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YayınlayanMervyn Cunningham Değiştirilmiş 6 yıl önce
Expert Consultation on e-Government Aspects of National e-Agriculture Strategies for Sustainable Family Farming Monitoring, evaluation and follow-up on the delivery of the Development Partners’ commitments in support of implementations; Facilitate the optimal functioning of partnership arrangements and mechanisms with key stakeholders in Region Promotion of a more coherent and sound engagement with all stakeholders / partners on collaboration for the implementation of sector and cross-sector programs, and Resource mobilization from partners and stakeholders in pursuit of programmatic activities, through regular and appropriate assessment and review, including tracking, monitoring and evaluation. 22-24 June 2016, Visegrad
Monitoring, evaluation and follow-up on the delivery of the Development Partners’ commitments in support of implementations; Facilitate the optimal functioning of partnership arrangements and mechanisms with key stakeholders in Region Promotion of a more coherent and sound engagement with all stakeholders / partners on collaboration for the implementation of sector and cross-sector programs, and Resource mobilization from partners and stakeholders in pursuit of programmatic activities, through regular and appropriate assessment and review, including tracking, monitoring and evaluation. 22-24 June 2016, Visegrad
CONTENT Information about Office establishment
Information and evaluation of FTPP-I Expectations and forecasting on FTPP-II
Thirty-third (33rd) Session Thirty-third (33rd) Session
CONFERENCE OF FAO Thirty-third (33rd) Session Rome, November in 2005 Establishing a new Sub-Regional Office CONFERENCE OF FAO Thirty-third (33rd) Session Rome, November in 2005 Decisions taken towards establishing a new Sub-Regional Office FTPP 2.safha Anlaşması Haziran 2014’te FAO ile imzalanmıştır. 28 adet projeye FTPP altında fon sağlanmıştır. Bunlardan 7’si bölgesel, 11’i çok taraflı ve 10 tanesi de ulusal projelerdir ve toplam 10,100,000 USD’lik bir fon aktarılmıştır. Şuana dek 14 proje tamamlanmış ve 14 proje ise devam etmektedir ve 2 projede iptal edilmiştir, İptal edilen projeler FTPP-2.safhasında gündeme alınacaktır(Regional Animal Health, Uzbekistan Investment), İşlevsel Çerçeve’nin FTPP evaluation sonuçlarına göre revize edilmesi için bir çalışma grubunun oluşturulabileceği gündeme gelmiştir, İşlevsel Çerçeve Çalıştayının (14-16 Şubat 2016) ve FTPP Visibility projesinde bütçe artışının, Bakanlığımızın onayı ile FTPP’den kalan paranın kullanımı ile gerçekleştirilebileceği gündeme gelmiştir, 20 Temmuz-07 Ağustos 2015 tarihleri arasında yapılan ve Türkiye, Azerbaycan, Kırgızistan ve Tacikistan’ı kapsayan “FTPP Evaluation Team Mission” misyondan çıkan sonuçlara göre; STK’ları, özel sektör aktörlerini projelerin tasarlanması aşamasına dahil edilmesi, nihai faydalanıcıların temsilcilerinin dahil edilmesi, küçük ölçekli aile çiftçilerinin FAO stratejik odak noktalarına(sürdürülebilirlik ve dayanıklılık) daha fazla önem verilmesi, gibi sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. İlk safhadaki deneyimlerden yola çıkarak ikinci fazda; deneyimli danışmanların projelerde yer almaması, programın görünürlüğünün daha da artırılması gerektiği, FAO ve Bakanlığımız arasında işbirliğinin ve iletişimin artırılması gerektiği, PCM eğitimlerinin sayısının artırılabileceği, proje teklif çağrılarının ikinci dönemde daha erken zamanda yapılması gerektiği, daha fazla bütçeli az sayıda projelerin 2.Fazda değerlendirilebileceği, FAO ve Bakanlığımız arasında Programın izlenmesinin güçlendirilmesi için bir anlaşmanın imzalanabileceği, projelerin izlenmesi için teknik bir ekibin kurulması gerektiği, Kalkınma Bakanlığının izleme konusunda deneyimlerini paylaşabileceği, şeklindedir. Kosova, Arnavutluk, Sırbistan ve Bosna-Hersek gibi ülkelerin 2.fazda yer alıp almayacakları konusu gündeme gelmiştir, Projelerde yer alması düşünülen Bakanlık odak noktalarının, projelerin faaliyetlerinin izlenmesi ve raporlanmasından sorumlu olması, odak noktalarının masraflarının projelerden karşılanması, Önemli çıktılara sahip projeler olarak Fish-Dev, HACCP and Cattle Production projelerinin, görünürlüğü artırmada kullanılabileceği, Kurulacak olan uzman havuzunda Bakanlık personeli haricinde araştırmacılar, akademisyenlerin de yer alması FAO’nun genel kurallarının yerine getirilmesi açısından uygun olacağı, İkinci safhanın başlangıcından hemen önce bir Büyükelçiler Kokteylinin organize edilebileceği ve Sn. Bakanın bu etkinliğe Büyükelçilerin katılımının sağlanması amacıyla ev sahipliğini üstlenebileceği,
