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Organizational Behavior ISLT-644 Instructor: Erlan Bakiev, Ph.D.

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1 Organizational Behavior ISLT-644 Instructor: Erlan Bakiev, Ph.D.

2 Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge
Essentials of Organizational Behavior, 11/e Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge Chapter 11 Liderlik

3 Öğrenme hedefleri. Bu bölümü okuduktan sonra;
Liderliği tanımlamak ve yönetim ile liderliği karşılaştırmak. Liderliğin özellik teorilerinin sonuçalrını özetlemek. Liderlik durumsallık teorilerini destek seviyelerine göre değerlendirmek. Karizmatik liderlik, dönüşümcü liderlik ve authentic liderliği karşılaştırmak. Lideliğin etkiliğine olan engeller. Krizmatik liderlik ve dönüşümcü liderliğin kültürler arası fsarkı.

4 Liderlik vs. Yönetim Değişimle baş etme Vizyonlu yönlendirme
Zorlukları aşmak ve vizyonu tamamlamak için çalışanlara ilham vermek ve kaynakları hizaya sokmak Karmaşa ile baş etme (Kotter, 1990) Düzen ve tutarlılık getirir Sonuçları monitor etme, yapı ve planlamalatı çizer Often researchers and practitioners do not distinguish between leadership and management. However, there are some key differences and understanding these differences can be helpful for organization improvement. Leadership is the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals. A leader does not have to be someone who holds a formal position or title. They can emerge from a group and provide vision and motivation to those around them. They are critical in helping people cope with change by establishing direction that relates to the vision. In order to achieve the vision they align resources and inspire workers to work towards organizational goals. Management deals with the complexity of the organization and works with planning, organizing, leading and controlling to bring about order and consistency in the organization. Even though the two roles have different areas of focus, both are necessary for organizational success. Liderlik bir vizyona veya hedeflere ulaşmak için bir grubu etkileme yeteneğidir

5 Liderliğin Geleneksek Teorileri: Kişisel Özellik Teorileri
Kişisel özellik teorisi kişisel kalite ve özelliklere yogunlaşır Büyük Beş (Big Five) Kşilik Çerçeve Dışadönüşlük liderliğe en çok etkisi olan kişilik özelliktir (Judge et al., , Düzenlilik ve deneyime açıklık da liderliğe güçlü ilişkisi vardır Hoşluk (uyumluluk) ve duygusal istikrar liderlik ile bir ilişkisi yoktur Dugusal zeka liderlik ile ilişlkilidir, ama bu konu hala araştırılmsktsdır (Goleman, 2004) The trait theory of leadership looks at personality, social, physical or intellectual traits that differentiate leaders from non-leaders. Initially this theory was based on studies that looked at over 80 different traits, which allowed almost anything to be defined as leadership. A breakthrough occurred when researchers began to organize the traits into categories, and this became known as the Big Five Personality Framework where five groups of traits were found to be consistently present among leaders. Some essential leadership traits include extroversion, conscientiousness, openness , agreeableness and emotional intelligence (EI), although the link between EI and leadership has not been fully explored. With the many years of research dedicated to the trait theory of leadership it is widely accepted that traits do predict leadership. However, it is more likely that they predict the emergence of a leader than the effectiveness of a leader.

6 Liderliğin Geleneksek Teorileri: Davranış Teorileri
Davranışalar öğretilebilir – kişisel özellikler öğretilemez Liderlerlik öğrenilebilir – doğuştan kazanılan özellik değil The behavioral theories of leadership focuses on the premise that behaviors can be taught and traits cannot so that leaders are trained not born.

7 Davranış Teorileri: Ohio State Un. Çalışmaları (Schriesheim et al
Davranış Teorileri: Ohio State Un. Çalışmaları (Schriesheim et al., 1995; Judge et al., 2004) Liderlik davranışın iki kategorisini oluşturdular: Yapıyı Başlatmak Önem Two key studies in the area of behavioral leadership advanced our understanding of the theory. The first was done at Ohio State University. They looked at important dimensions of leadership behavior and began with over 1000 dimensions. In the end, the Ohio State studies were able to narrow it down to two dimensions – initiating structure and consideration. Initiating structure is when the leader is able to define and structure their role and that of their employees to work towards the goals of the organization. Consideration is the ability of the leader to gain the trust and respect of their followers and to help them feel appreciated for what they do. Both behaviors have proven to be very important in an effective leader. Iş, iş ilişkilerini ve hedefleri organize etmeye çalışır Takipçilerin komforu, iyiliği, statüsü ve memnuniyeti için endişe

