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YayınlayanM Cpr Değiştirilmiş 7 yıl önce
We use subject pronouns when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence. When the subject appears the second time, we don’t tell it. We replace it with a subject pronoun to avoid repetition. Kişi zamirlerini, zamir cümlenin öznesi olduğunda kullanırız. Özne ikinci kez karşımıza çıktığında, onu söylemeyiz. Tekrardan kaçınmak için, özneyi kişi zamiri ile değiştiririz. We use subject pronouns when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence. When the subject appears the second time, we don’t tell it. We replace it with a subject pronoun to avoid repetition. Kişi zamirlerini, zamir cümlenin öznesi olduğunda kullanırız. Özne ikinci kez karşımıza çıktığında, onu söylemeyiz. Tekrardan kaçınmak için, özneyi kişi zamiri ile değiştiririz. Subject pronouns are: “I, You, He / She / It, We, You, They”. Kişi zamirleri şunlardır: “I, You, He / She / It, We, You, They”. Subject pronouns are: “I, You, He / She / It, We, You, They”. Kişi zamirleri şunlardır: “I, You, He / She / It, We, You, They”.
We use “he” for “a boy / a man”. We use “she” for “a girl / a woman”. (We sometimes use “he / she” for “pets”.) We use “it” for “objects, animals or ideas”. We use “they” for two or more people, things, animals, etc. “He” zamirini bir “erkekten” bahsederken kullanırız. “She” zamirini bir “bayandan” bahsederken kullanırız. (Bazen “he / she” zamirlerini “evcil hayvanlar” için kullanırız.) “It” zamirini “nesnelerden, hayvanlardan veya fikirlerden” bahsederken kullanırız. “They” zamirini iki ve ikiden fazla kişiden, nesneden veya hayvandan bahsederken kullanırız. We use “he” for “a boy / a man”. We use “she” for “a girl / a woman”. (We sometimes use “he / she” for “pets”.) We use “it” for “objects, animals or ideas”. We use “they” for two or more people, things, animals, etc. “He” zamirini bir “erkekten” bahsederken kullanırız. “She” zamirini bir “bayandan” bahsederken kullanırız. (Bazen “he / she” zamirlerini “evcil hayvanlar” için kullanırız.) “It” zamirini “nesnelerden, hayvanlardan veya fikirlerden” bahsederken kullanırız. “They” zamirini iki ve ikiden fazla kişiden, nesneden veya hayvandan bahsederken kullanırız.
Example Sentences / Örnek Cümleler o Her name is Helen. (Helen) She is English. o Tom is my brother. (Tom) He is a student. o Tina and Bob are twins. (Tina and Bob) They are 18. o Tokyo is very crowded. (Tokyo) It is the capital city of Japan. o Your parents live in Spain. (Your parents) They miss you so much. o John and I have a favourite café in town. (John and I) We like it very much. o Mount Everest is very high. (Mount Everest) It is in the Himalayas. o You and your friend are 19 years old. (You and your friend) You are at the same age. o The Smiths are our neighbours. (The Smiths) They are very friendly. o The red dress is new. (The red dress) It is expensive. Example Sentences / Örnek Cümleler o Her name is Helen. (Helen) She is English. o Tom is my brother. (Tom) He is a student. o Tina and Bob are twins. (Tina and Bob) They are 18. o Tokyo is very crowded. (Tokyo) It is the capital city of Japan. o Your parents live in Spain. (Your parents) They miss you so much. o John and I have a favourite café in town. (John and I) We like it very much. o Mount Everest is very high. (Mount Everest) It is in the Himalayas. o You and your friend are 19 years old. (You and your friend) You are at the same age. o The Smiths are our neighbours. (The Smiths) They are very friendly. o The red dress is new. (The red dress) It is expensive.
Generally, we use the verb “to be” to show the status or characteristics of something or someone. It says what I am, what you are or what something is. "To Be" fiilini, etrafımızdaki nesneleri veya kişileri tasvir etmek, niteliğini, konumunu belirtmek istediğimizde kullanırız. “To Be” fiili, bahsedilen şeyin ne olduğunu anlatır. Generally, we use the verb “to be” to show the status or characteristics of something or someone. It says what I am, what you are or what something is. "To Be" fiilini, etrafımızdaki nesneleri veya kişileri tasvir etmek, niteliğini, konumunu belirtmek istediğimizde kullanırız. “To Be” fiili, bahsedilen şeyin ne olduğunu anlatır.
