İNGİLİZCE START Örnek Ders Anlatımı Farklı Konulardan

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1 İNGİLİZCE START Örnek Ders Anlatımı Farklı Konulardan
X İNGİLİZCE Örnek Ders Anlatımı Farklı Konulardan Bazı Kesitler Alınarak Oluşturulmuştur. Bu Nedenle Konu Bütünlüğü Bulunmamaktadır. START

X İNGİLİZCE | ÖRNEK KONU ANLATIMI TALKING ABOUT LIKES AND DISLIKES Hoşlandığımız ya da hoşlanmadığımız şeyleri anlatırken aşağıdaki tablodaki yapıları kullanabiliriz. Be crazy about Love Like Enjoy Dislike Don’t/ doesn’t like Hate Can’t stand Çok sevmek Çok sevmek Sevmek Sevmek, hoşlanmak Sevmemek Sevmemek Nefret etmek Katlanamamak

3 She is fond of doing shopping. They aren’t into watching TV.
X İNGİLİZCE | ÖRNEK KONU ANLATIMI Eğer cümlede bir fiil kullanacaksak bu yapılardan sonraki fiile “-ing” eki getirmeliyiz. She is fond of doing shopping. They aren’t into watching TV. O alışveriş yapmaya düşkündür. Onlar televizyon izlemeye ilgili değillerdir.

4 Barbeque party (BBQ) Choose the correct picture. İNGİLİZCE
X İNGİLİZCE | ÖRNEK KONU ANLATIMI Choose the correct picture. Barbeque party (BBQ) End of term party Fancy dress party Birthday party Hallowen party

5 New Year’s Eve party Choose the correct picture. İNGİLİZCE
X İNGİLİZCE | ÖRNEK KONU ANLATIMI Choose the correct picture. New Year’s Eve party End of term party Fancy dress party Birthday party Barbeque party (BBQ) Slumber party Beach party Hallowen party

6 » İNGİLİZCE End of term party Fancy dress party Birthday party
X İNGİLİZCE | ÖRNEK KONU ANLATIMI End of term party Fancy dress party Birthday party Barbeque party (BBQ) Slumber party Beach party New Year’s Eve party Hallowen party

İNGİLİZCE | ÖRNEK KONU ANLATIMI MAKING EXCUSES AND GIVING REASONS I’m going to visit my grandparents. I’m not feeling well. I have to study then. My cousin is getting married that day. I have to stay home. My cousin is coming tomorrow. I must help my mother. I’m helping my dad with the gardening. I’m busy that night. I have lots of work to do. I won’t be here then. I have to be at home by 12. Büyük annemi-babamı ziyaret edeceğim. Kendimi iyi hissetmiyorum. O zaman ders çalışmalıyım. O gün kuzenim evleniyor. Evde kalmalıyım. Yarın kuzenim geliyor. Anneme yardım etmeliyim. Bahçe işinde babama yardım etmeliyim. O gece meşgulüm. Yapacak çok işim var. O zaman burada olmayacağım. 12’de evde olmalıyım.

8 Put the words in the correct place in the invitation.
X İNGİLİZCE | ÖRNEK KONU ANLATIMI Put the words in the correct place in the invitation. Kelimeleri doğru yerlerine koyunuz. know I’m writing to you to my birthday party. Dear Barbara, I’m having a party at my house to my birthday. It’ll at 2 pm and until about 5 pm. I hope you can it. Love Emily PS Let me as soon as possible whether you can come. make invite celebrate start go on

9 Put the words in the correct place in the invitation.
X İNGİLİZCE | ÖRNEK KONU ANLATIMI Put the words in the correct place in the invitation. Kelimeleri doğru yerlerine koyunuz. know I’m writing to invite you to my birthday party. Dear Barbara, I’m having a party at my house to my birthday. It’ll at 2 pm and until about 5 pm. I hope you can it. Love Emily PS Let me as soon as possible whether you can come. make celebrate start go on

10 Put the words in the correct place in the invitation.
X İNGİLİZCE | ÖRNEK KONU ANLATIMI Put the words in the correct place in the invitation. Kelimeleri doğru yerlerine koyunuz. know I’m writing to invite you to my birthday party. Dear Barbara, I’m having a party at my house to celebrate my birthday. It’ll at 2 pm and until about 5 pm. I hope you can it. Love Emily PS Let me as soon as possible whether you can come. make start go on

11 Put the words in the correct place in the invitation.
X İNGİLİZCE | ÖRNEK KONU ANLATIMI Put the words in the correct place in the invitation. Kelimeleri doğru yerlerine koyunuz. know I’m writing to invite you to my birthday party. Dear Barbara, I’m having a party at my house to celebrate my birthday. It’ll start at 2 pm and until about 5 pm. I hope you can it. Love Emily PS Let me as soon as possible whether you can come. make go on

12 Put the words in the correct place in the invitation.
X İNGİLİZCE | ÖRNEK KONU ANLATIMI Put the words in the correct place in the invitation. Kelimeleri doğru yerlerine koyunuz. know I’m writing to invite you to my birthday party. Dear Barbara, I’m having a party at my house to celebrate my birthday. It’ll start at 2 pm and go on until about 5 pm. I hope you can it. Love Emily PS Let me as soon as possible whether you can come. make

13 Put the words in the correct place in the invitation.
X İNGİLİZCE | ÖRNEK KONU ANLATIMI Put the words in the correct place in the invitation. Kelimeleri doğru yerlerine koyunuz. know I’m writing to invite you to my birthday party. Dear Barbara, I’m having a party at my house to celebrate my birthday. It’ll start at 2 pm and go on until about 5 pm. I hope you can make it. Love Emily PS Let me as soon as possible whether you can come.

14 Put the words in the correct place in the invitation.
X İNGİLİZCE | ÖRNEK KONU ANLATIMI Put the words in the correct place in the invitation. Kelimeleri doğru yerlerine koyunuz. I’m writing to invite you to my birthday party. Dear Barbara, I’m having a party at my house to celebrate my birthday. It’ll start at 2 pm and go on until about 5 pm. I hope you can make it. Love Emily. PS Let me know as soon as possible whether you can come.

15 TEBRİKLER! DEMO Gizli Şifreyi Buldun! Sandıktaki şifreyi not et ve
X TEBRİKLER! Gizli Şifreyi Buldun! DEMO Sandıktaki şifreyi not et ve öğrenci panelindeki ilgili alana gir, Zego Lirası kazan!

16 X İNGİLİZCE | ÖRNEK KONU ANLATIMI Sally is my best friend. I always count on her. We share our secrets. She never tells my secrets to anyone. So, I can trust her. Also, she isn’t jealous or selfish.

17 X İNGİLİZCE | ÖRNEK KONU ANLATIMI Mary is my close friend. I can rely on her. I can talk to her about my problems. She always backs me up and supports me. I get on well with her.

18 İNGİLİZCE Zengin İçeriğiyle Eğitimde Fırsat Eşitliği Sunan
X İNGİLİZCE Zengin İçeriğiyle Eğitimde Fırsat Eşitliği Sunan ’da Buluşalım. FINISH

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