Feminism, unlike the idea of ​​ mankind, is a trend that is prioritized to bring gender inequality to the agenda. The notion of feminism, which is not.

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... konulu sunumlar: "Feminism, unlike the idea of ​​ mankind, is a trend that is prioritized to bring gender inequality to the agenda. The notion of feminism, which is not."— Sunum transkripti:

1 Feminism, unlike the idea of ​​ mankind, is a trend that is prioritized to bring gender inequality to the agenda. The notion of feminism, which is not only related to women, but also to men, aims to reveal true equality. The basis of feminism is "women's freedom". Feminism investigates and analyzes the elements related to gender. Its aim is to eliminate gender inequality and to investigate and solve general female problems.

2 Phenomenal women fighting for justice, equity and peace... Do not listen to those who say there is nothing you can do to change the very real and large social and environmental issues of our time. There are serious problems that beset our world. I'm not now talking about a false sense of optimism based on ignoring the very real crises we face, but there is so much room for hope. And such a need to bring joy and excitement to our commitment to a different future. I swear to you this is true. The life of an activist is a good life because you get up in the morning caring about more than just yourself or how to make money. A life of activism gives hope, which is a moral imperative in this work and in this world. It gives us energy and it gives us direction. You meet the nicest people, you help transform ideas and systems and you commit to leaving the earth in at least as whole a condition as you inherited it.”

3 of History Top 10 Feminist Women of History  1. Elizabeth Stanton  2. Susan B. Anthony  3. Sojourner Truth  4. Betty Friedan  5. Emma Goldman  6. Lucy Stone  7.Alice Paul  8. Simone de Beauvoir  9. Amelia Bloomer  10. Mary Wollstonecraft

4 1. FEMINISM REDEFINING ECONOMICS OR FEMINISM AS A GOOD ACCOMPANY 2. Feminism defined as an attempt to eliminate the inequality between women and men by engendering the analysis of the social construct has been and is being challenging for the contemporary economics. Feminist approach argues that without critical analysis, economics rationalizes and naturalizes existing social hierarchies based on gender, race, class and nation. Therefore feminist economics is a revolutionary attempt with a transformative theoretical approach and transformative methodologies for a fuller understanding of real life economics for real people.


"Feminism, unlike the idea of ​​ mankind, is a trend that is prioritized to bring gender inequality to the agenda. The notion of feminism, which is not." indir ppt

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