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YayınlayanAclan Ozdemir Değiştirilmiş 10 yıl önce
Unit 1 Friendship Rules Personal Qualities Physical Appearance
Selfish Beautiful Rude Tall Bad –tempered Overweight Funny Skinny Honest Blond Reliable Curly
Positive Qualities Negative Qualities
( Strengths) ( Weakness) Reliable Dishonest Tidy Messy Polite Rude Generous Stingy Sociable Shy
Character description
What's he like? What's your father like? What’s Ayşe like? Personal qualities *Cheerful *Generous *Polite *Successful
Physical Description What does he look like? What does your father look like? What does Ayşe look like? Physical Appearance *Tall *Slim *Beautiful *Blonde
Expressing opinions. What do you think of new teacher? I think he is. . . In my opinion, he is… To me, he is…. In my point of view, he is Aggreeing with an opinion; I aggree with you. Disaggreeing with an opinion; I don’t agree with you. I disaggree.
A true friend is reliable.
A true friend tells what he really thinks. A true friend helps and gives encouragement. A true friend is supportive/ honest / helpful A true friend is understanding. A true friend does not tell lies.
Ali helps the poor. Ali gives money. Ali shares his money. Ali is generous. Ali does not help the poor. Ali does not pay Money Ali does not share his Money Ali is stingy / mean
Jack has got lots of money but he doesn’t help poor people
Jack has got lots of money but he doesn’t help poor people. he is ______ a) generous b) stingy c)funny d) rude Kate is a girl. She can’t make friends easily. a) punctual b) crazy c) sensitive d) shy
David is always _______
David is always _______. Whenever he sees a woman going outside, he opens the door. a) lazy b) hardworking c) rude d) polite Some people only think of heir needs, because they are__________ a)Talkative b) helpful c)selfish d)rude
Hasan; I don’t like Emre at all. He always tells lies and he is rude.
Sezgin:___________________ He has a bad sense of humour. Make jokes I disaggree. You look terrible. I aggree with you.
Unit 2 Study Skills Answer questions in order Check your answers
Do not answer questions quickly Do not be late for the class. Do not look around Do not miss classes. Do not spend too much time on difficult questions Do not stay up late the night before exams. Focus on questions Get help early Get help from your parents Give yourself reward How can I help you?
Listen to your teacher carefully.
Read instructions carefully Take exercise Turn off your mobile and focus on your studying. What is your problem? What's the matter with you? You must not cheat in exams You should do your homework You should have a rest You should make a plan You should study daily. You should study in a quiet place. You should take notes.
To be successful we …… Should not be late fort he class Should not miss the class Should focus on studying Should make a plan Should study daily Should take notes Should study in a quiet place Should listen to our teacher carefully.
We can’t be successful if we…….
Miss the class Do not focus on our studying Do not make a plan Do not study daily Do not take notes Do npt study in a quiet place Do not listen too our teacher carefully.
To get high grades from an exam
Do not spend time on difficult questions Do not look around Do not stay up late the night before exam
How can I help you? What is your problem? What’s the matter? What should I do?
Alperen: May, I speak to you teacher?
Ahmet Haşim: Sure. ………………………..? A)What a wonderful voice B) How can I help ypu? C) Are you sure
Alper: I am……………. math. ………………………. to get high grades
Alper: I am…………….math. ……………………….to get high grades. Sedanur: Listen to your teacher carefully. a)good at / what’s the matter with you b)bad at / what should I do c)good at / what should I do d)bad at / what a nice dream
Başarılı olmak isteyen bir öğrenciye aşağıdaki tavsiyelerden hangisi verilmez
I- Make a plan II- Study in a quiet place III- spend too much time on difficult questions IV- Take notes V- Study daily VI- Do not miss classes
UNIT 3 BODY CARE Making suggestions. Let’s go to the party. Shall we go to the party? Why don’t we go to the party? What about going to the party? How about going to the party.