8 Davranış Teorileri: Miçigan UniversitesiÇalışmaları
Liderlik davranışın iki kategorisini oluşturdular: Üretim Odaklı Çalışan The University of Michigan Studies identified to key dimensions of leadership behavior as well. They are similar in nature to the Ohio State findings. However, the University of Michigan studies classified these behaviors as employee-oriented which looks at the interpersonal relationships between the leader and their followers; and production-oriented which focuses on the technical aspect of the job. Again, both are important for successful leadership. İşin teknik veya görev yönünü önemser: insanlar sonucun bir aracıdırlar Kişisel ilişkileri önemser ve kişisel farklılıklarıkabül eder

9 Durumsallık Teorileri
Bir liderlik stili her durum için geçerli olmadığı için liderlik stili iş şartllarına eşlemeye çalışır. Fiedler Modeli (LPC) (Feiedler, ) Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory (Stilwell, 1993; Masterson et al., 2000) We can learn a lot from trait and behavior theories, but they do not tell the whole story. It is important to understand the environment that the leader is in to fully understand leadership effectiveness. The Contingency Theory takes the context in which the leader is operating into consideration and tries to isolate the conditions that allow for effective leadership. There are two key theories that enhance our understanding of leadership by explaining situational variables. They are Fielder’s Model, Hersey and the Leader-Member Exchange Theory of Leadership.

10 Fiedler Liderlik Modeli
Bu model etkili grup performansın olması için lider stili ile lidere durum üzerinde ne kadar kontrol verildiğine bağlı olduğunu önerir. Liderlik Stilini Belirlemek: Least-Preferred Co- worker (LPC) liderlik stilini belirler (fixed trait) İlişki odaklı Görev odaklı Lider stilini durumun kontrol derecesi ile eşlemek: Lider-üye ilişkileri Görevin yapısı Pozisyon gücü In this theory Fielder is trying to match the leader to the context. He proposes that leadership style is fixed. So that if the situation needs a charismatic leader and your current leader does not exhibit that style you need to change leaders. This leadership style can be determined by taking the LPC questionnaire (least preferred co-worker). After the leadership style is determined you can match the leader to the situation. There are three dimensions to find a successful match. The first situational factor is the Leader-member relationship, this ties back to our behavioral studies by looking at the degree of trust and respect they employees have for the leader. The second factor is the amount of structure that is embedded in job assignments. The last factor is the amount of influence the leader has over decisions that represent power such as hiring, firing and rewards. In Fiedler’s model you need to find a leader to fit the situation or change the situation to fit the leader in order to achieve effective leadership for the organization.

11 Fiedler Modeli: Liderleri Durumlara Eşlemek
This graph helps to visually determine the situational factors and what type of leader would succeed in this situation. There are eight possible situations in which a leader can find themselves in. By matching their LPC score with these eight different situations a leader can see where they will be most effective. For example, categories four through six would be better suited to relationship oriented leaders because Fielder proposes that they perform best in moderately favorable situations. Etkililiği geliştirmek için liderliği veya durumu değiştirmek

12 Lider-Üye Değişim Teorisi (Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory)
Liderler takıpçilerine farklı davranırlar Grup içi Üyeler: Tutum veya kişilik olarak lidere daha yakın Liderin daha çok ilgisini çekerler Özel imtiyazları alırlar Daha yüksek performans derece Daha az işten ayrılma Daha fazla memnuniyet Contingency theories have failed to account for followers and heterogeneous leadership approaches to individual workers. The Leader-Member Exchange theory begins to account for this. In this theory the premise is that because of time pressures leaders very quickly form special relationships with a small group of employees, the “in-group”. This group tends to be like the leader in terms of gender, race, age and other characteristics. This group quickly becomes part of the leader’s inner circle of communication and will receive more time and attention from the leader. This group will experience more stress because of the added workload. The “outgroup” is made of people who tend to be different than the leader and correspondingly receive fewer exchanges. As a result they are more likely to experience stress because of their relationship and may retaliate against the organization as they become discontent with their assignments.

