İş Süreçleri Yönetimi (BPM) Rahşan Kalcı


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Sunum transkripti:

İş Süreçleri Yönetimi (BPM) Rahşan Kalcı

İçerik Süreç nedir? İş Süreçleri Yönetimi(BPM) Nedir? BPM neden gerekliliği ve geliştirmesi

İş Süreçleri Nedir? Kaynakları işleyip, değer katarak müşteri istek ve beklentilerini karşılayacak çıktılar üreten işlemlere denir. Örn: Ders kayıt, para yatırma (Banka işlemleri, Fatura...) Günlük hayatımızda karşılaştığımız ya da yaptığımız her işlemi süreç olarak tanımlayabiliriz.

İş süreçleri Yönetimi nedir ? Sağlam ve esnek yazılım yetenekleri ve endüstri uzmanlığı sayesinde, BPM, süreçlerin yeniden modellenerek, hızla değişebilir, yönetme olanağı tanır. Kurum ya da firmaların kendi iş süreçleri üzerinde kazanç sağlanmaları ve uçtan uca izlenebilirliğini sağlar Dökümantasyon & Uyum Deployment & Execution İzlenebilirlik & işbirliği Main Point: BPM provides a way for business and IT to collaborate and continuously optimize business processes across the process lifecycle. Speaker notes: BPM is a discipline consisting of software and expertise to improve the performance, visibility, and agility of business processes by enabling customers to discover, model, execute, rapidly change, govern, and gain end-to-end visibility on their business processes. The Key to remember is that “BPM” has to be more than just software… whether it’s your expertise, that of an industry partner working with you, that of integrators and consultants such as IBM Global Services – most likely a combination of more than one of these – successful business outcomes come only with the involvement of the business expertise with IT expertise. At its heart, business process management is about continuously optimizing business processes. This continuous optimization means working to improve business processes throughout the process lifecycle. The process lifecycle spans three steps: Documentation and Compliance where business process improvements are documented, and tested prior to Deployment & Execution where new or improved processes are deployed in an automated, repeatable fashion with flexibility for rapid change, and Analysis & Optimization where deployed processes are closely monitored and measured in real-time to enable rapid response to emerging business situations as well as identify new process improvement opportunities. Underpinning this cycle of continuous process improvement is the need for robust Governance to ensure that business processes are operating consistently and are complying with internal policies as well as external regulations and controls. Processes are also most effective and efficient when they are enabled with broad reuse of service-enabled IT assets. Optimizing end-to-end business processes across the lifecycle requires participation and collaboration between business and IT. Business and IT leaders must work together to develop the flexibility processes and underlying systems that allow the organization to embrace change and achieve a dynamic business network. Business process management provides the means and the tools to facilitate this collaboration, creating the visibility, engagement and efficiency expected from your solution. Yazılım Sürekli Süreç İyileştirme Kullanıcı katılımı Uzmanlık Verimlilik & Ürekenlik Analiz & Optimizasyon 4 4

