Environmental pollution Traffic Infrastructural problems Unconscious employee Urbanization and industrialization Lack of financial sources.

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2 Environmental pollution Traffic Infrastructural problems Unconscious employee Urbanization and industrialization Lack of financial sources



5  Unemployment  There are many employees who don’t know the job.  There is lack of financial sources

6  General management and administration problems  The inspection problems


8  The problem is determined.  The municiplaity and governorship try to liaise with the Information center  This center obtains information about the problems and then determines the related departments of the universities.

9  After researchs, the solution is proposed to the municiplaties by the information center.  The approval is waited to solve the problem.  Finally, the committee administrate the group of people who tries to solve it.

10 Problem  Research :0 Solution

11  The municipalities’ responsibilities decrease  The problem can be solved in current and scientific ways.  Anyone who knows the job can be involved to the intellectual part.  Students are given opportunities to practice.  Works can be finished in time.

12  It is difficult to persuade the municipality  It is not clear how the committee comes there and where the members stay at.  The municipality workers and the commitee members may have disagreements between each other.




16  In this project, the most important things are the valuable information and its circulation. This service is called as › “info-lation” municipality İnformation center people


18  Access : Erişmek  Administration: İdare, yönetim  Liaise: Bağlantı kurmak  Management: Yönetim  “İnfo-lation”: Bilgilerin el değiştirmesi, dolaşımı  Obtain: Elde etmek/sağlamak  Environmental pollution: Çevre kirliliği  Urbanization and industrialization: Şehirleşme ve sanayileşme  Infrastructural problems: Altyapı sorunları

"Environmental pollution Traffic Infrastructural problems Unconscious employee Urbanization and industrialization Lack of financial sources." indir ppt

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