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LESSON LC0805 Pass out 2000 Emergency Response Guidebook to the students. Student should follow along in guidebooks during the lecture. We will discuss the proper use of, Emergency Response Guidebook as a hazardous chemical identification aids.

2 Weapons of Mass Destruction
Ders Hedefleri 2000 Acil Durum Müdahale Kılavuzu'nu (ERG) kullanarak: Tehlikeli bir maddeyi plaka veya sevkıyat belgelerindeki 4 haneli Tanım numarasından tanımak Malzemenin 3 haneli kılavuz numarasına bulmak Read the slide. Lesson Objectives Use the 2000 Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) to: Identify a hazardous material by the 4-digit ID number or name on placards or shipping documents Look up the material’s 3-digit guide number KILAVUZ 140 OKSİTLEYİCİLER Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

3 Weapons of Mass Destruction
Ders Hedefleri II 2000 Acil Durum Müdahale Kılavuzu'nu (ERG) kullanarak: O malzemenin tehlikelerini değerlendirmek için 3 haneli kılavuz numarasının nasıl kullanıldığını göstermek İlk yalıtım ve koruyucu mesafeler tablosunun nasıl kullanıldığını göstermek Toksik gazlar üreten suya reaktif malzemeler tablosunun nasıl kullanıldığını göstermek Read the slide. Lesson Objectives II Use the 2000 Emergency Response Guidebook II to: Demonstrate use of the 3-digit guide number to assess the hazards of that material Demonstrate use of the table of initial isolation and protective action distances Demonstrate use of the table of water-reactive materials which produce toxic gases Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

4 Acil Durumda Müdahale Kılavuzu
İlk müdahiller kılavuzu Kanada, ABD ve Meksika ulaştırma bakanlıkları tarafından ortaklaşa geliştirilmiştir Birleşmiş Milletler tehlikeli malzemeler listesini de içerir İlk müdahillere başlangıç kararlarında yardımcı olur C Read the slide. It is primarily a guide to aid first responders in quickly identifying the specific or generic hazards of the material(s) involved in the incident, and protecting themselves and the general public during the initial response phase of the incident. Emergency Response Guide First responders guide developed jointly by transportation departments of Canada, United States and Mexico Includes United Nations dangerous goods list Assist first responders in making initial decisions Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

5 Acil Durum Müdahale Kılavuzu
Olayla ilgili malzemelerin özel ya da genel tehlikelerinin hızla belirlenmesi İlk müdahillerin ve halkın yalıtımı ve korunması C Read the slide. Emergency Response Guide Quick identification of the specific or generic hazards of the material(s) involved in the incident Isolation and protection of first responders and the general public Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

6 Acil Durum Müdahale Kılavuzu
Acil durum müdahale eğitimi, bilgisi ya da sağlam bir yargı yeteneğinin yerini alamaz Mümkün olan tüm durumları ele almamaktadır Tehlikeli maddelerin fiziksel veya kimyasal özelliklerini içermez Read the slide: Emergency Response Guide Not a substitute for emergency response training, knowledge or sound judgment Does not address all possible circumstances No physical or chemical properties of hazardous materials Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

7 Acil Durum Müdahale Kılavuzu
Bir otoyol ya da demiryolu kazasında kullanım için tasarlanmıştır Sabit yerleşimlerde sınırlı bir değer taşıyabilir Bir acil durumda onu kullanmadan önce bu kitapta anlatılanları öğrenin! Read the slide: First responders at the scene of a dangerous goods incident should seek additional specific information about any material in question as soon as possible. The information received by contacting the appropriate emergency response agency, the emergency response number on the shipping document, or by consulting the information on or accompanying the shipping document, may be more specific and accurate than this guidebook in providing guidance for the materials involved. Fixed facility = hazardous materials manufacturing, storage or distribution facilities. Students should regularly review the information in the handbook and feel confident in using it as an aid in an emergency. Emergency Response Guide Designed for use at a highway or railroad incident Maybe limited value at fixed facility location Become familiar with this guidebook before using it during an emergency! Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

8 Kılavuzun İçindekiler
Beyaz sayfalar Bir tehlikeli madde olayında bu kılavuzu nasıl kullanmalı Genel Bilgiler Sarı kenarlı sayfalar Tehlikeli maddelerin dört haneli Tanım numaralarına göre rakam sırasıyla dizin listesi Mavi kenarlı sayfalar Tehlikeli maddelerin madde adına ve alfabetik sıraya göre dizin listesi Guidebook Contents Read the slide: Briefly open guidebook to each of the sections listed above to introduce the guidebook to the students. White pages How to use the guidebook during a dangerous goods incident General information Yellow-bordered pages Index list of dangerous goods in numerical order of four-digit ID number Blue-bordered pages Index list of dangerous goods in alphabetical order of material name Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