Anahtar kelimeler İşlemlerin verimliliğini üst düzeye çıkartmak 5 Anahtar kelimeler İşlemlerin verimliliğini üst düzeye çıkartmak İş ekibinin bir kurumdaki süreçlerini doğrudan kontrol edebilmesi (Bir çok bankada iş ekiplerince süreçler geliştirilmektedir.) Kullnıcılar için tekrarlanabilir başarıların elde edilebilmesi Main Point: Regardless of your industry or what line of business you are in, there are common challenges that BPM can help you solve. Speaker notes: IBM has helped thousands of clients realize business value from BPM. Our market leading solutions provide best of breed capabilities that enable clients to maximize the value derived from BPM. Here are a few examples. China Mobile Facing heightened competition from the new telecommunications giant, China Mobile Group needed to improve its time to market for new products. However, the company’s previous operational support system — which handled service delivery, service fulfillment and service assurance, among other applications — was not flexible enough to meet its needs. To meet its business requirements, China Mobile Group needed implemented a robust new BPM software solution that upgraded its operational support system. Anhui Mobile Group has reduced its time to market by 50 percent. Banco Espirito Santo This story is about how an organization reaps the benefits of process without relying on IT to build it from scratch to meet their business needs. Many of the bank’s core business processes were manual, paper-based, reliant on people, prone to errors. Company-wide adoption by business users after launching the BPM effort in 2009 resulted in: 200 simple processes built by business users in production within 18 months, 40,000 tasks assigned to users per month within first 6 months, 80,000 process instances created in first half of 2010, surpassing totals for 2009. Average 3000 users per day. This is saving the company significant dollars and resources Leading Grocer: This major grocer needed a better way of empowering local managers to own more of the process while still maintaining corporate standards and policies. They needed to keep pace with hiring needs to ensure consistent and timely response to HR events. They decided to implement a guided self-service for HR requests Integration to HRMS to leverage data and corporate policies. By doing this they saved over 90 percent of the time spent managing the process Accelerated the completion of requests by over 400 percent. This major grocer concluded that they could implement BPM more quickly and cheaply for their diverse process management requirements than any other alternative-including Oracle JB Hunt J.B. Hunt Transport Services, realized they needed to implement a new business process management solution to support its "Perfect Invoice" initiative, in which the company aimed to bill the correct amount the first time. The project, involved implementing a proprietary IT system designed to streamline the electronic capture of charges associated with driver delays. The new solution eliminates the need for specialists to execute 38 different manual steps and navigate through a dizzying maze of 13 existing mainframe screens, e-mail documents and printed customer requirements to process a delay charge. J.B. Hunt anticipates that the new solution will add US$1.03 million in annual return to the bottom line, including US$870,000 in previously uncaptured revenue for valid charges and US$160,000 in staffing reductions due to removal of process waste. The new solution has an internal rate of return of 124 percent and a payback period of less than 12 months.. Travelers Travelers Insurance (Travelers) is a major property and casualty insurer headquartered in New York City. To gain a competitive advantage, Travelers Select Accounts identified several needs for its new business process which include getting products to market more quickly, more sophisticated and granular pricing capabilities, ability to respond to changes quickly and making it easier to do business overall within Travelers Select Accounts. The result is a complete, quote-to-issue platform that provides ease and speed to agents and customers. Travelers Insurance received the following benefits: - Increased straight through processing from 17 percent to 45 percent - Improved business flow by 73 percent through the automation of processes - Increased written premiums by 50 percent, thanks to more sophisticated and granular pricing capabilities - Improved STP by 75 percent through the ability to implement two rule changes in the first week of the new solution - Gained the ability to make changes within the system quickly and efficiently. Müşterileri değişim ve yeniliğe adapte etmek Kurumların karar alma yeteneğinin artırılması 5 5 5

Tipik süreç sorunları Müşteri Servis Finans ve Operasyon Müşteri Temsilcisi 1 Düzensiz Görevler ve iletişim (kağıt, email v.b) Verimsiz çalışan sistemler Tutarsız önceliklendirme Sistemler arası eksik ya da hatalı veri akışı Sistemler ya da iş aktiviteleri üzerinde kontrol eksikliği( hatalar) Süreç performansının ölçeklendirilememesi 6 Üst Düzey Yönetici 1 3 2 3 4 Fatura Kontrol Bolumu 2 5 6 4 Main Point: Process problems are inherent in today’s business environment. Typical process problems lead to many issues that only IBM BPM can solve. Speaker Notes: To better understand how business process management can reduce complexity and boost growth we should take a deeper look at the problems that cause process management problems. Yes, you have systems. But they typically only solve part of the process. At the human level, the problem is that work is not well controlled Finally, there is no end to end visibility to the process – that spans humans and systems This leads to replication of efforts and inefficient processes, lack of control over system and business events, incomplete and inaccurate data flow between systems, inconsistent prioritization, unstructured tasks and poor visibility. These issues lead to unstructured tasks, inefficient working environments, inconsistent prioritization, incomplete data flow, lack of control over systems and business events and poor visibility into process performance. 5 6