13 Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Model
Followers play a large role in the success of a leader. The LMX states that the characteristics of the followers are what drives the decision-making with the leader. Lider seçim yapar, takipçilerin özellikleri kararı sürükler

14 Karizmatik Liderlik Takipçiler belli davranışlar görünce kahraman liderlik yeteneklerini atıf ermesi: Vizyon Kişisel risk alma Takipçilerine karşı duyarlılık Olağanüstü davranışalr (Conger and Kanungo, 1998) Charisa comes from the Greek word meaning gift. When talking about a charismatic leader one will refer to someone with certain gifts or abilities. A charismatic leader will often gain followers through personality rather than through power or authority. There are four key characteristics that are associated with a charismatic leader. The leader must have vision, expressed as an idealized goal. The leader must be willing to take on high personal risk and engage in self-sacrifice to achieve the vision. In doing so the leaders needs to remain sensitive to the feelings and needs of their followers. Throughout the process the leaders may be engaging in behaviors that are perceived as counter to norms, thereby extraordinary.

15 Karizmatik Liderler: Doğar mı yoksa Yapılır mı?
Karizma kısmen jenetiğe bağlı ve kısmen de eğitim ve deneyime. Karizma şöyle oluşturulabilir: Karizma havasını oluşturma (Richardson and Thayer, ) İyimser olma Tutkuyla hevesli olma Sadece lafta değil, işte de olması Başkalarını içeri çekebilme – başkalarına ilham verme Duygulara dokunma – başkalarının potansiyellerini açığa çıkartma The charismatic traits are often traits that a leader is born with, thus continuing the debate whether leaders are born or developed. In reality it is a mix of genetics, training and experience. Charisma can be created. One way is to develop an aura of charisma by being optimistic, passionately enthusiastic and to communicate with behaviors and words. A leader can also create charisma by drawing in others through inspiration as well as by tapping into emotions of the individuals to bring out their potential.

16 Karizmatik Liderler Nasıl Takipçilerini Erkilerler. (Shamir et al
Çekici bir vizyon göstermek ve söylemek Yeni değerler dizisini haber vermek O değerlere doğru davranışları modelleme Dramatik davranışı gösterme Evidence shows a four-step process can help the charismatic leader utilize their characteristics to influence their followers. First, the leader articulates a long-term strategy for achieving a goal. This strategy should fit the vision and uniqueness of the organization. Next, the leader needs to formalize that vision by creating a vision statement. Charismatic leaders will often use this statement to reinforce the goal and purpose of the organization. This vision is communicated in a way that expresses the leader’s excitement and commitment to the goal. Next, the leader will use his words and actions to communicate a new set of values for the followers to imitate. Then the charismatic leader will try to find behaviors that demonstrate their commitment to the vision. They will choose behaviors that will help followers “catch” the emotions the leader is conveying and help achieve buy in of the followers. Finally, the charismatic leader engages in emotion-inducing and often unconventional behavior to demonstrate courage and conviction about the vision to help the followers “catch” the vision.

17 Karizma ve Durumsal Bağlılık
Karizma yüksek performans ve memnuniyetle çok güçlü bağı vardır (Hoogh et al., 2004) En iyi: Çevrede belirsizlik ve stres varken (House, 1976; House and Aditya, 1997) Ideoloji karışmışsa (Pastor et al., 2007) kullanılır Genelde üst seviye yöneticilerle ilgilidir Eğer bir kriz durumu vrsa insanlar karizmayı en çok anlarlar Charismatic leaders have shown to be effective but it often depends on the context. This leadership style works best in an environment where it is uncertain,stressfull and where there is some ideology involved. It is more closely associated with upper level executives and people are most receptive to charismatic actions when there is a crisis.

18 Karizmatik Liderliğin Potansiyel Karanlık Tarafı
Kurumsal kaynakları kendi kişisel çıkarlarına kullanmak Şirketleri kendi imajina göre yapılandırma Kurumsal hedeflerin üstünen kişisel çıkar ve kişisel hedeflerin geçmesi (Tosi, 2004) There is a dark side to charismatic leadership if the leader misuses their skill set. In the past we have seen situations where leaders have abused the company resources and used them for their own benefit. Some leaders with strong charisma have remade the companies in their own image and left no plans for succession when they leave. In many cases the charismatic leader lets their own goals override those of the organization, thus creating a negative situation for the organization.

