ANKARA Fire department Every year at the september all munipicalities orgaqnize a week of action to teach fire safety in many pre school and elementary schools. Some of them had kids pages too Mational Scientific administration made a special issiue on fire safety too. Most of the countries do thesse activity. There is no international
ANKARA greater municipality 2016 Demos fpr Pre school children
YUBİTAK fire safety issiue SEE
Pages from magazine
Pages from magazine
We DIRECTING FIRE TEAMS In big cities, firefighters are guided by a radio car. Fire alarm central area is the most appropriate means to inform the group of the team. for example 4. Do not extinguish a fire on the team daisy streets of 5 numbers, such as Fire goes and extinguish the fire. Task completed report to team headquarters For example. Fire was extinguished. We playrd the game with my granddoughter (4 yrs). She has a fire truck( box type with wheels,) to sit on and ryn arund the flat wüth her feet We used room in the house instead. Here is What we done with Kirraz ( Cherry)
DISPATCHER IS DIRECTING CENTRAL: - Go to kitchen there is a faucet running close t water is wasting KİRAZ: - immediately we,’re going KİRAZ : TAP is closed CENTRALKiraz Go to hall street and save a cat stuck in tree KİRAZ We run. Cat rescued with ladder CENTRAL: Kiraz team, they saw smoke in the hall park. Would you check CHERRY E: Controlled and were extinguished. children were playing with matches (which of course will added by dispatcher)
We DIRECTING FIRE TEAMS CENTER. There ğis hüdred of possibilities We DIRECTING FIRE TEAMS CENTER. There ğis hüdred of possibilities. tap left open the toilet. Oven left open in the kitchen. Children were playing with sharp knives Childrenfalled to poolin Park. We need to complete the framework for this game: with Firefighters dress. Firetruck. Destination, Here are the basic requirements and examples of better one’s. Remember the children's dreams were very strong
We need a firetruck for driver
A simple steering wheel is enough
JUST Photocopy and stick on cardboard You make color them in a session
Or this one
Mesela dedik. Kutular bulunur Çocuklar sisleri yapıştırır
You can make this one from a box and children stick
They need fireman helmets too
You may use posters for places
For 3-6 children play all together. İf more make thee stations: 1:Make material color etc 2: Learn about what firemen do 3: Make dispatches play
Even you may play in your house with children or grandies
ANKARA BBB TÖREN GENEL GÖSTERİ İtfaiye Haftası Kutlanacak 25 Eylül – 01 Ekim 2014 tarihleri arası İtfaiye Haftası nedeniyle Çaycuma Belediyesi İtfaiye Amirliği tarafından kutlama programı düzenlendi. 25 Eylül 2014 Perşembe günü saat 11:30’da Çaycuma Atatürk Anıtı önünde başlayacak olan programda itfaiye personeli gösteriler sunacak.
ANKARA BBB İTFAİŞYE HAFTASI 2016 Kreşlere gösteriler
Mesela dedik. Kutular bulunur Çocuklar sisleri yapıştırır
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