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Terminoloji Standartları
Doç. Dr. Ender Ateşman
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Bilgisayar destekli terminoloji çalışması Veri değişimi Türk standartları
İlkeler ve veri modelleri
ISO 704 (2009) Terminology work – Principles and methods ISO 860 (2007) Terminology work – Harmonization of concepts and terms ISO (2000) Terminology work – Vocabulary- Part 1: Theory and application ISO (2000) Terminology work -- Vocabulary -- Part 2: Computer applications ISO (2001) Project management guidelines for terminology standardization ISO (2002) Translation-oriented terminography ISO (2006) Computer applications in Terminology – Design, implementation and use of terminology management systems
Bilgisayar destekli terminoloji çalışması
ISO (1999) Computer applications in Terminology – Machine-readable Terminology Interchange Format (MARTIF) ISO (2009) Terminology and other language and content resources -- Specification of data categories and management of a Data Category Registry for language resources ISO (2003) Computer applications in Terminology – Terminological markup framework ISO (2006) Computer applications in Terminology – Design, implementation and use of terminology management systems ISO (2008) Systems to manage terminology, knowledge and content -- TermBase eXchange (TBX)
Veri değişimi ISO (1999) Computer applications in Terminology – Machine-readable Terminology Interchange Format (MARTIF) ISO (2003) Computer applications in Terminology – Terminological markup framework ISO (2008) Systems to manage terminology, knowledge and content -- TermBase eXchange (TBX)
Türk Standartları TS ISO (2003) Terminoloji Çalışması- Terimler ve Tarifler Bölüm 1:Teori ve uygulama TS ISO (2003) Terminoloji Çalışması- Terimler ve Tarifler Bölüm 2:Bilgisayar Uygulamaları
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