Turkey has been a member of FAO since 6 April 1948 and her relations with FAO have developed stronger in recent years. Until recently Turkey was a country only benefiting from FAO's technical capacity, whereas today Turkey has taken important steps as regards to providing technical and financial contributions to FAO. In line with the development of Turkey-FAO relations, the Sub-Regional Office for Central Asia, which is operating under the framework of the European and Central Asian Regional Office in Budapest, was established in 2007 in Ankara. With the entry into force of the Turkey-FAO Partnership Programme (FTPP) created in the context of the Sub-Regional Office, FAO-Turkey relations have been further strengthened. The work and projects undertaken in this framework are still going on and following a productive course. The abovementioned Partnership Agreement and the work of the Sub-Regional Office made it possible to formulate and implement projects and programmes in the field of agriculture especially for Central Asian countries. Renewal of the said Agreement, the first stage of which will end in 2011, is currently underway. For the time being, the Partnership Agreement includes cooperation in the fields of agriculture, rural development and food security. However, the inclusion of the on-going strong relationship in the field of forestry into the framework of the partnership agreement, through an additional partnership protocol is also under consideration. FAO's technical expertise is usually transferred to our country through the projects formed in the context of the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP). There are currently 24 on-going projects in Turkey supported or coordinated by FAO. Seven of the projects carried out in the context of the FAO - Turkey Partnership Programme (FTTP) are regional, 10 of them are multi-national and 7 of them are national projects. The list of projects can be reached via the internet: The rate of financial contribution of Turkey to FAO’s general budget until 2011 was 0.383%. Due to the increase of our national income, this rate was determined as 0.62% by the United Nations, for 2012 and subsequent years. In addition to her membership contribution, Turkey has also made voluntary contributions to various projects. Moreover, Turkey has provided 10 million USD in 5 years for the Partnership Programme, which is created to support the projects formulated for Central Asian countries. An additional USD contribution is also provided annually for expenses of the Sub-Regional Office. In this context, financial contribution of Turkey to the FAO surpasses 4 million USD annually
Setting up FTPP Programme
Agreement in 2009 MFAL FAO Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (MFAL) FAO concluded an Agreement in 2006 to set up FAO-Turkey Partnership Program (FTPP) covering Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
Geographical Coverage of the FTPP-I Activities
The primary objective of the FTPP, as
described in the Partnership Framework Agreement (PFA), is to provide a substantive, financial and operational framework for active cooperation in the areas of food security and rural poverty reduction in the above beneficiary countries. Program kapsamındaki projelerin uygulanması esnasında karşılaşılan sorunların aşılmasında mesafe kat etmek amacıyla Alt Bölge Ofisine üye ülkelerin Büyükelçilerine ilki tarihinde, ikincisi ise tarihinde olmak üzere, iki kez Tanıtım ve Bilgilendirme Toplantısı düzenlenmiştir.
