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$6.2 FY12 Dünya üzerinde 150 nin üzerinde ofis 13000 üzerinde çalışan Nakit para: $5.57B+ Endüstri lideri Veri Depolama İşletim sistemi DataOnTap’ın yaratıcısı Lider OEM Veri Depolama sağlayıcısı 5 yıllık ortalamada her yıl %20 lik büyüme Ciro $B $5.1 $3.9 $3.5 $3.3 $2.8 $2.1 We’re a large, publicly held company, with over $3.9 billion in revenue and around 8000 employees worldwide. We offer a broad portfolio of solutions to help you store, manage, protect and retain enterprise data. Our growth has fueled our ability to build global capabilities to meet the needs of the most successful companies in the world. Our customers have come to rely on us for innovative solutions that give them unprecedented business value and performance. We have offices around the world, and a ecosystem of world-class partners around the globe to support your product, services, and support needs. Today’s highly competitive marketplace means we have to deliver products of the highest quality and reliability that also meet the vast data requirements and demanding service level agreements of your critical business applications. We have close partnerships with industry leaders like Oracle, Microsoft, VMware, SAP, IBM, Cisco, and others, with whom we’ve worked closely to deliver integrated solutions of products, people, and processes that work together to help maximize the results you get. Our professional services organization combines great people, great tools, and great partners to help you get from where you are today to where you want to be. We can help you assess, design, implement, and optimize your data management infrastructure and maximize the value you get from it. NetApp Global Support delivers the systems, processes, and people to help you anywhere in the world with global consistency, addressing complex issues and driving them to quick resolution. Transition to next (optional) slide: The heartbeat of NetApp is our employees, working together to create a model company dedicated to your success. FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 2 2
İnovasyon Başarıyı getirir
NetApp ilk 100 içerisinde #51 Başka bir Veri Depolama firması yer almıyor Bilişim Sektöründen sadece iki firma üzerimizde %85’I NetApp kullanıcısı * From Forbes, September 24, 2012 © 2012 Forbes. All rights reserved. Used by permission and protected by the Copyright Laws of the United States. The printing, copying, redistribution, or retransmission of this Content without express written permission is prohibited.
Genel Amaçlı Veri Depolama için Gartner Magic Quadrant
Magic Quadrant for General Purpose Disk Arrays This Magic Quadrant was published as part of a larger research note and should be evaluated in the context of the entire report. The full report is available here. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose Kaynak: Gartner, Inc. Mart 2013 Stanley Zaffos, Roger W. Cox, Valdis Filks
2012 Açık Sistemler Pazar Payları – Kapasite
Kapasite Pazar Payı Üretici Petabytes Oran NetApp 3,503.6 20.1% EMC 4,997.0 28.7% IBM 1,817.4 10.4% HP 1,548.0 8.9% Hitachi 1,227.3 7.1% Dell 1,187.2 6.8% Diğer 3,125.8 18.0% Toplam 17,406.3 Kaynak: IDC, Mart 2013 Açık Sistemler = NAS ve SAN Pazar toplamı
Açık Sistemler Pazar Payı Trendleri - Kapasite
EMC 28.7% NetApp 20.1% IBM 10.4% HP 8.9% Hitachi 7.1% Dell 6.8% Açık Sistemler = NAS ve SAN Pazar toplamı Kaynak: IDC, Mart 2013
2012 Replikasyon Yazılımı Pazar Payları
Üretici Ciro($M) Oran NetApp $925.7 32.7% EMC $888.8 31.4% IBM $353.8 12.5% Hitachi $188.6 6.7% HP $107.2 3.8% Other $368.7 12.9% Toplam $2,832.8 Original data source: IDC, Worldwide Quarterly Storage Software Qview– 2012Q4, March 7, 2013 Kaynak: IDC, Mart 2013
Replikasyon Yazılımı Pazar Payı Trendleri
NetApp 32.7% EMC 31.4% Original data source: IDC, Worldwide Quarterly Storage Software Qview– 2012Q4, March 7, 2013 IBM 12.5% Hitachi 6.7% HP 3.8% Kaynak: IDC, Mart 2013
OnCommand Yönetim Ailesi
Bir Bakışta NetApp Kolay Kullanım Kapasite Hız Big Data MultiTenancy Snapshot FlexClone SnapMirror MetroCluster Verimlilik Tekilleştirme Sıkıştırma Thin Provisioning Tümleşik Mimari SAN / NAS Kesintisiz Operasyon FAS/V-Series Object Based StorageGRID InfineVol MANAGE Automate Analyze Control OnCommand Yönetim Ailesi OnCommand Insight OnCommand Balance System Manager Unified Manager Workflow Automation E-Series FlashArray Sanallaştırma Diğer üreticilerin sistemleri FlashPool FlashCache SnapProtect D2D2T
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