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RELATIVE CLAUSES Sıfat cümlecikleri

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1 RELATIVE CLAUSES Sıfat cümlecikleri
UNIT 17 RELATIVE CLAUSES Sıfat cümlecikleri

2 DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES Tanımlayıcı Sıfat Cümlecikleri
Bana bir adam getirin. Bring a man to me. Hangi adam: HANGİSİ OLURSA OLSUN.  WHICH MAN Kimi bulursan / kim olursa, BELLİ DEĞİL ADAM HAKKINDA BİR BİLGİMİZ YOK.

3 Defining relative clause
Bana balık tutan adamı getirin. Hangi adamı: BALIK TUTAN adamı Defining relative clause

4 Kimi görürsen / BELLİ DEĞİL
Bir öğrenci çağır. Hangi öğrenci: HANGİSİ OLURSA OLSUN.  Kimi görürsen / BELLİ DEĞİL A student

5 Defining relative clause
Ödevini yapan bir öğrenci gelsin. Hangi öğrenci: Ödevini yapan bir öğrenci Defining relative clause

6 Herhangi bir özellik belirtilmemiş
Bir doktor çağırın. Hangi dokturu: HANGİSİ OLURSA OLSUN.  Herhangi bir özellik belirtilmemiş A doctor

7 Defining relative clause
Çocukları seven bir doktor çağırın Hangi doktoru: Çocukları seven doktoru Defining relative clause

8 Her hangi bir özellik belirtilmemiş.
Bir öğretmen istiyorum. Hangi öğretmeni: HANGİSİ OLURSA OLSUN.  Her hangi bir özellik belirtilmemiş. A teacher

9 Defining relative clause
İşini seven bir öğretmen istiyorum. Hangi öğretmen: İşini seven bir öğretmen Defining relative clause

We use DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES to identify WHO or WHAT we are talking about. THE GIRL is my cousin. THE GIRL is dancing the tango. THE GIRL WHO is dancing the tango is my cousin.

11 Defining Relative Clause
THE GIRL is my cousin. THE GIRL is dancing the tango. Burada bize iki cümlenin verildiğini görüyorsunuz. Kız benim kuzenimdir. Kız tango dansı yapıyor.

12 THE GIRL is my cousin. THE GIRL is dancing the tango. Bu iki cümleyi en güzel şekilde birleştirmemiz gerektiğinde şöyle deriz; Tango dansı yapan kız benim kuzenimdir.

13 THE GIRL is my cousin. THE GIRL is dancing the tango. Bu iki cümleyi birleştirmek için RELATIVE PRONOUNS lardan faydalanırız. WHO, WHICH, THAT Kişilerde: Who Nesnelerde: Which Hem kişi hem de nesnelerde THAT zamiri kullanılır.

14 THE GIRL is my cousin. THE GIRL is dancing the tango. İki cümlede ORTAK OLAN ÖĞE bulunur, (the girl) öğenin (the girl) kişi veya nesne oluşuna göre WHO, WHICH, (that) seçilir. Hangi kız benim kuzenimdir? Tango dansı yapan kız The girl WHO is dancing the tango

15 Elde edilen bölüm birinci satırda ortak olan öğeden sonra yazılıp cümle tamamlanır.
The girl is my cousin The girl is dancing the tango. The girl Who The girl who is dancing the tango The girl who is dancing the tango is my cousin.

16 SHE is dancing the tango. THE GIRL WHO is dancing the tango
THE GIRL is my cousin. SHE is dancing the tango. THE GIRL WHO is dancing the tango is my cousin. The girl who is dancing the tango is my cousin.

17 The driver is in hospital now.
The driver never stops at the red lights. The driver WHO never stops at the red lights is in hospital now.

18 The driver is in hospital now.
He never stops at the red lights. The driver WHO never stops at the red lights is in hospital now.

19 The driver WHO never stops at the red lights
Kırmızı ışıkta hiç durmayan sürücü is in hospital now. şimdi hastanededir. The driver WHO nevers stops at the red lights is in hospital now.

