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Davul in idioms and sayings
DEYİMLERDE DAVUL Davul in idioms and sayings Prepared by Esra Alagöz A Deep Approach to Turkish Teaching and Learning Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison
DEYİMLERDE DAVUL Davul zurna çalmak: to let everyone know
DEYİMLERDE DAVUL Davulun sesi uzaktan hoş gelir:
An outsider might think that a job is easy, but the person who does the work knows the intricacies best. Hoş: pleasant
DEYİMLERDE DAVUL Davulun tokmağı elinde olmak: to be on top of everything Tokmak: the stick used to play the drum
DEYİMLERDE DAVUL Herkes davul çalar ama çomağı makamına uyduramaz:
Anyone can finish a job but only few can do it well. Çomak: a type of small music club Makam: the tone of music Uydurmak: to match
DEYİMLERDE DAVUL Felek kimine davul çaldırır kimine dümbelek:
Life treats everyone differently Felek: fate Dümbelek: a type of small drum
DEYİMLERDE DAVUL Davulu biz çaldık parsayı başkası topladı: We worked very hard for it, but someone else benefited from it. Parsa: money collected from an audience at street shows Toplamak: to collect
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