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YayınlayanAltintop Hayrettin Değiştirilmiş 10 yıl önce
filename\location Bilişim Zirvesi 02 Ana Firma ve Tedarikçi Sistem Entegrasyonu (Trading Partner Enablement) Orhan Dağlıoğlugil Proje Yöneticisi HP Türkiye 04 Eylül 2002
Trading Partner Enablement A Competitive Advantage "Nowhere in business is there greater potential for benefit than the interdependence between customer firms and their suppliers. This is the largest remaining frontier for ongoing competitive advantage – and nowhere has such a frontier been more neglected" Peter Drucker Peter Drucker Professor & Management Guru
Multiple Platforms Multiple Protocols Tedarikçi Bakış Açısı Kanallar Direct via Web Site Procurement / eSelling Systems B2B Marketplaces Other ERPERP CRMCRM SCMSCM Multiple Platforms Multiple Protocols Tedarikçi
E- ticaret yapabilen bir tedarikçi... Ürün ve servislerinin elektronik katoloğuna web sitesi veya e-Pazar yerlerinden ulaşılabilmelidir. Farklı teknolojiler, protokoller, veri formatları ve iş süreçleri ile çalışabilen satış kanalları olmalıdır. Farklı B2B kanallarından sipariş alabilmelidir. Kurum içi farklı back-end sistemleri (stok, muhasebe vb.) ile entegre olabilmelidir Analitik raporlama (satış ve karlılık) ve analiz yapabilmelidir
Tedarikçi Entegrasyonu Çözümü ‘Microsoft® Solution for Supplier Enablement (MSSE) ’ Türkiye pazarına HP ve Microsoft işbirliği ile sunulan “ Tedarikçilerin internet yoluyla satış imkanlarını artırmak ve ana firmalarla entegrasyon sağlamak için geliştirilen entegre ve XML (Extensible Markup Language) tabanlı bir B2B çözümüdür. ”
Tedarikçi Entegrasyonu Çözümü Parçaları.NET Enterprise Servers Windows® 2000 (operating system, application server), BizTalk™ Server 2000 (XML-based integration and workflow), Commerce Server 2000 (catalog, order processing, personalization, analytics), SQL Server™ 2000 (database, business intelligence) Microsoft BizTalk AFS (Accelerator for Suppliers) Solution Site; Commerce Server tabanlı elektronik ticaret için ASP sayfaları içeren Web Sitesi HP Danışmanlık ve Servis Hizmetleri HP Teknoloji Ürünleri
Çözümün Faydaları Tedarikçiyi Güçlendirmek Her tedarikçinin sektöre ve kendine özgü, karakterine uygun olarak müşteriye farklı kanakllardan ulaşması söz konusudur. Ana firma satınalma sistemleri e-pazaryerleri Internet Sektöre ve kendine özgü olarak satış ve karlılık ile ilgili raporlar alabilmesi ve e k rapor konfigürasyonu imkanı. (MS BizTalk AFS) Satış Konsolidasyonu Sipariş Analizi Ürün Analizi Müşteri Harcama Analizi
Fonksiyonel Kapsam 3 temel fonksiyon grubu 1. Katalog Yayınlama İş ortaklarına ve müşterilerine XML destekli formatlarda katalog yayınlayabilen bir katalog yayınlama sistemi. 2. Uzaktan Alışveriş Uzaktan alışverişi destekleyen ve ilgili protokollerle çalışan bir Web sitesi. 3. Satınalma Siparişi Kabulu Müşteri ve iş ortaklarından gelen siparişleri XML formatında alabilen bir sipariş sistemi.
Ana Firma Satınalma Senaryosu-1 1.Direk Satınalma
Ana Firma Satınalma Senaryosu-2 1.Uzaktan Satınalma (Remote Shopping)
Windows 2000 Çok Kanallı Ticaret TedarikçiKanallar SQL Server 2000 Native XML Native XML Enterprise-class data store Enterprise-class data store OLAP Engine OLAP Engine BizTalk Server 2002 BizTalk Server 2002 XML delivery XML delivery Mapping & transformation Mapping & transformation Business process Business process Commerce Server 2000 Commerce Server 2000 XML-based catalog XML-based catalog Order Processing Order Processing Commerce Site Commerce Site Personalization Personalization Back-End Systems Direct via Web Site Procurement/ eSelling Systems B2B Marketplaces Other Multiple Platforms Multiple Protocols Accelerator for Suppliers Compaq CiO
ERP ( Solomon - Great Plains) Manufacturing (MasterTrac) Order Processi ng (6000/day ) Customer A Customer B Exec. 1% errors Customer case study - Customer case study - MarkMaster Inc.