Donor Country Since 2009, 29 projects were approved and funded under the partnership programme with a total allocation of USD 10,100,000. The distribution of ongoing projects/approved budgets, since the first SC, in relation to the total budget is as follows: Total budget: USD 10,100,000 Regional: USD 4,100,000 Multi-country: USD 3,950,000 National: USD 2,050,000 Total allocation for 28 projects (15 ongoing + 12 completed) is USD 9,740,000 which corresponds to 97 % of the total FTPP funding. 15 ongoing projects with an allocation of USD 4,380,000. 12 projects were completed with a total budget of USD 5,360,000. 1 forthcoming project with a budget of USD 200,000. Two projects were cancelled. The first one is “Trans-boundary Animal Diseases and Zoonoses Project” with a budget of USD 200,000 and the unused budget was transferred to ongoing “Cattle Production Improvement in Central Asia Project -GCP/SEC/001/TUR”. The second one is “National capacity enhancement and elaboration of strategies on mobilization of foreign investments to the agricultural sector of Uzbekistan Project - GCP/UZB/003/TUR” with a budget of USD 160,000. The next SC will provide the guidance for reallocation of the unused budget. Over 50 Turkish technical staff has taken part in the formulation and implementation phases of the approved projects. The distribution of approved budgets in relation to thematic areas since 2009 is as follows: Natural Resources Management: USD 3,730,000 Food Security and Safety: USD 1,130,000 Capacity Development: USD 5,240,000 Total: 10,100,000
Government of Turkey – MFAL FAO Other contributors : TIKA, ECO etc. The governing body of the FTPP is; Steering Committee Meetings organized at least once a year. It usually meets once a year to review the status of ongoing projects and to review project proposals under pipeline for selection and funding as well as other agenda items. During the course of the implementation of the FTPP, seven Steering Committee Meetings were held. Along the FAO rules and procedures, the FTPP, fully funded by the Turkish Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock (MFAL), Provides financial and technical resources for implementing projects or from a single donor to one or multi-country projects. A GCP is an agreement between several parties: • FAO • one (MARA) or more donors (when other donors like TIKA provide co-funding) • one or more beneficiary countries within the SEC Sub-region or neighbouring countries • possible other regional/sub-regional organizations and/or financing institutions The GCP represents a financing modality under which a donor government, and other possible regional/sub-regional organizations and/or national and international financing institutions, entrusts funds to FAO for the provision of technical assistance services - including policy advice, normative activities and capacity development - to a specific developing country or to a group of countries within the same Sub-region (a Sub-regional project), possibly also including countries of different regions/sub-regions (an inter-regional or global project). FAO tarafından kabul edilen yıl örneğin aile çiftçiliği bununla ilgili olarak sürdürülebilirlik vurgusu FAO nun buna odaklanaılabilir(Değer zincirinde yaratılan toplam katma değerden aile çiftçilerinin aldığı pay düşüktür veya örneğin kooperatifleşmeye yönelik bir proje, üreticlere pazarlama konusunda eğitmler)
FTPP-I Provides technical experience and know-how in the field with Central Asian Countries (experience share between Turkey and FAO), Improve capacities of experts and institutions, Enables to enhance communication and collaboration among Sub-Region Countries Facilitate to establish partnership among different institutions, Gives opportunity to create awareness of FTPP. Donör olarak Türkiye kendini nerede buluyor Bölgesel olarak gıda güven katkısı Türkmenisatn şukadar projede yer alıyor bu 4 prjenin toplam bütçesi şukadar ve ele aldığı konular şunlar Rural development Food security Natural sources bu projeler bu 3 kapsamda yapıldı toplam bütçe mesela 380 bin dolar bu projelerde şunlar yapıldı 6 sı çok uluslu projede yer alıyor 10 mil doların alanlara göre dağılımı food security, rural development Kazakistan toplam 3 projede yeralmış toplam olarak şu kadar projede yer almış 300 bin dolar hem kazakistanda hem kırgızistanda hem de tajikistanda geçecek… 28 projenin kaçında azeri var örneğin 16 sında türkiye var 8 tanesinde kırgızisatn var…ülkelere göre dağılımı böyle… Kabul edilen projelerin izlenmesi ve tarafların bilgilenmesi amacıyla 3 aylık periyotlarla “Proje İzleme ve Değerlendirme Toplantısı” yapılmaktadır. Bu kapsamda, sonuncusu 18 Haziran 2015 tarihinde olmak üzere, şimdiye kadar 12 toplantı gerçekleştirilmiştir.
10 Total budget allocation to 28 projects 3,7 5,3 1,1
The distribution of approved budgets in relation to thematic areas since 2009 is as follows: Natural Resources Management: USD 3,730,000 Food Security and Safety : USD 1,130,000 Capacity Development: USD 5,240,000 Total: 10,100,000 Since 2009, 29 projects were approved and funded under the partnership programme with a total allocation of USD 10,100,000. The distribution of ongoing projects/approved budgets, since the first SC, in relation to the total budget is as follows: Total budget: USD 10,100,000 Regional: USD 4,100,000 Multi-country: USD 3,950,000 National: USD 2,050,000 Total allocation for 28 projects (15 ongoing + 12 completed) is USD 9,740,000 which corresponds to 97 % of the total FTPP funding. 15 ongoing projects with an allocation of USD 4,380,000. 12 projects were completed with a total budget of USD 5,360,000. 1 forthcoming project with a budget of USD 200,000. Two projects were cancelled. The first one is “Trans-boundary Animal Diseases and Zoonoses Project” with a budget of USD 200,000 and the unused budget was transferred to ongoing “Cattle Production Improvement in Central Asia Project -GCP/SEC/001/TUR”. The second one is “National capacity enhancement and elaboration of strategies on mobilization of foreign investments to the agricultural sector of Uzbekistan Project - GCP/UZB/003/TUR” with a budget of USD 160,000. The next SC will provide the guidance for reallocation of the unused budget. Over 50 Turkish technical staff has taken part in the formulation and implementation phases of the approved projects. 5,3
Current Situation of FTPP-1
Distribution of Budget
Distribution of Budget
1 1 1
1- Central Asia Regional Programme for Fisheries and Aquaculture Development-FishDev Project Main output: The Central Asian and Caucasus Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission (CACFish) was established, 2- Seed Sector Development in Countries of Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Main output: A Regional Seed Strategy and a regional seed agremenet were formed, 3- ECO Regional Centre for Food Security (ECO RCC FS) Main output: ECO Regional Centre for Food Security was established. 4- Cattle Production Improvement in Central Asia Countries Main output: Cattle Producer´s Associations were established and equipment for animal feed producing were supplied to project beneficiaries
FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme on Food and Agriculture (FTPP II) is one of the two partnership programmes covered by the Supplemental Agreement, was signed between FAO and the Government of Turkey on 04 June 2014 and ratified by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on 10 March 2016.