19 Dönüşümcü Liderlik İşlemsel liderler – rol ve görev gerekliliklerini açıklık getirerek takipçilerini oluşmuş hedeflere motive ederler Dönüşümcü liderler – takipçilerine kurumun iyiliğini kendi çıkarlarına tercihetmelerine ilham verirler Transactional leaders motivate their followers towards the goals set by clarifying their roles in the process and what they need to do to reach the goals set. Transformational leaders help followers to look at the bigger picture and commit to the good of the organization, even if it means setting their own goals aside. These two approaches are not contradictory in nature, in fact they can complement each other. Transformational leadership often is built upon transactional leadership. Good leadership will incorporate both transactional and transformational components.

20 Liderlik Modelinin Tam Aralığı
This exhibit shows the full range of the leadership model. The first four behaviors represent transactional approaches and begins with the Laissez-Faire approach, which is the most passive. As a leader progresses on the scale, they move towards more active behaviors. The final four behaviors on the model represent transformational actions. This model shows that as leaders utilize more transformational behaviors they become more effective.

21 Niye Dönüşümcü Liderlik Başarılı
Yaratıcılık Takipçiler daha yenilikçi ve yaratıcı olamaya teşvik ediliyorlar (Ling et ai., 2008) Hedefler Takipçiler daha hevesli hedefleri takip ederler ve bu hedeflere daha bağlıdırlar (Colbert et al., 2008) Vizyon Takipçilerden daha çok bağlılık ve güven duygusnu doğurur Transformational leadership works because it encourages creativity in the work force which spurs on new ideas and new ways of doing things. It also helps followers to pursue ambitious goals with a stronger commitment to achieving them. These two benefits are achieved because the vision of the leader engenders a commitment from the followers and increases their trust in the leader.

22 Dönüşümcü Liderliğin Değerlendirmesi
Bir çok iş seviyelerinde ve farklı mesleklerde etkili kullanılmıştır Küçük şirketlerde daha etkili olma eğilimi var (Ling et al., 2008) Lider takipçilerine daha yakın iken daha iyi çalışır Dönüşümcü liderlik daha düşük işten ayrılma ve daha az devamsızlık gibi pozitif iş çıktılarına sahiptir (Hetland et al., 2007) Transformational leadership works in a variety of contexts but tends to be more effective in smaller companies. It does work better when the leader is more closely connected to the followers and can understand their situation. The link between transformational leadership and positive job outcomes is solid.

23 Dönüşümcü Vs. Karizmatik Liderlik
Her ikisi de motivasyon, memnuniyet, performans, etkililik ve verimliliğe pozitif olarak ilişkilidir Dönüşümcü liderlikdaha geniş kavram OLABİLİR Bu iki şekil ile aynı olabilir Both transformational and charismatic leadership are related to positive job outcomes such as motivation and job satisfaction. It is unclear how to distinguish between the two concepts, and they may be so similar they are seen as the same. It does seem to hold true that transformational leadership is a broader concept than charisma may be.

24 Otantik Liderlik: Liderliğe Temel olan Etik?
Otantik Liderler kim olduklarını, neye inandıklarını ve neye değer verdiklerini bilirler, ve bu inanç ve değerlere göre açık ve samimiyetle hareket ederler (Tan, 2006) Güven oluştururlar Açık iletişimi teşvik ederler Authentic leadership is a growing area of research. There are several components that need to be addressed when discussing authenticity in leadership. First we must look at authentic leaders. These are leaders who engage in reflection and understand who they are, what they believe and bring those two aspects together in their actions. Next, authentic leaders are able to create trust with their followers, and encourage a culture of open communication. These factors will help to create an authentic leader that people will follow.

25 Etik ve Liderlik Etik ve Liderlik bir çok noktada kesileşir.
Çalışanların yüksek etik değerlerini oluşturması ve uygulaması için yüneticiler kurum için bir moral ton oluşturur. Liderlik değersiz değildir, liderlerin hedeflerine ulaşma aracı etik çerçevede olması lazım. There is a strong intersection of ethics and leadership. Over the past several years we have been involved in what many have called an ethical crisis in the business community. When we look at leadership we need to look at more than the results of the leader we must also look at the steps the leader took to achieve those results.

