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talebe Turkish Lessons for Foreigners  Introduction talebe is a beginner-level Turkish language course for young and adult learners.

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2 talebe Turkish Lessons for Foreigners

3  Introduction talebe is a beginner-level Turkish language course for young and adult learners.

4 “Benim adım Can.” Introducing yourself ● Numbers ● Greeting 1 “Bu benim arkadaşım.” Introducing other people ● Family members 2 “Onlar nereli?” Countries ● Nationalities ● Languages 3 “Sen ne iş yapıyorsun?” Professions 4 “Bu ne?” Basic objects ● Basic adjectives 5 Contents 

5 “Elma var mı?” Food & drink ● Possession 6 “Evim, güzel evim.” Rooms of the house ● Things at home 7 “Benim bir arabam var.” Everyday objects ● Possession 8 “Hızlı koşma, yavaş koş.” Basic verbs ● Commands 9 “Film saat kaçta başlıyor?” Telling the time ● Introduction to present tense 10 

6 “Ben çay içmek istiyorum.” Asking for things ● Offering things ● Plans 11 “Kim, nerede, ne yapıyor?” Personal information ● Present tense 12 “Onlar ne yapıyorlar?” Present activities ● Questions 13 “Onlar çok farklı insanlar.” Present activities ● Differences 14 “O her gün çalışıyor.” Everyday activities ● Time expressions 15 

7 “Daha büyük, en büyük” Comparison ● Basic adjectives 16 “O nasıl biri?” Parts of the face ● Describing people 17 “Can’ın bir arabası var.” Possession ● Basic objects ● Family 18 “O kimdi?” Introduction to past tense 19 “Can dün neredeydi?” Past tense ● Time expressions 20 

8 “Yaşamöyküsü” Past tense ● Biography 21 “Pazar günü” Past tense ● Everyday activities 22 “Sen hiç hayalet gördün mü?” Past experiences ● Holidays 23 “Neyin var?” Body parts ● Health problems ● Necessity ● Advice 24 “Sinema nerede?” Saying where things are ● Giving directions 25 

9 “O Türkçe konuşabilir.” Ability ● Request ● Permission 26 “O dans edemez.” Ability 27 “Çarşıda & Restoranda” Shopping for clothes ● At the restaurant 28 “Bu akşam ne yapıyorsun?” On the phone ● Offering ● Invitation ● Weather 29 “O bugün çarşıya gidecek.” Future tense ● Purpose ● Plans 30 

10 “Hafta sonu ne yapacaksın?” Future tense ● Conditionals 31 “O yemek yiyormuş.” Reporting 32 

11  K o l a y g e l s i n!

"talebe Turkish Lessons for Foreigners  Introduction talebe is a beginner-level Turkish language course for young and adult learners." indir ppt

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