For another 5 Year period;
20 Million USD contribution by; Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock (FTPP) Ministry of Forest and Water Affairs (FTFP ) Grand National Assembly of Turkey approved this aggreement on 10 March 2016. The Partnership on agrıculture and rural development in the region will provide; Development, coordination and sustaining the networks of relationships and partnerships at national, multi national and regional levels in support of the implementation of the programmes and projects; Support and servicing of the governance structures, and their interaction at the regional and continental levels, with the other continental / international bodies; Promotion of international cooperation with the lead institutional strategic partners in advancing Region’s development priorities and agenda;
Agriculture and rural development, Fisheries, Capacity Building,
Through the FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme (FTPP), FAO Sub-regional Office for Central Asia will provide technical and operational assistance in the field of Food security, Agriculture and rural development, Fisheries, Capacity Building, Sustainable natural resources management Livelihood development For Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, as well as ‘other countries of mutual interest to Turkey and FAO’. All programmes under FTPP II will be implemented in accordance with the Operational Framework agreed with Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (MFAL), Turkey.
The new contrubition of FTPP-II
Intended to; Support to the region, Extend FTPP-II to the other countries out of the region like Macedonia, Moldova, Bosna Herzegovina, Montenegro, Ukraine, Albania, Georgia etc. Possess more strong Sub-Office with new recruitments Turkey is again ready to cooperate with the countries; Share experience, expertise and technology 47 Research Institutes and Stations Konya Drought Test Center International Agricultural Research and Training Centers
FTPP II-Expectations To focus on;
Multi-country projects with high budget, Projects with concrete and effective outputs, More collaboration among partners of the projects, Increase of projects including food security, application of e-agriculture projects, Increase of projects including capacity building of the countries, e-agriculture and e-government strategies, Ülkelerin projeleri sahiplenmeleri ve daha katılımcı olmaları gerekmektedir. Öncelikler müştereken belirlenmelidir. Projeler Yönlendirme Komitesi’ne sunulmadan önce ülkelerin projeye katılma konusunda onayları alınmalıdır. İmza süreci ve bürokrasi kısaltılmalıdır. Bütçeler daha gerçekçi belirlenmelidir. Ülkeler, Ulusal Koordinatör seçiminde daha dikkatli olmalıdır. Üye ülkeler daha fazla sayıda kalifiye uzman görevlendirmelidir. Görünürlük artırılmalıdır.
FTPP II-Expectations Formulation of projects with reference to regional priorities set and analyses of requirements, Enhance to solve trans-boundary issues, Ftpp ŞU ÜLKELERE ODAKLANMIŞTIR,Kyrgyzstan tajıkıstan azerbaycan turkmenistan kazakistan… İLK FAZDA ŞU ÜLKELER ŞUKADAR PROJEDE YER ALMIŞ VE ŞU SONUÇLAR ELDE EDİLMİŞTİR İKİNCİ FAZDA SINIRI AŞAN HAYVAN HASTALIKLARI KONUSUNA AĞIRLIK VERİLEBİLİR VE SINIR ÜLEKELERİNİN DE FTPP DEN YARARLANMALARI SAĞLANABİLİR (örn. Sınıraşan hayvan ve bitki hastalıkları veya su kaynakları ile ilgili girişimler için) The FTPP follows and pursues, to the possible extent, a programme approach, in order to facilitate the integrity, coherence and synergy of the FTPP-assisted interventions at individual programme/project level and/or at country and sub-regional levels, under the following three main thematic areas: 1) Food security and food safety 2) Natural resources management 3) Institutional reform and national capacity enhancement The FTPP assists country-level and multi-country or sub-regional projects and programmes. The FTPP promotes and counts on intra-regional cooperation whereby Turkish expertise and national Approach & Thematic Area expertise available in other countries of the sub-region are mobilized as a form of partnership in the implementation of FTPP programmes and projects
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