AS ........ AS NOT AS ........ AS COMPARISONS.

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2 As + adjective / adverb + as
Sıfat ve zarflarda karşılaştırma sadece “-er than” veya “more... than” ile yapılmaz. “As….as” kullanılarak da sıfat ve zarflarla karşılaştırma yapılır. Olumlu cümlede kullanıldığında eşitlik anlamı ifade eder.  Bu yapı, cümleye “kadar” anlamı katar. Aradaki boşluğa sıfat ya da zarf getirilir. A cat is as dangerous as a canary.

3 EXAMPLE · Mehmet is as intelligent as Ali. Jack is twenty years old.
Bill is twenty years old.                          Jack is as old as Bill.  · Mehmet is as intelligent as Ali. ·  The new cell phone is as light as a feather. ·  I can’t swim as well as you (can).                              

4 “As + adjective / adverb + as”  yapısı olumsuz cümlelerle kullanıldığında eşitsizlik durumu belirtir. Bu durumda “So + adjective / adverb + as”  kalıbı da kullanılabilir. Bob studies hard every day.        Mary sometimes studies Mary doesn’t as study as /so hard as Bob does.

5 EXAMPLE Fred is rich. John isn’t as /so rich as his brother.
He is richer than his brother John. ·  She isn’t as / so hardworking as you are. ·  This exam isn’t as/so easy as the English exam.

6 “As….as ve so …. As “ yapısı arasında daha uzun kelime grupları kullanılabilir
He is viewed as a strong candidate for the presidency as you are

7 EXAMPLE The young actor acts as perfectly  in horror films as he does in TV comedies

8 “As/ so …….as “ kalıbı miktar belirten sıfatlar “much, many, few, little” ile kullanabiliriz.
There are not as /so many trees in this area as there used to be

9 EXAMPLE I don’t have as much money as you have
My father puts as little sugar in tea as possible

10 “as much as” yapısı She earns as much as I do She can eat as much as she wants and she never puts on weight


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