POSITIVE FORM Iam is are a student. at home. in London. beautiful. 9 o’clock. He She It We You They I’m He’s She’s It’s We’re You’re They’re Contracted Form
NEGATIVE FORM Iam not is not are not a student. at home. in London. beautiful. 9 o’clock. He She It We You They I’m not He isn’t She isn’t It isn’t We aren’t You aren’t They aren’t Contracted Form
We use the verb “to be” to make simple questions. In “yes-no questions”, we use the verb “to be (am, is, are)” first and the subject pronoun after that. In “Wh- questions”, we use the question word (What, Where, When, Who, etc.) before the verb “to be”. “To be” fiilini, basit sorular oluşturmak için kullanırız. Evet veya hayır denilerek cevaplanabilecek sorularda, ilk başta “to be (am, is, are)” fiilini ve sonra kişi zamirini kullanırız. Soru kelimeleri ile oluşturulan sorularda, “to be” fiilinden önce bir soru kelimesi kullanırız. We use the verb “to be” to make simple questions. In “yes-no questions”, we use the verb “to be (am, is, are)” first and the subject pronoun after that. In “Wh- questions”, we use the question word (What, Where, When, Who, etc.) before the verb “to be”. “To be” fiilini, basit sorular oluşturmak için kullanırız. Evet veya hayır denilerek cevaplanabilecek sorularda, ilk başta “to be (am, is, are)” fiilini ve sonra kişi zamirini kullanırız. Soru kelimeleri ile oluşturulan sorularda, “to be” fiilinden önce bir soru kelimesi kullanırız. QUESTIONS
YES-NO QUESTION FORM Am Is Are a student? at home? in London? beautiful? 9 o’clock? I he she ıt we you they
Am I wrong? Are you at home? Is he your brother? Is she a good actress? Is it your father’s car? Are we late for the class, sir? Are you Emily’s children? Are they our books? Am I wrong? Are you at home? Is he your brother? Is she a good actress? Is it your father’s car? Are we late for the class, sir? Are you Emily’s children? Are they our books? SHORT ANSWERS Yes, you are. Yes, I am. Yes, he is. Yes, she is. Yes, it is. Yes, you are. Yes, we are. Yes, they are. Yes, you are. Yes, I am. Yes, he is. Yes, she is. Yes, it is. Yes, you are. Yes, we are. Yes, they are. No, you aren’t. No, I’m not. No, he isn’t. No, she isn’t. No, it isn’t. No, you aren’t. No, we aren’t. No, they aren’t. No, you aren’t. No, I’m not. No, he isn’t. No, she isn’t. No, it isn’t. No, you aren’t. No, we aren’t. No, they aren’t.
EXAMPLE SENTENCES Are your children at home? Yes, they are. Are you a student? Yes, I am. How old is Lucy? She is 19. What is your phone number? It is 270 40 17. What is your address? It is 27 Oxford Street.
Hello! I am Martin. What is your name? Hello! My name is Sheila. Where are you from? I am from Paris, France. What are you doing here? Are you a student in Oxford? Yes, I am. How about you? I am a student, too. How old are you? I am 19 years old and you? I am 20. Nice to meet you, Martin.
You can introduce yourself by completing the following expressions: Aşağıdaki ifadeleri kullanarak kendinizi tanıtabilirsiniz: My name is _____. (Name and Surname) I am from _____. (Country) I live in _____. (City) I am _____ years old. (Age) My birthday is on _____. (Date / Month) I am a student at _____. (Kind / Name of School) There are _____ people in my family. (Number) My father is a/an _____ and my mother is a/an _____. (Profession) My brother is a/an _____ and my sister is a/an _____. (Profession) I like _____. (Hobbies / Likes) You can introduce yourself by completing the following expressions: Aşağıdaki ifadeleri kullanarak kendinizi tanıtabilirsiniz: My name is _____. (Name and Surname) I am from _____. (Country) I live in _____. (City) I am _____ years old. (Age) My birthday is on _____. (Date / Month) I am a student at _____. (Kind / Name of School) There are _____ people in my family. (Number) My father is a/an _____ and my mother is a/an _____. (Profession) My brother is a/an _____ and my sister is a/an _____. (Profession) I like _____. (Hobbies / Likes)
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