20 Students can’t get high marks.
Students don’t study hard. Students WHO don’t study hard can’t get high marks.

21 Students WHO don’t study hard
Çok ders çalışmayan öğrenciler can’t get high marks. yüksek not alamaz. Students WHO don’t study hard can’t get high marks.

22 Students can’t get high marks.
They don’t study hard. Students WHO don’t study hard can’t get high marks.

23 The man is a lawyer. The man The man is making a speech right now. WHO

24 Şimdi konuşma yapan adam bir avukattır.
The man WHO is making a speech right now Şimdi konuşma yapan adam is a lawyer. Şimdi konuşma yapan adam bir avukattır.

25 The man is a lawyer. He is making a speech right now. The man WHO

26 The man applied for the job.
The man has the necessary qualifications. The man WHO has the necessary qualifications applied for the job.

27 Gerekli niteliklere sahip olan adam iş için başvurdu.
The man WHO has the necessary qualifications Gereken niteliklere sahip olan adam applied for the job. Gerekli niteliklere sahip olan adam iş için başvurdu.

28 The man applied for the job.
He has the necessary qualifications. The man WHO has the necessary qualifications applied for the job.

29 The man is a pilot. (Adam bir pilottur.)
The man lives next door.(Adam bitişiğimizde oturur.) The man WHO lives next door is a pilot. The man WHO lives next door is a pilot. (Bitişiğimizde oturan adam bir pilottur.)

30 The man is a pilot. He lives next door. The man WHO lives next door is a pilot.

31 I know a man. A man can speak Spanish very well. I know a man WHO can speak Spanish very well. I know a man WHO can speak Spanish very well.

32 I know a man. A man can speak Spanish very well. HE can speak Spanish very well. I know a man WHO can speak Spanish very well. I know a man WHO can speak Spanish very well.

33 People held congresses in Erzurum and then in Sivas.
People supported Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his friends. They supported Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his friends. People WHO supported Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his friends held congresses in Erzurum and then in Sivas.

34 WHICH / NESNE The bus is always crowded. The bus goes to Karşıyaka.
Otobüs her zaman kalabalıktır. Otobüs Karşıyaka’ya gider. Hangi otobüs her zaman kalabalıktır? Karşıyaka’ya giden otobüs.

35 İşe bu iki cümleyi bu şekilde birleştirmek için RELATIVE PRONOUNS (who, which, that) zamirlerinden faydalanıyorduk. Bu cümlelerde ortak olan öğeleri bulalım. Görüldüğü gibi ortak olan öğeler RENKLENDİRİLMİŞ. Ortak öğenin KİŞİ mi (WHO) NESNE veya HAYVAN mı (WHICH) olduğuna karar verelim.

36 The bus is always crowded.
The bus goes to Karşıyaka. Bu cümlelerde ortak olan öğeleri bulalım. The bus (1. cümledeki) Kişi ise WHO, NESNE veya HAYVAN ise WHICH yazalım. (2. cümledeki ortak öğenin yerine) The bus WHICH goes to Karşıyaka. is always crowded.

37 The bus is always crowded. IT goes to Karşıyaka.
Bu cümlelerde ortak olan öğeleri bulalım. The bus (1. cümledeki) It (= the bus, 2. cümledeki) 1. cümledeki ortak öğeyi YAZARIZ The bus Yazdığımız bu İSİM Kişi ise WHO, NESNE veya HAYVAN ise WHICH yazarız. (2. cümledeki ortak öğenin yerine) The bus WHICH

38 The bus olduğuna göre (nesne, cansız)
WHICH yazarız. The bus is always crowded. IT goes to Karşıyaka. The bus IT goes to Karşıyaka The bus WHICH

39 The bus is always crowded. IT goes to Karşıyaka.
Cümlenin kalan kısmını ekleriz. The bus WHICH goes to Karşıyaka Ve son olarak da BİRİNCİ CÜMLENİN mavi bölümü ekleriz. The bus which goes to Karşıyaka is always crowded. (Karşıyaka’ya giden otobüs her zaman kalabalıktır.)