9 Kılavuzun İçindekiler
Mavi kenarlı sayfalar Tehlikeli maddelerin madde adına ve alfabetik sıraya göre dizin listesi Oranj kenarlı sayfalar 3 haneli kılavuz numarasına göre rakam sırasıyla tüm güvenlik önerileri Yeşil kenarlı sayfalar İlk Yalıtım ve Koruyucu Eylem Tablosu ve Solunması Toksik (TIH) malzemeleri Tanım numarasıyla listeleyen bir tablo Guidebook Contents Read the slide: Briefly open guidebook to each of the sections listed above to introduce the guidebook to the students. Blue-bordered pages Index list of dangerous goods in alphabetical order of material name Orange-bordered pages Contains all safety recommendations in numerical order by 3-digit guide number Green-bordered pages Table of Initial Isolation and Protective Action and a table which lists, by ID number, Toxic by Inhalation (TIH) materials Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

10 Kılavuzun İçindekiler Beyaz Sayfalar
Kılavuzun nasıl kullanılacağı Genel Bilgiler Yalıtım ve boşaltma mesafeleri Emniyet tedbirleri Kimden yardım istemeli Tehlikeli maddeler sınıflandırma sistemi Plakalar ve ilk müdahil kılavuzları tablosu Read the slide: Have students turn to each page listed below and briefly look at the material – don’t waste too much time most of this will be reviewed later in the presentation. How to use the guidebook – Page 1 Isolation and Evacuation Distances – Page 5 Safety Precautions – Page 6 Who to Call for Assistance – Page 7 Hazardous Classification System – Page 13 Table of Placards and Initial Response Guides – Page 15 Point out and read the introduction’s first sentence – ”USE THIS TABLE ONLY IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO IDENTIFYTHE MATERIAL(S) IN TRANSPORT BY ID NUMBER OR NAME” Also take a look at the rail car and road trailer identification chart and point out this chart can be used to help identify the contents of an unmarked rail car or road trailer Guidebook Contents White Pages How to use the guidebook General information Isolation and evacuation distances Safety precautions Who to call for assistance Hazardous classification system Table of placards and initial response guides Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

11 Identifying the Material
Malzemenin Tanınması Malzeme şunlardan birine göre tanınır: Plaka veya oranj panel üzerindeki Dört Haneli Tanım Numarası Sevkıyat belgesi veya ambalaj üzerindeki Dört Haneli Tanım Numarası Sevkıyat belgesi, plaka veya ambalaj üzerindeki malzeme adı Read the slide: Point out 4-digit ID number Flammable Liquid Placard Chemical Name – Diesel Fuel Identifying the Material Identify the material by finding any one of the following: Four-Digit ID number on a placard or orange panel Four-Digit ID number on a shipping document or package Name of the material on a shipping document, placard or package Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

12 Identifying the Material
Malzemenin Tanınması Malzemenin üç haneli kılavuz numarasına bakın Tanım numaraları dizini. (Kılavuzun sarı kenarlı sayfaları) veya Malzeme adı dizini. (Kılavuzun mavi kenarlı sayfaları) Read the slide: Classroom Assignment: Half of the class look up the 3-digit guide number for a chemical with ID number, 1010. Half of the class look up the 3-digit guide number for, Butadienes, inhibited. Have students look up the 3-digit guide numbers in the yellow-bordered and blue-bordered sections and then go to the next slide. Identifying the Material Look up the material’s three-digit guide number: The id number index..(The yellow-bordered pages of the guidebook) or The name of material index..(The blue-bordered pages of the guidebook) Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

13 Üç Haneli Kılavuz Numarası
Sınıf Ödevi Tanım numarası 1790 olan kimyasal malzemenin üç haneli kılavuz numarasını bulun Hidroflüorik asidin üç haneli kılavuz numarasını bulun SARI SAYFALAR MAVİ SAYFALAR Read the slide: Classroom Assignment: Half of the class look up the 3-digit guide number for a chemical with ID number, 1790. Half of the class look up the 3-digit guide number for, hydrofluoric acid. Have students look up the 3-digit guide numbers in the yellow-bordered and blue-bordered sections and then go to the next slide. Three - Digit Guide Number Classroom Assignment Look up the three-digit guide number for a chemical with ID number 1790 Look up the three-digit guide number for hydrofluoric acid Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

14 Üç Haneli Kılavuz Numarası
ID Guide Name of Material No. No. Bileşik temizleme sıvısı (Hidroflüorik asit içerir) Yakıcı asit, sıvı, n.o.s. Hidroflüorik asit Hidroflüorik asit, solüsyon Read the slide: Point out the other chemicals that have the same 4-digit ID No. and 3-digit Guide No. Three - Digit Guide Number Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

