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İyi İş Güvenliği Uygulamaları Araca Binerken

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1 İyi İş Güvenliği Uygulamaları Araca Binerken
Aracınıza atlayarak binmeyin, üç nokta kuralını unutmayın (iki el-bir ayak ya da iki ayak-bir el aracın üzerinde olmalıdır.) The Idea of using a three point stance when entering the truck is important, if you slip or miss your footing you have a grip with both hands to avoid falling.

2 Kontrolünüzü kaybedebilirsiniz.
Araçtan İnerken Araçtan geri geri inin ve üç nokta kuralını unutmayın. Kontrolünüzü kaybedebilirsiniz. Kontrol sizde The three point stance when exiting the truck is the same as entering. You back out! This provides several benefits. If you lose your footing you have a hold of something to avoid falling and having an injury. The steps/ladder is designed for backing out of the cab. Your toes can get a better grip than your heels can. Also backing out of the truck puts less stress on, not only your feet, but your ankles, knees, hips, and back because you can control your speed better and thus the force with which you strike the ground. As you can see in the picture on your right is there are three points of contact, but the driver is committed to his exit. There is no way to stop if he were to lose his footing and would properly get hurt.

3 Yük Kasasına Binmek ve Kasadan İnmek
Güvenliğiniz için üç nokta kuralını uygulayın.

4 Asla kamyon ya da kasasından atlamayın.
This should go without saying, but we still get injuries form someone jumping from the truck or a dock. you should use the same principles getting up and down out of a bay as you do the cab of the truck with the three points of contact. Jumping from the truck, dock or anywhere else can cause undo pressure on your back, knees and ankles.

5 Kapakların Kilitlenmesi
Aracı sürmeye başlamadan önce kapakların kilitli olduğundan emin olunmalıdır. It's important to lock down the bay doors for security and to insure that you do not lose product while driving. But it needs to be a habit to unlock the doors before trying to open the doors.

6 Kapakları Açarken Kapakları açarken iki elinizi de kullanın. İlk anda zorlamadan kapakları yavaşça açmaya çalışın, bacaklarınızdan kuvvet alın. Kapakları tek elinizle açmaya çalışmayın. Always open and close the rollup doors with two hands, facing the door, in an athletic stance. When opening the door it is important to get under it as much as possible using your legs to help open. When closing you want to grab the pull down strap with both hands, and finish by pushing down on the door with both hands on the door.

7 Kapakları Açarken Kapalı ya da açık haldeyken sıkışmış bir kapıyı hareket ettirmek için fazla zorlamayın. It's important to never try and force open or closed a roll-up door. If a door becomes jammed or stuck, get help to try and open. In doing your pre-trips in the morning and you see that one of the doors is hard to open take it over to the garage for adjustment. or repair.

8 Ürünleri Araçtan Alırken
Ürünü alırken en rahat olduğunuz pozisyonu alın. Plastik paletlerde şişeleri en üstten en alta doğru almaya başlayın. You always want to use a proper stance and grip when lifting in any position, especially when the object is above your shoulders. by using this grip palm up thumb toward you and your elbow tucked in. this will dispute the weight that you are lifting down though your body. Instead of lifting and pulling the bottle with your hand the other way, putting the weigh of the load into your shoulder and neck. When pulling the bottles from the crates it is important to lift the front of the bottle slightly to reduce the drag and support the crate with your other hand to hold the crate in place. Using a push/pull motion to remove the bottle.

9 Ürünleri Araçtan Alırken
Ürünü göğsün üzerinde çekmeye çalışırken… Ürünü sıkıca tutun. Yavaşça paletin içinden çekin. El arabasına taşırken iki elinizi de kullanın. You always want to use a proper stance and grip when lifting in any position, especially when the object is above your shoulders. by using this grip palm up thumb toward you and your elbow tucked in. this will dispute the weight that you are lifting down though your body. Instead of lifting and pulling the bottle with your hand the other way, putting the weigh of the load into your shoulder and neck. When pulling the bottles from the crates it is important to lift the front of the bottle slightly to reduce the drag and support the crate with your other hand to hold the crate in place. Using a push/pull motion to remove the bottle.

10 Ürünleri Araçtan Alırken
Göğsün üzerinde ürünü araçtan dışarıya doğru çekmeye çalışırken: Tek elinizi kullanmayın. Aynı anda iki şişe çıkartmaya çalışmayın! You always want to use a proper stance and grip when lifting in any position, especially when the object is above your shoulders. by using this grip palm up thumb toward you and your elbow tucked in. this will dispute the weight that you are lifting down though your body. Instead of lifting and pulling the bottle with your hand the other way, putting the weigh of the load into your shoulder and neck. When pulling the bottles from the crates it is important to lift the front of the bottle slightly to reduce the drag and support the crate with your other hand to hold the crate in place. Using a push/pull motion to remove the bottle.

