Kadir Akkoy www.cygnuslanguage.com Kadir Akkoyun.

Benzer bir sunumlar

... konulu sunumlar: "Kadir Akkoy www.cygnuslanguage.com Kadir Akkoyun."— Sunum transkripti:

1 Kadir Akkoy Kadir Akkoyun

2 birlikte giyilen kıyafetler (takım)
5 birlikte giyilen kıyafetler (takım) 4 2 6 zeki ama itici erkek moda burnu havada 7 3 1 en son modaya uyan/uygun etkileyici günlük

3 fashion outfit impressive trendy nerd snob casual

4 s t y l i s h r i d i c u l o u s u n b e a r a b l e t e e n a g e r
s e r i o u s t e r r i f i c

5 c b f e d a her zaman genellikle sık sık bazen nadiren asla

6 d b e c a bir kere iki kere üç kere dört kere beş kere

7 twice a day three times a day I brush my teeth twice a day. We have a meal three times a day. once a week twice a week. three times a week Ayşe eats pizza once a week. We don’t go to school twice a week. I go to gym three times a week. once a month twice a month three times a month They visit me once a month. Linda goes to concert twice a month. He visits his parents three times a month. once a year twice a year three times a year He takes a holiday once a year. People see a dentist twice a year. It rains here three times a year.

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