Accepting Sure. Okay. Certainly. Of course. Great idea. That’s a good idea. That sounds great. Yes, why not Let’s do that.
Refusing I’m sorry. No, I ‘m sorry I’m sorry I can’t That’s not a good idea
Too; Sıfatlardan önce kullanılır. “Çok, aşırı” anlamındadır
Too; Sıfatlardan önce kullanılır. “Çok, aşırı” anlamındadır. This soup is too salty = Bu çorba fazla tuzlu The question was too difficult = Soru aşırı zordu. Enough; Sıfatlardan sonra; This soup is salty enough İsimlerden önce kullanılır; I have enough Money.
What should I do to get rid of acne?
What do you advice me to do? You should stop eating junk food. You should not make up too often.
Unit 4 Dreams Expressing Surprise How amazing : Çok şaşırtıcı!
I can’t believe in my eyes : Gözlerieme inanamıyorum! I can’t believe in my ears : Kulaklarıma inanamıyorum! What a nice surprise : Ne hoş sürpriz! Good Heavens : Aman Allahım! My Goodness : Aman Allahım! Oh my God : Aman Allahım! Really! : Gerçekten mi Oh my gosh : Aman Allahım!
Could & couldn’t Can ve can’tın past (geçmiş) halidir. Geçmiş zamanda yapabildiklerimizden bahsederken “could” yapamadıklarımızdan bahsederken “couldn’t kullanırız. When I was a baby, I could walk, but I couldn’t speak.
Gökhan:………… table tennis when you were five?
Tolga: Yes, I …………. Could / can Can / could Could / could
Geçmiş zaman.Bir iş geçmişte belirli bir zamanda yapılmışsa, biz bunu geçmiş zaman ile anlatırız.
Geçmiş zaman cümlelerde Öznenin tekil veya çoğul olduğuna bakmaksızın fiilin ikinci halini kullanırız. I played football yesterday. I watched TV. I bought a new book.
Olumsuz cümle kurmak için “did not” yardımcı fiilini ve ardından fiilin 1. Hanini kullanırız.
I didn’t play football yesterday. Soru cümlesi için ise “Did” yardımcı fiilini cümle başına getirerek soru sorarız. Did you play football?
Past Continuous Tense;
Past Continuous Tense, hem geçmişte olmuş, hem de geçmişte devam etmiş zamanları anlatmak için kullanılır. Şimdiki zaman nasıl ki, şu an yapılan olayları anlatıyorsa, Past Continuous ta geçmişte anlatmaktadır. Kural olarak iki zaman birbirinden çok farklı değildir. Sadece Past Continuous Tense'te, geçmiş zaman yardımcı fillerini kullanmamız gerekmektedir.
Bu zamanla kurulan cümlelerde tekeil öznelerde “was” yardımcı fiili çoğul öznelerde”were” yardımcı fili kullanılır ve ana fiile “-ing” takısı eklenir.
Bu zamanla kurulan cümlelerde tekeil öznelerde “was” yardımcı fiili çoğul öznelerde”were” yardımcı fili kullanılır ve ana fiile “-ing” takısı eklenir. He was playing football. They were playing football. He was not playing football. They were not playing football Was he playing football? Were they playing football?
WHEN & WHILE WHEN + Simple Past + Past Continuous When I saw Hasan, He was having dinner Past Continuous + WHEN + Simple Past Hasan was having dinner when I saw him
WHILE + Past Continuous + Simple Past
While Hasan was having dinner, I saw him Simple Past + WHILE + Simple Past I saw Hasan While He was having dinner.
While Aslı …………………walking, she saw a butterfly.
was is Were Are
When I ………….. The noise, I was sleeping.
a) hear b)heard c) hearing d)was hear
……………. was playing computer games, my best friend called me.
a)When b)Because c)But d) while
When I ……………. Anisa, she…………………
When I ……………..Anisa, she…………………. a)Calling / sleeping b) Called / slept c)Called / was sleeping d)Was calling / slept
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