11 Ürünleri Araçtan Alırken
Lastiğin üzerine gelen ürünleri çıkartmaya çalışırken; Düzgün bir şekilde bir zemine basıldığından emin olunmalıdır. Üç nokta kuralına uyulmalıdır (iki el-bir ayak ya da iki ayak-bir el temas halinde olmalıdır) When getting product down from the upper shelve it is always important to be sure that you have good footing and support when you step up on the truck. Lower the product down, step down off the truck then pickup the product for delivery. Never jump of step off the truck holding product.

12 Ürünleri Araçtan Alırken
Coolerı araçtan indirirken altından vücuda yakın bir şekilde tutulmalıdır. When removing the cooler from the truck it is important to support the equipment from the bottom. When setting the cooler on the ground it is important to keep the weight of the cooler close to your body and use the your leg as a lever to help support the weight as you set it down. As shown in the picture.

13 Rackları Araçtan Alırken
Rackı boşaltın. Rackları içi doluyken hareket ettirmeye çalışmayın. Ön kenarını havaya kaldırın ve yavaşça kaydırın. Rackı yerleştirmek için iki elinizi de kullanın. You should always work you pallets from the top to the bottom, by working your pallets this way it will lower the center of gravity, also the full bottles in the lower crates will help hold the crates in place. when working the truck it is also important to work both sides evenly, if you where to unload only one side and had to stop quickly the rear of the truck in a slid would pull toward the heavy side. especially in the rain. It is also a good to work the truck from the back to the front, this will center the load on the truck. This also in case of an emergency stop will help you control the vehicle.

14 Merdivenler Bir eliniz merdiven korkuluğunda olmalıdır.
Bir kere de iki basamak çıkmayın. Bu hareket vücudunuz üzerindeki basıncı arttırır ve bu da yaralanma riskinizi yükseltir. When walking upstairs you should always have one hand free to hold onto the hand rail. this way if you where to loose your footing, miss a step or slip holding onto the rail would stop you from falling down the stairs. It is also important to only take one step at a time, by taking more then one step at a time it puts extra pressure on your body and increases your risk for injury.

15 El Arabaları Üç ya da daha fazla sayıdaki şişeyi taşımak için el arabası kullanın. Şişeyi uzun süre taşıyacaksanız el arabası kullanın.

16 İki Tekerlekli El Arabaları
Maximum Dört şişe El arabasını aşırı yüklemeyin.

17 İki Tekerlekli Arabaları Merdivende Kullanırken
El arabasını kullanarak merdivende şişe taşırken en fazla 3 şişe taşıyın. When walking upstairs you should always have one hand free to hold onto the hand rail. this way if you where to loose your footing, miss a step or slip holding onto the rail would stop you from falling down the stairs. It is also important to only take one step at a time, by taking more then one step at a time it puts extra pressure on your body and increases your risk for injury.

18 Güvenli Ağır Kaldırma ve Taşıma
Bunları biliyor muydunuz? Sırt ağrısını engellemenin en iyi yolu : Ağırlık kontrolü Gerdirme hareketleri yapmak Vücut sağlığına dikkat etmek 20 % (Inflammation such as arthritis) 10 % (Injuries and other miscellaneous problems) Interesting to note that only 10 % occur as a result of injury Despite what you may think, back injuries don’t always happen all of a sudden. They usually are the result of years of abusing your back until it is so weak and stressed that one wrong move, a sudden twist, an improper lift or bend-will finally cause something to “snap.” The muscles and ligaments that keep your back supported can be strained from constant misuse - i.e. by over stretching, bending and lifting incorrectly, slouching, and by carrying too much body weight. The jelly like substance in the disc pushes against the weaker back wall with repeated bending and incorrect lifting, causing the condition commonly known as a slipped disc.

19 Güvenli Ağır Kaldırma ve Taşıma
Vücudunuz dik bir şekilde çalışın Güvenli bir taşıma aracı kullanın Yükü vücudunuza yakın tutun Ayak tabanlarınızın yere tam basmasını sağlayın Dizlerinizden eğilin, belinizden eğilmeyin Here are some basic principals of body mechanics that you can use daily at home and at work: Work upright so your spine maintains a normal S-curve. Stand and work in a balanced position that maintains good body alignment. Prepare yourself for a lift or transfer. Sizing up a load before you handling it will help you determine if you need assistance. Keep the load close to your body throughout the lift. Keep your feet flat on the floor when lifting. Keep your knees slightly bent when lifting. Pivot your feet to face the destination of the lift. Avoid twisting.

20 Ergonomi Kuralları…Ağır Kaldırma
Taşıyabileceğinizden daha ağır ağırlık kaldırmaya çalışmayın. Gerekiyorsa yardım isteyin. Dizlerinizi bükün. Sırtınız dik kalsın. Ağırlığı kucaklayın. Bacaklarınızı çapraz yapmamaya çalışın.

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