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YayınlayanDuygu Mumcu Değiştirilmiş 9 yıl önce
Environmental pollution Traffic Infrastructural problems Unconscious employee Urbanization and industrialization Lack of financial sources
Unemployment There are many employees who don’t know the job. There is lack of financial sources
General management and administration problems The inspection problems
The problem is determined. The municiplaity and governorship try to liaise with the Information center This center obtains information about the problems and then determines the related departments of the universities.
After researchs, the solution is proposed to the municiplaties by the information center. The approval is waited to solve the problem. Finally, the committee administrate the group of people who tries to solve it.
Problem Research :0 Solution
The municipalities’ responsibilities decrease The problem can be solved in current and scientific ways. Anyone who knows the job can be involved to the intellectual part. Students are given opportunities to practice. Works can be finished in time.
It is difficult to persuade the municipality It is not clear how the committee comes there and where the members stay at. The municipality workers and the commitee members may have disagreements between each other.
In this project, the most important things are the valuable information and its circulation. This service is called as › “info-lation” municipality İnformation center people
Access : Erişmek Administration: İdare, yönetim Liaise: Bağlantı kurmak Management: Yönetim “İnfo-lation”: Bilgilerin el değiştirmesi, dolaşımı Obtain: Elde etmek/sağlamak Environmental pollution: Çevre kirliliği Urbanization and industrialization: Şehirleşme ve sanayileşme Infrastructural problems: Altyapı sorunları
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