26 Arttırılmış Verimlilik
Güven Trust Risk Alma Bilgi Paylaşımı Gruplar Etkili Arttırılmış Verimlilik Trust is defined as a state that exists when you agree to make yourself vulnerable to another because you have a positive expectation for how things are going to turn out. Over the years this has been found to be a foundational characteristic of leadership. When trust is present followers are willing to do as the leader asks and engage in behaviors that are for the benefit of the organization. In short, followers will do a lot more for a leader they trust than for one that does not hold their trust. Trust is developed over time. The interactions between the leaders and the followers are part of the development of trust, it goes both ways. Research has shown that the three main characteristics of a leader that instill trust are integrity, ability and benevolence. These three characteristics are important in developing trust between leaders and followers. If followers perceive these characteristics as strong in their leaders it will encourage positive behaviors such as risk taking, information sharing, group interactions and productivity.

27 Liderlik Yapısında Engeller
Liderliğin Atıf Teorisi (Meindl, 1993; Schyns et al., 2007) Performans çıktıları lider eylemlerine nitelendirme Görünüm çıktılardan ziyade liderliği daha çok bağlıdır Yedekler ve Nötrleştiticiler Kurumsal değişkenler liderin etkisini nötrleştirir veya liderin yedeği olabilir Liderler gereksiz olur (Van Vugt and Spisak, 2008) There are many challenges to understanding leadership. The attribution theory states that it is hard to attribute outcomes to leadership and that often, leadership is more about performance than outcomes. In addition, you can have an extremely effective leader but organizational variables can neutralize the leaders ability to lead and create change, thus rendering the leader as irrelevant.

28 Online Liderler Ağ iletişimi çok güçlü bir kanaldır
Engeller kimlik bazlı güveni içerir Liderlik onlayn çevrede etkili olabilir ve bir çok teori de burda geçerlidir. Electronik iletişim ve yazışma yetenekleri kişilerarası iletişimin uzantısı olarak yapılandırmalı As the nature and geography of work changes, it is important to adjust leadership style to account for that. One area where we have seen significant changes is through technology. As networked communication becomes increasingly common the challenge is to be able to build trust between people who only interact online. Initially it appears that many of the same leadership concepts apply however, additional writing and interpersonal skills may be needed to enhance effectiveness.

29 Karizma ve dönüşümcü liderlik her kültürde önemli
Global Uygulamalar GLOBE Liderlik Proje sonuçları: Brazil – Liderler insancıl ve katılımcı France – Bürokratik, görev odaklo, ve otokratik Egypt – Katılımcı ama statü bilinçli Karizma ve dönüşümcü liderlik her kültürde önemli Most of the theories we have explored are based on research gathered in English-speaking countries. When you look at research in other areas you will find different variables that will impact both leaders and follows. It is very important when in engaging in cross-cultural business opportunities that the difference in culture is considered. This is true when doing business in other countries, but it is also important to remember that many organizations are cross-cultural because of the make-up of their employees. The GLOBE study looked at 18,000 leaders in over 800 organizations in 62 countries. They found that the characteristics that determined transformational leadership were consistent across cultures. This is significant because it disputes the contingency view that leadership is dependent upon culture.

30 Implications for Managers
Liderler grup performansı etkiler Lideliğin başarısı doğru kadrodaya bağlıdır Liderlik duruma (durumsallığa) bağlıdır Dönüşümcü yetenekler çok daha önemli olamaya başladı Yönetciler otantik olmalıdırlar ve kendi takipçileri ile güven ilişkileri kurmalıdırlar Liderleri onları özelliklerine göre eğitmeli Leadership is a complex function in an organization but essential for success. Individuals, groups and organizations all need leaders and there are many factors that define a successful leader. Each organization must assess what they need in their leader in order to be effective.

31 Unutmayın… Liderler hedeflere ulşmada grupları etkileyebilirker
En iyi liderler etik ve otantik ve ek olarak karizmatik olanlardır Birçok kültürde, karizma ve vizyon değerlidir – her ne kadar ifade edilmesi farklı ise de It is important to keep in mind that leaders do influence behavior and they can do so in a way that increases achievement of goals. The best leaders are ethical and authentic, although charisma is valued and coupled with vision it can be effective in most environments.

32 Özet Liderliği tanımlamak ve yönetim ile liderliği karşılaştırmak.
Liderliğin özellik teorilerinin sonuçalrını özetlemek. Liderlik durumsallık teorilerini destek seviyelerine göre değerlendirmek. Karizmatik liderlik, dönüşümcü liderlik ve authentic liderliği karşılaştırmak. Lideliğin etkiliğine olan engeller. Krizmatik liderlik ve dönüşümcü liderliğin kültürler arası fsarkı.

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