta(SPAM) : Bir e-postanın talepte bulunmamış, birçok kişiye birden, zorla gönderilmesi durumunda, bu e-postaya istenmeyen e-posta denir. Oltalama e-postası(PHISHING) : Kimlik bilgilerini çalmak amacı ile, istenmeyen e-posta veya açılır pencere yoluyla yapılan bir aldatma yöntemidir. Aldatmaca e-posta(HOAX) : Gelen e-postayı başkalarına göndermeni ya da herhangi başka bir eylemde bulunmanı sağlamak amacı ile, içinde aldatmaya ve kandırmaya yönelik ilginç bir konu (ölümcül hastalık, hediye, acil haber, uyarı, komplo teorisi) geçen e-postalardır. Return to Blue Skies (Intermediate) To reproduce the video effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. On the Insert tab, in the Media group, click Video, and then click Video from File. In the left pane of the Insert Video dialog box, click the drive or library that contains the video. In the right pane of the dialog box, click the video that you want and then click Insert. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 1.98”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.72” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Color in the left pane, and under Border Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select White, Background 1, Darker 15% (third row, first option from left). Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Style in the left pane, and under Border Style in the right pane, set the Width to 0.75pt. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane, click the arrow to the right of Presets and under Outer, select Offset Diagonal Bottom Right (first row, first option). Close the Format Video dialog box. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, select Play, and then in the Timing group, click the arrow to the right of Start and select With Previous. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Select Duplicated Video. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click Video Shape, and then under Block Arrows, select Right Arrow Callout (second row, ninth option from left). Also under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Scale in the right pane, clear the Lock Aspect Ratio box, and then under Size and Rotate set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 3.04”. Click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle on the stem of the arrow, and then click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle closest to the tip of the arrow to create a thicker tip. Select the Right Arrow Callout shape. In the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.25” and the Vertical to 1.82”. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Repeat one more time, creating three Right Arrow Callout shapes total. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four videos. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and then do the following: Click Align Top. Click Distribute Horizontally. Select the video at the far left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 45% and the Contrast to -60%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the second video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 30% and the Contrast to -50%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the third video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 0% and the Contrast to -40%. To reproduce the layout effects on this slide, do the following: On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Lines, select Line (first row, first option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag down to draw line on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 4.13” and the Width to 0”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Gradient line, then click the arrow to the right of Type, select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until two stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: Select the first stop on the slider, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 0%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from the left). Select the second stop on the list, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 100%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1 pt. Close Format Shape dialog box. Press and hold CTRL. Select line and video on far left. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and do the following: Click Align Left. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes and under Basic Shapes, select Oval (first row, second option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag to draw a circle on the slide. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 0.23” and the Width to 0.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 4.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1.5pt. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. With the new circle selected, under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 5.75”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 25% (fifth row, seventh option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid Line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select Text Box, and then drag to draw a text box on the slide. Enter the text “Factory Pollution,” then select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Body) from the Font list, then select 18 pt from the Font Size list. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (fifth row, sixth option from left). Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 4.16”. Select the text, and change to say “Large-scale Cottrell Precipitators.” Also on the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 5.67”. Press and hold CTRL. Select both text boxes, both circles, and the line. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, under Group Objects, select Group. Also on the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. Repeat two more times, creating a total of 4 group objects. Select the second set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 2.64” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the third set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 5.11” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the fourth set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.61” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four grouped objects. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Send Backward, then select Send to Back. Select the red text under video two and change the text to “Commercial Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Bio-Diesel.” Select the red text under video three and change the text to “Passenger Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Electric Vehicles.” Select the red text under video four and change the text to “Cleaning Products,” and then the green text to “Environmentally Safe Labeling.” To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following: On the Design tab, in the bottom right corner of the Background group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Background dialog box. In the Format Background dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until three stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: In the Position box, enter 10%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Position box, enter 40%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 80% (second row, seventh option from the left). Select the third stop on the list, and then do the following: Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 40% (fourth row, seventh option from the left). Close the Format Background dialog box. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Rectangles, select Rectangle (first row, first option), then drag to draw rectangle on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, set the Height to 1.4” and the Width to 10”. Also on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Align, and then do the flowing: Click Align Center. Also on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80% (second row, fifth option from the left). In the Position box, enter 50%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue Accent 1, Lighter 60% (third row, fifth option from the left). Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 40% (fourth row, fourth option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select No Line. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane click the arrow to the right of Preset and under Outer select Offset Bottom (first row, second option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Text Box in the left pane, and under Text Layout in the right pane, set the Vertical Alignment to Middle. Select the rectangle, type “Return to Blue Skies,” and select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Headings) from the Font list, then select 66 pt from the Font Size list, click the Bold icon and click the Text Shadow icon. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from left). İnternet ve Ağ Güvenliği
TEŞEKKÜRLER Ahmet Çağlar Demirtaş Bilgisayar Mühendisi