15 Üç Haneli Kılavuz Numarası
Kılavuz Tanım Malzeme Adı No. No. Hidroflüorik asit Hidroflüorik asit, solüsyon Hidroflüorik asit ve Sülfürik asit karışımı Read the slide: Point out the other chemicals that have the same 4-digit ID No. and 3-digit Guide No. Three - Digit Guide Number Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

16 Üç Haneli Kılavuz Numarası
Sınıf Ödevi Tanım numarası 1010 olan kimyasal malzemenin üç haneli kılavuz numarasını bulun İnhibe Bütadienlerin üç haneli kılavuz numarasını bulun SARI SAYFALAR MAVİ SAYFALAR Read the slide: Classroom Assignment: Half of the class look up the 3-digit guide number for a chemical with ID number, 1010. Half of the class look up the 3-digit guide number for, Butadienes, inhibited. Have students look up the 3-digit guide numbers in the yellow-bordered and blue-bordered sections and then go to the next slide. Three - Digit Guide Number Classroom Assignment Look up the three-digit guide number for a chemical with ID number 1010 Look up the three-digit guide number for inhibited Butadienes Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

17 “P” Şiddetli Polimerleşme Anlamına Gelir
Yanında bir “P” olan kılavuz numaraları o malzemenin ısı veya kontaminasyon durumunda şiddetli polimerleşmeye uğrayabileceğini gösterir Tn. Kılavuz Malzeme Adı No. No. Kılavuz Tanım Malzeme Adı No. No. P Butadienler, inhibe Butadienler, inhibe 116P 1010 P Read the slide: Point out the “P” designation and warn the student that the polymerization can be explosively violent when exposed to heat or contamination. “P” is for Violent Polymerization Guide number supplemented with “P” indicates that material may undergo violent polymerization if subjected to heat or contamination Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

18 Üç Haneli Kılavuz Bölümü
3 haneli numarası olan kılavuza (oranj kenarlı sayfalar) bakın ve dikkatle okuyun Kılavuz numarası 116’yı bulun Not: “P” ibaresi oranj kenarlı bölümde bulunmaz KILAVUZ Gazlar– Alev Alıcı (Stabil Değil) 116 Read the slide: Open your Emergency Response Guide a review the information along with the students. Ask the students about the potential hazards, what protective clothing is required, and evacuation procedures associated with this chemical. Look up guide number Note: the “P” designation will not be found in the orange-bordered section–only the three-digit designation Three - Digit Guide Section Turn to the 3-digit numbered guide (orange-bordered pages) and read carefully Look up guide number 116 Note: the “P” designation will not be found in the orange-bordered section Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

19 TIH & Suya Reaktif Malzeme
Sınıf Ödevi Tanım numarası 1746 olan kimyasal malzemenin üç haneli kılavuz numarasını bulun Bromin triflüoridin üç haneli kılavuz numarasını bulun SARI SAYFALAR MAVİ SAYFALAR TIH & Water Reactive Material Classroom assignment Look up the three-digit guide number for a chemical with ID number 1746 Look up the three-digit guide number for Bromine trifluoride Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

20 TIH & Suya Reaktif Malzeme
Dizinde (sarı veya mavi renkle) vurgulanmışsa, o bir TIH (toksik solunum tehlikesi olan) madde veya tehlikeli bir suya reaktif maddedir (suyla temas ettiğinde toksik gaz üretir) Kılavuz Tanım Malzeme Adı No No. Tn. Kılavuz Malzeme Adı No. No. Bromin triflüorid Bromin triflüorid Read the slide: Point out highlighted areas. ID Guide Name of Material No. No. Boron trifluoride ID Guide Name of Material No. No. Boron trifluoride TIH & Water Reactive Material If the index entry is highlighted (in either yellow or blue), it is a TIH (toxic inhalation hazard) material or a dangerous water reactive material (produces toxic gas upon contact with water) Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

21 TIH & Suya Reaktif Malzeme
Read the slide: (this is only a fraction of the table’s header, look in the book along with students) Point out the differences for downwind protection distances for bromine trifluoride spilled on land and in water. The distance for spill in water is greater due to toxic gases produce from the reaction with water. TIH & Water Reactive Material İlk yalıtım ve koruyucu eylem mesafeleri tablosunda (yeşil kenarlı sayfalar) malzemenin dört haneli Tanım numarası ve adına bakın Look for the four-digit ID number and name of the material in the table of initial isolation and protective action distances (the green-bordered pages) Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

