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Dr. Gülden Türktan, KAGIDER President

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1 Dr. Gülden Türktan, KAGIDER President
How to better include small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for better cooperation? Dr. Gülden Türktan, KAGIDER President

2 Otherwise, try to make your enterprenurs first class....
Weaknesses and Constraints of SMEs Insufficient access to finance Inadequate use of modern marketing techniques Poor grasp of technology Low level of cooperation with all societal partners Lack of institutionalization Lack of high technology Insufficient guarantees for credit Lack of R&D and innovation 2012 yılı Flash Barometer araştırması, 27 AB üyesi ülkenin yanı sıra Hırvatistan, İzlanda, İsrail, Norveç, İsviçre, Türkiye, Brezilya, Rusya, ABD, Çin, Hindistan, Japonya ve Güney Kore’yi kapsamakta olup 40 ülkede kişinin ankete katılımı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan 27 AB ülkesi ortalamasına göre bireylerin %58’i istihdam edilmek, % 37’si ise kendini istihdam etmek istiyor. Türkiye’de istihdam edilmek isteyenlerin oranı %18, kendini istihdam etmek isteyenlerin oranı % 85. Bu oranla Türkiye birinci sırada yer alıyor. “There is nothing as powerful as a new idea in the hands of a first-class entrepreneur”* Otherwise, try to make your enterprenurs first class.... *Ashoka

“Entrepreneurship and self-employment are the key enablers of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth”. EDUCATION 10th five-year Development Plan: “Women and youth entrepreneurship will be priority areas. R&D efforts of university students will be supported”. EMPLOYMENT ENTREPRENEURSHIP

4 Entrepreneurship 37% of EU citizens prefer self-employment. Whereas 58% would rather work as an employee.* 2012 yılı Flash Barometer araştırması, 27 AB üyesi ülkenin yanı sıra Hırvatistan, İzlanda, İsrail, Norveç, İsviçre, Türkiye, Brezilya, Rusya, ABD, Çin, Hindistan, Japonya ve Güney Kore’yi kapsamakta olup 40 ülkede kişinin ankete katılımı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan 27 AB ülkesi ortalamasına göre bireylerin %58’i istihdam edilmek, % 37’si ise kendini istihdam etmek istiyor. Türkiye’de istihdam edilmek isteyenlerin oranı %18, kendini istihdam etmek isteyenlerin oranı % 85. Bu oranla Türkiye birinci sırada yer alıyor. 82% favour of people self-employment in Turkey* FLASH EUROBAROMETER 2012 results;

5 Further Recommendations
 Untapped potential  Participatory democracy Culture of dialogue Bring out the entrepreneurial potential Gender equality is key to growth To be there when needed and strengthen capacity building 2012 yılı Flash Barometer araştırması, 27 AB üyesi ülkenin yanı sıra Hırvatistan, İzlanda, İsrail, Norveç, İsviçre, Türkiye, Brezilya, Rusya, ABD, Çin, Hindistan, Japonya ve Güney Kore’yi kapsamakta olup 40 ülkede kişinin ankete katılımı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan 27 AB ülkesi ortalamasına göre bireylerin %58’i istihdam edilmek, % 37’si ise kendini istihdam etmek istiyor. Türkiye’de istihdam edilmek isteyenlerin oranı %18, kendini istihdam etmek isteyenlerin oranı % 85. Bu oranla Türkiye birinci sırada yer alıyor. “Women owned business invest more in training for their staff and around two thirds are aiming to increase the leadership capability of their managers”* *Ashoka

6 Key Success Factors Define your societal value proposition for all parties and have flexible labor market Define the link between education, employment and entrepreneurship and further education and your employment Encourage employment for women and young people and disadvantaged groups Build long term and sustainable partnerships & copy with pride Enhance social protection

“Entrepreneurship and self-employment are the key enablers of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth”. EDUCATION 10th five-year Development Plan: “Women and youth entrepreneurship will be priority areas. R&D efforts of university students will be supported”. EMPLOYMENT ENTREPRENEURSHIP

Entrepreneurs have become important providers of employment Women in economy boosts GDP. Form partnerships and distributors! COOPERATE CREATE TWINS

9 Thank You…

10 Advocacy for Government Advocacy for Private Sector
KAGIDER Perspective Advocacy for Government Advocacy for Private Sector Public Advocacy Networking International Relations

11 Youth in Turkey The number of university students: 2,1 million
The number of universities in Turkey:185 The number of graduates, each year: Unemployment rate among university graduates: 11,2% Total youth unemployment rate: 18,3% Female employment rate: 27% Turkey is a dynamic country with about 20 percent of its population being young. The untapped potential of the youth and women in Turkey is an important source of growth and development if; they are wisely invested on.

12 3 key actors join their forces
Succesful Partnerships: Young Ideas, Powerful Women 3 key actors join their forces Supporting social entrepreneurship initiatives of youth around Turkey, which empower women… 3 years, 9 cities, 3000 young people participating at innovation camps.

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