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YayınlayanLucas Lindsey Değiştirilmiş 6 yıl önce
“Differentiation for making a positive Difference!!!!”
Who is frustrated - the teacher and /or the student?
Streaming - friend or foe?
Our Objectives ?
Everything starts with ownership!
Define progressive levels of competence in the use of English
Set clear benchmarks of progress that reflect differences for students entering school at various proficiency grade levels.
Low Affective Filter Language Learners feel safe using new language when: The environment supports student Participation and interaction is encouraged Risk taking is encouraged Instruction is scaffolded Comes out of Steven Krashen’s work When a student feels these things, they will be more willing to interact and take risks and participate. What does the “environment that supports student looks like”? Students need to know what it sounds like? They can speak their own language – can turn to their partner and discuss it – and having it be honored. Honoring the students instead of saying they are all the same. Getting to know your students – climate will change. Teacher talk vs student talk – have tchr actually time their tchr talk. Classroom mgmt –encouraging growth in an organized way. Have students respect and trust you. With a little bit of humor – making them feel comfortable and correcting them but encouraging them. How would we, as a group, know if instruction is scaffolded?
What is Differentiation?
One more thing to deal with? or A magical prescription? or A framework for effective teaching?
We know we must scaffold learning!!
Or Do you SCAFFOLD learning? So let’s talk about HOW
Enjoy Different Tunes! Her ne kadar söylemesi kolaysada differentation çok hassas dengeleri olan ve intentionaly planlanması gereken çok ciddi bir processtir. Öğretmen bir orkestra şefi edası ile tüm farklı seslerden ve yetilerden bir harmoni yaratmalıdır.
Rigor is the trigger! Yes, they can!
Language = Freedom Hayatta başarı için rigor gereklidir. Gerçek hayatın kendisinde seviye sınıfları olmadığından suya atlamadan yüzme öğrenilmez. Videoda görüldüğü gibi critical thinking yetisi todler dönemde vardır ve gelişir, öğretmenin görevi bu muhteşem yaradılışa limit koymak değil, önünü açmak, desteklemektir.
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