22 TIH & Suya Reaktif Malzeme
TABLE OF WATER-REACTIVE MATERIALS WHICH PRODUCE TOXIC GASES Büyük Miktarda Solunumda Toksik (TIH) Gaz(lar) Üreten Malzemeler Suda Saçıldığında Tn. Kılavuz TIH Gaz(lar) No. No Maddenin Adı Üretilen Bromin triflüorid HF HBr Br2 Toksik gaz üreten suya reaktif malzeme tablosunda (yeşil kenarlı sayfaların sonu) malzemenin dört haneli Tanım numarası ve adına bakın Read the slide: (look in the book along with students) Point out the TIH gas(es) produce when bromine trifluoride reacts with water. TIH & Water Reactive Material Look for the four-digit ID number and name of the material in the table of water-reactive material which produce toxic gases (end of the green-bordered pages) Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

23 Koruyucu Eylemleri Başlatın
Gerekiyorsa, derhal koruyucu eylemleri başlatın Bkz. Koruyucu Eylemler sayfa 314 Koruyucu eylem gerekmiyorsa, bilgileri üç haneli kılavuzla birlikte kullanın Read the slide: Briefly look at page 314 on protective actions – this will be covered in another lecture. Begin Protective Actions If necessary, begin protective actions immediately See Protective Actions on page 314 If protective action is not required, use the information jointly with the three-digit guide Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

24 Karışık Yük/ Tanımlanmamış Kargo
Malzemenin Tanım numarası ya da adı bulunamazsa ve olayda tehlikeli maddeler bulunduğu düşünülüyorsa, Kılavuz 111'e başvurun ve ek bilgi elde edilene kadar onu kullanın KILAVUZ 111 KARIŞIK YÜK /TANIMLANMAMIŞ KARGO Read the slide: If the shipping document lists an emergency response telephone number, call that number. If the shipping document is not available, or no emergency response telephone number is listed, IMMEDIATELY CALL the appropriate emergency response agency listed on the inside back cover of this guidebook. Provide as much information as possible, such as the name of the carrier (trucking company or railroad) and vehicle number. Mixed Load/Unidentified Cargo If ID number or name of the material cannot be found and this incident is believed to involve dangerous goods turn to Guide 111, and use it until additional information becomes available Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

25 Karışık Yük/ Tanımlanmamış Kargo
Sevkıyat belgesinde bir acil arama telefon numarası varsa, o numarayı arayın Mümkün olduğunca çok bilgi verin Taşımacının adı Araç numarası Read the slide: If the shipping document lists an emergency response telephone number, call that number Provide as much information as possible, such as the name of the carrier (trucking company or railroad) and vehicle number Mixed Load/Unidentified Cargo If the shipping document lists an emergency response telephone number, call that number Provide as much information as possible Name of the carrier Vehicle number Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

26 Material Information Unavailable
Malzeme Bilgileri Yok Sevkıyat belgesi ya da acil arama telefon numarası yoksa Derhal bu kılavuzun arka kapağının içinde yazılı olan ilgili acil durum müdahale kuruluşunu arayın Mümkün olduğunca çok bilgi verin Taşımacının adı Araç numarası Read the slide: No shipping document or emergency response telephone number is listed: Immediately call the appropriate emergency response agency listed on the inside back cover of this guidebook Provide as much information as possible, such as the name of the carrier (trucking company or railroad) and vehicle number Material Information Unavailable No shipping document or emergency response telephone number Immediately call the appropriate emergency response agency listed on the inside back cover of this guidebook Provide as much information as possible Name of the carrier Vehicle number Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

27 Demiryolu Aracı ve Karayolu Treyler Tanımlaması
Son çare olarak, demiryolu aracı ve karayolu tanım tablosuna başvurun Sayfa 18-19 Konteyner tanımlanabilirse, bu konteynerlerle ilgili bilgilerin mümkün olan en kötü duruma ilişkin olduğunu unutmayın Read the slide: If the shipping document lists an emergency response telephone number, call that number. If the shipping document is not available, or no emergency response telephone number is listed, IMMEDIATELY CALL the appropriate emergency response agency listed on the inside back cover of this guidebook. Provide as much information as possible, such as the name of the carrier (trucking company or railroad) and vehicle number. Rail Car & Road Trailer Identification As a last resort, consult the table of rail car and road trailer identification chart Pages 18-19 If container can be identified, remember that the information associated with these containers is for the worst case possible Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003

28 Weapons of Mass Destruction
Özet 2000 Acil Durum Müdahale Kılavuzu Yalıtım ve korumayla ilgili ilk kararlarda yardımcı Olayla ilgili malzemelerin özel ya da genel tehlikelerinin hızla belirlenmesi Mümkün olan tüm durumları ele almamaktadır Acil durum müdahale eğitimi, bilgisi ya da sağlam bir yargı yeteneğinin yerini alamaz Summary 2000 Emergency Response Guidebook Helpful in making initial decisions for isolation and protection Quick identification of specific or generic hazards of material(s) involved in the incident Does not address all possible circumstances Not a substitute for emergency response training, knowledge or sound judgment Weapons of Mass Destruction 01/2003


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