Neil Armstrong

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... konulu sunumlar: "Neil Armstrong"— Sunum transkripti:


2 This is an astronaut Do you know what their job is?

3 What astronauts do in space  They are researching the space and planets  Gathers information about space  They collect samples from the planets and they bring them to the world  They researching life in the moon  They studying space conditions

4 This is Neil Armstrong, he was the first man to land on the moon in... 1969

5 His mission is  To explore strange things.  To get there before the Soviet Union  Both sides are want to go Moon first but America did before.  To research the other planets.

6 His life  He died in 1930, died 2012.  He have 2 children today.  He is a navy pilot in the Korean War- 78 combat missions.  Worked as a research pilot for NACA*.  Decorated by 17 countries. *National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics

7 The 3 astronauts travelled to the moon on a spacecraft named...

8 Neil Armstrong’s famous first words on the moon were... He hanged the American flag on to the moon, but some people think it's not real.

9 So What?  He boosted U.S morale  Placed the United States as the strongest nation in scientific advancement

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