BPM yaşanan kaosa çözüm getiriyor Finans ve Operasyon Üst Düzey Yönetici Müşteri Temsilcisi 1 İş akışı ve karar almanın otomatikleştirimesi. Hatalar azaltılarak, tutarlılığın artırılması Bölgelere göre, çözünürlüğün standart hale getirilmesi Mevcut sistem ve verilerin iyileştirilmesi İş aktivitelerinin izlenebilmesi ve eylemlerin başlatılması Anlık izleme ve süreç kontrol Müşteri katmadeğeri: Manuel yapılan işin azalması ile hataların azalması Daha hızlı, daha tutarlı sorun çözme Kolay iş yönetimi Tutarlılık Risk Yönetimi Bölümü Müşteri Servisi 2 3 4 5 6 Main Point: BPM bring order to this chaos as a layer that provides control and visibility into your processes to allow for quick implementation and process optimziation. Speaker notes: BPM is a discipline consisting of software and expertise to improve the performance, visibility, and agility of business processes and facilitate business innovation. BPM continuously improves processes and aligns functions that span business, IT systems, manual tasks, and information. BPM creates value both from a business and IT perspective. BPM removes fixed process logic from custom applications to grow your business value of existing applications & solutions. It also automates and integrates mission-critical processes to increase business adaptability and cost performance. On a technical perspective, BPM reduces application size, complexity, and cost to reduce application complexity. So, a good way to think about BPM is that it is a layer that gives you the control and visibility over the processes. It sits between people and systems and manages the process across those participants, prioritizes your work, but also gives you visibility and control, and when the process evolves and changes – you can quickly implement that change and that is immediately. This leads to automated workflows, reduced errors, standardized resolutions and the real-time visibility and process control necessary for process optimization. 7

BPM insan aktivitelerini kolaylaştırır. Human Task Implementations İş süreci Gelen sipariş 1st kontrol Onay özeti yarat Son onay 2nd Kontrol Sonuç 1st Kontrol Taskı İşi ata tamamlandı Süreç başlat 2nd Kontrol Taskı İşi ata tamamlandı SonKontrol Taskı İşi ata Main Point: BPM is relevant to processes that have a large number of human tasks. By choreographing and automating workflows organizations can increase productivity and optimize the performance of their people. Here, BPM provides the necessary visibility into a typical task review process to transform for growth Speaker Notes: BPM doesn’t necessarily result in the elimination of human tasks. In fact many business processes are just that – a collection of tasks that people undertake. BPM is tremendously beneficial in these situations, helping organizations to increase productivity and optimize the performance of their people. Without automated workflow, business process are ad-hoc and rely on a variety of different methods to carry out the process. Unstructured processes lead to errors, inefficiencies and higher costs. With BPM, the process is controlled and automated by a process engine that routes process-relevant information, updates back-end systems, and presents data to human users. By streamlining human tasks organizations can ensure that tasks are routed to the correct person along with the correct information, documentation, and forms necessary to perform the task. Here‘s a great example of what a typical human task would look like and the inherent processes involved. BPM provides visibility into the process to give control back to the company through: Flexible allocation of work to maximize human resources and manages time constraints Rebalancing and optimizing of team-based work with changing business conditions Adjusting processes "in-flight" to enable smart collaboration between knowledge workers Quickly customizing the end user experience  tamamlandı Sonuçlar Create ad-hoc Task / sonuçlar Info istekTask İşi ata tamamlandı 8

Süreçlerinizdeki belirsizlik ve karmaşıklığı giderdiniz mi?? Dönüşümün Bugünkü anlamı: Basit iş süreci geliştirme Tüm süreci izleme ve yönetme Optimize edilmiş süreçler ve kararlar. Main Point: Is your organization prepared for this change? Can your processes handle this new uncertainty? What does transformation really mean? Speaker notes: Can your processes respond to rapid change? Some of the biggest impact can come from not just optimizing your processes, but transforming them. Yet only 6% of companies say they have achieved business process excellence! Think about your organization: Can you see and manage your key processes in all parts of your network – from a simple department to the broad enterprise-wide network? Can business leaders effect the changes they need in those processes or does IT have to? Is it simple for them to do so? Are you comfortable you can optimize the efficiency of your processes – even the ones that span outside your organization? BPM can help you answer yes to these questions and more. Agile Süreçler ve kararlar ile Business Process Management 9 9