Return to Blue Skies (Intermediate) To reproduce the video effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. On the Insert tab, in the Media group, click Video, and then click Video from File. In the left pane of the Insert Video dialog box, click the drive or library that contains the video. In the right pane of the dialog box, click the video that you want and then click Insert. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 1.98”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.72” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Color in the left pane, and under Border Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select White, Background 1, Darker 15% (third row, first option from left). Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Border Style in the left pane, and under Border Style in the right pane, set the Width to 0.75pt. Also in the Format Video dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane, click the arrow to the right of Presets and under Outer, select Offset Diagonal Bottom Right (first row, first option). Close the Format Video dialog box. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, select Play, and then in the Timing group, click the arrow to the right of Start and select With Previous. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Select Duplicated Video. Under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click Video Shape, and then under Block Arrows, select Right Arrow Callout (second row, ninth option from left). Also under Video Tools, on the Format tab, on the Video Styles group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Video dialog box. In the Format Video dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Scale in the right pane, clear the Lock Aspect Ratio box, and then under Size and Rotate set the Height to 1.71” and the Width to 3.04”. Click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle on the stem of the arrow, and then click and drag upward the Yellow Adjustment Handle closest to the tip of the arrow to create a thicker tip. Select the Right Arrow Callout shape. In the Format Video dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.25” and the Vertical to 1.82”. On the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Copy, and then select Duplicate. Repeat one more time, creating three Right Arrow Callout shapes total. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four videos. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and then do the following: Click Align Top. Click Distribute Horizontally. Select the video at the far left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 45% and the Contrast to -60%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the second video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 30% and the Contrast to -50%. Without closing the Format Video dialog box, select the third video from the left. In the Format Video dialog box, select Video in the left pane, and under Brightness and Contrast in the right pane, set the Brightness to 0% and the Contrast to -40%. To reproduce the layout effects on this slide, do the following: On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Lines, select Line (first row, first option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag down to draw line on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 4.13” and the Width to 0”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Gradient line, then click the arrow to the right of Type, select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until two stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: Select the first stop on the slider, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 0%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from the left). Select the second stop on the list, and then do the following: In the Position box, enter 100%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1 pt. Close Format Shape dialog box. Press and hold CTRL. Select line and video on far left. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align and do the following: Click Align Left. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes and under Basic Shapes, select Oval (first row, second option from left). Press and hold SHIFT, then drag to draw a circle on the slide. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Size in the left pane, and under Size and Rotate in the right pane, set the Height to 0.23” and the Width to 0.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 4.23”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2 (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (first row, sixth option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Style in the left pane, and under Line Style in the right pane, set the Width to 1.5pt. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. With the new circle selected, under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.15” and the Vertical to 5.75”. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Solid Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 25% (fifth row, seventh option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select Solid Line, then click the arrow to the right of Color and under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select Text Box, and then drag to draw a text box on the slide. Enter the text “Factory Pollution,” then select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Body) from the Font list, then select 18 pt from the Font Size list. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Red, Accent 2, Darker 25% (fifth row, sixth option from left). Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right launching the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 4.16”. Select the text, and change to say “Large-scale Cottrell Precipitators.” Also on the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select Olive Green, Accent 3, Darker 50% (sixth row, seventh option from left). In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 0.34” and the Vertical to 5.67”. Press and hold CTRL. Select both text boxes, both circles, and the line. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, under Group Objects, select Group. Also on the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy, then select Duplicate. Repeat two more times, creating a total of 4 group objects. Select the second set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 2.64” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the third set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 5.11” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Without closing the Format Shape dialog box, select the fourth set of grouped objects. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Position in the left pane, and under Position on Slide in the right pane, set the Horizontal to 7.61” and the Vertical to 1.82”. Press and hold CTRL, and select all four grouped objects. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Send Backward, then select Send to Back. Select the red text under video two and change the text to “Commercial Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Bio-Diesel.” Select the red text under video three and change the text to “Passenger Vehicle Pollution,” and then the green text to “Electric Vehicles.” Select the red text under video four and change the text to “Cleaning Products,” and then the green text to “Environmentally Safe Labeling.” To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following: On the Design tab, in the bottom right corner of the Background group, click the arrow at the bottom right to launch the Format Background dialog box. In the Format Background dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Under Gradient stops, click Add gradient stop or Remove gradient stop until three stops appear on the slider. Customize the gradient stops as follows: In the Position box, enter 10%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Position box, enter 40%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 80% (second row, seventh option from the left). Select the third stop on the list, and then do the following: Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 40% (fourth row, seventh option from the left). Close the Format Background dialog box. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, then under Rectangles, select Rectangle (first row, first option), then drag to draw rectangle on slide. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, set the Height to 1.4” and the Width to 10”. Also on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Align, and then do the flowing: Click Align Center. Also on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner to launch the Format Shape dialog box. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Fill in the left pane, and under Fill in the right pane, select Gradient Fill, then click the arrow to the right of Type and select Linear, and then in the Angle box, enter 90 degrees. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80% (second row, fifth option from the left). In the Position box, enter 50%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Blue Accent 1, Lighter 60% (third row, fifth option from the left). Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors select Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 40% (fourth row, fourth option from the left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Line Color in the left pane, and under Line Color in the right pane, select No Line. In the Format Shape dialog box, select Shadow in the left pane, and under Shadow in the right pane click the arrow to the right of Preset and under Outer select Offset Bottom (first row, second option from left). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, select Text Box in the left pane, and under Text Layout in the right pane, set the Vertical Alignment to Middle. Select the rectangle, type “Return to Blue Skies,” and select text. On the Home tab in the Font group, select Calibri (Headings) from the Font list, then select 66 pt from the Font Size list, click the Bold icon and click the Text Shadow icon. Also on the Home tab in the Font group, click the Font Color icon and under Theme Colors, select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from left). Ahmet Çağlar Demirtaş Bilgisayar Mühendisi
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