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YayınlayanSaral Erim Değiştirilmiş 10 yıl önce
Heykeltraş ve ressam Bruno Torfs’un Avustralya’da Melbourne yakınlarındaki yağmur ormanlarında bulunan atölyesi ve heykellerinden bazıları. Torfs, bu ünik heykelleri kilden elle yapıp atölyesindeki fırında pişirerek yaratmış. Ne yazık ki, 2009 yılındaki bir orman yangınında Bruno’nun evi, atöyesi ve sanat galerisi tamamen yanıp yokolmuş. Ormandaki heykellerin %60 ı kurtulmuş. Bruno ve ailesi de yangından kurtulmuş ama birsürü arkadaşı ve komşusu onun kadar şanslı değilmiş. Bruno, yangının ardından, atölyesi ve sanat galerisini yeniden inşa etmeye koyulmuş. Bruno’nun hikayesini aşağıdaki siteden takip edebilirsiniz:
The original and unique artworks of sculptor and painter Bruno Torfs continues to bring joy and inspiration to visitors from all over the world. Nestled amongst the luscious rainforest setting lives a collection of unforgettable characters lovingly hand crafted by Bruno from clay and fired onsite in his kiln. Bruno has created a world rich with fantasy and insightful beauty derived from his imagination and inspired by his intrepid journeys to some the world most intriguing and remote regions. Unfortunately on the 7th of February 2009 a bushfire raged through the township, decimating everything in its path without mercy and claimed the lives of our friends and neighbors indiscriminately. Bruno was extremely lucky to survive and the rest of the family are safe and well. Bruno's home and art gallery were unfortunately completely destroyed in the blaze. The main attraction, the sculpture garden, has also been damaged, but around sixty percent of the sculptures have survived. Bruno has chosen to stay in Marysville to rebuild his home and restore the gardens. Bruno’s passion to share his love of art and the story of life with the world has not been damaged by the fires, in fact you would almost say it has been forged anew by the flames that nearly took it all away. Whether you are new to Bruno’s works or a friend from way back, rest assured that this is far from the end of anything, it is just the beginning of something even more special. Please explore the site for more information:
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