Karmaşıklığı yenerek rakiplere üstünlük sağlamak Yenilik Daha fazla müşteri için yenilik şart Yeni kanallar Müşterilere hizmet verecek yeni kanalların oluşturulması Main Point: Today’s business leaders understand that innovation and collaboration is necessary to succeed and grow in today’s environment. Business Process Management enables these leaders to take advantage of complexity to beat down the competition. Speaker Notes: Change is the new normal, and it creates opportunity. There are emerging elements at play here as well. New delivery models are transforming the way we not only reach our customers and partners, but the way we source our capabilities. Mobile, cloud, and appliances are becoming a complement to more traditional delivery models and important elements that you need to consider. To help you continue to build the business agility you need across your dynamic business network to have the speed and foresight to embrace what’s possible. Today’s leading businesses realize that innovation and collaboration are key to success. 81% of today’s business leaders realize that innovation is a key part to bridging the gap to the customer, while 70% are focusing on new channels to get their products or services to these customers, and 69% are collaborating with their customers to improve their products and services. To succeed and grow, business leaders must capitalize on this new complexity to outmaneuver their competitors. Business Process Management is your engine for growth amidst this new complexity. İşbirliği Müşteri işbirliği ile daha iyi ürün ve hizmet sunabilmek 10 Source: IBM CEO Study, 2010 10

Account Administration BPM Araçlarının yetenekleri Customer Service Finance and Ops Executive Management Risk Management Teams Modeling Monitoring Automation Governance Optimization Rules Information Cases Events Integration Collaboration Analytics Account Administration Main Point: Customers have a lot of process challenges but BPM brings order to the chaos and provides many benefits. These benefits are delivered through a combination of capabilities, from Modeling as a great entry point to collaboration and analytics. Speaker notes: As previously discussed customers have a lot of process challenges, and with a process based solution, customers experience the real-time visibility and process control necessary to achieve many benefits such as reductions in manual work and consistent issue resolution. These benefits are delivered through a combination of capabilities. Modeling, Automation, Optimization are key capabilities to essential BPM, while monitoring is a great way of getting started with a BPM solution with charting. Rules, events and analytics gives you the powerful rules capabilities based on ILOG technology for increased visibility into your processes. You can complement these rules capabilities with a combination of many other BPM tools, such as governance, which enables you to manage the entire life-cycle from a single repository, and scale your process solution with effective reuse. IBM BPM provides the necessary capabilities no matter your adoption stage or the size of your process solution. 11

IT ile iş biriminin birlikte çalışmasını sağlayarak oluşan hataların min düzeye inmesini sağlar. İletişimi artırır: IT ve iş biriminin birlikte çalışmasını sağlayarak hataları min düzeye indirir Identify high priority projects through process discovery Similasyon ve analizle, süreçlerin optimizasyonun kolaylaştırır. Main Point: Process documentation is a critical first step in process optimization. The right process modeling tools can help to easily convert the expertise of business users and process stakeholders into executable, automated processes. Speaker Notes: An important component of business process management is documenting the process model so that business processes can become explicit and agreed upon throughout the organization. Documentation is a critical first step for process optimization. When it comes time to modify process models or create new processes from scratch, you want to capture the insights of business users and their expertise rapidly, and convert it into executable processes that you can put into action fast. The key is being able to rapidly and accurately convert business requirements into formal process models that can then be modeled, simulated, and deployed. Business users use several business tools, from whiteboards to spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations, to capture their thoughts and ideas and convey those requirements to process designers in IT. Unfortunately, misunderstandings often result creating delays and a communication gap between business and IT. This enables our clients to: Capture business user expertise in process models faster and easier Make it easier to get started on new projects Improve collaboration between business user and process designers Reduce misunderstandings, delays, and eliminate the communication gap Faster concept to execution, and user empowerment İş birimi IT 12 12

Durum Yönetimi Bilgi, süreç ve kişiler Doğru bilgiyi süreç üzerinden kişilere ulaştırır Kolay geliştirme araçları ile kısa sürede sonuca ulaşmayı sağlar Kolay geliştirilip tekrar kullanılabilen yapılar Süreç Kişiler Durum yönetimi Main Point: Deliver trusted information to the case – both content and structured data in the context of a case Speaker notes: Case management is deeply rooted in industries like healthcare, public sector and perhaps the legal profession. Case management concepts are now being applied across all industries both from a horizontal and a vertical perspective. Organizations describe ‘case management’ differently - they might not specifically talk about case management, but organizations will describe the lack of tools for their knowledge workers or their information workers in getting their job done. Organizations may describe their challenges as complaint management or claims processing or other forms of business functions that have a common pattern or problem. Whatever the definition, ACM delivers trusted information to the case – both content and structured data, supports work management of structured and unstructured activities, and manages the entire case lifecycle including retention and governance requirements, and IBM has the broadest portfolio of case management capabilities and the most extensive ecosystem of case management solutions. Bilgi 13