40 The film was interesting.
The film was on tv last night. The film WHICH was on tv last night was interesting. The film which was on tv last night was interesting.

41 The car belongs to my uncle.
The car is very comfortable. The car WHICH is very comfortable belongs to my uncle. The car which is very comfortable belongs to my uncle.

42 The car which is very comfortable
Çok konforlu olan araba belongs to my uncle. amcama aittir. The car which is very comfortable belongs to my uncle.

43 I broke the mirror. The mirror was above the fireplace. I broke the mirror WHICH was on the fireplace.

44 I broke (Ben kırdım.) the mirror WHICH was on the fireplace. (şöminenin üzerindeki ayna) I broke the mirror which was on the fireplace. Şöminenin üzerindeki aynayı kırdım.

45 He has got a job. The job isn’t very interesting. He has got a job which isn’t very interesting. He has got a job which isn’t very interesting.

46 He has got a job. It isn’t very interesting. He has got a job which isn’t very interesting. He has got a job which isn’t very interesting.

47 She keeps telling us things.
Things are always boring. They are always boring. She keeps telling us things WHICH are always boring.

48 What is the name of the fairy tale?
The fairy tale is about a wooden puppet. It is about a wooden puppet. What is the name of the fairy tale WHICH is about a wooden puppet?

49 Do you know anything about the programme?
The programme controls the security system. It controls the security system. Do you know anything about the programme WHICH controls the security system.

50 The car was mine. (Araba benimkiydi.)
The car broke down. (Araba bozuldu.) It broke down. (O bozuldu.) The car WHICH broke down was mine. The car which broke down was mine. (Bozulan araba benimkiydi.)

51 Relative Clause / w h e r e
The room faces the sea. I am staying i n a r o o m. The room Where Where I am staying faces the sea The room where I am staying faces the sea.

52 The room faces the sea. I am staying THERE. The room Where Where I am staying faces the sea The room where I am staying faces the sea.

53 The hotel where we stayed last year was very cheap and clean.
The hotel was very cheap and clean. We stayed there last year. The hotel Where The hotel where The hotel where we stayed last year The hotel where we stayed last year was very cheap and clean.

54 I buy my food at that shop. The shop Where Where I buy my food
The shop will be sold. I buy my food at that shop. The shop Where Where I buy my food Will be sold. The shop where I buy my food will be sold.

55 The street where we live is very busy.
The street is very busy. We live on the street. The street Where Where we live İs very busy. The street where we live is very busy.

56 The street where we live is very busy.
The street is very busy. We live THERE. The street Where Where we live is very busy. The street where we live is very busy.

57 The house was demolished. I was born in it. The house Where
Where I was born Was demolished. The house where I was born was demolished.

58 The house was demolished. I was born THERE. The house Where
Where I was born Was demolished. The house where I was born was demolished.

59 The area has got a magnificent view. We camped there last summer.
Where The area where we camped last summer Has got a magnificent view. The area where we camped last summer has got a magnificent view

60 The land belongs to the state.
People are building houses on it illegally. The land Where Where people are building houses illegally Belongs to the state. The land where people are building houses illegally belongs to the state.

61 The land belongs to the state.
People are building houses THERE illegally. The land Where Where people are building houses illegally Belongs to the state. The land where people are building houses illegally belongs to the state.

62 We could see the stage well from there. We took a seat Where

63 The hotel wasn’t very clean.
We stayed in the hotel. We stayed there. The hotel WHERE The hotel WHERE we stayed The hotel WHERE we stayed wasn’t very clean.

64 Relative Clauses / wHoSe
We saw some people. (THEY) Their car had broken down. We saw some people WHOSE WHOSE car WHOSE car had broken down We saw some people whose car had broken down.