ERP (Solomon - Great Plains) Exec. Customers configure own orders 30% reduction in order entry costs Access to new customers BizTalk Server 2000 Commerce Server 2000 Customer A Customer B SQL Server 2000 E-Proc. Manufacturing (MasterTrac) Online Markets & Trading Exchanges New Customer E-Proc. E-Proc. Real-time reports New Customer
HP “accelerating” a Supplier’s success Challenge Conduct business via electronic marketplaces to accommodate customer procurement requirements, or lose their business Increase sales by 35% (connect to new customers) Decrease paper-based order entry error rate Solution MS Supplier Accelerator technologies running in a HP ProLiant environment Integrated storefront, database, and XML functionality Delivery of project management, consultation, system integration and testing, as well as hardware platform design and installation by HP ePartners! Results Increased customer reach through the ability to add new marketplaces in under 24 hours. Reduced order-entry error rates by 90%. Reduced customer service costs by 20%.
An open solution for Ingram Macrotron Challenge Integrate the business customer electronic purchasing applications with custom reseller application Decrease costs associated with order processing Integrate custom catalog management system with standards-based system Increase the reliability of purchase order processing Solution MS BizTalk Accelerator for Suppliers technology running in a HP ProLiant environment Standards-based XML purchase order processing Delivery of services by HP Results Increased reliability of purchase order processing. Reduced time to process purchase orders. Automatic integration of XML purchase orders in custom system. Increased customer satisfaction „Shaping The Future Of Technology Distribution“ “The HP project team defined and deployed a high quality solution in rapid time. This was a testament to their experience in conducting similar implementations.” Barbara Neumann, Vice President IT & Organization, Ingram Macrotron Central Europe
Results of the solution Business Value Already Experienced Reliability of purchase order accuracy99+% Order processing errors – from 2% to 5%< 1% Order processing costs 60% Order processing time 30% Volume of electronic orders (expected) 6% Overall revenue (expected) 3% Customer order entry errors 30% Customer ordering costs (on average) 12% Customer fulfillment time (on average) 60%
Proje Fazları MSSE project. Project PhaseMilestoneDescription Vision / Scope1Vision/scope approved Planning2Project plan approved Development3Supplier catalog architecture complete and tested Development4Catalog publication to all trading partners complete and tested Development5Order reception from all trading partners complete and tested Development6Remote shopping implementation for all trading partners complete and tested Development7Code complete Stabilization / Release8Zero bug bounce (ZBB) Stabilization / Release9Final code deployed into production
Tedarikçi Entegrasyonu Değer Önerisi Farklı firmalardaki farklı uygulama ve platformlar için standart çözüm Farklı büyüklüklerdeki tedarikçiler için uygun İşinizin ihtiyaçlarına göre büyüyebilir Satış kanalları için açık ve uçtan uca bağlanabilirlik Satış (kurum içi sistemler ) çözümü entegrasyonu Yatırım geri dönüşü (ROI) çabuk
Teşekkür ederiz !
Katalog Yayınlama Mimarisi ve İş Akışı Catalog Publishing Architecture In the MSSE, catalog publishing begins when a business manager clicks the Publish button in the Catalog Publisher module in Commerce Server Business Desk. From the perspective of the supplier, it ends when the catalog data is delivered to the intended trading partner in an XML format that they can process.
Trading Partner Enablement Readiness Supplier Enablement RapidStart Trading Partner Enablement Workshop Supplier Adoption RapidStart (optional) Supplier Adoption RapidStart (optional) Manage & Support Supplier Enablement Rollout Supplier Enablement Rollout 1-3 Weeks 3-4 Weeks 4-6Weeks Results 7-8 Weeks Focus on Results! MarkMaster: 35% increase in sales, 20% decrease in order-entry errors MarkMaster: 35% increase in sales, 20% decrease in order-entry errors Ingram Micro: 60% decrease in order-entry costs, 6% increase in electronic orders, 3% increase in sales Ingram Micro: 60% decrease in order-entry costs, 6% increase in electronic orders, 3% increase in sales HP’s Rapid Implementation Methodology for Trading Partner Enablement
ERP, CRM, Accounting, Supply Chain Market Sites Any Industry Standard Supplier accelerator Publish once Publish once Sell to many Sell to many Enable and empower Enable and empower – Tek Çözüm Tedarikçi Entegrasyonu – Tek Çözüm Supplier (catalog and order) Compaq CiO Marketplace Adapters Any XML Standard
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