65 What is the name of the girl? (SHE)
Her car you borrowed. What is the name of the girl Whose Whose car you borrowed? What is the name of the girl WHOSE car you borrowed?

66 You are living in HIS house.
I know the man. (HE) You are living in HIS house. I know the man HIS house WHOSE house WHOSE house you are living in. I know the man whose house you are living in.

67 Do you know the woman? (SHE) HER car was stolen yesterday.
WHOSE car WHOSE car was stolen yesterday Do you know the woman whose car was stolen yesterday?

68 Do you remember the boy? (He)
The boy’s father showed us the way to the park. HIS father showed us the way to the park. Do you remember the boy HIS father WHOSE father WHOSE father showed us the way to the park Do you remember the boy whose father showed us the way to the park?

69 We must listen to the people. (They)
The people’s thoughts are important to us. THEIR thoughts are important to us. We must listen to the people The people’s thoughts THEIR WHOSE thoughts WHOSE thoughts are important to us. We must listen to the people whose thoughts are important to us.

70 The man has gone to the police station. HIS The man HIS house
The man’s house was burgled last night. HIS The man The man’s house HIS house WHOSE house WHOSE house was burgled last night has gone to the police station. The man whose house was burgled last night has gone to the police station.

71 The people are living in terrible conditions.
THEIR houses were flooded last week. The poeple WHOSE houses WHOSE houses were flooded last week Are living in terrible conditions. The poeple WHOSE houses were flooded last week are living in terrible conditions.

72 Türkan Şoray is a famous actress. I admire HER films. Türkan Şoray
Türkan Şoray’s films Her WHOSE films WHOSE films I admire is a famous actress. Türkan Şoray whose films I admire is a famous actress.

73 The student’s father died. His father died. The student
The student was sad. The student’s father died. His father died. The student The student’s father His WHOSE father WHOSE father died The student whose father died was sad.

74 I have a friend. (he) His eyes are green. I have a friend I have a friend HIS eyes I have a friend WHOSE eyes I have a friend whose eyes are green.

75 (Ben gözleri yeşil bir arkadaşa sahibim.)
Gözleri yeşil olan bir arkadaş Yeşil gözlü bir arkadaş Bir arkadaş Kİ ONUN gözleri yeşildir. a friend whose eyes are green. I have a friend whose eyes are green. (Ben gözleri yeşil bir arkadaşa sahibim.)

76 I like the students. (they)
We visited the students’ school. We visited their school. I like the students I like the students their school I like the students WHOSE school I like the students WHOSE school we visited I like the students whose school we visited.

77 Did you see the house? (IT) Its windows are pink.
Did you see the house its windows Did you see the house whose windows Did you see the house whose windows are pink Did you see the house WHOSE windows are pink?

78 Pencereleri pembe olan ev.
Pembe pencereli ev. Ev ki onun pencereleri pembedir. The house whose windows are pink.

79 I have a neighbour. Her dog always barks. I have a neighbour her dog I have a neighbour WHOSE dog I have a neighbour whose dog always barks.

80 I love roses. (THEY) Roses’ thorns are harmful. (zararlı) Their thorns (dikenler) are harmful. I love roses I love roses Roses’ thorns I love roses Their I love roses whose thorns I love roses whose thorns are harmful I love roses whose thorns are harmful.

81 RELATIVE CLAUSE / WHEN 1960 is the year. I was born in 1960.
I was born THEN 1960 is the year IN 1960 THEN 1960 is the year W H E N I was born. when

82 July is the month. The weather is the hottest in that month. The weather is the hottest THEN in that month then July is the month in that month July is the month then July is the month WHEN the weather is the hottest. WHEN

83 08.30 is the time. Our lessons start at that time Our lessons start THEN 08.30 is the time at that time THEN 08.30 is the time WHEN our lessons start.

84 I will never forget the day.
I fell in love with you on that day. I fell in love with you THEN On that day T h e n I will never forget the day on that day THEN I will never forget the day WHEN I fell in love with you. WHEN

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